

  • 女子之不朽


    生命的意义何在?翻开史册,明清时期的节妇烈女、诰命贵妇以及教子有方的贤母不绝如缕。掩卷扼腕之际不禁令人深思:历史中的妇女是如何考虑人生不朽的?这种想法又如何影响她们的生活? 《女子之不朽:明清时期的女教观念》从女教、女学及妇女启蒙三个方面逐一考察明清时期女教传统之衍变和才女文化之兴盛,并反思清末民初的妇女启蒙观念及其在国家民族话语中的变奏。 人生的意义何在?虽然明清妇女不能在庙堂之上建功立业,但她们同样也关注着人生的不朽。 《女子之不朽:明清时期的女教观念》从女教、女学及妇女启蒙三个方面逐一考察明清时期女教传统之衍变和才女文化之兴盛,并反思清末民初的妇女启蒙观念及其在国家民族话语中的变奏。明清女教极力把妇女纳入到整饬家庭秩序、巩固王化基础的社会系统中,无论是女教书的条文,还是文人撰写的妇女墓志碑文,都充斥着对妇道母德的颂扬。在这种大环境下,闺秀才女虽以妇道母德为行为尺规,但仍不懈地追求女学。她们在文学创作中陶冶情操、发古今之幽思,并通过著作昭示其责任意识和“不朽”观。 这一力量的蓄积正是晚清男女平权运动萌发的远因,嘉道以降,女教和女学受西学东渐的影响而发生变化,冰心、苏雪林、丁玲等一大批新知识女性向我们走来。
  • 性别与战争


  • Sex, Culture and Modernity in China

    作者:Frank Dikotter

    With the disintegration of Confucian cosmology after the fall of the imperial system in China, medical science was introduced as an epistemological foundation for social order. The construction of sexuality as a dangerous drive which was thought to form the very core of the individual led to the emergence of a wide range of identities like the menstruating girl, the hysterical housewife, the masturbating adolescent and the syphilitic husband. The naturalization of desire also introduced a tension between the sexual responsibilities of the individual and the coercive intervention of civil society in the name of the collective health of future generations. Although new categories of analysis, such as 'population', 'race', 'sex', 'woman' and 'youth' were introduced to early Republican China from abroad, their reception and adaptation were founded on cultural reorientations which may have taken place as long before as the 17th and 18th centuries. Instead of describing the rise of normative naturalism as a derivative discourse from 'the West', this book recognizes that the roots of modernizing representations may have had to be sought in a rich and diverse past in China itself. The author's analysis is based on medical and lay texts such as handbooks, marriage guides and introductions to physiology and sexual hygiene. The epilogue demonstrates how the sexual identities invented early this century are still in place in China today
  • 唐宋女性与社会


  • 清代中国的男性与女性

    作者:[澳]李木兰(Louise Edward
