

  • The French Laundry Cookbook

    作者:Thomas Keller

    Thomas Keller, chef/proprieter of the French Laundry in the Napa Valley--"the most exciting place to eat in the United States," wrote Ruth Reichl in The New York Times--is a wizard, a purist, a man obsessed with getting it right. And this, his first cookbook, is every bit as satisfying as a French Laundry meal itself: a series of small, impeccable, highly refined, intensely focused courses. Most dazzling is how simple Keller's methods are: squeegeeing the moisture from the skin on fish so it sautees beautifully; poaching eggs in a deep pot of water for perfect shape; the initial steeping in the shell that makes cooking raw lobster out of the shell a cinch; using vinegar as a flavor enhancer; the repeated washing of bones for stock for the cleanest, clearest tastes. From innovative soup techniques, to the proper way to cook green vegetables, to secrets of great fish cookery, to the creation of breathtaking desserts; from beurre monte to foie gras au torchon, to a wild and thoroughly unexpected take on coffee and doughnuts, The French Laundry Cookbook captures, through recipes, essays, profiles, and extraordinary photography, one of America's great restaurants, its great chef, and the food that makes both unique. One hundred and fifty superlative recipes are exact recipes from the French Laundry kitchen--no shortcuts have been taken, no critical steps ignored, all have been thoroughly tested in home kitchens. If you can't get to the French Laundry, you can now re-create at home the very experience the Wine Spectator described as "as close to dining perfection as it gets."
  • Python Cookbook

    作者:Alex Martelli,Anna R

    本书介绍了Python应用在各个领域中的一些使用技巧和方法,从最基本的字符、文件序列、字典和排序,到进阶的面向对象编程、数据库和数据持久化、 XML处理和Web编程,再到比较高级和抽象的描述符、装饰器、元类、迭代器和生成器,均有涉及。书中还介绍了一些第三方包和库的使用,包括 Twisted、GIL、PyWin32等。本书覆盖了Python应用中的很多常见问题,并提出了通用的解决方案。书中的代码和方法具有很强的实用性,可以方便地应用到实际的项目中,并产生立竿见影的效果。尤为难得的是,本书的各位作者都具有丰富的业界实践经验,因此,本书不仅给出了对各种问题的解决方案,同时还体现了很多专家的思维方式和良好的编程习惯,与具体的细节性知识相比,这部分内容无疑是本书的精华。 本书适合具有一定Python基础的读者阅读参考。
  • CSS Cookbook中文版


    《CSS三剑客之务实之剑:CSS Cookbook》(中文版)(第2版)全书共12章,前十章探讨排版、图片、页面元素、列表、链接、表单、表格及打印等方面的应用技巧,第11章介绍了一些用来解决浏览器兼容性的hack,最后一章列举了几个经典的CSS设计范例。附录提供了CSS属性索引速查表,CSS选择符、伪类、伪元素索引速查表等。
  • SQL Cookbook中文版

    作者:(美)莫利纳罗 著

    SQL 是计算机世界的语言,在用关系数据库开发报表时,将数据放入数据库以及从数据库中取出来,都需要SQL 的知识。很多人以一种马马虎虎的态度在使用SQL,根本没有意识到自己掌握着多么强大的武器。本书的目的是打开读者的视野,看看SQL 究竟能干什么,以改变这种状况。 本书是一本指南,其中包含了一系列SQL 的常用问题以及它们的解决方案,希望能对读者的日常工作有所帮助。本书将相关主题的小节归成章,如果读者遇到不能解决的SQL 新问题,可以先找到最可能适用的章,浏览其中各小节的标题,希望读者能从中找到解决方案,至少可以找到点灵感。 在这本书中有150 多个小节,这还仅仅是SQL 所能做的事情的一鳞半爪。解决日常编程问题的解决方案的数量仅取决于需要解决的问题的数量,本书没有覆盖所有问题,事实上也不可能覆盖;然而从中可以找到许多共同的问题及其解决方案,这些解决方案中用到许多技巧,读者学到这些技巧就可以将它们扩展并应用到本书不可能覆盖的其他新问题上。 毫无疑问,本书的目标是让读者看到,SQL 能够做多少一般认为是SQL 问题范围之外的事情。在过去的10 年间,SQL 走过了很长的路,许多过去只能用C 和JAVA等过程化语言解决的典型问题现在都可以直接用SQL 解决了,但是很多开发人员并没有意识到这一事实。本书就是要帮助大家认识到这一点。 现在,在对我刚才的话产生误解之前我先要申明:我是“如果没坏,就别去修它”这一教义的忠实信徒。例如,假如你有一个特定的业务问题要解决,目前只用SQL检索数据,而其他复杂的业务逻辑由其他语言完成,如果代码没有问题,而且性能也过得去,那么,谢天谢地。我绝对无意建议你扔掉以前的代码重新寻求完全SQL 的解决方案;我只是请你敞开思想,认识到1995 年编程用的SQL 跟2005 年用的不是一回事,今天的SQL 能做的事要多得多。
  • Bash Cookbook

    作者:Carl Albing,JP Vosse

    The key to mastering any Unix system, especially Linux and Mac OS X, is a thorough knowledge of shell scripting. Scripting is a way to harness and customize the power of any Unix system, and it's an essential skill for any Unix users, including system administrators and professional OS X developers. But beneath this simple promise lies a treacherous ocean of variations in Unix commands and standards. bash Cookbook teaches shell scripting the way Unix masters practice the craft. It presents a variety of recipes and tricks for all levels of shell programmers so that anyone can become a proficient user of the most common Unix shell -- the bash shell -- and cygwin or other popular Unix emulation packages. Packed full of useful scripts, along with examples that explain how to create better scripts, this new cookbook gives professionals and power users everything they need to automate routine tasks and enable them to truly manage their systems -- rather than have their systems manage them.
  • The Silver Spoon

    作者:Phaidon Press

    The Silver Spoon is the most influential and successful cookbook in Italy. Originally published in 1950, it became an instant classic. Considered to be essential in every household, it is still one of the most popular wedding presents today. The Silver Spoon was conceived and published by Domus, the design and architectural magazine famously directed by Giò Ponti from the 1920s to the 1970s. A group of cooking experts was commissioned to collect hundreds of traditional recipes from the different Italian regions and make them available for the first time to a wider audience. In the process, they updated ingredients, quantities and methods to suit contemporary tastes and customs, at the same time preserving the memory of ancient recipes for future generations. They also included modern recipes from some of the most famous Italian chefs, resulting in a style of cooking that appeals to the gourmet as well as the occasional cook A comprehensive and lively book, its simple and user-friendly format makes it both accessible and a pleasure to read. It provides an introduction to every course, and an explanation of the main type of ingredients. Never translated before, The Silver Spoon has now been adapted to an international market, with every recipe checked for suitability, measurements converted and methods rewritten to accommodate cultural differences, yet maintaining the authenticity of real Italian cooking. The new layout emphasizes its contemporary appeal and the colour coding of each section simplifies the process of cross-referencing ingredients and methods. A section with original menus from the 15 most famous Italian chefs of the last 50 years has been expanded to include original menus from Italian celebrity chefs working outside Italy. This is a substantial and prestigious cookbook that will share the bookshelves with other titles such as The Joy of Cooking and Larousse Gastronomique, another classic of national cuisine. With over 2,000 recipes illustrated with specially commissioned artwork and photography, the book is destined to become a classic in the Italian cooking booklist for the international market.