

  • 本杰明


  • The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility, and Other Writings on Media

    作者:Walter Benjamin (Aut

    Benjamin's famous "Work of Art" essay sets out his boldest thoughts - on media and on culture in general - in their most realized form, while retaining an edge that gets under the skin of everyone who reads it. In this essay the visual arts of the machine age morph into literature and theory and then back again to images, gestures, and thought.This essay, however, is only the beginning of a vast collection of writings that the editors have assembled to demonstrate what was revolutionary about Benjamin's explorations on media. Long before Marshall McLuhan, Benjamin saw that the way a bullet rips into its victim is exactly the way a movie or pop song lodges in the soul.This book contains the second, and most daring, of the four versions of the "Work of Art" essay - the one that addresses the utopian developments of the modern media. The collection tracks Benjamin's observations on the media as they are revealed in essays on the production and reception of art; on film, radio, and photography; and on the modern transformations of literature and painting. The volume contains some of Benjamin's best-known work alongside fascinating, little-known essays - some appearing for the first time in English. In the context of his passionate engagement with questions of aesthetics, the scope of Benjamin's media theory can be fully appreciated.
  • Walter Benjamin

    作者:Walter Benjamin

  • Walter Benjamin

    作者:Walter Benjamin

    In the frenzied final years of the Weimar Republic, amid economic collapse and mounting political catastrophe, Walter Benjamin emerged as the most original practicing literary critic and public intellectual in the German-speaking world. Volume 2 of the Selected Writings is now available in paperback in two parts. In Part 1, Benjamin is represented by two of his greatest literary essays, "Surrealism" and "On the Image of Proust," as well as by a long article on Goethe and a generous selection of his wide-ranging commentary for Weimar Germany's newspapers. Part 2 contains, in addition to the important longer essays, "Franz Kafka," "Karl Kraus," and "The Author as Producer," the extended autobiographical meditation "A Berlin Chronicle," and extended discussions of the history of photography and the social situation of the French writer, previously untranslated shorter pieces on such subjects as language and memory, theological criticism and literary history, astrology and the newspaper, and on such influential figures as Paul Valery, Stefan George, Hitler, and Mickey Mouse.
  • 橘子


  • 橘子


  • 地下室


    理想的世界光芒万丈,而现实一片灰暗低矮的墙。 他们是躲藏在地下室中暗暗发光的天使。 总有一天,它们会带着纯白的羽毛回归遥远的天国。 ——郭敬明 夜晚的地下酒吧燃烧出的音乐,手指在吉他上拨弄出的疯狂,音符撞落在酒杯里刺激着喉咙的喧嚣。 这是个一直让我不断惊奇着的Benja min。 ——落落 中国最著名的漫画家、插画家本杰明第一部长篇小说,郭敬明、落落推荐。 关于那些长发男生、倔强女生、摇滚和青春。 带着希冀来到北京的鼓手小航,混迹于PUB的妖精女孩小甜甜,用画画稿费支持乐队日常开销的主唱亚飞,清丽温柔的女大学生尹伊,诙谐风趣行为不羁的乐队成员鬼子六和大灰狼……满怀梦想却不被认可的地下摇滚在暗夜中嘶吼。
  • One-Way Street and Other Writings

    作者:Walter Benjamin

    Walter Benjamin - philosopher, essayist, literary and cultural theorist - was one of the most original writers and thinkers of the twentieth century. This new selection brings together Benjamin's major works, including 'One-Way Street', his dreamlike, aphoristic observations of urban life in Weimar Germany; 'Unpacking My Library', a delightful meditation on book-collecting; the confessional 'Hashish in Marseille'; and 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction', his seminal essay on how technology changes the way we appreciate art. Also including writings on subjects ranging from Proust to Kafka, violence to surrealism, this is the essential volume on one of the most prescient critical voices of the modern age. Contains: 'Unpacking My Library'; 'One-Way Street'; 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction'; 'Brief History of Photography'; 'Hashish in Marseille'; 'On the Critique of Violence'; 'The Job of the Translator'; 'Surrealism'; 'Franz Kafka' and 'Picturing Proust'.
  • 旅行+绘画=世界


    这是中国最著名漫画家、插画家本杰明关于漫画、关于旅行的最新散文集。 本杰明在这本书中,详细记录了参加巴黎、纽约、安古兰漫展的感受和见闻,比较分析了中国漫画和西方漫画的异同,对整个漫画产业发表了独到看法。
  • The Arcades Project

