

  • The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared

    作者:Jonasson, Jonas

    It all starts on the one-hundredth birthday of Allan Karlsson. Sitting quietly in his room in an old people's home, he is waiting for the party he-never-wanted-anyway to begin. The mayor is going to be there. The press is going to be there. But, as it turns out, Allan is not...Slowly but surely Allan climbs out of his bedroom window, into the flowerbed (in his slippers) and makes his getaway. And so begins his picaresque and unlikely journey involving criminals, several murders, a suitcase full of cash, and incompetent police. As his escapades unfold, we learn something of Allan's earlier life in which - remarkably - he helped to make the atom bomb, became friends with American presidents, Russian tyrants, and Chinese leaders, and was a participant behind the scenes in many key events of the twentieth century. Already a huge bestseller across Europe, The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared is a fun, feel-good book for all ages. Translated by Rod Bradbury.
  • 坏坯子


    一位高阶警官被残忍地谋杀在医院病床上,造成社会震惊。于是任职瑞典警察署的督察马丁?贝克奉命展开一连串调查活动。不料这竟让贝克遭逢职业生涯中最大的危机。最大的困难不在于线索非常少,而是查明真相的同时,他发现自己势必要与警察系统中一股腐化邪恶的核心正面对抗…… 本书出色地描述了一个腐化社会的恐怖警察势力,也令人惊骇地见识到所谓贤人君子深植心底的疯狂情结。
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

    作者:Stieg Larsson

    An International Bestselling Sensation A murder mystery, family saga, love story, and a tale of financial intrigue wrapped into one satisfyingly complex and entertainingly atmospheric novel. Harriet Vanger, scion of one of Sweden's wealthiest families, disappeared over forty years ago. All these years later, her aged uncle continues to seek the truth. He hires Mikael Blomkvist, a crusading journalist recently trapped by a libel conviction, to investigate. He is aided by the pieced and tattooed punk prodigy Lisbeth Salander. Together they tap into a vein of unfathomable iniquity and astonishing corruption. 点击链接进入中文版: 龙文身的女孩
  • 阳台上的男子


  • 上锁的房间


  • 失踪的消防车


    刚瓦德·拉森奉命监视窃车集团成员葛郎·麦姆,谁知麦姆所住的那栋老建筑物竟然在他眼前爆炸! 警方调查的结果认定是麦姆开瓦斯自杀,引发大火,亦以此结案。岂料鉴识人员竟在麦姆的床垫下发现了一枚精巧的小型定时炸弹。马丁·贝克探长等人所组成的侦办团队遂将目标锁定在涉有重嫌的窃车集团头头。然而奔波数月毫无所获的马丁·贝克,在几乎要放弃希望之时,竟然发现一道曙光,只是,它也预示了另一场悲剧……
  • Let the Right One In

    作者:John Ajvide Lindqvis

    "Let the Right One In" Takes Top Honors at Tribeca Film Festival It is autumn 1981 when the inconceivable comes to Blackeberg, a suburb in Sweden. The body of a teenage boy is found, emptied of blood, the murder rumored to be part of a ritual killing. Twelve-year-old Oskar is personally hoping that revenge has come at long last---revenge for the bullying he endures at school, day after day.But the murder is not the most important thing on his mind. A new girl has moved in next door---a girl who has never seen a Rubik's Cube before, but who can solve it at once. There is something wrong with her, though, something odd. And she only comes out at night. . . .Sweeping top honors at film festivals all over the globe, director Tomas Alfredsson's film of "Let the Right One In" has received the same kind of spectacular raves that have been lavished on the book. American readers of vampire fiction will be thrilled
  • 隔壁坟前的那个男人

    作者:[瑞典] 卡特里娜·玛泽蒂

    《隔壁坟前的那个男人》内容简介:他们相遇在墓地。德西蕾去谴责早亡的丈夫,班尼去哀悼去世的母亲。 德西蕾,苍白纤瘦的图书馆员,爱写诗、爱看舞台剧,爱一切与文学艺术有关的东西。 班尼,中学毕业的破落农场继承者,唯一的读物只有《农夫》杂志,雇不起帮工的他,接触的母牛比女孩更多。 当第一眼的彼此厌弃变成躯体的强烈吸引,他们认定对方就是自己寻觅的那个人,然而,浓烈的情意却似乎变成了感情的阻力,两个孤独的男女,一对不般配的恋人,该如何面对生活带给他们那一波又一波的难题?
  • 斯特林堡小说戏剧选


