

  • Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

    作者:John Gray

    Once upon a time Martians and Venusians met, fell in love, and had happy relationships together because they respected and accepted their differences. Then they came to Earth and amnesia set in: they forgot they were from different planets. Based on years of successful counseling of couples and individuals, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus has helped millions of couples transform their relationships. Now viewed as a modern classic, this phenomenal book has helped men and women realize how different they really are and how to communicate their needs in such a way that conflict doesn't arise and intimacy is given every chance to grow. Normal 0 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE 注:两种封面,随机发货。 点击链接进入中文版: 男人来自火星女人来自金星
  • The Norton Reader

    作者:Peterson, Linda H. (

    With a wide variety of genres, authors, subjects, and styles, The Norton Reader offers the largest and most thoughtfully chosen collection of essays available in one volume. Fifty-four new essays maintain the Reader's long-standing balance of classic and contemporary, canonical and lesser-known selections. The Eleventh Edition also includes important new coverage of visual and spoken texts—over fifty photographs, paintings, drawings, and other images that were originally published with the essays, as well as a new prose form chapter on the spoken word. Available in this Shorter Edition, with fourteen thematic chapters, The Norton Reader has been carefully designed to support a wide range of teaching styles and situations.
  • 心理学与文学


  • 少女杜拉的故事

    作者:[奥] 弗洛伊德

  • The Art of Loving

    作者:Erich Fromm

    The renowned psychoanalyst Erich Fromm has helped millions of men and women achieve rich, productive lives by developing their hidden capacities for love. In this astonishly frank and candid book, he explores the ways in which this extraordinary emotion can alter the whole course of your life. Most of us are unable to develop our capacities for love on the only level that really counts––a love that is compounded of maturity, self–knowledge, and courage. Learning to love, like other arts, demands practice and concentration. Even more than any other art it demands genuine insight and understanding. In this startling book, Fromm discusses love in all its aspects; not only romantic love, so surrounded by conceptions, but also love of parents for children, brotherly love, erotic love, self–love, and love of God.
  • 问问李子勋


    《问问李子勋》讲述了:凡是看过央视《心理访谈》节目的人,对李子勋这个名字都不会陌生。他是明星心理医生,“一个会用肢体、表情、目光来倾听的人”。目前李子勋还在拥有众多都市白领读者的《心理月刊》杂志主持 “ASK Dr. Li”咨询专栏。该栏目是《心理月刊》的黄金栏目,同时这个栏目也是个互动的栏目,为作者本人积累了大量人气。北京大学心理学博士,清华大学心理咨询中心主任刘丹这样评价李子勋:子勋的修炼不在一日之功。每当朋友请我推荐家庭治疗师时,我都是第一个想到子勋,因为,他是中国最出色的家庭治疗师之一。 这本书用一百多个真实案例,以问答的方式,做深入浅出的分析。该书围绕爱情、婚姻家庭、亲情、职场人际等主题,以“问”抛砖引玉,李子勋的答娓娓道来,引导大家慢慢解读人性,读后引人慧心勃发。
  • 进化心理学

    作者:David M.Buss

  • MIT认知科学百科全书


    Since the 1971s the cognitive sciences have offered multidisciplinary ways of understanding the mind and cognition. The MIT Encyclopedia of the represents Sciences(MITECS)is a landmark,comprehensive reference work that represents the methodological and theoretical diversity of this changing field. For both students and researchers,MITCS will be an indispensable guide to the current state of the cognitive sciences. “The cognitive sciences emerged in recognition of the fact that scholars and scientists in many different fields shared common problems and needed to collaborate. Now at last The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences has provided a forum large enough for that interaction to occur——a forum that will not only facilitate cooperation but will educate a new generation of cognitive scientists.”——George Miller,Professor of Psychology Emeritus,Princeton University “At last,a thorough,authoritative source for work in the cognitive sciences. Take the most important topics in the study of cognition,ask the worlds top authorities to summarize the state of the art,and you have it:The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. I have already used it to learn,to browse,to inform,to teach,and to update my own understanding.It doesnt matter which end you seek:the book will frequently be in use.” ——Donald A. Norman. The Nielsen Norman Group;Professor Emeritus,Department of Cognitive Science,University of California,San Diego;and author The Invisible Computer “Among the human minds proudest accomplishments is the invention of a science dedicated to understanding itself:cognitive science. In less than fifty years,deep mysteries of antiquity have been brought into the lab and captured in rigorous theories. This volume is an authoritative guide to this exhilarating new body of knowledge,written by the experts,edited with skill and good judgment.If we were to leave a time capsule for the next millennium with records of the great achievements of civilization,this volume would have to be in it.” ——Steven Pinker,Professor of Psychology,Massachusetts Institute of Technology;and author of How the Mind Works and The Language Instinct.
  • Please Kill Me

