

  • Thoughtless Acts?

    作者:Jane Fulton Suri,Ide

    From IDEO, the global innovation and design firm responsible for such landmark products as Apple's first computer mouse, comes a primer in the observation method that keeps their practice human-centered and ever ingenious. People unconsciously perform ultraordinary actions every day, from throwing a jacket over a chair back to claim the seat, or placing something in the teeth when all hands are full. These "thoughtless acts" reveal the subtle but crucial ways people behave in a world not always perfectly tailored to their needs. "Thoughtless Acts?" is a collection of dozens of (often humorous) snapshots capturing such fleeting adaptations and minor exploitations. This method of observation demonstrates the kind of common-sense approach that can inspire designers and anyone involved in creative endeavors. "Thoughtless Acts?" is a privileged peek at how IDEO creates the people-friendly products, services, and spaces for which they are so widely recognized.
  • The Ten Faces of Innovation

    作者:Tom Kelley,Jonathan

    Book Description Filled with stories of how Kraft, Procter & Gamble, Safeway, and Samsung have incorporated IDEO's thinking to transform the customer experience, The Ten Faces of Innovation is a guide to nurturing and sustaining a culture of continuous innovation and renewal. From Publishers Weekly Kelley's latest builds on The Art of Innovation, which celebrated the work culture that distinguishes his high-profile, award-winning industrial design firm, IDEO. This book covers much of the same territory, but focuses on the type of worker and team-building rather than the work environment. The authors define 10 personas, including Anthropologists, who contribute insights by observing human behavior; Experimenters, who try new things; Hurdlers, who surmount obstacles; Collaborators, who bring people together and get things done; and Caregivers, who anticipate and meet customer needs. Like its predecessor, the book is breezy and well written, with plenty of self-promotion. Kelley and Littman weave classic and recent stories of business innovation, such as 3M's Scotch tape, Volvo's three-point seatbelts and Netflix's mail-in DVDs, with IDEO's own success stories with clients ranging from the Boston Beer Company, for whom IDEO designed a new Sam Adams tap handle, to Organ Recovery Systems, for whom IDEO helped develop ways to expedite kidney transport. Aspiring business innovators and fans of The Art of Innovation may find further inspiration in this handbook. (Oct. 18) Book Dimension length: (cm)23.8                 width:(cm)15.6
  • Change by Design

    作者:Tim Brown

    This book introduces design thinking, the collaborative process by which the designer’s sensibilities and methods are employed to match people’s needs with what is technically feasible and a viable business strategy. In short, design thinking converts need into demand. It’s a human-centered approach to problem solving that helps people and organizations become more innovative and creative. Design thinking is not just applicable to so-called creative industries or people who work in the design field. It’s an approach that has been used by organizations such as Kaiser Permanente to increase the quality of patient care by re-examining the ways that their nurses manage shift change or Kraft to rethink supply chain management. This book is for creative business leaders who seek to infuse design thinking into every level of an organization, product, or service to drive new alternatives for business and society.
  • 設計思考改造世界

    作者:Tim Brown

    Design 打動人心,設計思考不只關乎風格 Design + Thinking 用設計思考轉動世界 Tim Brown:改造一切由設計開始 善用設計思考,以創意解決難題 從這本書開始 人人都是設計思考家 ◎設計名家聶永真親自操刀設計封面◎ Cheers雜誌(2010年9月) 專題報導 / 書介 頂尖設計思考家想的,和你有什麼不一樣? Tim Brown & IDEO 的存在是為了改造世界
  • 關鍵設計報告