  • 夏夜的微笑

    作者:英格玛·伯格曼(Ingmar Bergm

  • 記憶看見我


    2011年諾貝爾文學獎得主的唯一回憶錄 特朗斯特羅默是詩人的詩人——馬悅然 托馬斯的寫作不存在進步與否的問題——他一出場就已達到了頂峰……——北島 對於托馬斯來說,想到「我的一生」這幾個字,就彷彿看到一顆彗星。如今年逾八十歲的他,位在彗星的尾端;而彗星的頭代表著童年和青春期,也就是決定了生命最重要特徵的階段。這本書,托馬斯回溯過往,就是要說出這段至今引領他繼續走向未來的過去。 從博物館、小學、戰爭、圖書館、初中、驅邪、拉丁文這幾個主題,我們可以看到詩人在早年生活的閱讀的興趣、憂鬱症的狀況、遭受罷凌的經驗等。這些標定生命重點的回憶片段,應當都夾帶著無比強烈的情緒,但作者寫來異常冷冽,讓這本「回憶錄」,讀來更像夢境。 本書譯者馬悅然為著名漢學家,亦為諾貝爾獎評審委員,除了讓這本托馬斯的經典著作首次完整問世,並且於附錄撰寫〈托馬斯最早的詩〉,協助讀者理解這段歷史如何銜接上托馬斯後來的詩人生涯,文中並譯出托馬斯第一本詩集出版前所寫的九篇詩作,是理解這位大師最重要的一手資料。
  • 宜家的小气大财神


    《宜家的小气大财神:英格瓦·坎普拉德》主要内容:坎普拉德说:“是勤奋工作半点了宜家的生命。”他拥有财务处与生俱来的经济头脑,他从5岁开始做推销生意,并成为一个“卖火柴的小男孩”,在11岁的时候做成第一笔“大买卖”,在17岁的时候,他开了一家属于自己的公司。2007年,他以330亿美元身家位居《福布斯》世界富豪榜第四位。 他以奇特的人生经历成就了自己的传奇一生。不过,他与其他富豪并不相同,就中全球的消费者因着迷宜家而大买特买的时候,这位全球富豪兼宜家创始人却过着令人难以相信的简朴生活。 他在全世界拥有250家大型商场,宜家商品目录每年的印刷量高达1亿本,收录了大约1.2万件商品,被称为是除了《圣经》之外,散布最广的印刷品。
  • 魔灯


  • 我是伊布


    这是一本年轻人的书,属于一个远未完成的生命的自传,他不怎么怀旧,也不怎么低头反省,仍然固执地把一些人圈入自己的世界保护起来,而对剩下的人都不屑一顾。他仍是个个人主义者,是商业足球世界里的流浪者、角斗士。即使现在,他似乎仍是个少年,永远热血饱满,永远让你觉得他还可以创造出些什么奇迹。 这是一部关于成长的故事,一个出身贫民窟、性格暴躁的少年最终蜕变成足球巨星的故事。球员的永恒是有限的,但他球员外的生活是无限的,这本书就是描写他无限的生活,他球员之外的人生,他真正的样貌。
  • 我的老师高本汉


    《我的老师高本汉:一位学者的肖像》讲述了:早在1920年代,高本汉(1889-1978)就因其在中国方言和语言史领域开创性的研究工作而蜚声国际,其成果体现在构拟汉语早期的两个语言阶段:中古汉语(公元600年代)和上古汉语(公元600年前)。这种对古汉语的构拟为高本汉对公元前10世纪初的重要文献进行划时代的文字学研究开辟了道路。对古典文献的诠释、对语法的研究和对词典编纂的贡献,凸显了高本汉高深的造诣和科学的精准。为数不多的几部较为重要的语言科学和文字学著作被译成中文,其中一部分还被译成日文。他凭借雄厚的语言科学功底对中国古代青铜器断代的研究成果,也属于他的伟大科学研究成果。 高本汉没有涉足甲骨文的研究。作为瑞典人文学院的杰出成员,他为促进瑞典人文科学的发展作出了积极的贡献。高本汉的门生相对较少,但是全世界几代汉学家都尊崇他为学术大师。 马悦然是高本汉的得意门生,他在这部回忆录里描写了自己的老师在延雪平度过的青少年时代、始于1904年的辉煌科学研究生涯——从上中学开始,延续了七十多年。同时,我们还能看到一位勤奋科学家背后的、生活中的高本汉。
  • 魔灯

