

  • Gay Planet

    作者:Eric Chaline

    In the thirty years since the Stonewall Inn riots in New York City ushered in the modern era of the gay rights movement, gay culture has truly become out, proud, and international. Gay Planet is a celebration of and comprehensive guide to gay male culture around the globe. Lavishly illustrated with color and black and white photos, Gay Planet explores the major gay "meccas" from Fire Island to Mykonos, discusses the major circuit parties from Sleeze (Sydney) to Black and Blue (Montreal), and sex in all its many and various guises. In a more serious vein, Chaline also delves into the history of the gay movement, aspects of media, health, and politics around the globe, the struggle for equality in various countries, and a world survey of gay lifestyles and attitudes. Indispensible and fun, charming and insightful, this is the perfect gift and guide for every gay man as they continue to explore our out Gay Planet.
  • Jewels

    作者:Various Artists

  • Bites XXL


    Giovanni, renowned photographer in Milan’s fashion industry, felt the deep need to produce something lasting along side of his extremely short-lived and fleeting fashion photography. Since his first publication of Bites in 2005 his artworks – hyms to the male sex organ – have sold many thousands times.
  • Playgirl 2009 Calendar


  • 有基生活


    健身、跑趴、談戀愛, 這睡、那睡、怎麼睡? 好Gay專屬,純愛(才怪!)生活提案。 純愛嚴選、情色專攻, 寫給G友男兒們的美妙生活建議── 沒讀過這本書,先別誇口已經懂「搞Gay」。 關於唐辛子,你一定要知道的是…… # 曾任「FRIDAE‧亞洲LGBT網」同志專欄作家。
# 已出版《我愛肚臍眼》、《創世基》。《有基生活》為第三部散文創作。 # 秉持「明日兩屌在手不如今日一屌在口」之箴言行事、做人。 # 身材極品、筆健嘴賤。 關於生活,你一定要知道的是…… # 一生只愛一個人,一次只X一根X;還是三人好世界,快樂無極限? # 有些男人愛不起,有的時候炮不得;戀愛總體檢,果然還是太天真? # 露臉不如脫衣服,輕熟不敵棒棒糖;想釣人,交友Apps沒那麼簡單? # 上了床神乎奇技,翻身後你是哪位;讓我們將色辣(Slut)進行到底?
# 環遊五國三溫暖,葛格底迪吃透透;挑菜時也需要遵守的品管流程? 當個同志還真不賴! 有基(雞)生活萬歲(睡)萬萬歲(睡)  ──唐辛子 @偷偷說:隨書選錄作者祕藏《三溫暖之九硬真精》,慾練此功定有所成,莫忘、莫忘。
  • Straightly gay 一直‧攣


    性向,這頭曾被落閘上鎖的洪水猛獸,雖然可以乍現日光,但腳上仍拖著沮喪的鉛球。在處處迴避慾望的道德主義世界,精神陽痿,萬事起頭難,如何摸上一些可供按壓的穴位和神經,讓人性稍稍回春? 打開衣櫃,開門見山,斷背山上自有說不完的曲折和色相。 直路相逢,攣家路窄,攣直之間總有說不清的曖昧與迷思。 《一直‧攣》不是走出衣櫃的獨白,是走出世界的吶喊,連番上下求索、縱橫辯證、曲線反思,只為走出宿命而探路。
  • In Bed with David & Jonathan

    作者:Bouden, Tom,Bouden,

    David and Jonathan are two innocent-looking young men who meet each other amidst the prowlers in the park late one night - at least that is what seems to be the case at the outset. Just behind their angelic facades, however, are devils in disguise. This 'second skin' is what we get to see - details from the boys' public and private lives. The hard, cold facts from the story of David and Jonathan contrast wonderfully to the first impression, in these comics, drawn in a style reminiscent of the world-famous Tintin.
  • Me

