

  • Lesbian Sex

    作者:Jude Schell

  • Rubyfruit Jungle

    作者:Rita Mae Brown

    Rubyfruit Jungle is the first milestone novel in the extraordinary career of one of this country's most distinctive writers. Bawdy and moving, the ultimate word-of-mouth bestseller, Rubyfruit Jungle is about growing up a lesbian in America – and living happily ever after. Born a bastard, Molly Bolt is adopted by a dirt-poor Southern couple who want something better for their daughter. Molly plays doctor with the boys, beats up Leroy the tub and loses her virginity to her girlfriend in sixth grade. As she grows to realize she's different, Molly decides not to apologize for that. In no time she mesmerizes the head cheerleader of Ft. Lauderdale High and captivates a gorgeous bourbon-guzzling heiress. But the world is not tolerant. Booted out of college for moral turpitude, an unrepentant, penniless Molly takes New York by storm, sending not a few female hearts aflutter with her startling beauty, crackling wit and fierce determination to become the greatest filmmaker that ever lived. Critically acclaimed when first published, Rubyfruit Jungle has only grown in reputation as it has reached new generations of readers who respond to its feisty and inspiring heroine.
  • 作者:朱燕

    《情》洪晃为这部长篇小说《情》作序中道:“朱燕是个很会讲故事的作家,《情》好看。她的一切都是女性角度,《情》是很合适的名称,因为对女人来说,没有‘情’,就不太可能有‘性’。就是没有‘情’有了‘性’,‘情’也会突然降临的……” 《情》一位网友留言:“这是一部让我重识阅读的小说,细腻、温馨,阅读中几次落泪……因《情》我重新爱上了阅读并重新相信爱情……” 《情》“爱谁并不重要,愿生命中有爱”。小说讲述一位大学女教授和她的学生因一次偶然情欲后发生的令人心碎而感人的爱情故事。小说客观真实坦率地正面描写了当今中国同性恋的爱情婚姻工作生活。同性爱在社会中的艰难和努力,但他们始终没有放弃。爱情是属于那些执著追求而勇于承担责任的人。
  • 愛的自由式


    台灣的同志寫作曾經在《蒙馬特遺書》、《荒人手記》等作品達到高峰,這些作品所吸引的讀者不僅僅是同志本身,文學讀者也為其中的纏綿情景所觸動。畢竟如何說出深情至性的故事才是動聽的要訣。文化圈知名民間學者張娟芬向以文筆辛辣俐落、思維縝密清晰著名。她花了三四年的時間對女同志作田野調查,並以近距離、生活化的風格的寫作,將每對戀人的情愛絮語、心情掙扎一一呈現。正如她在書中所言「同志文化 T婆議題可以有很多談法,而我想要做的,是呈現 T 婆的風采、趣味、情慾張力以及感情關係裡的愛怨瞋痴……讓我所看見的趣味,也為其他人所看見。」更重要的是這部作品在《蒙馬特遺書》被經典化後出現,有其不可忽略的「除咒」力量。《蒙》書過份強調了同志情感宿命悲情。然而,在張娟芬的這本書裡豐富多元田野報告,不僅讓同志的情愛故事動聽感人,更讓台灣的同志書寫終於有了走出《蒙馬特遺書》的可能。
  • 枕邊故事


    女同志情慾文學,以一篇篇的短篇小說呈現女同志浪漫優雅的情慾世界,內容包括青澀嬌羞的初次性體驗;冒險刺激的一夜情;實驗室裡墮落的性;辦公室的大膽姦情;飄雪的陽明山,車廂中的翻雲覆雨;痛與快樂並存,挑戰禁忌的SM性愛;在浪漫的枕邊,邊說邊做愛做的事。在這些情慾小說之中,又穿插著帥氣T正在設定情慾的狂野情慾表白短文。 情慾小說內容摘要: 「......」喘息聲取代回答,妳的手從我背後拉下洋裝的拉鍊,從背後將我的內衣扣子解開。 半裸的我,讓妳看透了心,妳輕嘆一聲:「好美。」 頭埋入我的胸前吸吮柔軟高地的乳頭,挑逗著我,緊握又放開,揉捏著那最白的部位,深含入口,我將頭仰起,讓妳更擁住我。此刻,我已屬於妳了,求妳別停。 帥氣T的情慾表白短文內容摘要: 「慾望到底在哪?」我問她;我總是沒來由地問話。 「在妳摸我臉頰的手指上。」她陶然地自喉間說出這樣淡淡的一句話,然後,用一種極具慾望的眼神望向我,挺直的鼻樑勾出她美麗的側臉。 「在妳的眼中,我也看到了『慾望』這玩意。」我握住她的手腕,拉過她的手輕吻著,像蝶吻著初開的花朵。 「慾望也在妳的唇上說著一堆風流故事。」她解開胸前的第一個扣子,張揚著她雪白的肌膚,我忍不住伸手探入其中。
  • 同性恋在中国


