

  • 那天,我用爸爸換了兩條金魚


    蓋曼第一本為兒童而寫的作品。1997年美國新聞週刊(Newsweek)列名年度最佳兒童文學之一。媽媽出門去,家裡只剩下我、妹妹、以及眼中只有報紙的爸爸。納森帶了兩條漂亮金魚來,為了換到這兩條金魚,我翻遍所有寶藏。想不到,能換到金魚的只有爸爸! 媽媽回家後,東窗事發。我只好帶著愛打小報告的妹妹去納森家換回爸爸。然而,爸爸卻不在納森家?!
  • 星塵


    石牆鎮每九年舉辦一次市集,只有在市集期間,鎮民才能跨越石牆閘口,到牆的另一邊。然而自古以來,從來沒有人能再從牆的另一邊回到石牆鎮上。 為了獲得心儀女子的芳心,崔斯坦跨過石牆,前去追尋一顆墜落的流星。途中,他險些死在食人森林裡,卻意外救了一隻獨角獸,遇上為了重獲青春而不擇手段的女巫及躲避死亡的陰沉男子。平凡的崔斯坦能安然越過重重險境,實現自己的願望嗎? •故事裡有一道牆,有牆內牆外的世界。可是這道牆不似《一無所有》的牆那般活生生讓人流血受創,反而像潘朵拉的盒子一樣,藏著神話典故,令人好奇。 •屬於大人的童話。
  • 美國眾神

    作者:尼爾.蓋曼,Neil Gaiman

  • 無有鄉


    ◎英國BBC影集改編 ◎榮獲1999年法國Julia Verlanger Award最佳奇科幻小說 ◎奇科幻雜誌《軌跡》年度暢銷書第一名 ◎舊金山紀事報(San Francisco Chronicle)年度暢銷書 ◎洛杉磯時報(LA Times)年度暢銷書第三名 ◎Amazon網站讀者評鑑四星半親愛的日記: 星期五,我有工作、有未婚妻、有家,還有一個有意義的生活。然後我遇到一名受傷的女孩,流著血躺在人行道上,而我只是想當好心人。現在,我未婚妻沒了、家沒了、工作沒了,還走在倫敦街道底下幾百呎深的地方,過著跟自我毀滅的果蠅沒什麼兩樣的生活。一件小小的善行,讓理查.馬修在一夜之間失去了一切──婚約、工作、住所,他甚至「不存在」。他身處的倫敦,整個變了樣:憑空出現的地鐵站、百貨公司的深夜市集、獵人與怪獸、服侍老鼠的人、還有恐怖殺手窮追不捨……處處晦暗骯髒,危機密布,卻又奇異華麗。理查為了尋回正常生活,跟隨擁有神奇力量的女孩、身手超凡的沉默保鏢及買賣情報與人情的男子,步上漫長無期的歸程。背叛的預言是真是假?誰才是滅門血案的幕後黑手?理查會回到他熟悉的倫敦嗎?地上與地下之隔、新舊時光的交錯、傳統與先進的汰換,是否造就了人心的空洞? 在現實世界的古老倫敦中創造出想像的「倫敦下層」,原始野蠻危險的氣氛猶如觀看舊時電影。節奏明快、欲罷不能;以各個地鐵站為經緯,深入刻畫倫敦這座城市。帶給曾在倫敦居住者鄉愁之感,而未曾去過倫敦的讀者,也會興起一探倫敦的心情。融合《失樂園》、《綠野仙蹤》、《鏡中奇緣》等想像與暗喻。 在這部猶如紙上蒙太奇的瑰麗成人童話中,作家尼爾.蓋曼打造了一把開啟想像與未知的神祕之鑰,引領我們進入夢境般詭譎、卻又真實可及的冒險。現實與奇幻的接壤,或許比我們以為的更貼近……
  • 鬼妈妈

