

  • 倾城记


    《倾城记:西班牙建筑光与影之旅》内容简介:化交流活动,包括大师之旅系列建筑讲演会、系列书籍和国际建筑考察活动。旨在号召充满创作激情的创意从业者、建筑与旅行的爱好者及各界社会精英踏出国门,寻历建筑,探访大师足迹,追寻个人梦想。有位著名建筑师曾经说过,“旅行,造就了人。旅行,也造就了建筑师。”正是有了青年时代迈出自己旅程的第一步,点滴积累,才触动了他们无穷的创造力,厚积而薄发,最终成就了那些代表入类灵魂与智慧相辉相映的艺术品与建筑物。可以说,旅行是促成每一位大师成长不可或缺的“成人礼”。“大师之旅”高举大师的旗帜,号召人们自由的行走,平等的对话,通过不断地自省与反思,来坚守个人的理想,,正视心的诉求,从而爆发出无穷的勇气与力量。 这股来自社会中流砥柱的力量,正引领着一个企业乃至一个行业迈步向前。“大师之旅”的主旨也正在于此:从我们的队伍中走出自己的大师,让世界听到中华的声音。
  • 敦煌图案 敦煌历代精品边饰、圆光合集


    圆光,是佛菩萨像头部后面的圆形装饰图案,又叫项光、头光、顶光。是法力、智慧与威仪的象征,源于地中海早期宗教的名神灵,经佛教的传播进入中国。圆光内或画莲花、卷草、石榴、团花、半团花或几何纹样等,每层边饰绕着圆光作装饰,特点是对称、连续、均齐、平衡,有严整的格律而又不失其活泼。“边饰”:在壁画中,边饰是画面与画面的分界装饰带,在石窟墙面上根据所绘题材的不同进行合理分割组合墙面。 本书由杨东苗、金卫东为首的多位艺术家历时18年的探索与艰辛劳动,对历代敦煌精品图案艺术的纹饰与色彩进行了复原再现,内容包括:“项光”42幅、“边饰”150余幅。
  • 地图上的第二次世界大战(上)

    作者:[英] 戴维·乔丹,[英] 安德鲁·威斯

  • 改写历史的100天

    作者:美国国家地理学会、 Getty图片社

    本书是两大权威摄影机构——盖蒂图片社与美国国家地理学会合作的成果。这是一次前所未有的合作,而编辑们也努力在书中,通过图片、设计和文字反映了这一点。我们共同肩负的任务是引领读者穿越历史,了解发生在100个日子里的事件——不一定是世人皆知的标志性事件,即历史书告诉我们的那些“改变了世界”的事件,这其中也有不少鲜为人知、但影响深远的事件。 我们以大幅照片讲述这些故事,并为照片配上了四类文字说明,让读者能够聆听各方声音,走到镜头背后:首先,由一位亲历者的讲述拉开序幕;接着,一篇生动的文字阐明了照片的历史背景;而后,以一小段补充报道简述当时的摄影发展;最终,一段演讲、新闻或日记摘录,构成了来自那个时代的声音。整本书是穿越历史及摄影发展史、从1851年走到今天的一次视觉旅行。书中没有章节划分,因为我们希望呈现的历史,是一个以世界为主题的连续不断的图画故事。如果我们不辱使命,读者在合上书、回到现实中的时候,面对世界应是如同翻开了新的一页。
  • The Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture

    作者:Editors of Phaidon P

    The Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture--so massive that it comes in its own plastic carrying case--is one of the rare publishing events that lives up to its hype. The book showcases 1,052 buildings completed since January 1998 with thousands of well-chosen color photographs plans, elevations, and cross-sections. Major elements of each project are described in elegantly succinct texts. Rather than simply pay lip service to the concept of "world" architecture, this book ranges throughout 75 countries on six continents. And although the big names in the field are here--Rafael Moneo and Herzog & De Meuron are each represented by nine projects; Tadeo Ando with eight, Frank Gehry with six--the focus is on the ingenuity and diversity of contemporary architecture, regardless of the fame of its creator.The book's global view embraces many approaches, including experimental construction, neo-modernism, postmodernism, reinterpreted vernacular architecture and lingering traces of the International Style. While virtually every building type is included, from factories to museums, from lookout towers to train stations, the largest and most creative category is single family housing. Selected (as were all the projects) by a panel of leading architects, critics, scholars and others, these homes offer a tantalizing sense of what is possible, even on a modest budget. Grouped by country, the residences establish a sense of local context--from the elegant use of Scandinavian wood to the imaginative use of narrow plots of land in Tokyo. Fully indexed, with an array of maps and world data charts, The Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture is destined to serve as a unique reference tool. But the geographic organization encourages you to just open the book anywhere and make a discovery--perhaps the surreal vision of Ake Larsson's Icehotel (carved from ice and snow), or the forest of Cor-ten steel pipes Jose ABP Forjaz used in the Mbuzini Memorial, or the startling shed forms of Rick Joy's Tubac House. --Cathy Curtis