

  • Reality Is Broken

    作者:Jane McGonigal

    Visionary game designer Jane McGonigal reveals how we can harness the power of games to solve real-world problems and boost global happiness. More than 174 million Americans are gamers, and the average young person in the United States will spend ten thousand hours gaming by the age of twenty-one. According to world-renowned game designer Jane McGonigal, the reason for this mass exodus to virtual worlds is that videogames are increasingly fulfilling genuine human needs. In this groundbreaking exploration of the power and future of gaming, McGonigal reveals how we can use the lessons of game design to fix what is wrong with the real world. Drawing on positive psychology, cognitive science, and sociology, Reality Is Broken uncovers how game designers have hit on core truths about what makes us happy and utilized these discoveriesto astonishing effect in virtual environments. Videogames consistently provide the exhilarating rewards, stimulating challenges, and epic victories that are so often lacking in the real world. But why, McGonigal asks, should we use the power of games for escapist entertainment alone? Her research suggests that gamers are expert problem solvers and collaborators because they regularly cooperate with other players to overcome daunting virtual challenges, and she helped pioneer a fast-growing genre of games that aims to turn gameplay to socially positive ends. In Reality Is Broken , she reveals how these new alternate reality games are already improving the quality of our daily lives, fighting social problems such as depression and obesity, and addressing vital twenty-first-century challenges-and she forecasts the thrilling possibilities that lie ahead. She introduces us to games like World Without Oil, a simulation designed to brainstorm-and therefore avert- the challenges of a worldwide oil shortage, and Evoke, a game commissioned by the World Bank Institute that sends players on missions to address issues from poverty to climate change. McGonigal persuasively argues that those who continue to dismiss games will be at a major disadvantage in the coming years. Gamers, on the other hand, will be able to leverage the collaborative and motivational power of games in their own lives, communities, and businesses. Written for gamers and nongamers alike, Reality Is Broken shows us that the future will belong to those who can understand, design, and play games.
  • 演说心理学


    《演说心理学:让你更有吸引力、说服力和影响力》是国内第一本从心理科学角度阐述演讲技巧的著作,其中的科学规律和心理学研究涵盖演说的内容组织、PPT技巧、语言表达、催眠暗示和非语言信息等领域,并提供了丰富的实战案例。与市场上大部分的演说类图书不同,《演说心理学:让你更有吸引力、说服力和影响力》不是一些大师们的演说稿精选,也不是单纯的技巧和经验,而是关于提升演说效果的科学规律和心理学研究,以及在此基础上的实践与案例。 海报:
  • Change Anything

    作者:Kerry Patterson,Jose

    A stunning new approach to how individuals can not only change their lives for the better in the workplace, but also their lives away from the office, including (but not limited to) finding ways to improve one's working relationship with others, one's overall health, outlook on life, and so on. For example, why is it that 95% of all diet attempts fail? Why do New Year's Resolutions last no more than a few days? Why can't people with good intentions seem to make consistent and positive strides in the way they want to improve their careers, financial fitness, physical fitness, and so on? Based upon the latest research in a number of psychological and medical fields, the authors of CHANGE ANYTHING will show that traditional will-power is not necessarily the answer to these strivings, that people are affected in their behaviors by far more subtle influences. CHANGE ANYTHING shows how individuals can come to understand these powerful and influential forces, and how to put these forces to work in a positive manner that brings real and meaningful results. The authors present an array of everyday examples that will change and truly empower you to reexamine the way you go about your business and life.
  • 象与骑象人

    作者:[美]乔纳森•海特(Jonathan H

    《象与骑象人》作者乔纳森•海特是著名心理学家,坦普尔顿积极心理学奖获得者,伟大的思想家、积极心理学先锋派领袖。 乔纳森•海特在《象与骑象人》中把人类思考了两千多年的问题,归结为10个假设,放在科学的天平上,到底哪些是真理,哪些是谬误?海特提出,人的心理可分为两半,一半像一头桀骜不驯的大象,另一半则是理性的骑象人。这两个分裂的部分,使得人们常常陷于理性与非理性的思想争战之中,而这种争战不仅会影响我们的决策,也会削弱我们的幸福感。乔纳森•海特融合了心理学、哲学、伦理学、宗教以及人类学等学科知识,大量饮用了古今东西方哲学、文学与宗教中有关人的心理的看法,继而以现今神经科学与社会心理学的研究成果,来验证关于古老的关于幸福的假设。 乔纳森•海特不仅让我们了解到,之前很多的所谓的“古老智慧”并不是真谛,而且还让我们懂得,如何积极地、理性地去寻找幸福和生命的意义。 ★ 著名心理学家乔纳森•海特智慧之作。《象与骑象人》作者乔纳森•海特,是美国著名心理学家,在积极心理学领域和道德心理学领域颇有成就。 ★ 强大的影响力。包括马丁•塞利格曼、希斯赞特米哈伊、巴里•施瓦茨在内的众多知名人士,以及包括《自然》、《卫报》、《人物》《泰晤士报》《图书馆杂志》《三联生活周刊》在内的众多媒体,倾情推荐。 ★ 完善积极心理学领域的经典著作。《象与骑象人》于2008年推出简体中文版第1版,在2012年出版的更新版中,补充了一些内容,让这部积极心理学领域的经典著作更加完备。 ★ 湛庐文化出品。