    作者:[英] 尼尔·盖曼,Neil Gaima

  • Coraline

    作者:Neil Gaiman

    Coraline lives with her preoccupied parents in part of a huge old house--a house so huge that other people live in it, too... round, old former actresses Miss Spink and Miss Forcible and their aging Highland terriers ("We trod the boards, luvvy") and the mustachioed old man under the roof ("'The reason you cannot see the mouse circus,' said the man upstairs, 'is that the mice are not yet ready and rehearsed.'") Coraline contents herself for weeks with exploring the vast garden and grounds. But with a little rain she becomes bored--so bored that she begins to count everything blue (153), the windows (21), and the doors (14). And it is the 14th door that--sometimes blocked with a wall of bricks--opens up for Coraline into an entirely alternate universe. Now, if you're thinking fondly of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe or Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, you're on the wrong track. Neil Gaiman's Coraline is far darker, far stranger, playing on our deepest fears. And, like Roald Dahl's work, it is delicious. What's on the other side of the door? A distorted-mirror world, containing presumably everything Coraline has ever dreamed of... people who pronounce her name correctly (not "Caroline"), delicious meals (not like her father's overblown "recipes"), an unusually pink and green bedroom (not like her dull one), and plenty of horrible (very un-boring) marvels, like a man made out of live rats. The creepiest part, however, is her mirrored parents, her "other mother" and her "other father"--people who look just like her own parents, but with big, shiny, black button eyes, paper-white skin... and a keen desire to keep her on their side of the door. To make creepy creepier, Coraline has been illustrated masterfully in scritchy, terrifying ink drawings by British mixed-media artist and Sandman cover illustrator Dave McKean. This delightful, funny, haunting, scary as heck, fairy-tale novel is about as fine as they come. Highly recommended. (Ages 11 and older)
  • The Ocean at the End of the Lane

    作者:Neil Gaiman

    The book’s narrator is a socially-awkward geek-in-training who, with the help of three old ladies and one 11 year-old girl down the block, tries to escape the darkness around and within him. Gaiman has said that this is his most personal work.
  • 烟与镜


    在《烟与镜》——这部盖曼平生第一部短篇作品集中,他凭借卓绝的想象力以及极致的描摹力,将平凡俗世瞬间点化为诡谲奇境。《我们可以给你批发价》,男人因为贪图批发价之蝇头小利,却无意启动了毁灭世界的暗语;而等到梦境绝断,人苏醒之后,《扫梦人》正在白日阔步穿行。 阅读《烟与镜》,犹如跟随作者步入一个全新的现实——它或为烟雾笼罩,同时却又触手可及——因为作者十足是一位戏法大师,信手便能为你构筑一座令人欲罢不能的文学世界:打开尘封的感官,感受怦然心动的一刻,梦想也从此游弋。
  • Stardust

    作者:Neil Gaiman

    In the tranquil fields and meadows of long-ago England, there is a small hamlet that has stood on a jut of granite for 600 years. Just to the east stands a high stone wall, for which the village is named. Here, in the hamlet of Wall, young Tristran Thorn has lost his heart to the hauntingly beautiful Victoria Forester. And here, one crisp October eve, Tristran makes his love a promise -- an impetuous vow that will send him through the only breach in the wall, across the pasture...and into the most exhilarating adventure of his life.

  • The Graveyard Book

    作者:Neil Gaiman

    Nobody Owens, known to his friends as Bod, is a normal boy. He would be completely normal if he didn't live in a sprawling graveyard, being raised and educated by ghosts, with a solitary guardian who belongs to neither the world of the living nor of the dead. There are dangers and adventures in the graveyard for a boy-an ancient Indigo Man beneath the hill, a gateway to a desert leading to an abandoned city of ghouls, the strange and terrible menace of the Sleer. But if Bod leaves the graveyard, then he will come under attack from the man Jack--who has already killed Bod's family. . . . Beloved master storyteller Neil Gaiman returns with a luminous new novel for the audience that embraced his "New York Times" bestselling modern classic "Coraline." Magical, terrifying, and filled with breathtaking adventures, the graveyard book is sure to enthrall readers of all ages.
  • M代表魔法


