

  • 魔戒的魔法世界


    J.K.R.托尔金的史诗幻想巨作《魔戒》和《霍比特人》整整风靡了半个多世纪。奇幻的中洲大地是文学史上最为人熟悉的一片疆土。尽管托尔金创作的这部令人难以忘怀的神话,至今对绝大多数读者来说仍然充满了神秘。 《魔戒的魔法世界》展现了那些影响着托尔金创作道路的古代民间传说和传奇。从芬兰的民族史诗《凯莱维拉》和《裴欧沃夫》中的故事到亚瑟王的神话传说、莎士比亚的名著,甚至第二次世界大战,为我们走入这部文学史上最可爱的奇幻小说,以及那个为我们奉献了这部巨作者的内心世界,起到了不可缺少的引导作用。
  • 魔戒電影設定聖典1

    作者:蓋瑞.魯索 朱學恆譯

    《魔戒》的電影改寫劇本時間長達七年,籌備時間高達三年,拍攝時間共計二百七十四天,動員人數高達數萬人。呈現在銀幕上的是如詩如畫,栩栩如生的中土世界。究竟這個電影是如何呈現出這麼細緻而又詩意的,卻從來不曾存在於這個世界上的視覺風格?本書中數百幅之前從未曾曝光的彩圖、草稿,描繪了這部電影背後重造新世界的企圖與野心!以下是幾則讓人讚嘆不已的情報,但卻不過是本書的幾個經典範例而已:•電影中許多精彩的特效都是結合了模型和高科技才完成的。在甘道夫奔馳進艾辛格尋找薩魯曼的畫面中,竟然只有甘道夫和座下的駿馬是真實的,其餘的樹木、道路、建築和山川,全都是來自紐西蘭各地的風景拼貼而成!如果不是這本書道出幕後的秘密,您絕對不可能會知道! •人類、精靈、矮人的服裝如何設計,書中完整收錄了詳細的設計圖,讓讀者清楚瞭解為了銀幕上一閃即逝的鏡頭,工作人員付出多少的心血! 本書將透過那些創造了魔戒奇蹟的藝術家之口,加上大量圖片的輔助,娓娓道來電影幕後製作的驚人細節和眾人所投注的心思。書中的圖片超過五百禎! 作者簡介 蓋瑞•魯索在媒體界擁有豐富的工作經驗,他曾經是雜誌編輯、小說家、專欄作家和廣播劇作家。他之前的作品包括了辛普森家庭等電視影集的報導作品。
  • 魔戒電影設定聖典2

