

  • Reality Is Broken

    作者:Jane McGonigal

    Visionary game designer Jane McGonigal reveals how we can harness the power of games to solve real-world problems and boost global happiness. More than 174 million Americans are gamers, and the average young person in the United States will spend ten thousand hours gaming by the age of twenty-one. According to world-renowned game designer Jane McGonigal, the reason for this mass exodus to virtual worlds is that videogames are increasingly fulfilling genuine human needs. In this groundbreaking exploration of the power and future of gaming, McGonigal reveals how we can use the lessons of game design to fix what is wrong with the real world. Drawing on positive psychology, cognitive science, and sociology, Reality Is Broken uncovers how game designers have hit on core truths about what makes us happy and utilized these discoveriesto astonishing effect in virtual environments. Videogames consistently provide the exhilarating rewards, stimulating challenges, and epic victories that are so often lacking in the real world. But why, McGonigal asks, should we use the power of games for escapist entertainment alone? Her research suggests that gamers are expert problem solvers and collaborators because they regularly cooperate with other players to overcome daunting virtual challenges, and she helped pioneer a fast-growing genre of games that aims to turn gameplay to socially positive ends. In Reality Is Broken , she reveals how these new alternate reality games are already improving the quality of our daily lives, fighting social problems such as depression and obesity, and addressing vital twenty-first-century challenges-and she forecasts the thrilling possibilities that lie ahead. She introduces us to games like World Without Oil, a simulation designed to brainstorm-and therefore avert- the challenges of a worldwide oil shortage, and Evoke, a game commissioned by the World Bank Institute that sends players on missions to address issues from poverty to climate change. McGonigal persuasively argues that those who continue to dismiss games will be at a major disadvantage in the coming years. Gamers, on the other hand, will be able to leverage the collaborative and motivational power of games in their own lives, communities, and businesses. Written for gamers and nongamers alike, Reality Is Broken shows us that the future will belong to those who can understand, design, and play games.
  • Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek

    作者:Wouter de Nooy,Andre

    This is the first textbook on social network analysis integrating theory, applications, and professional software for performing network analysis (Pajek). Pajek software and datasets for all examples are freely available, so the reader can learn network analysis by doing it. In addition, each chapter offers case studies for practicing network analysis. The book will enable the reader to gain the knowledge, skills, and tools to apply social network analysis in all social sciences, ranging from anthropology and sociology to business administration and history. ======== Table of contents Part I. Fundamentals 1. Looking for social structure 2. Attributes and relations Part II. Cohesion 3. Cohesive subgroups 4. Sentiments and friendship 5. Affiliations Part III. Brokerage 6. Center and periphery 7. Brokers and bridges 8. Diffusion Part IV. Ranking 9. Prestige 10. Ranking 11. Genealogies and citations Part V. Roles 12. Blockmodels Appendix 1. Getting started with Pajek Appendix 2. Exporting visualizations Appendix 3. Shortcur Key Combinations
  • Machine Learning for Hackers

    作者:Drew Conway,John Myl

    Now that storage and collection technologies are cheaper and more precise, methods for extracting relevant information from large datasets is within the reach any experienced programmer willing to crunch data. With this book, you'll learn machine learning and statistics tools in a practical fashion, using black-box solutions and case studies instead of a traditional math-heavy presentation. By exploring each problem in this book in depth - including both viable and hopeless approaches - you'll learn to recognize when your situation closely matches traditional problems. Then you'll discover how to apply classical statistics tools to your problem. Machine Learning for Hackers is ideal for programmers from private, public, and academic sectors.
  • 复杂网络理论及其应用


    国内首部复杂网络专著 【图书目录】 第1章 引论 1.1 引言 1.2 复杂网络研究简史 1.3 基本概念 1.4 本书内容简介 参考文献 第2章 网络拓扑基本模型及其性质 2.1 引言 2.2 规则网络 2.3 随机图 2.4 小世界网络模型 2.5 无标度网络模型 2.6 局域世界演化网络模型 2.7 模块性与等级网络 2.8 复杂网络的自相似性 参考文献 第3章 Internet拓扑特性及建模 3.1 引言 3.2 Internet的拓扑特性 3.3 随机图产生器 3.4 结构产生器 3.5 基于连接度的产生器 3.6 多局域世界模型 3.7 各类模型的定性比较 参考文献 第4章 复杂网络上的传播机理与动力学分析 4.1 引言 4.2 复杂网络的传播临界值理论 4.3 复杂网络的免疫策略 4.4 复杂网络的传播动力学 4.5 计算机病毒在Internet上的传播 4.6 复杂网络中的其他传播现象 参考文献 第5章 复杂网络上的相继故障 5.1 引言 5.2 复杂网络相继故障的动态模型分析 5.3 基于耦合映象格子的相继故障模型 参考文献 第6章 复杂网络中的搜索 6.1 引言 6.2 社会网络搜索 6.3 几种复杂网络搜索策略分析 6.4 P2P网络中的搜索 6.5 复杂网络中的搜索和拥塞 参考文献 第7章 复杂网络中的社团结构 7.1 引言 7.2 Kernighan—Lin算法 7.3 谱平分法 7.4 分裂方法 7.5 凝聚算法 7.6 派系过滤算法 参考文献 第8章 复杂网络中的同步 8.1 引言 8.2 复杂网络的完全同步判据 8.3 复杂动力网络的完全同步 8.4 连续时间时变耦合网络完全同步 8.5 其他网络完全同步判据 8.6 复杂网络中各个因子与完全同步的关系 8.7 改进复杂网络同步的方法 8.8 复杂网络的相位同步 参考文献 第9章 复杂动态网络的控制 9.1 引言 9.2 规则网络时空混沌的牵制控制 9.3 无标度动态网络的牵制控制:鲁棒性与脆弱性 9.4 一般复杂动态网络的牵制控制 9.5 随机驱动下动态网络的有序性与动力学 参考文献 附录名词对照
  • Understanding Social Networks