    在《M代表魔法》中,尼尔•盖曼坦率讲述短篇的魅力,它们能穷尽世界的尽头,却又须臾回到现实。《二十四只黑鸫案》,他以熟知的人物以及离奇的情节,向《鹅妈妈童谣》致敬;《别问杰克》,八音盒一样,会弹跳出来的杰克玩具,记住了每一个人的忧伤往事,月光一样淡,却不能忘怀;而《太阳鸟》,究竟是人所不能追的梦,要付出燃尽的代价。 《M代表魔法》,所有的字母都有魔力,你可以用它们创造魔法、梦想,甚至惊喜。 我们何其幸运,可以拥有盖曼这样一座现成的故事宝库……他的作品之丰富,文字之出色,读来叫人既感妙不可言,又觉悚然而惊。 ——斯蒂芬•金 当你全身心沉浸到尼尔•盖曼的世界里,你会发现,一切皆有可能……他拥有一流的创造力,他从不遵循一致的规则,他随心所欲,惟追随梦想而写作。 ——《娱乐周刊》
  • American Gods

    作者:Neil Gaiman

    American Gods is Neil Gaiman's best and most ambitious novel yet, a scary, strange, and hallucinogenic road-trip story wrapped around a deep examination of the American spirit. Gaiman tackles everything from the onslaught of the information age to the meaning of death, but he doesn't sacrifice the razor-sharp plotting and narrative style he's been delivering since his Sandman days. Shadow gets out of prison early when his wife is killed in a car crash. At a loss, he takes up with a mysterious character called Wednesday, who is much more than he appears. In fact, Wednesday is an old god, once known as Odin the All-father, who is roaming America rounding up his forgotten fellows in preparation for an epic battle against the upstart deities of the Internet, credit cards, television, and all that is wired. Shadow agrees to help Wednesday, and they whirl through a psycho-spiritual storm that becomes all too real in its manifestations. For instance, Shadow's dead wife Laura keeps showing up, and not just as a ghost--the difficulty of their continuing relationship is by turns grim and darkly funny, just like the rest of the book. Armed only with some coin tricks and a sense of purpose, Shadow travels through, around, and underneath the visible surface of things, digging up all the powerful myths Americans brought with them in their journeys to this land as well as the ones that were already here. Shadow's road story is the heart of the novel, and it's here that Gaiman offers up the details that make this such a cinematic book--the distinctly American foods and diversions, the bizarre roadside attractions, the decrepit gods reduced to shell games and prostitution. "This is a bad land for Gods," says Shadow. More than a tourist in America, but not a native, Neil Gaiman offers an outside-in and inside-out perspective on the soul and spirituality of the country--our obsessions with money and power, our jumbled religious heritage and its societal outcomes, and the millennial decisions we face about what's real and what's not. --Therese Littleton, Amazon.com
  • Good Omens

    作者:Neil Gaiman,Terry Pr

    There is a distinct hint of Armageddon in the air. According to The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch (recorded, thankfully, in 1655, before she blew up her entire village and all its inhabitants, who had gathered to watch her burn), the world will end on a Saturday. Next Saturday, in fact. So the armies of Good and Evil are amassing, the Four Bikers of the Apocalypse are revving up their mighty hogs and hitting the road, and the world's last two remaining witch-finders are getting ready to fight the good fight, armed with awkwardly antiquated instructions and stick pins. Atlantis is rising, frogs are falling, tempers are flaring. . . . Right. Everything appears to be going according to Divine Plan.

    Except that a somewhat fussy angel and a fast-living demon -- each of whom has lived among Earth's mortals for many millennia and has grown rather fond of the lifestyle -- are not particularly looking forward to the coming Rapture. If Crowley and Aziraphale are going to stop it from happening, they've got to find and kill the Antichrist (which is a shame, as he's a really nice kid). There's just one glitch: someone seems to have misplaced him. . . .

    First published in 1990, Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett's brilliantly dark and screamingly funny take on humankind's final judgment is back -- and just in time -- in a new hardcover edition (which includes an introduction by the authors, comments by each about the other, and answers to some still-burning questions about their wildly popular collaborative effort) that the devout and the damned alike will surely cherish until the end of all things.