    作者:比爾.摩格理吉 Moggridge, B

    互動式設計:數位科技改變了現代生活所對應的一切,範疇廣及娛樂乃至工具配備。而對於數位科技商品的設計者而言,他們要創造的標的不再是一個漂亮或實用的有形體,而是一種互動式介面。 在這本書裡,作者比爾‧摩格理吉(Bill Moggridge)不僅帶領讀者近距離接觸40餘位在此領域舉足輕重的設計師,由於作者亦為大獎榮耀加身的知名設計師,曾設計全球首款筆記型電腦(1981年出廠的the GRiD Compass),也是矽谷IDEO設計公司的創始人,透過他的導引,讀者得以更清楚掌握此領域的革新與演進。 尤其書中訪談的對象,包括虛擬實境遊戲(Sims)的發明人威爾‧萊特(Will Wright)、Google的創始人萊立‧佩吉(Larry Page)與佘傑‧兵(Sergey Brin),還有道格‧安傑巴特 (Doug Engelbart)、比爾‧安特金生(Bill Atkinson)以及多位創造並賦予滑鼠及桌上型電腦新生的設計師們,他們的經驗陳述,讓現代科技設計的關鍵發展脈絡清晰地呈現出來。 書中作者與受訪者所探討的問題,包括:為什麼個人電腦會設計一個桌上螢幕?讓Palm的掌上操作功如此成功的秘訣?為什麼Google是網友青睞的搜尋引擎?為什麼在日本有3千萬手機用戶選擇i-mode?此外,作者也分享了自己創作的過程,並以IDEO的成功為例,分析在以人為本的基礎下,人類的需求與渴望如何轉化為全新設計創意,而數位科技的設計模式又是如何發展成型。 除精彩文字敘述,本書並配置了超過700張圖像,以全彩印刷呈現。隨書並附贈一片光碟,摘錄所有訪談內容的精華及互動設計的操作示範。 本書作者摩格理吉所創立的IDEO,不僅是全球最成功的設計公司之一,也是首先將軟體與硬體整合並導入工業設計範疇的企業。他曾應聘為倫敦皇家藝術學院互動設計課程客座教授、在倫敦商業學院授課,也是義大利艾維里(Ivrea)互動設計中心程序委員會的會員之一,目前擔任史丹福大學設計衍生課程(the Joint Program in Design)的諮詢助教(Consulting Associate Professor)。
  • The Art of Innovation