    作者:Charles Kadushin

    Despite the swift spread of social network concepts and their applications and the rising use of network analysis in social science, there is no book that provides a thorough general introduction for the serious reader. Understanding Social Networks fills that gap by explaining the big ideas that underlie the social network phenomenon. Written for those interested in this fast moving area but who are not mathematically inclined, it covers fundamental concepts, then discusses networks and their core themes in increasing order of complexity. Kadushin demystifies the concepts, theories, and findings developed by network experts. He selects material that serves as basic building blocks and examples of best practices that will allow the reader to understand and evaluate new developments as they emerge. Understanding Social Networks will be useful to social scientists who encounter social network research in their reading, students new to the network field, as well as managers, marketers, and others who constantly encounter social networks in their work.
  • Social Network Analysis

    作者:Christina Prell

    'This book fills an important void in the social network literature by bringing together theory, methodology and history. Its practical and readable style gives clear guidance on how to do social network research and will be invaluable to anyone undertaking a network study' - Martin Everett, Chair of Social Network Analysis, Manchester University 'Christina Prell has produced an excellent and well-crafted introduction to methods of social network analysis. She has succeeded in the difficult task of setting out a clear and accessible statement of core ideas together with a judicious overview of the most advanced recent developments. Her discussion concludes with an introduction to basic software for network analysis that will be much valued by all who are new to the area. The book will become an essential guide to the field for newcomers and seasoned users alike' - John Scott, Professor of Sociology, Plymouth University We live in a world that is paradoxically small and vast: each of us is embedded in local communities and yet we are only a few 'links' away from anyone else in the world. This engaging book represents these interdependencies' positive and negative consequences, their multiple effects and the ways in which a local occurrence in one part of the world can directly affect the rest. Then it demonstrates precisely how these interactions and relationships form. This is a book for the social network novice on learning how to study, think about and analyse social networks; the intermediate user, not yet familiar with some of the newer developments in the field; and the teacher looking for a range of exercises, as well as an up-to-date historical account of the field. It is divided into three sections: 1. Historical & Background Concepts 2. Levels of Analysis 3. Advances, Extensions and Conclusions The book provides a full overview of the field - historical origins, common theoretical perspectives and frameworks; traditional and current analytical procedures and fundamental mathematical equations needed to get a foothold in the field.
  • 整体网分析讲义


  • 复杂系统与复杂网络


    《复杂系统与复杂网络》从研究复杂系统的角度来介绍复杂网络。作为一本入门引导,前五章介绍一些复杂系统理论的基础知识,包括熵、计算机与信息、非平衡统计物理学、耗散结构与协同学、临界现象与自组织临界性、混沌、元胞自动机模型、复杂性的定义与量度、有关的统计物理学方法、博弈论、数理统计、图论等。第六、第七章介绍复杂网络的一些基础知识,包括描述网络拓扑结构的统计性质以及一些有影响的网络演化模型。在第八、第九、第十章中介绍了网络上的物理传输过程、生命网络和合作网络与合作一竞争网络。其中侧重介绍了作者群体的工作。另外,《复杂系统与复杂网络》阐述了作者们对复杂网络研究前景的一些看法,特别是在第十一章中介绍了关于复杂网络动力学框架的一些最新研究。 《复杂系统与复杂网络》可作为复杂系统与复杂网络研究方向的研究生教材,也可作为相关领域研究人员的参考书。
  • Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences)

