

  • Flush

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    This story of Elizabeth Barrett Brownings cocker spaniel, Flush, enchants right from the opening pages. Although Flush has adventures of his own with bullying dogs, horrid maids, and robbers, he also provides the reader with a glimpse into Brownings life. Introduction by Trekkie Ritchie.
  • Orlando

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    In her most exuberant, most fanciful novel, Woolf has created a character liberated from the restraints of time and sex. Born in the Elizabethan Age to wealth and position, Orlando is a young nobleman at the beginning of the story-and a modern woman three centuries later. "A poetic masterpiece of the first rank" (Rebecca West). The source of a critically acclaimed 1993 feature film directed by Sally Potter. Index; illustrations.
  • 戴洛維夫人

    作者:Woolf, Virginia

  • 書與畫像

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    維吉妮亞.吳爾夫以創作經驗豐富的小說家筆觸,隨筆的形式,沒有教條,不帶成見,無拘無束地談自己對某一作家、某一作品這樣那樣的印象,構成了讀者展讀時的自在與欣然。 《書與畫像》分成兩大部分。第一部分收入的文章較多,討論的是文學方面的問題或作品。第二部分是人物評論,它們向讀者展現了某個男人或女人栩栩如生的肖像,但這個人不一定是文壇上的人物。 本書最開始的幾篇文章主要是非正式的隨筆或文學素描,其中有些是從書評演化而來的。非正式隨筆,或曰個人隨筆,是她極欣賞的一種文學體裁,主要因?它允許作者展示個性或「自我」。這幾篇文章對她創作非正式隨筆的技巧有所展現。接下來先是討論幾位男作家的隨筆,而後是對以女作家及其作品?題材的書的評論。這種依據性別的分類看來或許有些隨意,但其實是因她對身為一名女性--而且是女性作家--的含義有鮮明的意識。她往往把女性置於其自身的傳統,而不是更廣義的人類的傳統中去看,這是她在討論女性時非常重要的一點。 第一部分的最後幾篇文章是她對書信集的評論以及另外一些讓我們體會到維吉妮亞.吳爾夫對「文學地理」的重視的隨筆:她意識到地域感在許多英國作家的作品中佔據重要地位。任何人在讀過她的小說之後,都能覺察到對她個人而言某些背景具有重大意義:倫敦、康橋、康沃爾郡。因此,她也深切意識到環境對其他作家的影響:約克郡沼澤之於勃朗特姐妹,湖區之於華茲華斯,倫敦的街道之於狄更斯。事實上,她對英語文學的愛在很大程度上與她對英國本身、對英國歷史和地理的愛息息相關,認識到這一點是非常重要的。 第二部分中的人物肖像也和前面對作家的評論一樣按性別分開,原因也是如前所述。維吉妮亞.吳爾夫在描寫女性時,幾乎總會表現出她對女性受到的限制和約束的意識。在回顧女性的一生時,她以卓越的技巧揭示出社會認為女性應該扮演的角色,這些角色因時代不同而各異,但在某種意義上總是受壓迫的。毫無疑問,我們對 19世紀女性所受壓迫的認識總是比對伊麗莎白時代女性所受壓迫的認識更清楚,而這一事實本身就是一個意義重大的啟示,把這些隨筆依照主人翁的性別以及年代的先後排列使讀者得以領會這個啟示。
  • 普通读者

    作者:弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫(Virginia Wo

    普通读者(英文全本),ISBN:9787510021312,作者:(英)伍尔夫 著
  • Virginia Woolf To the Lighthouse

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    One of the greatest literary achievements of the 20th century and the author's most popular novel. The serene and maternal Mrs. Ramsay, the tragic yet absurd Mr. Ramsay, together with their children and assorted guests are holidaying on the Isle of Skye. From the seemingly trivial postponement of a visit to a nearby lighthouse, Virginia Woolf constructs a remarkable and moving examination of the complex tensions and allegiances of family life, and the conflict between male and female principles.
  • Night And Day

