

  • Facehunter

    作者:Yvan Rodic

  • Fashion Now 2

    作者:Jones, Terry (EDT)

    The iconic British style magazine i-D once again brings you a guide to the world's most important designers. From the biggest players in the international fashion industry including Karl Lagerfeld, John Galliano, and Marc Jacobs, to emerging names such as Kim Jones and Tess Giberson, to streetwear and sportswear brands A Bathing Ape, Nike, Diesel and Silas, Fashion Now II is a comprehensive survey of today's best designers. Expanded from the previous edition, Fashion Now II is illustrated with the very best fashion photography and styling, extracted from shoots in the archives of the magazine that celebrates its 25th birthday this year. Also included are an introduction by i-D founder and editor-in-chief Terry Jones, and in-depth essays on the issues that are shaping fashion today: the fashion show system, the precarious position of the celebrity designer, and the rise of menswear. Fashion Now II is an encyclopedia of fashion personalities, a portfolio of amazing imagery, but most of all, a snapshot of the fast-changing contemporary fashion world, as seen through the lens of one of the best-loved magazines published today.
  • The Little Black Jacket

    作者:Karl Lagerfeld, Cari

    This book is Karl Lagerfeld and Carine Roitfeld's reinterpretation of Chanel's iconic little black jacket. Lagerfeld has redesigned the jacket, transforming it into a modern, adaptable garment to be worn by both sexes of all ages. The Little Black Jacket contains Lagerfeld's photographs of celebrities wearing the jacket with individual flair - sometimes classic, sometimes irreverent, but always Chanel - and each styled by Carine Roitfeld. A range of accomplished actors, musicians, designers, models, writers and directors gets the little black jacket treatment, including Claudia Schiffer, Uma Thurman, Kanye West, Tilda Swinton, Baptiste Giabiconi, Yoko Ono and Sarah Jessica Parker. This book shows the astounding versatility of Chanel's vision in Lagerfeld's hands, and ensures the little black jacket's future as a timeless classic.
  • London Birth Of A Cult

    作者:Hedi Slimane

  • 现代时装设计Fashion Now Klotz

    作者:Terry Jones,Avril Ma

    The iconic British style magazine i-D once again brings you a guide to the world’s most important designers. From the biggest players in the international fashion industry including Karl Lagerfeld, John Galliano, and Marc Jacobs, to emerging names such as Kim Jones and Tess Giberson, to streetwear and sportswear brands A Bathing Ape, Nike, Diesel and Silas, Fashion Now II is a comprehensive survey of today’s best designers. Expanded from the previous edition, Fashion Now II is illustrated with the very best fashion photography and styling, extracted from shoots in the archives of the magazine that celebrates its 25th birthday this year. Also included are an introduction by i-D founder and editor-in-chief Terry Jones, and in-depth essays on the issues that are shaping fashion today: the fashion show system, the precarious position of the celebrity designer, and the rise of menswear. Fashion Now II is an encyclopedia of fashion personalities, a portfolio of amazing imagery, but most of all, a snapshot of the fast-changing contemporary fashion world, as seen through the lens of one of the best-loved magazines published today.
  • Nick Knight

    作者:Nick Knight

    Photographer Nick Knight has been at the vanguard of progressive image making for the past three decades. As a fashion photographer, he is one of the world’s most influential and visionary image makers. He is renowned for his groundbreaking creative collaborations with the world’s top couturiers, advertising work for major fashion brands, and award-winning editorials for premier publications. Nick Knight is the long-awaited mid-career retrospective of his work, from 1990 to the present day. This lush volume with three eight-page gatefolds includes an incredible array of work, including images for Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton, Levi Strauss, and Yohji Yamamoto, British and American Vogue, W, V, i-D, and Visionaire magazines, and from his Web site, SHOWstudio.com.
  • The Big Book of Breasts