    作者:Peter J. Carrington,

    Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis presents the most important developments in quantitative models and methods for analyzing social network data that have appeared during the 1990s. Intended as a complement to Wasserman and Faust's Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications, it is a collection of articles by leading methodologists reviewing advances in their particular areas of network methods. Reviewed are advances in network measurement, network sampling, the analysis of centrality, positional analysis or blockmodelling, the analysis of diffusion through networks, the analysis of affiliation or 'two-mode' networks, the theory of random graphs, dependence graphs, exponential families of random graphs, the analysis of longitudinal network data, graphical techniques for exploring network data, and software for the analysis of social networks.
  • 蜘蛛:社会网络分析技术


  • 社会网络分析

    作者:斯坦利·沃瑟曼 (Stanley Was

    社会网络分析在社会和行为科学巾应用甚广,如经济学、市场营销以及工业工程。社会网络的视角主要关注于社会实体之间的关系。具体的例子有团队成员之间的交流,公司间的经济事务,以及国家间的贸易或条约。标准社会和行为研究主要关心社会单元的属性,而将焦点放在对关系的研究上,是对标准社会和行为研究的一种重要补充。 《社会网络分析--方法与应用》(作者斯坦利·沃瑟曼、凯瑟琳·福斯特)综述并讨论了分析社会网络的方法,通过打量例子,重点关注这些方法的具体应用。本书主要分为六个部分。第一部分的章节从社会网络的视角进行概述,描述了不同类型的社会网络数据。第二部分讨论了社会网络的形式表示,包括符号、图论以及矩阵操作。第三部分涵盖了社会网络的结构和位置的性质,包括中心性、声望、优势、结构平衡、可聚类性、凝聚子群以及从属网络。第四部分考查了社会网络关于角色和地位的方法,包括对结构等价、块模型以及关系代数的讨论。第五部分探讨了二元关系和三元关系的特性。第六部分讨论了社会网络的统计方法。 《社会网络分析--方法与应用》是一本参考书,适用于那些想对网络分析方法有一个全面了解的读者,也适用于收集了网络数据,并想找到恰当方法对数据进行分析的研究者。它也是一本教科科书,较全面地涵盖了社会网络分析领域的方法论和应用。
  • 社会网分析讲义


    《社会网分析讲义(第2版)》:社会网分析的理论架构 社会网分析在社会学研究中的角色 社会网研究的类别 自我中心社会网资料的收集 整体社会网资料的收集 图形理论与社会计量学 中心性分析 小团体分析 社会资本的定义与衡量 角色分析 网络动态学
  • 社会网分析讲义


  • 社会资本


  • 社会网络分析

    作者:[美] 戴维·诺克,[美] 杨松

  • 社会网络与组织


    本书是一本跨越社会学和管理学的论著。全书对组织社会网络领域的主要概念进行了言简意赅的介绍。书中阐明了网络研究方法的基本原理,探讨了目前存有争议的主要论题?“指出了理论发展的方向,同时对一些想当然的假设给予了强有力的批判。 本书是为所有试图学习并在组织研究中运用社会网络方法的人而著。书中对这一方法做了清晰、易懂而又生动有趣的介绍,并对一直受忽视的组织中人际网络问题给予了特别关注。
  • Connected

    作者:Nicholas A. Christak

    Your colleague's husband's sister can make you fat, even if you don't know her. A happy neighbor has more impact on your happiness than a happy spouse. These startling revelations of how much we truly influence one another are revealed in the studies of Drs. Christakis and Fowler, which have repeatedly made front-page news nationwide. In CONNECTED, the authors explain why emotions are contagious, how health behaviors spread, why the rich get richer, even how we find and choose our partners. Intriguing and entertaining, CONNECTED overturns the notion of the individual and provides a revolutionary paradigm-that social networks influence our ideas, emotions, health, relationships, behavior, politics, and much more. It will change the way we think about every aspect of our lives.
  • 社会网络分析导论


    本书通过文献研究和社会调查,以马克思主义工人阶级理论为指导,着力研究在市场化进程中我国国有企业职工不同群体的现实状况、利益关系,分析企业内部分化的效率意义、分化过程中的矛盾及其分化的趋势。   “社会网络分析”发端于20世纪30年代,成熟于20世纪70年代,是一种新的社会学研究范式。本书将“社会网络分析”看做是一门对社会关系进行量化分析的艺术和技术,全面介绍和评析了“社会网络分析“的基本概念和方法,对于我国在 ”社会网络分析”领域的研究,具有一定的指导意义和前瞻性。
  • 中国人的信任游戏


    中国人做生意全景流程再现,学者深邃分析不无洞察之力。中国人做生意过程中,是一手“信任游戏”,一手“权力游戏”,其间有绵绵不断的博弈,但同时又要顾念人情,保留余地,以维持一定的真实信任。在“吃饭喝酒搏感情”的表象下,交易双方保持着相当的理性算计,绝非只是“讲义气”“ 图个爽”而已。 本书可供经济学、管理学、社会学研究者,大专院校相关专业师生,中外企业经营者及中高层经营人员参考。