    作者:Tom Kelley,Jonathan

    在线阅读本书 Book Description IDEO, the widely admired, award-winning design and development firm that brought the world the Apple mouse, Polaroid's I-Zone instant camera, the Palm V, and hundreds of other cutting-edge products and services, reveals its secrets for fostering a culture and process of continuous innovation. There isn't a business in America that doesn't want to be more creative in its thinking, products, and processes. At many companies, being first with a concept and first to market are critical just to survive. In The Art of Innovation, Tom Kelley, general manager of the Silicon Valley based design firm IDEO, takes readers behind the scenes of this wildly imaginative and energized company to reveal the strategies and secrets it uses to turn out hit after hit. IDEO doesn't buy into the myth of the lone genius working away in isolation, waiting for great ideas to strike. Kelley believes everyone can be creative, and the goal at his firm is to tap into that wellspring of creativity in order to make innovation a way of life. How does it do that? IDEO fosters an atmosphere conducive to freely expressing ideas, breaking the rules, and freeing people to design their own work environments. IDEO's focus on teamwork generates countless breakthroughs, fueled by the constant give-and-take among people ready to share ideas and reap the benefits of the group process. IDEO has created an intense, quick-turnaround, brainstorm-and-build process dubbed "the Deep Dive." In entertaining anecdotes, Kelley illustrates some of his firm's own successes (and joyful failures), as well as pioneering efforts at other leading companies. The book reveals how teams research and immerse themselves in every possible aspect of a new product or service, examining it from the perspective of clients, consumers, and other critical audiences. Kelley takes the reader through the IDEO problem-solving method: > Carefully observing the behavior or "anthropology" of the people who will be using a product or service > Brainstorming with high-energy sessions focused on tangible results > Quickly prototyping ideas and designs at every step of the way > Cross-pollinating to find solutions from other fields > Taking risks, and failing your way to success > Building a "Greenhouse" for innovation IDEO has won more awards in the last ten years than any other firm of its kind, and a full half-hour Nightline presentation of its creative process received one of the show's highest ratings. The Art of Innovation will provide business leaders with the insights and tools they need to make their companies the leading-edge, top-rated stars of their industries. Amazon.com IDEO, the world's leading design firm, is the brain trust that's behind some of the more brilliant innovations of the past 20 years--from the Apple mouse, the Polaroid i-Zone instant camera, and the Palm V to the "fat" toothbrush for kids and a self-sealing water bottle for dirt bikers. Not surprisingly, companies all over the world have long wondered what they could learn from IDEO, to come up with better ideas for their own products, services, and operations. In this terrific book from IDEO general manager Tom Kelley (brother of founder David Kelley), IDEO finally delivers--but thankfully not in the step-by-step, flow-chart-filled "process speak" of most how-you-can-do-what-we-do business books. Sure, there are some good bulleted lists to be found here--such as the secrets of successful brainstorming, the qualities of "hot teams," and, toward the end, 10 key ingredients for "How to Create Great Products and Services," including "One Click Is Better Than Two" (the simpler, the better) and "Goof Proof" (no bugs). But The Art of Innovation really teaches indirectly (not to mention enlightens and entertains) by telling great stories--mainly, of how the best ideas for creating or improving products or processes come not from laboriously organized focus groups, but from keen observations of how regular people work and play on a daily basis. On nearly every page, we learn the backstories of some now-well-established consumer goods, from recent inventions like the Palm Pilot and the in-car beverage holder to things we nearly take for granted--like Ivory soap (created when a P&G worker went to lunch without turning off his soap mixer, and returned to discover his batch overwhipped into 99.44 percent buoyancy) and Kleenex, which transcended its original purpose as a cosmetics remover when people started using the soft paper to wipe and blow their noses. Best of all, Kelley opens wide the doors to IDEO's vibrant, sometimes wacky office environment, and takes us on a vivid tour of how staffers tackle a design challenge: they start not with their ideas of what a new product should offer, but with the existing gaps of need, convenience, and pleasure with which people live on a daily basis, and that IDEO should fill. (Hence, a one-piece children's fishing rod that spares fathers the embarrassment of not knowing how to teach their kids to fish, or Crest toothpaste tubes that don't "gunk up" at the mouth.) Granted, some of their ideas--like the crucial process of "prototyping," or incorporating dummy drafts of the actual product into the planning, to work out bugs as you go--lend themselves more easily to the making of actual things than to the more common organizational challenge of streamlining services or operations. But, if this big book of bright ideas doesn't get you thinking of how to build a better mousetrap for everything from your whole business process to your personal filing system, you probably deserve to be stuck with the mousetrap you already have.                                --Timothy Murphy From Publishers Weekly "Routine is the enemy of innovation," declares Kelley, general manager of IDEO, in this lively and practical guide to nurturing that elusive quality in all organizations. Dubbed "Innovation U." by Fortune and lauded as "the world's most celebrated design firm" by Fast Company, IDEO, through its work on over 3,000 new product programs, has developed a system for staying on the creative cutting edge while keeping clients happy. Kelley handily parses the components of this system--understanding the market, observing real-life users, brainstorming new concepts and developing and refining prototypes on a tight schedule to come up with a commercial product--with examples from the development of such pathbreaking products as the original Apple mouse and the Palm Pilot V. Kelley vividly conveys how "hot teams," assembled for specific projects with concrete goals and deadlines, are the foundation of IDEO's performance-based reputation. While he recognizes that not every organization is a hip design firm, Kelley believes that all organizations can gain an edge by innovating; among the successes he cites are Amazon, Igloo, Shoebox Greetings and Sephora. IDEO has learned and profited from maxims like "Fail often to succeed sooner." Many who previously feared change may answer his unpretentious call to "Start by following your customer journey, breaking it down into component elements, and asking yourself how you can deliver a better experience." Illustrations. (Feb.)Forecast: Featured in a half-hour segment of Nightline last year that ranked among the most popular aired on the show, IDEO's culture of innovation has received broad exposure. This well-written, well-organized and energizing guide will be a magnet for more attention, and could have a shot at business bestseller lists. Book Dimension length: (cm)24.3                 width:(cm)16.1
  • 创新的艺术

    作者:[美] 汤姆 · 凯利,[美] 乔纳森

    《创新的艺术》内容简介:全球著名创新设计咨询公司IDEO的总经理汤姆·凯利,在《创新的艺术》一书中把读者带到这家拥有超凡激情与想象力的公司幕后,揭示了IDEO长久保持高水准创新能力的奥秘。善于观察一般人习以为常之事,从细微处入手,才会拥有打破常规的能力;一以使命激发团队激情,营造内部竞争气氛,促使团队更快地到达胜利的终点; 敢于为公司注入新鲜血液,雇用一些思想偏离主流的员工,你会获得意外的惊喜; 创新的最大障碍在于公司固定的意识倾向,不要让僵化的思想侵蚀大家的精力; 优秀的公司往往不畏风险,积极面对挫折,并勇于探索界线之外的风景。 IDEO的产品曾经一次次轰动整个设计界,从苹果电脑第一款鼠标到帮助宝洁提升创新能力,无不显示其杰出的创造力与创新精神。同时,IDEO也广泛涉足咨询业,以其商战一线的实际经验为刻板的公司管理者洗脑,启发他们创新的灵感。IDEO的成功案例与耐人寻味的教导,给所有商界人士提供了最实际的创新理念:只有突破常规、胸怀愿景,才能在商界中出奇制胜。
  • 创新的10个面孔