    作者:蓋瑞.魯索 朱學恆譯

    獲獎無數的「魔戒三部曲」系列,唯一獲得正式授權的設定集,讓讀者一窺光彩耀眼的「雙城奇謀」的內幕設定!彼得•傑克森的「魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身」是影史上最成功的電影之一,在影像和藝術成就上更是讓人難以忘懷。但是,這一切只是開始,對於製作「魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀」的設計師和藝術家們,他們必須面對超越前作的挑戰!本書將帶領你一起穿越這個向不可能挑戰的精采歷程!五百禎前所未見的獨家繪圖、素描和電影中的數位特效!魔戒電影設定聖典2雙城奇謀」揭露了整部電影從分鏡表演變為最後成果的精采過程,超過五百張幾乎完全未曾出現在其它媒體上的圖片。 這本獲得官方授權的作品包含了艾倫•李與約翰•豪威的鉛筆素描、獲得奧斯卡提名的姬拉•迪克森的服裝設計、以及奧斯卡得主理查•泰勒領軍的威塔工作室所設計出的雕像、繪圖和數位特效。所有出現在電影中的道具、場景、建築、武器全收錄,連被修剪掉的片段也沒有遺漏!打開本書,你將欣賞到彼得•傑克森如何和旗下才華洋溢的創作者們打造「雙城奇謀」,托爾金的文學作品又是如何的搬上大銀幕,展現傲人的魔力! 作者簡介 蓋瑞羅素在媒體界擁有豐富的工作經驗,他曾經是雜誌編輯、小說家、專欄作家和廣播劇作家。他之前的作品包括了「辛普森家庭」等電視影集的報導作品、《魔戒電影設定聖典1》。 譯者簡介 朱學恆,一九七五年生,中央電機系畢業,因喜愛電玩、科幻,而一腳踏入奇幻文學的推廣。自一九九一年(朱的高中時代)開始接觸奇幻文學後,朱學恆便在報章雜誌上撰寫專欄、架設網站推廣奇幻文學,國內奇幻作品的翻譯及電玩的玩家手冊,幾乎全自其手筆。從一九九八年《龍槍編年史》的翻譯,到最近在台銷售近六十萬冊的《魔戒三部曲》,朱學恆已譯過二十三本奇幻文學譯作,長久以來的耕耘,讓國內原本冷門、次文化的奇幻文學領域,能夠獲得國內市場的肯定與歡迎。 •現任財團法人奇幻文化藝術基金會 董事長兼執行長。 •現任城邦文化事業股份有限公司奇幻基地出版事業部 總策劃。 •1992年於《軟體世界雜誌》(月刊,銷售量約四萬三千多本)開設「奇幻圖書館」(Fantasy Library)專欄,介紹科幻(Science-Fiction)和奇幻(Fantasy)類型作品,為期一年半。 •1998年起密集翻譯英美奇幻文學作品:《龍槍編年史》三部曲,《龍槍傳奇》、《龍槍傳承》、《黑暗精靈三部曲》、《夏焰之巨龍》(以上皆為第三波資訊出版)。 •2001年翻譯聯經年度大書--《魔戒三部曲》、《魔戒前傳:哈比人歷險記》。 •各奇幻或科幻類型的遊戲說明書,如「無聲狂嘯」、「凶兆」(Ripper)、「冰風之谷」(IceWind Dale)、「魔法門七」、「魔法門八」等數十種翻譯。
  • 托尔金


  • The Lord of the Rings Sketchbook

    作者:Alan Lee

    Alan Lee, the Oscar-winning conceptual designer for the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy, discusses his approach to depicting Tolkien's imaginary world. The book presents more than 150 of Lee's celebrated illustrations to show how his imagery for both the illustrated Lord of the Rings and the films progressed from concept to finished art. In addition, the book contains 20 full-color plates and numerous examples of the conceptual art produced for Peter Jackson's film adaptation. The Lord of the Rings Sketchbook provides a wealth of background information and will be of interest to those who know and love Tolkien's work, from books to films to DVDs, as well as to budding artists and illustrators interested in how to approach book illustration.
  • The Art of The Fellowship of the Ring

    作者:Gary Russell

    Alan Lee, the beloved illustrator of many of Houghton Mifflin"s Tolkien editions, and a talented team of other artists, including the renowned Tolkien illustrator John Howe, have spent more than three years creating the sets, props, creatures, and locations that truly bring Tolkien"s Middle-earth to life. Hobbiton, Rivendell, and Minas Tirith are no longer designations on the map. Literally hundreds of designers and craftspeople have been painstakingly adding authentic cultural details to each of more than 48,000 separate objects shown in The Fellowship of the Ring, from armor to props to architecture. All this and more is shown in Gary Russell"s lavishly illustrated book. Russell spent time on the set in New Zealand, conducting interviews with director Peter Jackson, special effects guru Richard Taylor, art directors Paul Lasainne, Dan Hennah, and Chris Hennah, costumer Ngila Dickson, and Alan Lee and John Howe. Featuring everything from pencil sketches to the finished objects, his book gives detailed descriptions of why and how this groundbreaking film looks as exciting as it does. The millions of fans dazzled by the results will find here everything they want to know about the genesis and evolution of the movie"s incredible look.
  • A Gateway to Sindarin

    作者:David Salo

  • The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Chronicles: Art and Design