    作者:W Benjamin

    To great writers, Walter Benjamin once wrote, "finished works weigh lighter than those fragments on which they labour their entire lives." Conceived in Paris in 1927 and still in progress when Benjamin fled the Occupation in 1940, "The Arcades Project" (in German, Das Passagen-Werk) is a monumental ruin, meticulously constructed over the course of 13 years - "the theatre," as the author called it, "of all my struggles and all my ideas." Focusing on the arcades of 19th century Paris - glass-roofed rows of shops that were early centres of consumerism - Benjamin presents a montage of quotations from, and reflections on, hundreds of published sources, arranging them in 36 categories with descriptive rubrics such as "fashion," "boredom," "dream city," "photography," "catacombs," "advertising," "prostitution," "baudelaire," "theory of progress." His central preoccupation is what he calls the commodification of things -a process in which he locates the decisive shift to the modern age. This book is Benjamin's effort to represent and to critique the bourgeois experience of 19th century history, and, in so doing, to liberate the suppressed "true history" that underlay the ideological mask. In the bustling, cluttered arcades, street and interior merge and historical time is broken up into kaleidoscopic distractions and displays of ephemera. Here, at a distance from what is normally meant by "progress," Benjamin finds the lost time(s) embedded in the spaces of things.
  • Orange

    作者:Benjamin,Yan Zhuo

    2007年,Benjamin脱胎于漫画的新流行艺术“剧画”《橘子》被四万名法国读者评选为最受欢迎的中国漫画作品冠军。 Après "Remember", voici la nouvelle œuvre de Benjamin, refusée par son éditeur il y a trois ans, parce que trop déprimante. Au sommaire : adolescence malade, amour, alcool, désespoir et suicide. Une fois encore, ce jeune génie nous entraîne dans un univers sans lumière, celui d'Orange, jeune fille dont il fut lui-même amoureux dans le passé. Histoire vraie ? Fiction ? L'auteur le sait-il lui-même ?... Une histoire poignante, complétée par une galerie d'illustrations, enrichies de commentaires de l'auteur, qui met son âme à nu une fois encore. jamais encore publiée, voici une nouvelle preve de son immense talent.
  • 救世主


    一个从天而降的“陌生人”带着他的琴箱茫然地在城市中游荡,他没有回忆,不知道自己从何而来、要做什么。转眼十年过去,他看尽这个城市的丑陋,每个人都在互相猜忌欺诈、倾轧,没有人是快乐的。只有一位每天与他擦肩而过的天使般的少女令他动心,却没有勇气和她说话。 某一天外星怪病侵入,许多人变成了僵尸,城市陷入混乱。万念俱灰的他拿出琴弹奏起来,僵尸们立即停止了攻击,在琴声中跳起欢乐的舞蹈,一脸的幸福。身边的正常人看得心痒,主动地拉起手加入了僵尸群。这时他看见了自己喜欢的女孩,曾经天使般的容颜不复存在,却欢笑着旋转。于是他放下了琴,也走进了人群……
  • 一天


  • Reflections

    作者:Walter Benjamin

    A companion volume to Illuminations , the first collection of Walter Benjamin's writings, Reflections presents a further sampling of his wide-ranging work. Here Benjamin evolves a theory of language as the medium of all creation, discusses theater and surrealism, reminisces about Berlin in the 1920s, recalls conversations with Bertolt Brecht, and provides travelogues of various cities, including Moscow under Stalin. He moves seamlessly from literary criticism to autobiography to philosophical-theological speculations, cementing his reputation as one of the greatest and most versatile writers of the twentieth century. Also included is a new preface by Leon Wieseltier that explores Benjamin's continued relevance for our times.
  • Illuminations

    作者:Walter Benjamin

    Walter Benjamin was one of the most original cultural critics of the twentieth century. Illuminations includes his views on Kafka, with whom he felt a close personal affinity; his studies on Baudelaire and Proust; and his essays on Leskov and on Brecht's Epic Theater. Also included are his penetrating study "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction," an enlightening discussion of translation as a literary mode, and Benjamin's theses on the philosophy of history. Hannah Arendt selected the essays for this volume and introduces them with a classic essay about Benjamin's life in dark times. Also included is a new preface by Leon Wieseltier that explores Benjamin's continued relevance for our times.
  • 巴黎,19世纪的首都


  • 德国悲剧的起源

    作者:[德] 瓦尔特·本雅明

  • 德国浪漫派的艺术批评概念


  • 记得


    《记得》 大32K 全彩色 192P/册 28.80元/册 作者:BENJAMIN 策划出品:漫友文化 出版:北方妇儿 全国总经销:新未来图书 讲述“失去”和“追求”的故事,诗意地勾勒出蓝色与红色的碰撞与交融。BENJAMIN,一个在华人动漫圈不可小视的个性青年,他和他的漫画,我们都还记得。 中国新锐漫画人BENJAMIN作品集,独家收录第一届金龙奖金奖作品《没有人会飞没有人会记得》、实验短篇《那年夏天》以及2002~2004精选彩色插图及插图创作释义。此外附有BENJAMIN随笔、个人写真与完全漫画档案,极具收藏价值。