  • Designing Interactions

    作者:Bill Moggridge

    Digital technology has changed the way we interact with everything from the games we play to the tools we use at work. Designers of digital technology products no longer regard their job as designing a physical object--beautiful or utilitarian--but as designing our interactions with it. In Designing Interactions, award-winning designer Bill Moggridge introduces us to forty influential designers who have shaped our interaction with technology. Moggridge, designer of the first laptop computer (the GRiD Compass, 1981) and a founder of the design firm IDEO, tells us these stories from an industry insider's viewpoint, tracing the evolution of ideas from inspiration to outcome. The innovators he interviews--including Will Wright, creator of The Sims, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google, and Doug Engelbart, Bill Atkinson, and others involved in the invention and development of the mouse and the desktop--have been instrumental in making a difference in the design of interactions. Their stories chart the history of entrepreneurial design development for technology. Moggridge and his interviewees discuss such questions as why a personal computer has a window in a desktop, what made Palm's handheld organizers so successful, what turns a game into a hobby, why Google is the search engine of choice, and why 30 million people in Japan choose the i-mode service for their cell phones. And Moggridge tells the story of his own design process and explains the focus on people and prototypes that has been successful at IDEO--how the needs and desires of people can inspire innovative designs and how prototyping methods are evolving for the design of digital technology. Designing Interactions is illustrated with more than 700 images, with color throughout. Accompanying the book is a DVD that contains segments from all the interviews intercut with examples of the interactions under discussion. Interviews with: Bill Atkinson, Durrell Bishop, Brendan Boyle, Dennis Boyle, Paul Bradley, Duane Bray, Sergey Brin, Stu Card, Gillian Crampton Smith, Chris Downs, Tony Dunne, John Ellenby, Doug Englebart, Jane Fulton Suri, Bill Gaver, Bing Gordon, Rob Haitani, Jeff Hawkins, Matt Hunter, Hiroshi Ishii, Bert Keely, David Kelley, Rikako Kojima, Brenda Laurel, David Liddle, Lavrans Løvlie, John Maeda, Paul Mercer, Tim Mott, Joy Mountford, Takeshi Natsuno, Larry Page, Mark Podlaseck, Fiona Raby, Cordell Ratzlaff, Ben Reason, Jun Rekimoto, Steve Rogers, Fran Samalionis, Larry Tesler, Bill Verplank, Terry Winograd, and Will Wright
  • 创新自信力


    创造力与生俱来、人人皆有。本书讲述了如何释放、培养和提升创造力,字里行间充满真知灼见,令人信服。它出自创新前沿的两位领军人物——IDEO创始人戴维•凯利和畅销书《创新的艺术》的作者汤姆•凯利。 今天,创新和创意已被公认为商业成功的驱动力,也是领袖人物身上最可贵的素质之一。然而多数人往往把创新的衣钵拱手让与“创意型人士”——那些以绘画、雕塑、设计或写作为生的人。人们早已淡忘了儿时的自己也是有创意的,那时的我们拿泥巴捏各种玩意儿,用蜡笔随心所欲地涂涂画画。可是在长大成人的过程中,太多的人因创新的尝试遭到贬抑而最终投身传统行业。在《创新自信力》中,凯利兄弟提醒我们,人人都不乏灵感与见识;并阐述了创新是一种思维倾向、一种思维方式,也是一种另辟蹊径寻找解决方案的积极策略。我们未必都能成为艺术家,但却可以成为更具创意的律师、医生、管理人员或推销员。 凯利兄弟运用他们在IDEO和斯坦福大学设计学院工作中的实例,向我们展示了解决问题时应如何发掘创意源泉与想象力,并透露了释放我们蕴而未发的创意火花的具体策略。他们解释说,创意和创新能力如同肌肉,越用越强劲。《创新自信力》给了我们改变身边世界的勇气,激励我们把突破性理念付诸行动,从而使我们的公司、事业和生活蒸蒸日上。
  • IDEO,设计改变一切