    作者:Daniel Falcorner

    The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Chronicles: Art and Design marks the beginning of a series of comprehensive and beautifully presented books created by the artists at the heart of the film-making process. The book presents hundreds of full colour conceptual drawings and paintings, along with set designs, sculpture and glorious photography across more than 200 pages. The book showcases art by the film’s concept art directors Alan Lee and John Howe, alongside work from other artists of the film’s 3 foot 7 Art Department, Costume Department and Weta Workshop. It truly is a unique opportunity to see artwork by a wide range of artists across a multitude of disciplines in the film-making community of Wellington, New Zealand and to hear directly from them about the inspiration behind their work. Included is a Foreword by Academy Award winner Dan Hennah, 3 foot 7 Production Designer for the films. The book also features commentaries by Dan, 3 foot 7 Costume Designer Ann Maskrey, Academy Award Winners Peter King, 3 foot 7 Make-up and Hair Designer, and Weta Workshop’s Design and Special Effects Supervisor Richard Taylor. In addition to artist quotes, cast members reflect on the work and share insights into their involvement in the design process.
  • The History of Middle-earth

    作者:Christopher Tolkien

    J.R.R. Tolkien is famous for his literary creation, exemplified in "The Hobbit", "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Silmarillion". He also produced a vast amount of further material that expands upon the mythology and numerous stories of Middle-Earth, and which gives added life to the thousand-year war between the Elves and the evil spirit Morgoth, and his terrifying lieutenant, Sauron. It was to this task of literary construction that Tolkien's youngest son and literary heir, Christopher, applied himself to, producing the series of twelve books, "The History of Middle-Earth". This hardback edition edition brings together the final three volumes of "The History of Middle-Earth": "Morgoth's Ring", "The War of the Jewels" and "The Peoples of Middle-Earth". It features dozens of rare maps and illustrations drawn by J.R.R. Tolkien.
  • The Hobbits

    作者:Porter, Lynnette

    For generations of entranced readers, and now a new generation of filmgoers, Tolkien is synonymous with his most famous creation - the hobbit. Written for all those who are interested in Tolkien's work, and of course for all those interested in hobbits, this is the first book to focus on the changes made to the hobbits' characters not only by Tolkien but also by other artists - actors, writers, directors, lyricists and choreographers. The beloved characters of Bilbo, Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin have been much-adapted for radio, television, film and stage. Lynette Porter follows the hobbits through these many other lives, from Tolkien's on-page revisions and John Boorman's unmade screenplays, through to Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings film trilogy and its musical counterpart. She also reviews over 50 years of 'Hobbit Art', including the work of Alan Lee, John Howe and Ted Nasmith. Journeying through fanzines, videogames, Fanfiction and more, Porter demonstrates how the hobbits, their characters and their stories continue to introduce new audiences to Tolkien's work, in new and adapted forms.
  • The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit (BOX SET)

    作者:J.R.R. Tolkien

  • Children of Húrin

    作者:J.R.R. Tolkien

    The first complete book by J.R.R. Tolkien in three decades -- since the publication of The Silmarillion in 1977 -- The Children of Hurin reunites fans of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings with Elves and Men, dragons and Dwarves, Eagles and Orcs. Presented for the first time as a complete, standalone story, this stirring narrative will appeal to casual fans and expert readers alike, returning them to the rich landscape and characters unique to Tolkien. The Children of Hurin, begun in 1918, was one of three 'Great Tales' J.R.R. Tolkien worked on throughout his life, though he never realized his ambition to see it published. Though familiar to many fans from extracts and references within other Tolkien books, it has long been assumed that the story would forever remain an unfinished tale. Now reconstructed by Christopher Tolkien, painstakingly editing together the complete work from his father's many drafts, this book is the culmination of a tireless thirty-year endeavor by him to bring J.R.R.Tolkien's vast body of unpublished work to a wide audience. Having drawn the distinctive maps for the original The Lord of the Rings more than 50 years ago, Christopher has also created a detailed new map for this book. In addition, it will include a jacket and color paintings by Alan Lee, illustrator of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Centenary Edition and Academy Award-winning designer of the film trilogy.
  • 胡林的子女


