

  • 飞鸟和池鱼



  • Unaccustomed Earth

    作者:Jhumpa Lahiri

    From the internationally bestselling, Pulitzer Prize—winning author, a superbly crafted new work of fiction: eight stories that take us from Cambridge and Seattle to India and Thailand. In the stunning title story, Ruma, a young mother in a new city, is visited by her father, who carefully tends the earth of her garden, where he and his grandson form a special bond. But he’s harboring a secret from his daughter, a love affair he’s keeping all to himself. In “A Choice of Accommodations,” a husband’s attempt to turn an old friend’s wedding into a romantic getaway weekend with his wife takes a dark, revealing turn as the party lasts deep into the night. In “Only Goodness,” a sister eager to give her younger brother the perfect childhood she never had is overwhelmed by guilt, anguish, and anger when his alcoholism threatens her family. And in “Hema and Kaushik,” a trio of linked stories–a luminous, intensely compelling elegy of life, death, love, and fate–we follow the lives of a girl and boy who, one winter, share a house in Massachusetts. They travel from innocence to experience on separate, sometimes painful paths, until destiny brings them together again years later in Rome.
  • The Chinese in America

    作者:Iris Chang

    In an epic story that spans 150 years and continues to the present day, Iris Chang tells of a people’s search for a better life—the determination of the Chinese to forge an identity and a destiny in a strange land and, often against great obstacles, to find success. She chronicles the many accomplishments in America of Chinese immigrants and their descendents: building the infrastructure of their adopted country, fighting racist and exclusionary laws, walking the racial tightrope between black and white, contributing to major scientific and technological advances, expanding the literary canon, and influencing the way we think about racial and ethnic groups. Interweaving political, social, economic, and cultural history, as well as the stories of individuals, Chang offers a bracing view not only of what it means to be Chinese American, but also of what it is to be American.
  • The Namesake

    作者:Jhumpa Lahiri

    Jhumpa Lahiri's debut story collection, Interpreter of Maladies, took the literary world by storm when it won the Pulitzer Prize in 2000. Fans who flocked to her stories will be captivated by her best-selling first novel, now in paperback for the first time. The Namesake is a finely wrought, deeply moving family drama that illuminates this acclaimed author's signature themes: the immigrant experience, the clash of cultures, the tangled ties between generations.The Namesake takes the Ganguli family from their tradition-bound life in Calcutta through their fraught transformation into Americans. On the heels of an arranged wedding, Ashoke and Ashima Ganguli settle in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where Ashoke does his best to adapt while his wife pines for home. When their son, Gogol, is born, the task of naming him betrays their hope of respecting old ways in a new world. And we watch as Gogol stumbles along the first-generation path, strewn with conflicting loyalties, comic detours, and wrenching love affairs.With empathy and penetrating insight, Lahiri explores the expectations bestowed on us by our parents and the means by which we come to define who we are.
  • 灶神之妻


  • 蝴蝶君

    作者:(美) 黄哲伦,David Henry

    《蝴蝶君》于1986年10月完成,1988年2月在华盛顿国立剧院首演,3月移师百老汇公演,大受欢迎,获当年托尼奖最佳戏剧奖,之后又获奖无数。1993年,由他亲自改编剧本、大卫·柯南伯格执导、杰瑞米·艾恩斯和尊龙主演的同名电影上映,更使《蝴蝶君》的影响遍及全球。 《蝴蝶君》以冷战背景下一位法国外交官与一位中国京剧旦角演员之间敷演的一出间谍迷案为“本事”,以著名歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》作为颠覆的原型创作而成,着力探索的是民族与种族、东方与西方、性别与政治、身份与认同,乃至殖民与后殖民等等重大文化命题。可以说兼具了学院与民间、精英与大众的审美趣味和关注热点。 “黄哲伦有可能成为自阿瑟·米勒后在美国的公众生活中第一个重要的剧作家,而且,很有可能,他还是最好的剧作家。” ——《时代》周刊 “《蝴蝶君》有时会被认为是一部反美国的戏剧,是对西方支配东方,男人支配女人的模式化观念的一种谴责和反对。恰恰相反,我把它看成是对各方的一个请求,希望它能穿透我们各自的层层累积的文化的和性的误识,为了我们相互的利益,从我们作为人的共同的和平等的立场出发,来相互真诚地面对对方。” ——黄哲伦 “希望这个剧本能够帮助更多的中国人认识到我们是谁,同时也认识到把我们变成我们的‘他们’是谁。” ——张生
  • 沉没之鱼