    作者:Dian Hanson

    Some call it the American obsession, but men everywhere recognize the hypnotic allure of a large and shapely breast. In The Big Book of Breasts, Dian Hanson explores the origins of mammary madness through three decades of natural big-breasted nudes. Starting with the World War II Bosom-Mania that spawned Russ Meyer, Howard Hughes's The Outlaw and Frederick's of Hollywood, Dian guides you over, around, and in between the dangerous curves of infamous models including Michelle Angelo, Candy Barr, Virginia Bell, Joan Brinkman, Lorraine Burnett, Lisa De Leeuw, Uschi Digard, Candye Kane, Jennie Lee, Sylvia McFarland, Margaret Middleton, Paula Page, June Palmer, Roberta Pedon, Rosina Revelle, Candy Samples, Tempest Storm, Linda West, June Wilkinson, Julie Wills, and dozens more, including Guinness World Record holder Norma Stitz, possessor of the World`s Largest Natural Breasts.
  • 视觉捕手


    视觉都市就是这样绚丽的、多元的、交叉立体的。设计是好的灵魂,建筑是她的风骨,车流是她的血脉,橱窗是她的表情,服装则是她舞动着的时尚的彩旗……古典与前卫,传统与时尚又揉和出野蛮的高贵,绅士的平俗,独立的尖锐,相融的浪漫,把个现代时尚都市的脸孔全都演译在视觉中。 这本书中登台的摄影师如今正活跃在世界时尚摄影的舞台上,他们之中尽管有的还很年轻,尽管一些人离大师的境界还有距离——但是他们却代表了当今时尚界最具活力的一群,以其超前的想像力和大胆的穿透力,给我们带来了欣喜,也带来了困惑。无可置疑的是,时尚摄影往往具有表面化的倾向,这是因为时尚的更替实在过于频繁,人们对于时尚的追求更是无以穷尽。浅层的时尚摄影忙于注重追求表面形象和效果,以及如何显示时代的表面细节,所才导至了时尚摄影品位的缺失。然而更具价值的时尚摄影却是对一个时代的记录,优秀的摄影师会静下心来,仔细品味一个时代隐藏在时尚背后真正激动人心的东西。时尚的纪实性文献作用就会在日后的生活中逐渐凸现出来,这就是时尚摄影的真实魅力所在。
  • 时尚与广告


  • 奢侈品战略

    作者:(法)Vincent Bastien,J

    奢侈品不是完美,而是动人,视顾客的梦想为永恒追求。 这部阐述奢侈品品牌的经典之作,与奢侈品本身一样,是一件世间稀缺的珍品。它出自两位奢侈品界的世界级专家之手,一位曾担任数家著名的顶级奢侈品公司的首席执行官和首席运营官,另一位是奢侈品学术研究的前沿学者和顶级品牌的战略顾问。这两位专家都拥有奢侈品行业丰富的从业经验,他们专长互补,为读者揭橥奢侈品风靡全球的所有秘密,为什么奢侈品让你如此着迷?读完本书你自有答案。 透过专业的视角,你可以在书中自如追溯奢侈品的本源,体会奢侈品在历史积淀后留存的艺术与工艺价值。 作者在书中总结欧洲奢侈品先驱们的成败得失,为读者提供了一个严格的蓝图,揭秘最高水平的奢侈品牌和企业管理的各个细节——奢侈品品牌对产品品质的至高追求、品牌价值的极致开发、经销商的严格把控、颠覆市场营销策略的营销手法、销售人员高明的沟通技巧,这是迄今为止你所看到的最科学的一套规则。 奢侈品的品牌战略并非专利,只要做个有心人,你同样能够遵循这些经验,引领你的品牌跻身世界顶级奢侈品之列!
  • 配色美人


  • 每个人都有天使守护


    作者首次将出生日期与色彩相结合,简单直接地进行分析。用我们生活中最常见的十种颜色,解读了色彩中蕴藏的能量信息。以及如何来运用这些色彩。人们常因外相而误解,却很少有人用心理解他人内在的美好。透过色彩或许你能看到不一样的信息。 1.暖心的性格色彩咨询师与时尚艺术大师首次联手。 2.将专业晦涩的理论转化为通俗文字帮你找到自己的内心。 3.找到专属的幸运数字就可以了解你的内在性格特征。
  • 女神养成完全手册 A TO ZOE


    《女神养成完全手册 A TO ZOE》内容简介:作为世界最顶级的时尚代言人,作者运用自己成熟的风尚理念和多年来明星造型的经验,全方位地介绍女人该如何自我修炼,培养出在各个场合、各个时间段独一无二的风尚观。以好莱坞巨星的成功造型经验为读者展开现场演绎,从红毯秀到关起门的优雅女人,从日常装束到商务旅行,从首饰选用到唇眼的妆容描画,直播型男型女优雅、时尚而有气质的迷人形象。
  • 香奈儿