    作者:Legs McNeil,Gillian

  • Man's Search for Meaning

    作者:Viktor E. Frankl

    Book Description Frankl's timeless memoir and meditation on finding meaning in the midst of suffering With a new Foreword by Harold S. Kushner and a new Biographical Afterword by William J. Winslade Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in Nazi death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival. Between 1942 and 1945 Frankl labored in four different camps, including Auschwitz, while his parents, brother, and pregnant wife perished. Based on his own experience and the experiences of others he treated later in his practice, Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose. Frankl's theory-known as logotherapy, from the Greek word logos ("meaning")-holds that our primary drive in life is not pleasure, as Freud maintained, but the discovery and pursuit of what we personally find meaningful. At the time of Frankl's death in 1997, Man's Search for Meaning had sold more than 10 million copies in twenty-four languages. A 1991 reader survey for the Library of Congress that asked readers to name a "book that made a difference in your life" found Man's Search for Meaning among the ten most influential books in America. Beacon Press, the original English-language publisher of Man's Search for Meaning, is issuing this new paperback edition with a new Foreword, biographical Afterword, jacket, price, and classroom materials to reach new generations of readers. Book Dimension length: (cm)17.6                 width:(cm)10.6
  • Not by Chance Alone

    作者:Elliot Aronson

    How does a boy from a financially and intellectually impoverished background grow up to become a Harvard researcher, win international acclaim for his groundbreaking work, and catch fire as a pioneering psychologist? As the only person in the history of the American Psychological Association to have won all three of its highest honorsfor distinguished research, teaching, and writing Elliot Aronson is living proof that humans are capable of capturing the power of the situation and conquering the prison of personality. A personal and compelling look into Aronson’s profound contributions to the field of social psychology, Not by Chance Alone is a lifelong story of human potential and the power of social change.
  • Marva Collins' Way

    作者:Marva Collins

  • 马斯洛传


  • 走出忧郁


    《走出忧郁》编辑推荐:荣获2001年美国国家图书奖、亚马逊网上书店最佳书籍奖、被译为21种语言,获11项国际性奖项。全球畅销250000册。 忧郁也许是人类无法逃避的恶魔。但爱、智慧与意志力的伟大力量,可以帮你走出绝望之城。那永远是神奇的一刻,美丽得不可思议。不看清恶,就不会懂理珍惜善!当你走过地狱,就能发现天堂!
  • 我与躁郁症共处的30年