    文:胡蘅蘅 出处:文汇读书周报 2006年9月 此书是美籍华裔作家谭恩美沉寂五年之后的一部力作。在这里,作者似乎逃离了一贯的面目,摇身一变,轻松幽默地讲述起了另一个世界的精彩。 小说讲述一位叫陈璧璧的旧金山社交名媛兼艺术品交易商,计划带领一群大人物级的朋友从中国丽江开始,穿越边境进入缅甸,沿滇缅公路游历,欣赏沿途文化名胜和自然风光。但出发前,璧璧突然莫名其妙地死了,她的朋友们则仍按原计划启程,璧璧以幽灵的身份随行。他们一路上发生了许多离奇的事件…… 谭恩美以往的作品都以美国华裔家庭为背景,主题永远是母女间的亲情关系,如作者的成名作《喜福会》和前几年的《接骨师之女》。但这部《沉没之鱼》却与她的以往风格大相径庭。故事的叙述者虽然仍旧为华裔女性,但主要人物却换成了美国白人,故事的背景也移到了神秘的东南亚古国和丛林中的部落。这绝对是耳目一新的尝试。 陈璧璧的母亲是陈家的小妾,很早就去世了。在陈璧璧记忆中甚至没有母亲的印象,唯一的信息来源只能是正妻“甜妈”恶毒的言语。璧璧认为自己一生中最悲哀的事情就是无法感受到爱,而后来在旅行途中她渐渐体会到了人世间的这种情感。所以说,这个故事里透露着一股淡淡的爱的情意——其实,这与谭恩美以往的《喜福会》《接骨师之女》等作品无疑是一脉相承的。 选择一个幽灵作为主人公和故事的主要叙述者是这本小说的精妙之处。有了“幽灵”,作者可以自如地讲述而不受限制,读者又可通过“幽灵”的眼睛轻易地洞察到小说中所有人物的行为和思想。这个充满激情又生动活泼,充满诡异又先知先觉的古怪叙述者,时而一筹莫展,时而又无所不能,为跌宕起伏的情节突破了所有限制。
  • 接骨师之女

    作者:[美] 谭恩美

    《接骨师之女》是谭恩美的第四部长篇小说,出版于2001年,是她自传性最强、表现华裔母女关系最为深入和感人的巨作。 旧金山。母亲茹灵患上了老年痴呆症,为了免于忘却,她将自己的身世和家族秘密记录在案;女儿露丝是位代人捉刀的作家,在与男友同居十年后陷入感情和事业的低谷。母亲的讲述使我们见证了老北京一个制墨世家的兴衰、北京人骨、一位接骨大夫的女儿也是茹灵生身母亲的惨烈遭遇,以及茹灵姐妹如何于国仇家难中生存下来,又如何先后抛下过去的种种伤痛,最终来到美国的坎坷经历。露丝在读了母亲的记录之后,才理解了母亲的过去,得以明白母亲性格中种种的别扭与为难,于是谅解了母亲对自己的伤害,反省了自己青涩时种种错误,而有了先人的指引,她也获得动力,放下代人捉刀的工作,开始执笔为自己,为亲人创作,讲述他们的故事。 文风流畅,清婉动人。情节之传奇,令人荡气回肠。
  • 不适之地

    作者:[美] 茱帕·拉希里

    《不适之地》是孟加拉裔美国女作家茱帕·拉希里的短篇小说集。2008年4月出版后即登上《纽约时报》畅销书榜小说类第一名,并在当年的弗兰克·奥康纳国际短篇小说奖评选中,直接从初选名单中被授予大奖,被评委们称为好到完全没有“真正的对手”。  《不适之地》围绕爱情、亲情和友情,共分五个短篇和一个三部曲式的中篇,主要讲述第二代印度移民在欧美社会的生活。他们面对的问题不止是两种文化间的选择与融合,还有他们与父辈第一代移民之间因观念不同引发的矛盾和心结。从孟买到西雅图,从加尔各答到罗马,他们感受着对爱情的感动,深处异乡的不适,婚姻的考验和同侪间的战争,带着孤独与不安、欢喜与悲伤在异国他乡生长并向下扎根。
  • 喜福会