    作者:[瑞典] 英格玛·伯格曼

    英格玛·伯格曼的这本自传,成书于他宣布息影后的1987年,既是对他一生的回顾,也是一扇通向他心灵秘密通道的门,为我们更好地了解他的作品提供了深层次的心理依据。 伯格曼在书中通过真诚的笔调叙述,让读者走进了属于他自己的秘密世界。伯格曼一生的经历:他的电影、他的影像、他的人生,这一切都源于孩堤时代的一套玩具:一盏魔灯。而这又正是本书的标题。 正如伯格曼自己的电影作品,这本书是现实、记忆和梦幻的组合,也是一个电影时代的记录,今天的伯格曼已名满天下,人们将永远记住他的名字,他的电影所记录的人类情感则会让一代又一代的人去回味、去思考。
  • 美好生活

    作者:[瑞典] 奥维·洛夫格伦,乔纳森·弗雷克

    本书以中产阶级的生活方式为观察对象,透过丰富鲜活的民俗材料,描述了1880年至1910年间的瑞典中产阶级的生活图景:他们尝试摆脱“暴发户”的嘴脸,并希望与农民、没落贵族以及无产者划清界限;在努力营造自身的文化和生活方式的同时,他们也认为自己的文化形式是最文明、最先进的,并应被推广给普罗大众。正是在对“美好生活”的包装与塑造中,中产阶级自身的文化和价值观也成功地渗透到现代日常生活的每一个琐碎庸常的角落。 对于世纪之交瑞典中产阶级的这一研究发人深省,它表明对中产阶级的研究与认识应当基于理解而非抨击;本书的另一个重要贡献是表现历史研究可以结合其他相邻学科的方法。这两个成就令人鼓舞。 ——Journal of Modern History 作者们所体现的知识视野之广令人惊叹。他们对来自民族学档案、课本、回忆录、小说和礼仪手册中的材料巧手编织,展现了中产阶级、农民和工人阶级的丰富的日常生活画面。本书还对社会文化的复杂性、冲突与抵牾进行了深入的思考,而这些内容往往都被忽视了。 ——American Anthropologist 本书融合了历史学和民族学的方法所呈现的生活方式,不仅能吸引斯堪底纳维亚的学者们,同样也能吸引历史学家、社会学家,以及试图描述与解读19世纪西方文化和中产阶级的所有人。 ——Ethnos
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

    作者:Stieg Larsson

    Financial journalist Mikael Blomkvist has made his living uncovering the corrupt and crooked practices of Stockholm's leading financiers in his magazine, Millennium. But one expose unexpectedly backfires, and Blomkvist's reputation is in tatters. When he is offered an investigative job by powerful businessman Henrik Vanger, he is in no position to refuse. But he is surprised to find it has nothing to do with high finance - this time, it is a case of murder. Many years ago, Henrik's niece, Harriet, disappeared during a family gathering on the island owned and inhabited by the Vangers. No-one saw her leave the island, and no body was ever found. Even so, Henrik is convinced that she was murdered by a member of his own family - the tightly knit but dysfunctional Vanger clan. Blomkvist is soon in over his head. He has linked Harriet's disappearance to a number of gruesome murders from forty years ago, but it has become too dangerous to proceed alone. He needs a competent assistant, and he gets one: the gifted and conscience-free computer specialist, Lisbeth Salander. This truculent young woman has problems of her own. She in unwilling to take orders, rides a motorbike like a Hell's Angel and handles makeshift weapons with a skill born of rage. This improbably pair unravel a dark and appalling family history. But the Vangers are a secretive clan, and Blomkvist and Salander are about to find out just how far they are prepared to go to protect themselves.
  • The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest

    作者:Stieg Larsson

    As the finale to Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest is not content to merely match the adrenaline-charged pace that made international bestsellers out of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Girl Who Played with Fire. Instead, it roars with an explosive storyline that blows the doors off the series and announces that the very best has been saved for last. A familiar evil lies in wait for Lisbeth Salander, but this time, she must do more than confront the miscreants of her past; she must destroy them. Much to her chagrin, survival requires her to place a great deal of faith in journalist Mikael Blomkvist and trust his judgment when the stakes are highest. To reveal more of the plot would be criminal, as Larsson's mastery of the unexpected is why millions have fallen hard for his work. But rest assured that the odds are again stacked, the challenges personal, and the action fraught with neck-snapping revelations in this snarling conclusion to a thrilling triad. This closing chapter to The Girl's pursuit of justice is guaranteed to leave readers both satisfied and saddened once the final page has been turned.
  • 斯特林堡文集

    作者:[瑞典] 斯特林堡