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    Set in London before World War I, this novel explores the truth of feelings and particularly the nature of love. It is, in that sense, a love story, but in the hands of Virginia Woolf, it transcends conventional romance to pose a series of crucial questions about women, intellectual freedom, and marriage.
  • The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    Woolf continually used stories and sketches to experiment with narrative models and themes for her novels. This collection of nearly fifty pieces brings together the contents of two published volumes, A Haunted House and Mrs. Dalloway's Party; a number of uncollected stories; and several previously unpublished pieces. Edited and with an Introduction by Susan Dick.
  • Mrs. Dalloway

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    Clarissa Dalloway, in her fifties, wife of an English MP, emerges from her house in Westminster one fine June morning to buy flowers for her party. And by that simple act she entwines her life with the lives of others who will hear, with her, Big Ben toll away the hours of their destinies that day. "Clarissa's day captures in a definite matrix the drift of thought and feeling in a period, the point of view of a class, and seems almost to indicate the strength and weakness of a civilization." (The New York Times)
  • A Writer's Diary

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    An invaluable guide to the art and mind of Virginia Woolf, drawn by her husband from the personal record she kept over a period of twenty-seven years. Included are entries that refer to her own writing, others that are clearly writing exercises; accounts of people and scenes relevant to the raw material of her work; and comments on books she was reading. Edited and with a Preface by Leonard Woolf; Indices.
  • A Room Of One's Own And Three Guineas

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    In A Room of One's Own, Virginia Woolf imagines that Shakespeare had a sister: a sister equal to Shakespeare in talent, equal in genius, but whose legacy is radically different.This imaginary woman never writes a word and dies by her own hand, her genius unexpressed. But if only she had found the means to create, urges Woolf, she would have reached the same heights as her immortal sibling. In this classic essay,Virginia Woolf takes on the establishment, using her gift of language to dissect the world around her and give a voice to those who have none. Her message is simple: A woman must have a fixed income and a room of her own in order to have the freedom to create.
  • The London Scene

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    Virginia Woolf was already an accomplished novelist and critic when she was commissioned by the British edition of Good Housekeeping to write a series entitled "Six Articles on London Life." Originally published bimonthly, beginning in December 1931, five of the essays were eventually collected and published in 1981. The sixth essay, "Portrait of a Londoner," had been missing from Woolf's oeuvre until it was rediscovered at the University of Sussex in 2004. Ecco is honored to publish the complete collection in the United States for the first time.

    A walking tour of Woolf's beloved hometown, The London Scene begins at the London Docks and follows Woolf as she visits several iconic sites throughout the city, including the Oxford Street shopping strip, John Keats's house on Hampstead Heath, Thomas Carlyle's house in Chelsea, St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, and the Houses of Parliament.

    These six essential essays capture Woolf at her best, exploring modern consciousness through the prism of 1930s London while simultaneously painting an intimate, touching portrait of this sprawling metropolis and its fascinating inhabitants.


    作者:Virginia Woolf

    From one of the most innovative writers of the 20th century—a splendid collection displaying the author’s lively imagination and delicate style. Includes "A Haunted House," "A Society," "An Unwritten Novel," "The String Quartet," "Blue & Green," "Kew Gardens," "The Mark on the Wall," and the title story. An excellent entree into the larger body of Woolf’s work.
  • The Waves

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    The Waves, more than any of Virginia Woolf's novels, conveys the complexities of human experience. Tracing the lives of a group of friends, The Waves follows their development from childhood to youth and middle age. While social events, individual achievements and disappointments form its narrative, the novel is most remarkable for the rich poetic language that conveys the inner life of its characters: their aspirations, their triumphs and regrets, their awareness of unity and isolation. Separately and together, they query the relationship of past to present, and the meaning of life itself.
  • To the Lighthouse

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    One of the greatest literary achievements of the 20th century and the author's most popular novel. The serene and maternal Mrs. Ramsay, the tragic yet absurd Mr. Ramsay, together with their children and assorted guests are holidaying on the Isle of Skye. From the seemingly trivial postponement of a visit to a nearby lighthouse, Virginia Woolf constructs a remarkable and moving examination of the complex tensions and allegiances of family life, and the conflict between male and female principles.
  • The Death of the Moth and Other Essays