    作者:蒂姆•布朗(Tim Brown)

    IDEO总裁兼首席执行官蒂姆•布朗 最新著作 创新工场董事长兼首席执行官 李开复 隆重推荐 这不是写给设计师看的书,是为追求设计思考的组织及个人打造的蓝图,协助将设计思考这种以创意解决难题的做法,带进生活、组织、产品和服务,为社会整体和企业发掘新的替代方案。 设计思考的价值不只局限在创意产业,或负责产品设计的工作者。事实上,用设计思考来解决需要多方考虑的抽象问题时,往往能发挥强大的功效,例如提升顾客对旅馆的经验感受,鼓励银行客户存更多钱,或为公益广告铺陈感动人心的叙述。设计思考的应用范围不断扩大,以解决各样的议题与关怀,从如何在开发中国家递送干净的饮水,到如何提升机场维安和微额融资的效率等等。 在书中,享誉国际的创新设计公司IDEO总裁蒂姆•布朗,带领我们认识“设计思考”。这本洋溢着活力、能够启发灵感的指南,是每位迎接今日挑战以创造明日机会的人不可或缺的宝典。
  • 決定未來的10種人


    決定未來的10種人,並不見得是最有能力的人。因為每一種角色,都有自己的槓桿、自己的工具、自己的技能,和自己的觀點。如果有人把能量、智慧,和適當的槓桿結合起來,他們就能發揮驚人的力量。這決定未來的10種人分別是:觀察人類行為的「人類學家」、不斷地把新構想製成原型的「實驗家」、探索其他產業和文化的「異花授粉者」、克服障礙的「跨欄運動員」、把各式各樣的團體匯集起來的「共同合作人」、激發才氣和創造力的「導演」、設計出消費體驗的「體驗建築師」、打造舞台,把實體環境轉化成影響成員行為和態度的「舞台設計師」、透過生動故事和大家溝通的「說故事的人」,以及不只是服務客戶還會照顧客戶的「看護人」。這是一本談人的書,更具體地說,本書所要討論的是在創業前線上,實際擔任執行工作的無名英雄,以及夜以繼日,不斷創新的個人和團隊──亦即人所能扮演的角色,以及他們為什麼將決定未來。 《經濟學人》宣稱:「創新是現代經濟最重要的單一因素。」本書作者係世界首屈一指的創意實業家,也是一個宣揚創意主張的傳道者。由他所勾畫出的「決定未來的10種人」所組成的夢幻團隊,不僅將改變各大產業的規畫藍圖,在這些人將創意做最最極致的發揮的同時,也將激勵讀者,讓自己身處決定未來的10種人的行列。
  • 创新的艺术


    作家加里·哈梅尔的预测尖锐地指出了所有公司面临的挑战——商场逐鹿中,只有疾速创新才能立于不败之地。美国著名设计公司IDEO的总经理汤姆·凯利,在《创新的艺术》一书中把读者事到了这家拥有超凡激情与想像力的公司幕后,揭示了IDEO长久保持高水准创新能力的奥秘: ●善于观察一般人习以为常之事,从细微处入手,才会拥有打破常规的能力; ●以使命激发团队激情,营造内部竞争气氛,促使团队更快地达胜利的终点; ●敢于为公司注入新鲜血液,雇用一些偏离主流的员工,你会获得意外的惊喜; ●创新的最大障碍在于公司固定的意识倾向,不要让僵化的思想侵蚀人们的精力; ●优秀的公司往往不畏风险,积极面对挫折,并勇于探索界线之外的风景。 IDEO的产品曾经一次次轰动整个设计界,从苹果电脑精灵古怪的鼠标到宝丽来I-Zone-次成像相机,无不显示其杰出的创造力与创新精神。同时,IDEO也广泛涉足咨询业,以其来自商战前线的实际经验为足板乏味的公司洗脑,启发他们创新的灵感。IDEO的成功案例与耐人寻味的教训,给所有商界人士提供了最实际的创新理念:只有突破常规、胸怀愿景,才能在商界中出奇制胜。