    作者:[美] 凯·雷德菲尔德·杰米森(Kay

    她有时热情高涨、精力充沛、思如泉涌、疯狂采购、彻夜狂欢,宛若遨游天际; 她有时焦虑恐慌、坐立不安、暴躁易怒、情绪低落、反应迟缓、犹如堕入地狱。 一个充满勇气的灵魂,不断游走于极度亢奋和麻木压抑的低潮之间 在当今这个格外令人浮躁和沉重年代里,患抑郁症似乎成为了一种时尚,其流行程度甚至超过了感冒和发烧。可有趣的是,那些一个个声称自己得了抑郁症而跑进心理诊所的来访者当中,十个中有八个却根本连一条抑郁症的诊断标准都够不上。所以,我心理咨询工作者常常会打趣地说,自己看了好几十个“抑郁症”患者,可连真正的抑郁症状都没有看到。 后来,看到了这本书,才翻了几页就被作者生动的描述吸引住了。与书本上僵死的诊断标准和症状描述不同,本书呈现的,是一种完全发自内心的感悟和体验,让一个深受躁狂和抑郁双重情感障碍折磨的病人灵动地跃然纸上,让我们可以立体而又直观地看到一个游走在兴奋和低沉边缘的痛苦灵魂。尽管已经从事了将近五年的心理咨询和治疗工作,其间也接待过形形色色多种来访者。但是不夸张地说,我是在认真读完这本书之后,才真正感到自己理解了什么是躁狂症,感到自己走进了一个躁狂症病人的内心。所以,尽管本书并不涉及过多的专业知识和临床技巧,但是我相信它仍然能够为众多的心理学临床工作者带来很大的帮助和启迪。因为正如一位心理治疗师前辈所说的那样,对病人的理解远比技术更加重要。 本书作者的语言不但生动而且华美,在阅读的时候令人赏心悦目。本书作者是一位精神医学界国际知名学者,真诚袒露自己从少女时代与抑郁症纠缠的心路历程,她所呈现的不仅是学识与才华,还有勇气和仁爱。
  • The Norton Psychology Reader

    作者:Gary Marcus

    If you've ever wondered about the mind and behavior, the Norton Psychology Reader is the perfect place to start. From the biological basis of emotion to the psychological basis of culture, from the nature of nurture to the nature of intelligence, with selections by leading scientists with a knack for writing—including Steven Pinker, Joseph Ledoux, Antonio Damasio, Oliver Sacks, and Robert Sapolsky—and top-notch journalists with an uncanny sense for psychology—including Natalie Angier, Daniel Goleman, and Sylvia Nasar—the Norton Psychology Reader presents the best that psychology has to offer. Edited by noted New York University psychologist Gary Marcus, the Norton Psychology Reader is an unparalleled guided tour through the modern science of the human mind and a perfect companion to any introductory psychology course, filled with insights completely accessible to the interested lay reader.
  • The Norton Reader

    作者:Linda Peterson (Edit

    Book Description Adopted at over 700 schools in its previous edition, The Norton Reader has long been the standard bearer for liberal arts composition readers. The editors' goals have always been the same: to collect the very best essays, by the very best writers, and place them between two covers. This new edition continues in that tradition, providing instructors with a wealth of selections, many of them new to this edition. The text also offers a flexible organization, an affordable price, and inventive, practical suggestions for improving reading and writing. About Author Linda H. Peterson (Ph.D., Brown University), General Editor, is a professor of English at Yale University and has published widely on nonfiction prose, notably women's autobiography and Victorian narrative. She has been co-director of the Bass Writing Program at Yale since 1979 and has served as president of the Council of Writing Program Administrators. John C. Brereton (Ph.D., Rutgers University) teaches composition at Brandeis University, where he also is the director of the university writing program. His scholarship focuses on the history of rhetoric and the history of teaching English and writing. He formerly taught at The University of Massachusetts, Boston. He is the author of another Norton book, Writing on the Job. Book Dimension: Height (cm) 23                   Width (cm) 12.7
  • 心理学与生活

    作者:[美] 理查德·格里格,菲利普·津巴多

    《心理学与生活》是美国斯坦福大学多年来使用的教材,也是在美国许多大学里推广使用的经典教材,被ETS推荐为GRE心理学专项考试的主要参考用书,还是被许多国家大学的“普通心理学”课程选用的教材。这本教科书写作流畅,通俗易懂,深入生活,把心理学理论与知识联系人们的日常生活与工作,使它同样也成为一般大众了解心理学与自己的极好读物。 作为一本包含着丰富的教育思想和独特教学方法的成熟教材,原书中所有元素——如由600余条词汇及解释组成的“专业术语表”,2000余条“参考文献”,以及近1000条的“人名和主题索引”等等,对于教学、研究和学习都十分宝贵,此中译本完整地翻译和保留了这些资料。