  • 鬼妈妈


  • 魔是魔法的魔

    作者:Neil Gaiman

    小說界的達文西,當代奇幻大師! 連續數年攻佔英、美、德、法、西班牙、以色列各大獎項和暢銷榜! 適合闔家觀賞的精采都會神話集! 這是尼爾.蓋曼第一部針對青少年讀者所編選的短篇故事集。但是不要誤會,尼爾.蓋曼迷人的寫作題材,像是恐怖、失落、死亡、孤獨、成長的迷惘、生活的奇想、還有騙術!這本裡面都有,只是調味剛剛好,不太鹹也不太淡,所以大人小孩都可以一起欣賞! 蓋曼最驚人之處在於,他總是能善用古老的神話傳說、民間故事或日常生活習以為常的規則中變出新鮮的故事,彷彿魔術師般神奇。在〈二十四隻畫眉鳥事件〉中,他大量運用了鵝媽媽童謠中熟悉的童話角色與趣味典故,串成一個冷硬派推理故事;〈騎士精神〉中,引用了「亞瑟王傳奇」中尋找聖杯的梗,讓可愛的老太太與神祕陌生人來一段精采的過招;〈十月當主席〉則是有趣的「戲中戲」,故事中的人在講故事,究竟十月會發生什麼樣的故事? 蓋曼自己曾說: 「你若在對的年紀閱讀對的故事,那些故事永遠不會離你而去,雖然你可能會忘記作者或故事名字,但是如果故事讓你感動,它就會永遠伴隨著你,盤旋在你心智裡鮮少回憶起的區塊。 「短篇故事是進入其它世界和其它心智和其它夢的小窗戶,是你可以進行的旅途,讓你到宇宙遙遠的一端,又能即時趕回來吃晚餐。 「如果你把字母排列適當,每個字母都是神奇的,你可以用字母創造魔法,還有夢,我希望還能創造出一些驚奇……」(摘自《魔是魔法的魔》前言) 為他的短篇小說創作下了最佳的注腳。
  • 易碎品


    易碎品比比皆是,人与心如此,故事也不例外! 当代幻想文学大师尼尔•盖曼经典之作 《易碎品》收录了尼尔•盖曼包括雨果奖获奖作品《绿字的研究》在内的多部诗歌、散文及故事作品,展现了他天马行空的想象力和写作才华。他就像个魔术师,用不可思议的手法营造出绚丽惊奇的幻象,让读者惊喜连连,目不暇给。他既将怪诞恐怖的想象融入现实(《纪念与珍宝》、《饲者与食者》),又不乏未泯的童心(《大家都爱好孩子》),还把现实与虚幻天衣无缝地结合起来(《记忆小径拾零》、《打烊时分》),更用想象为童话度上了一层全新的色彩(《椅中的十月》)。在他的故事里,地狱与天堂只有一线之隔,真实与想象就在一念之间。逗趣、阴郁、诡谲、优雅、感伤、冷硬,不同的气质、跳跃的思维与充满灵气的文字背后,有对生活的爱,对失去的害怕,以及对情感细致入微的观察,让人紧张到后背发凉、温柔到心生暖意、兴奋到心跳加速,情不自禁地跟着他一起在真实的凡间做一场永无止境的梦。 《易碎品》曾获2007年《轨迹杂志》年度最佳短篇小说集奖。其中收录的《给男生的派对搭讪指南》获得“轨迹”年度最佳短篇奖以及雨果奖的提名;而另外一篇《绿字的研究》更是成绩斐然,一举获得2004年雨果奖最佳短篇奖、2005年“轨迹”年度最佳短篇奖以及2006年星云奖翻译奖。 盖曼是一座现成的故事宝库,而我们又何其幸运可以通过各种媒介去靠近他。——斯蒂芬•金 盖曼堪称作家中的摇滚明星。他的作品,简单说来,就是关于神话与故事、众神与力量。而阅读它们的首要准则就是,你必须完全相信。——《多伦多星报》 当你全身心沉浸到尼尔•盖曼的世界里,你会发现,一切皆有可能……他拥有一流的创造力,他从不遵循一致的规则,他随心所欲,惟追随梦想而写作。——《娱乐周刊》 盖曼的作品将赫伯特•乔治•威尔斯的想象、H.P.洛夫克莱夫特的诡异氛围以及佩勒姆•G.伍德豪斯的幽默智慧结合在一起,他既能让我们的血液凝固,也能让我们仰天大笑。——《明尼阿波利斯星论坛》 阅读盖曼,其中一半乐趣来自他令人轻松愉快的美文,另一半乐趣则来自他匪夷所思的创造力。他的作品无法分类,因为他不仅仅深入了我们共同的无意识领域,还重新构造了我们的神话。——《休斯顿纪事报》
  • 乌有乡