    作者:Ricky Martin

    International superstar, Ricky Martin, who has sold more than 60 million albums worldwide, opens up for the first time about memories of his early childhood, experiences in the famed boy band Menudo, struggles with his identity during the Livin' la Vida Loca phenomenon, reflections on coming to terms with his sexuality, relationships that allowed him to embrace love, and life-changing decisions like devoting himself to helping children around the world and becoming a father. Me is an intimate memoir about the very liberating and spiritual journey of one of the most iconic pop-stars of our time.
  • The Gay Man's Kama Sutra

    作者:Terry Sanderson,Kat

    ince its translation into English in the nineteenth century, the Kama Sutra has achieved iconic status in the West. The resurgence of interest in ancient eastern philosophies, medi-cines, and therapies has given it even more relevance today. Using the sensuous erotic advice from the original, Terry Sanderson has taken the Kama Sutra into a new realm by apply-ing its philosophies to gay lovemaking. The Gay Man's Kama Sutra is a sumptuous illustrated journey through all the different sexual positions. In addition to providing practical advice on sexual technique, relationships, and emotional well-being, it also covers everything from meeting a partner, court-ship, and kissing to games, massage, and safe sex.
  • Men of Kristen Bjorn

    作者:Kristen Bjorn

  • Muscle Art

    作者:Ray Lawrence

  • 搞定男人


    這一次,換男同志出馬…… 繼去年推出《搞定女人——女同志給男人的性愛指導》之後,這次立場對調,改由男同志出面指導女人的性愛技巧。 女人與男同志原本就是站在同一陣線的戰友,戰鬥目標一致,由此激發而來的性愛攻略,自然是彈無虛發。 因為男同志不僅清楚自己的性喜好,也知道其他男人的性喜好,男同志懂得的竅門與深入玩法,恐怕連異性戀男人都要嚇一跳。 抓住男人的胃絕對不夠,現在練就的功夫要是能抓住男人的下半身! 女人的全身都是快感來源,不過男性的快感百分之九十還是取決於他的小弟弟,所以這本書跟前一本《搞定女人》最大的差別就在於此,如何照顧好男人的「硬葛格」是本書的精髓所在,陰莖基礎教學自然不可免,口交與手技與蛋蛋玩法更是重點章節。 男人不好意思說出口的要求,女人不敢問的細節,都來本書找解決方法! 妳真的知道怎麼打手槍嗎? 手的力道該怎麼掌控呢? 妳常常冷落了他的蛋蛋嗎? 妳知道男人的奶頭也是有快感的嗎? 到底男人的高潮的生理與心理反應是怎麼回事? 這些細節,男人通常說不出口,女人也不好問得太徹底。 本書剛好可以成為溝通橋樑。 節自書中的絕妙技巧: ——「嗡嗡嗡」是另一種他可能會喜歡的輕度感官刺激。 「嗡嗡嗡」其實只不過是在妳口交的時候,發出呻吟或嗡嗡嗡的聲音。 它會在妳的喉嚨間產生震動,然後進一步將這震動傳到他的老二上。 妳不需要在口交的時候演唱世界名曲,只需要從喉嚨間發出低沉的呻吟震動,就已經很足夠了。 試著變化妳呻吟的音高,營造不同的刺激感。 ——龜頭背面的部位,或許是整根老二最敏感的地帶。龜頭的刺激摩擦,會讓男人處在一種戰慄的愉悅當中,讓他一面呻吟,一面發抖。 想像一下妳在跟小狗玩的時候,撫摸牠的肚子,牠的腿也會抽蓄。男人和小狗,性質是很接近的。
  • My Undoing

    作者:Aiden Shaw

    For the first time, porn legend Aiden Shaw takes fans behind-the-scenes to the gay adult film world that made him a star. My Undoing ventures from locales such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, and London, to the sets of premiere studios like Falcon, Catalina, and Studio 200. Yet, this is not the typical adult film memoir, where stars drop names and titillate readers with explicit moments. Although My Undoing shares in unsparing detail all the hot stories about the sex and drugs that fueled Aiden's life, it more profoundly follows him through a course of rocky and unfulfilling relationships. As Aiden eloquently and often humorously points out, the romantic life of an adult film superstar is sometimes lonely and lacking in love. But not love only in the form of a relationship, rather also love from within himself. The book is equally moving for his revelations about his Irish Catholic family, his Positive HIV status in the sex industry, and his recovery from a near fatal car accident that left him temporarily paralyzed.
  • Tom of Finland