    「魔戒作者的遺世之作,魔戒迷必讀。」 等了三十年,享譽全球的奇幻大師托爾金新作終於上市!一部必讀、好看、充滿寓意的中土故事! 「這個集冒險、悲劇、友情和英雄氣概於一身的史詩故事,再次讓讀者領略托爾金絕佳的說故事技巧!」 已故作家托爾金曾於1918年著手撰寫《胡林的子女》(The Children of Hurin),未能完成,其子克里斯多福.托爾金(Christopher Tolkien)花了三十年的時間,依據父親所寫草稿,終於編整完成整部作品。 在托爾金中土世界的故事創作中,〈貝倫與露西安〉(Beren & Luthien)、〈貢多林的陷落〉(The Fall of Gondolin)與〈胡林的子女〉被視為托爾金創造的中土世界最重要的三大故事骨幹,他一生不斷修改,卻未能出版,而今英文版在費時三十年的苦心整理下,終於上市了! 這部作品語言文字有想像豐富的瑰麗特點,編者在整理過程中,也完整保留故事骨幹,未添新素材,加上享譽國際的精美插圖,深受讀者好評,希望能將已故大師的最後作品,完整呈現。 此書編者克理斯多福.托爾金,為作者之子。托爾金原就屬意由三子克里斯多福執行他的身後出版事宜。苦心研究父親文稿有成的克里斯多福,成功集結充滿變化的改寫本、未完成篇章和故事梗概,創造出一個完全以作者原始文字構成的獨立且完整的版本。因此對托爾金的研究學者而言,本書儼然已成一個全新的完整文本;而對那些不清楚《魔戒》淵源的托爾金讀者來說,這是部全新的中土故事。 「這個集冒險、悲劇、友情和英雄氣概於一身的史詩故事,再次讓讀者領略托爾金絕佳的說故事技巧,」負責出版的哈潑柯林斯出版社總經理維多莉亞.邦斯雷:「本書擁有和《魔戒》一般充滿戲劇張力的情節,如今終於可以像托爾金原本所預期地被閱讀與欣賞。在全世界上百萬的托迷眼中,不啻為天啟。」 關於插圖:繪圖者Alan Lee,他不僅憑《魔戒三部曲:王者再臨》奪金像獎的美術指導,為本書所繪的33幅寶貴插圖,也是故事一大賣點。 《胡林的子女》引領讀者進入遠早於《魔戒》時空的中土世界。故事講述了黑暗之神消滅了精靈軍隊,並擒獲首領胡林,逼迫他臣服於自己,但偉大的胡林凜然拒絕。於是黑暗之神又對其子女圖林和妮諾爾施咒,讓他們一生難逃黑暗和絕望。而圖林長大後率眾對抗黑暗之神的邪惡勢力,爭奪中土世界的主控權。
  • 旅人之忆


    魔戒中文论坛:http://www.lotr.cn 同人本官方博客:http://lotrcn.blogbus.com 还记得吗? Hobbiton嬉戏玩闹的孩子, Rivendell藤蔓缠绕的小径, Lóthlorien落叶金黄的树厅。 还记得吗? Moria幽深空旷的遗迹, Gondor傲然挺拔的白塔, Rohan辽阔雄浑的草原。 可还记得,中州深黑色夜空中璀璨的繁星? 我们记得,因为我们不曾离去。 所以请允许我们拨响竖琴,唱一曲旅途上的风景。 Arda大地,让我们且行且吟。 ―――――――――――――――――――― [巡游艺人的帐篷] 旅人之忆 [献艺内容] 小说、单幅绘画和插图 [音调/色调] 原著向正常向 [帐篷尺寸] B5, 145-155p [观众席] 根据预订情况入席 [票价] 70RMB [Encore] 前25名预定者赠送全彩特典别册:"The Three Hunters' Club (by evenlong)" (13cm×18cm, 12p) [Cast] [吟游诗人] 列奥诺拉、evagreen、fenrir、紫云英、夏时、Elrond、variola、Ecthelion、Aquarius、proudnoldo、Elsie、Thomas Chien [流浪画家] Tyche、VigShane、ilxwing、Lavender、压缩饼干、Yuxi、Lavir、Tristan Wang、漂泊、幽草 [幕后苦力] 雅典娜、Nimloth、Jill、firemourne [特别嘉宾] 花袭人、Darkmage、上邪、悠奇薰、evenlong [售票时间] 2008年10月14日 [购票方式] 宣传blog处专贴留言 [公演日期] 2009年1月17日 [承办者] 魔戒中文论坛 (www.lotr.cn) 这是一个有着神奇色彩的巡游艺人班子。 他们之中有着会编织最美妙故事的吟游诗人,也有着能描绘最灿烂画卷的流浪画家。他们的作品风格各异,有的温暖、有的冷峻,有的清雅、有的绮丽。但他们却也有着一个共通点——他们都被托尔金教授笔下那个称为Arda的世界所吸引着,所以日复一日地,在那片叫做Middle-earth的大陆上旅行着,用出色的歌喉和灵巧的双手描摹着她的美好。 我们这一次为您奉上的演出,荣幸地邀请到了这些往日里不会轻易聚集到一处的艺人们。这些漂泊在Arda世界各处的旅人们,将在同一个舞台上以不同的方式为您讲述他们在旅行中的珍贵回忆。那些美丽的风景和传奇的故事,我们诚挚地邀请您一起来分享。
  • The Lord of the Rings

