

  • 爪哇夜未眠(第二版)


    本书是一本散文集。作为一名资深Java程序设计师,作者用清新自然的笔触记录下自己学习、工作生活中的所见所思。书中收录的文章内容贴近程序员的生活,令读者产生强烈共鸣。此外,书中部分文章也以轻松的风格介绍了学习Java技术时的一些常见问题,并介绍了一些优秀的Java书籍,能够帮助读者兴趣盎然地学习Java技术。 本书适合于Java程序员、专业软件开发者、程序设计爱好者阅读。
  • 大师的智慧

    作者:萨 沙等

    自由作家C.拉泽里和计算机科学家D.萨沙在个人访谈的基础上写成了这本《大师的智慧》。书中介绍了15位一流的计算机科学家,其中包括8位图灵奖获得者,这是计算机界的诺贝尔奖。这些科学家们讲述了他们自己早期的想法和影响。对计算机科学的贡献和对未来的看法。萨沙和拉泽里加入了一些历史背景,并以日常概念叙述了这些科学家们的非凡成就,以便业余爱好者能够理解。 《大师的智慧》包揽了计算机科学中的所有领域: ・研究怎样与计算机对话的语言学家。 ・研究更快地解决问题。并且发现有的问题不可解的算法学家。 ・制造更好更快的计算机的体系结构设计师。 ・教计算机自己解决问题的机器智能的雕刻师。 《大师的智慧》还向读者提出了一些这些科学家目前正在研究但尚未解决的问题: ・我们可以制造出像人脑一样工作的计算机吗? ・计算机的速度有没有极限? ・虚拟现实中是否会有人类? ・为什么让计算机模拟5岁的小孩比模拟地质学家更难? ・未来的50年计算机科学将给人类带来什么?
  • More Joel on Software

    作者:Avram Joel Spolsky

    Joel, Apress, Blogs, and Blooks ...I was learning the hard way about how to be a publisher and probably spending way too much time looking at web sites and programming than I should have in response to that. Anyway, one day I came across this web site called , which was run by a guy with strong opinions and an unusual, clever writing style, along with a willingness to take on the conventional wisdom. In particular, he was writing this ongoing series about how bad most user interfaces were--mostly because programmers by and large knew, as Joel and I would say, using the same Yiddish--derived NYC vernacular that we both share, "bupkis" about what users really want. And I, like many, was hooked both by the series and the occasional random essay that Joel wrote. And then I had this epiphany: I'm a publisher, I like reading his stuff, why not turn it into a book?...Read the complete Foreword -- Gary Cornell, Cofounder, Apress Since the release of the bestselling title Joel on Software in 2004, requests for a sequel have been relentless. So, we went back to the famed JoelonSoftware.com archives and pulled out a new batch of favorites, many of which have been downloaded over one million times. With Joel's newest book, More Joel on Software, you'll get an even better (not to mention updated) feast of Joel's opinions and impressions on software development, software design, running a software business, and so much more. This is a new selection of essays from the author's web site, http://www.joelonsoftware.com. Joel Spolsky started his weblog in March 2000 in order to offer his insights, based on years of experience, on how to improve the world of programming. This weblog has become infamous among the programming world, and is linked to more than 600 other web sites and translated into 30+ languages! Spolsky's extraordinary writing skills, technical knowledge, and caustic wit have made him a programming guru. With the success of Joel on Software, there has been a strong demand for additional gems and advice, and this book is the answer to those requests. Containing a collection of all--new articles from the original, More Joel on Software has even more of an edge than the original, and the tips for running a business or managing people have far broader application than the software industry. We feel it is safe to say that this is the most useful book you will buy this year. What you'll learn * The best approaches to managing and hiring extraordinary people * Advice for those interested in the software industry as a career and for managers who want to get them * Joel's unique impressions of how to create products and design--good and bad * An "in the trenches" look at how to start and run an effective software business (or any business for that matter) * A true sense of what it takes to create a differentiated, unique, motivated organization Who this book is for Anyone interested in the software business will truly enjoy this book, but in particular this should be required reading for managers of technical businesses. Table of Contents * My First BillG Review * Finding Great Developers * A Field Guide to Developers * Three Management Methods (Introduction) * The Command and Control Management Method * The Econ 101 Management Method * The Identity Management Method * The Perils of JavaSchools * Talk at Yale * Advice for Computer Science College Students * Font Smoothing, Anti-Aliasing, and Subpixel Rendering * A Game of Inches * The Big Picture * Choices = Headaches * It's Not Just Usability * Building Communities with Software * Martian Headsets * Why Are the Microsoft Office File Formats So Complicated? * Where There's Muck, There's Brass * Evidence-Based Scheduling * Strategy Letter VI * Can Your Programming Language Do This? * Making Wrong Code Look Wrong * Foreword to Eric Sink on the Business of Software * Foreword to Micro-ISV: From Vision to Reality * Hitting the High Notes * Bionic Office * Up the Tata Without a Tutu * Simplicity * Rub a Dub Dub * Top Twelve Tips for Running a Beta Test * Seven Steps to Remarkable Customer Service * Picking a Ship Date * Camels and Rubber Duckies * Five Whys * Set Your Priorities