    一直以来,香奈儿公司将传统元素、创新特色与时尚风格融为一体,使其成为世界最具号召魅力的时尚品牌。在这里,香奈儿公司开启了一份份此前轻易不肯示人的时尚档案,展现出一系列由可可·香奈儿女士自20世纪20年代以后亲自创意推出的时尚设计,灿若星河、光彩照人。这些设计一经当代重新阐释演绎,便可成为新款时装、装饰配件以及美容产品的创意设计主题。 丹尼尔·博特编著的《香奈儿——收藏与创新(精)》的写作灵感来自于香奈儿公司的标志性香水产品,即有着传奇色彩的香奈儿5号香水。《香奈儿——收藏与创新(精)》集中探讨5个中心主题:时装、山茶花图案、珠宝、香水与化妆品、小黑裙,并通过追踪对比今昔发展脉络进而向读者展示新一代时尚设计师如何追随前辈时尚风范,如何针对上述5大类顶级时尚产品不断地重新探寻奥秘,并且发扬光大。 卡尔·拉格菲尔德拍摄的从未发表的时尚档案照片,还有出自他本人之手的时尚设计原稿,以及时尚摄影界一些顶级大师拍摄的靓丽影像作品,着实为书中展现的视觉盛宴之旅增色不少。 光彩夺目的时装、精致美巧的配饰、漂亮的模特、永不过时的时尚设计使香奈儿这一时尚品牌大名无可挑剔,体现了象征香奈儿品牌魅力的全部时尚内涵。

    作者:Sophia Amoruso

    “A #GIRLBOSS is in charge of her own life. She gets what she wants because she works for it.” The first thing Sophia Amoruso sold online wasn’t fashion—it was a stolen book. She spent her teens hitchhiking, committing petty theft, and dumpster diving. By twenty-two, she had resigned herself to employment, but was still broke, directionless, and working a mediocre day job she’d taken for the health insurance. It was there that Sophia decided to start selling vintage clothes on eBay. Eight years later, she is the founder, CEO, and creative director of Nasty Gal, a $100 million plus online fashion retailer with more than 350 employees. Sophia’s never been a typical CEO, or a typical anything, and she’s written #GIRLBOSS for outsiders (and insiders) seeking a unique path to success, even when that path is winding as all hell and lined with naysayers. #GIRLBOSS includes Sophia’s story, yet is infinitely bigger than Sophia. It’s deeply personal yet universal. Filled with brazen wake-up calls (“You are not a special snowflake”), cunning and frank observations (“Failure is your invention”), and behind-the-scenes stories from Nasty Gal’s meteoric rise, #GIRLBOSS covers a lot of ground. It proves that being successful isn’t about how popular you were in high school or where you went to college (if you went to college). Rather, success is about trusting your instincts and following your gut, knowing which rules to follow and which to break. A #GIRLBOSS takes her life seriously without taking herself too seriously. She takes chances and takes responsibility on her own terms. . She knows when to throw punches and when to roll with them. When to button up and when to let her freak flag fly. As Sophia writes, “I have three pieces of advice I want you to remember: Don’t ever grow up. Don’t become a bore. Don’t let The Man get to you. OK? Cool. Then let’s do this.”
  • Tim Gunn's Fashion Bible

    作者:Tim Gunn,Ada Calhoun

    In the beginning there was the fig leaf... and the toga. Crinolines and ruffs. Chain mailand corsets. What do these antiquated items have to do with the oh-so-twenty-first-century skinny jeans, graphic tee, and sexy pumps you slipped into this morning? Everything! Fashion begets fashion, and life—from economics to politics, weather to warfare, practicality to the utterly impractical—is reflected in the styles of any given era, evolving into the threads you buy and wear today. With the candidness, intelligence, and charm that made him a household name on Project Runway, Tim Gunn reveals the fascinating story behind each article of clothing dating back to ancient times, in a book that reads like a walking tour from museum to closet with Tim at your side. From Cleopatra’s crown to Helen of Troy’s sandals, from Queen Victoria’s corset to Madonna’s cone bra, Dynasty’s power suits to Hillary Clinton’s pantsuits, Tim Gunn’s Fashion Bible takes you on a runway-ready journey through the highs and lows of fashion history. Drawing from his exhaustive knowledge and intensive research to offer cutting-edge insights into modern style, Tim explains how the 1960s ruined American underwear, how Beau Brummell created the look men have worn for more than a century, why cargo capri pants are a plague on our nation, and much more. He will make you see your wardrobe in a whole new way. Prepare to be inspired as you change your thinking about the past, present, and future of fashion!
  • 定位时尚