    作者:J. R. R. Tolkien

    The Fellowship of the Ring, part one of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic masterpiece, and#64257;rst reached these shores on October 21, 1954, arriving, as C. S. Lewis proclaimed, "like lightning from a clear sky." Fifty years and nearly one hundred million American readers later comes a beautiful new one-volume collector's edition beand#64257;tting the stature of this crown jewel of our list. With a text fully corrected under the supervision of Christopher Tolkien to meet the author's exacting wishes, two large-format fold-out maps, a ribbon placemarker, gilded page edges, a color insert depicting Tolkien's own paintings of the Book of Mazarbul and exceptionally elegant and sturdy overall packaging housed within an attractive slipcase, this edition is the and#64257;nest we've ever produced.
  • 魔幻家族


    《魔幻家族》是英国学者、托尔金研究专家大卫·戴的经典之作,更是欧美魔幻经典畅销书之一,问世以来连续再版十多次,已成为全景式展现托尔金“魔戒系列”词条名典的权威“百科全书”。如果说托尔金创作的是一个自成一体的魔幻世界,那么,《魔幻家族》肯定就是进入这个世界的托尔金之门。 托尔金无疑是魔幻文学的教主。他的魔幻系列全球卖出逾亿本,创造了定型化的魔域,至今所有相关书籍描写到妖精一定有尖尖的耳朵,巫师都脱胎自甘道夫,长长的白胡须和尖尖的巫师帽。托尔金还创造出精灵语言,为魔幻文学立下典范。 东方动漫大师宫崎峻、田中芳树,西方魔幻小说《哈利·波特》作者J.K.罗琳,皆视托尔金的《魔戒》为师法宗师。 在《魔幻家族》中,我们将全景式地阅览托尔金创造的梦幻史诗般壮丽的中土时代。魔幻精灵们缔造了那个时代的自然史,所有的魔幻动物都有着完整的结构体系,而《魔幻家族》则一个个地对他们进行仔细了解和解剖研究。展示他们的居住环境,描述他们的习惯和嗜好,呈现他们的演变和历史。 像中土世界一样,这本关于魔幻的书也特别重视插图,这是《魔幻家族》最重要、最新颖的一个看点。所有图片和设计均出自11位优秀插图画家以及天才设计师黛布拉·扎克曼之手。 这些绘图富有幻想,表现力极强,与托尔金原作内容交相辉映。其中,黑白插图描绘了种族、生物和植物,而彩色插图则展现了壮阔的景观、宏大的王国和埃达时代发生的重大战役和事件。
  • 魔戒魅影

    作者:[英] 裘德·费舍尔

  • The Hobbit

    作者:J R R Tolkien

    Bilbo Baggins enjoys a quiet and contented life, with no desire to travel far from the comforts of home; then one day the wizard Gandalf and a band of dwarves arrive unexpectedly and enlist his services -- as a burglar -- on a dangerous expedition to raid the treasure-hoard of Smaug the dragon. Bilbo′s life is never to be the same again. THE HOBBIT became an instant success when it was first published in 1937, and 75 years later Tolkien′s epic tale of elves, dwarves, trolls, goblins, myth, magic and adventure, with its reluctant hero Bilbo Baggins, has lost none of its appeal. Now, for the first time, the classic hardback edition is available in a one-off special pocket-sized edition. Featuring the distinctive cover illustration painted by Tolkien himself, plus his own drawings in the book, this edition will be the perfect gift for little hobbits everywhere!