    理查德·梅休是伦敦一个平平常常的生意人,过着平平常常的生活。但有一天,他做了件不太平常的事:把一位身负重伤、素不相识的姑娘带回了自己的公寓。 从此,一切都变得不同寻常—— 同事们看不见他,从前的恋人不再认识他,甚至连他的家都不再属于他。他走在人流中,人们却完全意识不到他的存在。理查德·梅休这个人不复存在了,仿佛从未存在过。 都是因为这个名叫门菲的姑娘。她为他打开了一扇门,通往另一个世界—— 一个隐藏在伦敦之下、阴险邪恶却又充满刺激的乌有乡。 令人兴奋,富有创造性,同时还令人毛骨悚然。《乌有乡》既借鉴了《星球大战》这种流行文化,又从米尔顿的《失乐园》中吸取养分。它是白日梦和噩梦的完美结合。——《今日美国》 一句话,盖曼是个盛满故事的宝库。这样的作家是我们的幸运。——斯蒂芬·金 《乌有乡》显示了无比的机智,对神话与传说的创造性运用以及对细节的关注。——《旧金山纪事报》
  • 蜘蛛男孩


    胖查理在伦敦过着正常的生活,当他给住在美国、久已疏远的父亲打电话,请他来参加自己的婚礼时,却发现父亲刚刚过世了。胖查理去佛罗里达参加了父亲的葬礼,于是惊心动魄的故事逐一上演…… 因为他发现两件事:第一,他的父亲是化作人形的蜘蛛神阿纳西,一个来自非洲的骗子之神;第二,他还有个叫“蜘蛛”的兄弟继承了父亲的部分神力。蜘蛛拥有胖查理所没有的一切优点:幸运、快活、充满自信,还有父亲的如簧巧舌和追求女人的天份。他的出现把胖查理有条不紊的生活被蜘蛛搅得天翻地覆,他偷走了胖查理的工作、未婚妻,甚至是家中最好的房间,更糟的是,他还害胖查理被警方当作挪用公款和谋杀客户的嫌疑犯…… 胖查理身陷囹圄,只得回到佛罗里达,试图摆脱兄弟的干扰。他借助于魔法,进入了图腾动物神祗们居住的灵魂世界,但故事从此变得更加复杂和诡异,神祗们把这对兄弟带入一系列惊悚骇人的冒险之中,作为蛛神阿纳西的另一个儿子,胖查理能否挽回自己对兄弟造成的伤害?能否从自己无意中所释放出来的超自然力量手中,救下蜘蛛和整个世界?生活能否重新回到正轨?
  • 好兆头


    主角之一名叫克鲁利,穿着时尚,开的车是本特利,除了毁灭人类之外没有固定工作——因为他是魔王撒旦的手下。 另一位主角名叫亚茨拉菲尔,珍本书商,业余魔术师。他是个天使,给上帝干活儿。 还有一位主角名叫亚当,普普通通的一个小孩。当然,这本书里没几个普通人,尤其是这一位。他的真实身份是:神之大敌、诸王的毁灭者、无底深渊的天使、名叫恶龙的猛兽、此界的王子、谎言之父、撒旦之种和黑暗之君。一句话,撒旦的亲儿子。 本书讲述的是世界末日的故事,也就是善恶大决战。问题是,亚茨拉菲尔和克鲁利(天使和魔鬼)本是几千年的老朋友,经常喝酒聊天,而且结成了同盟,对各自上司交办的差事都敷衍了事。还有,亚当这个撒旦之子也觉得地球挺不错,把它毁了怪可惜的……
  • 坟场之书

    作者:[英] 尼尔·盖曼

    一个婴儿。一座坟场。一次刺杀的结束,一个传奇的开始。在墓园里。有幽灵。有食尸鬼。还有神秘的守护者。连死神也亲自出马。(不用担心。她是一位和蔼的女士。)在人世间,有骗子,有恶棍,也有普通的老百姓。还有一位天真烂漫的小姑娘。 成长故事,法术修炼。冒险经历,少年初恋。贯穿全书的是刺杀与复仇的较量。 墓地的阴森反衬出鬼魂的温情。喧嚣的人世却冷漠无情。但最终,坟场里成长的少年仍将告别往昔。走向社会。走向成年……