    作者:海伦·格沃雷克,Helen Gowore

    《定位时尚》作为“国际服装丛书”中的一本,是引自英国的最新服装专著。《定位时尚》向读者全面展示了服装行业的商业运作以及服装行业各个领域之间的关系,在每一部分都有专门的职业路线介绍和案例研究。主要内容包括:纺织品设计,服装设计,纸样设计,服装工艺,服装采购、零售、营销、公共关系,时尚传媒,服装和纺织教育等。最后,《定位时尚》在纺织服装业中如何成为成功的应聘者及如何自己创业等方面提供了有意义的职业规划建议。 《定位时尚》内容新颖、覆盖面广且实用性强,可供高等院校服装专业师生、服装行业从业人员和广大服装爱好者阅读使用。
  • 風格一身


    提姆.岡恩(Tim Gunn)是旅遊生活頻道熱門實境電視節目「決戰時裝伸展台」(Project Runway)裡的靈魂人物,扮演參賽者的良師益友,經常給予參賽者中肯且一針見血的建議。他總是穿著一襲合身的深色西裝,舉止談吐散發紳士氣質,本身就是高格調、時尚和優雅的樣板。 在這本書中,提姆.岡恩以風趣幽默的筆調,侃侃而談我們該如何穿著打扮、如何整理衣櫥、如何逛街購物、如何搭配、甚至如何重視自己的儀態……,最重要的,如何找出自己的風格,定義它、加強它,塑造自己的「型」,而不是盲從名人或流行的風潮走。 書中不時例舉時尚明星的穿著風格以為說明,讀者如同時而穿梭在眾星雲集的社交場所,時而回頭檢視自身裝扮、房間衣櫥和購物習慣,輕鬆愉快地找出屬於自己的風格和品味。這是一趟豐富有趣的時尚洗禮,也是了解自己、突顯自己特點和優勢的發現之旅和風格指南。 決戰時裝伸展台最新一季(第四季),台灣預計2月26日播出。參賽的十五位新銳設計師個個來頭不小,有龐克教母薇薇安.衛斯伍德(Vivian Westwood)的得意門生,還有瑪丹娜、莎拉.潔西卡.派克愛用的設計師,節目開播前就話題不斷,在美國創下bravo頻道的收視新高。
  • ABC of Men's Fashion

    作者:Hardy Amies

  • Fire Bible 2014(有范儿2014)


    怎样去驾驭亮色,而不是去挑战亮色? 正日趋成为时尚圈新宠的淡色系,该如何搭配? Prada女士2014年用装饰主义征服了时尚界,我等该如何把一些浮夸元素穿到生活里去? 怎么通过反差和对比,把针织穿得更时髦? OMG,运动服怎么穿出时尚范儿? …… 你想穿得更有范儿?别着急。 韩火火将在《Fire Bible 2014(有范儿2014)》里为你一一解答。 当然,不同于所有的搭配指南,火火以其超级的号召力继续请来明星为你当MODEL,而且阵容更加强大——李宇春、高圆圆、李冰冰、王珞丹、白百何、Angelababy……80位明星、名模演绎了各种各样的风格搭配。 再当然,走到第三年的“Fire Bible”系列,在直观的搭配大片之外,更多了火火手写搭配笔记,一语道破各种造型的奥秘所在。再再当然,作为第一本唯一内地版的《Fire Bible 2014(有范儿2014)》,火火在这本书里不仅充分展现了他的时尚天赋,而且用更细腻的笔触讲述了他的时尚态度,讲述了那些他与服装、与街拍的故事。以现身说法,告诉你,真正的时尚就是做自己。