

  • Color and Light

    作者:James Gurney

    James Gurney, New York Times best-selling author and artist of the Dinotopia series, follows Imaginative Realism with his second art-instruction book, Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter. A researched study on two of art's most fundamental themes, Color and Light bridges the gap between abstract theory and practical knowledge. Beginning with a survey of underappreciated masters who perfected the use of color and light, the book examines how light reveals form, the properties of color and pigments, and the wide variety of atmospheric effects. Gurney cuts though the confusing and contradictory dogma about color, testing it in the light of science and observation. A glossary, pigment index, and bibliography complete what will ultimately become an indispensible tool for any artist. This book is the second in a series based on his blog, gurneyjourney.com. His first in the series, Imaginative Realism, was widely acclaimed in the fantastical art world, and was ranked the #1 Bestseller on the Amazon list for art instruction. "James Gurney's new book, Color and Light, cleverly bridges the gap between artistic observation and scientific explanation. Not only does he eloquently describe all the effects of color and light an artist might encounter, but he thrills us with his striking paintings in the process." --Armand Cabrera, Artist
  • 奇幻艺术大师


    《奇幻艺术大师》的这一绝佳书集包括了10位怪诞和科幻艺术师。作者将一些非常优秀的怪诞派艺术家的作品汇集一处,这些艺术家们通过坦承的,具有启示性的视角,为我们提供了一个探索他们创作过程和工作思路的有趣视角。 这本新书《奇幻艺术大师》所引起的兴趣与结果,都同样恰当地适用,在本书中,许多著名艺术家讨论了他们的方法和技巧,书中收入作品的范围主要是绘画或数字处理作品,但制作一幅图片的方式远远不止如此,这本新书同样探讨插图画家和艺术家们的创意过程灵感,但它涵盖的范围要比它的前任大师们追求的更宽。 本书登载的艺术家们是世界范围内这一流行体裁最权威的诠释者,他们包括:达瑞·安德森,朱迪斯·克拉特,菲尔·海尔,约翰·哈里斯,伊安·米勒,凯斯·帕金森,杰·凯·粕特,德弗·悉里,格瑞葛·斯坂兰卡和安·苏沃斯。 狄克·裘德的新作《奇幻艺术大师》获得了成功和极大的肯定,这一绝佳书集特别登出了十位怪诞和科幻派艺术大师的作品,作者将一些非常优秀的怪诞派艺术家的作品汇集一处,这些艺术家们通过坦承的,具有启示性的视角,为我们提供了一个探索他们创作过程和工作思路的有趣视角。 本集所展现的风格远远超过和所收作品的广度也证明了这一生机勃勃的艺术类型具有技巧,想象力和个性。杰·凯·帕特在暗室拍出的衅片噩梦的奇迹,达瑞·安德森的令人屏息的数码影象,菲怪诞派画作,以及伊安·米勒的黑色童话画面。在这部世界怪诞派艺术最佳展示中,我们会为格瑞葛·斯坂兰卡奇特的糅合多种媒介的图象,安·苏沃斯天人般清淡柔和的夜景画,和德弗·悉里眩目的数码组合而出神;会为约翰·哈里斯水彩画的无尽的远景,和朱迪斯·克拉特画作的都市超现实主义而激动不已。 本书登载的艺术家有:达瑞·安德森,朱迪斯·克拉特,菲尔·海尔,约翰·哈里斯,伊安·米勒,凯斯·帕金森,杰·凯·粕特,德弗·悉里,格瑞葛·斯坂兰卡和安·苏沃斯。 《怪诞艺术大师》一书涵括了180多幅出色的图片,覆盖了大量的主题和技巧,它是所有的怪诞派或科幻派艺术崇拜者都希望拥有的。