    作者:Tom,Micha Ramakers

    "If I don't have an erection when I'm doing a drawing, I know it's no good." —Tom of Finland Brawny hunks boasting larger-than-life muscles and skin-tight leather pants…. Crotches engorged and nearly ripping apart seams…. Men upon men upon men cavorting and indulging nearly every possible fantasy…. Tom’s men are so hot they’re off the Richter scale. Until TASCHEN published the retrospective volume on this master illustrator’s work, his drawings had been relegated to the walls of gay bars and adult shops. Our first publication of this book helped Tom’s influence as an artist extend far beyond the gay scene. Now this masterwork is finally being made available again, in a more compact format, for any and all to enjoy.
  • Side by Side


  • 我和我的五個Kelvin 上


    相隔三年,葉志偉回歸愛情基本步,帶你經歷一個男人「由少男演到老」的完美戀愛故事! 一九九三年,二十歲的Clive開始出櫃,踏上他找尋真愛之旅。 十五年過去,從年青走到壯年,他有過很多男人,但叫他最難忘記的五個男人,偏偏都叫Kelvin。 在他的世界裡,Kelvin是妒忌,Kelvin是怨恨,Kelvin是慾望……Kelvin是真愛。 或者我們每個人的一生,都要碰上這五個Kelvin,才能學懂怎樣去愛。
  • Best Gay Romance

    作者:Graham, Tom

  • The Joy of Gay Sex

    作者:Charles Silverstein,

    查理斯西弗史坦(Charles Silverstein) 是纽约市的私人执业心理医师,也是纽约大学医学院精神科的指导员,以及在‘Human Identity’学院(一家非营利的同志咨商中心)担任咨商师监督。他建立了两个非营利同志咨商机构,并为《同性恋日志》(Journal of Homosexuality)的首任编辑;他也对涉及同性恋主题的心理学文本有诸多贡献。 菲里斯皮卡诺(Felice Picano) 处女作入围海明威大奖的最后角逐名单,出版小说、诗作、传记二十册。他与‘紫色管毛笔’(Violet Quill)俱乐部成员被视作现代同性恋文学的创始者,创立了两家出版社:海马出版社(SeaHorse Press)、纽约同志出版社(Gay Press of New York)。得奖着作包括《Like People in History》、《The Book of Lies》、《Onyx》等小说。他改编自己的小说《An Asian Minor》、《One O'Clock Jump》和喜剧作品《The Bombay Trunk》成为戏剧‘Immortal’,经常被搬上舞台演出。皮卡诺居住洛杉矶,将着作《Late in the Season》拍成了电影。 但唐谟 台大戏剧研究所毕业,发表诸多艺评、影评、文评,散见于各大媒体。译有《已婚男人》、《纽约—都市空间与建筑》(木马)、《猛男情结》(性林)、《网路猎杀》(远流)、《认识卢恩符文的第一堂课》(尖端),以及《搞定男人》、《啊!好屌》、《天天好体位》、《简明性爱辞典》(大辣)。
  • 桃色嘴唇


    本书是一部关于身体和身体行为的寄幻小说,以诗意凄美的语言,讲述两位男同性恋者美少年小猫和老男人叶红车各自自痛楚而安详的生命故事。这个男人世界还包括小猫和叶红车倾心爱恋的A、B、C们…… 本书对文学的传统中经典爱情故事基本模式的颠覆,是对以往男性成长故事基本模式的反叛,打破了中国现当代文学以长篇小说状写同性变题材的长久静默。
  • Brokeback Mountain

    作者:Annie Proulx