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    A highly acclaimed collection of twenty-eight essays, sketches, and short stories presenting nearly every facet of the author's work. "Up to the author's highest standard in a literary form that was most congenial to her" (Times Literary Supplement (London)). "Exquisitely written" (New Yorker); "The riches of this book are overwhelming" (Christian Science Monitor). Editorial Note by Leonard Woolf.
  • The Hours

    作者:Michael Cunningham

    Winner of the 1999 Pulitzer and Pen/Faulkner prizes, The Hours is a daring and deeply affecting novel inspired by the life and work of Virginia Woolf. A passionate, profound and haunting story of love and inheritance, hope and despair. Exiled in Richmond in the 1920s, taken from her beloved Bloomsbury and lovingly watched over by her husband Leonard, Virginia Woolf struggles to tame her rebellious mind and make a start on her new novel. In the brooding heat of 1940s Los Angeles, a young wife and mother yearns to escape the claustrophobia of suburban domesticity and read her precious copy of Mrs Dalloway. And in New York in the 1990s, Clarissa Vaughan steps out of her smart Greenwich Village apartment and goes shopping for flowers for the party she is giving in honour of her life-long friend Richard, an award-winning poet whose mind and body are being ravaged by AIDS. These are the characters in Michael Cunningham's exquisite and deeply moving novel, which takes Woolf's life and work as inspiration for a meditation on artistic behaviour, failure, love and madness. Moving effortlessy across the decades and between England and America, Cunningham's elegant, haunting prose explores the pain and trauma of creativity and the immutable relationship between writer and reader.
  • The Common Reader

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    Woolf’s first and most popular volume of essays. This collection has more than twenty-five selections, including such important statements as “Modern Fiction” and “The Modern Essay.” Edited and with an Introduction by Andrew McNeillie; Index.
  • 自己的房间

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    作者簡介:維金尼亞•吳爾芙Virginia Woolf (1882 ~ 1941)---英國當代小說家、散文家及文學評論家。以其作品風格細緻微妙見長,並奠定女性主義文學及現代文學之雛形。為入選二十世紀十大小說家中唯一的女性,並榮獲〈TIME〉雜誌名人榜。 ◎由於天性敏感,十三歲喪母之慟所帶來的精神創傷延續了她的一生,影響創作甚巨:在寫完長篇小說時,她總會寫一些文章來釋放強大而窒息的焦慮,本書即是其中之一。但終因長期為憂鬱症所苦,於41歲投水而死。作品有:《波浪》The Waves、《日與夜》Day and N 內容簡介:若莎士比亞有個才華洋溢的妹妹,她會一樣成名立萬……?在維多利亞時期,女子是不能受教育的。而吳爾芙卻在封閉古老的社會裡帶你進入另一個想像的空間。 ◎本書是由吳爾芙在英國紐南母(Newnham)和格登(Girton)兩間女子學院的演講〈婦女與小說〉兩篇講詞合併而成。其中對女性書寫的空間與意義作精闢的闡述,並做了一個結論:『女性若是想要寫作,一定要有錢和自己的房間』。這篇精彩獎稿發出了女性的聲音,視為女性主義的重要著作。
  • Orlando

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    Virginia Woolf's exuberant `biography' tells the story of the cross-dressing, sex-changing Orlando who begins life as a young noble in the sixteenth century and moves through numerous historical and geographical worlds to finish as a modern woman writer in the 1920s. The book is in part a happy tribute to the `life' that her love for Vita Sackville-West had breathed into Virginia Woolf's own day-to-day existence; it is also Woolf's light-hearted and light-handed teasing out of the assumptions that lie behind the normal conventions for writing about a fictional or historical life. In this novel, Virginia Woolf plays loose and fast: Orlando uncovers a literary and sexual revolution overnight.