    《同性恋在中国》无疑是一本很有价值的书。 本书介绍改革开放十多年,无论是医学界还是社会、心理学界,对同性恋问题都曾给予相当的关注。近年来,关于这方面的学术讨论乃至咨询医疗实践上都有过不少的文章,应当说对这一领域的研究是有一定进展和收获的,但像方刚先生这样亲临一线做实地调查,并撰写出如此丰富的第一手资料者尚少。
  • 爱在泉城


  • 手指


    【手指】為張漠藍之成名暢銷代表作,當年出版時引起女同志圈廣大轟動,並已再版過一次,此次由新的出版社再版,內容並經作者全新修改。這是一個女同志在愛恨衝突中逐步自我認同的過程,也是一個自由的靈魂想跳脫社會框架的自我追尋,一個乖小孩開始不乖,一個好學生開始不再是好學生,一個靈魂企圖勇敢去愛。 依舊纏綿的愛戀,更精緻完整的內容,是【手指】的舊雨新知不容錯過的一本書。 精采內容── 昏暗的房間裡,雙層床中的下層,粉紅色的蚊帳擋住了一切視線,淺藍色的棉被散發出淡淡的霉味,深藍色枕頭很軟,不知怎地我一絲不掛,光滑的身子被棉被包裹著,竟然覺得很自在。有人將手指放在我的身體裡面,感覺暈陶陶得非常舒服,就像在漆黑寒冷的冬夜裡,一個人冒著綿綿細雨走向溫暖的燈光,在熟悉的咖啡館中坐下來,還沒開口老闆娘就送來一杯卡布奇諾一邊說著「哎呀怎麼淋雨了」般的舒適自在。 一切極其寧靜,靠在她身邊聽著耳邊傳來沉穩規律的呼吸聲,讓我覺得即使要永遠抱著這霉味也無所謂,我想要手指一直留在我體內。
  • 絕色傷口


    「我死掉,妳會難過嗎?沒關係的,妳會很快忘記我,我親愛的藍。」 我以為我們可以堅定地相愛。但是,她走了。頭也不回,音訊全無。我的生命中有四個女孩,小一、小二、小三、小四。小三是我的最愛。第一次相見,她說:藍,終於找到妳了。我相信我們的背影有種並肩的美感。這麼一對女生,是鬧市裡成雙身影裡的逆插玫瑰。她有孩子般的外表、善良的個性、脆弱溫軟的心腸,我只想緊緊地、緊緊地把她抱在懷裡,死也不放。可是我親手弄丟了她。我總以為,我們之間還有大把大把的時間可以揮霍。結果,一時負氣成今日,四海無人對夕陽……


    女同志首次帶著伴侶對父親出櫃,沒想到父親竟然說出其實他和媽媽兩人也都是同性戀……!? 以女性為主角,探索女性複雜的感情世界﹔清爽的畫風給你成人風的漫畫質感。
  • 不要问我为什么


  • The Well of Loneliness

    作者:Radclyffe Hall

    Book Description Stephen is an ideal child of aristocratic parents - a fencer, a horse rider and a keen scholar. Stephen grows to be a war hero, a bestselling writer and a loyal, protective lover. But Stephen is a woman, and her lovers are women. As her ambitions drive her, and society confines her, Stephen is forced into desperate actions. It was banned for obscenity in 1928. It became an international bestseller, and for decades was the single most famous lesbian novel. From Booklist Hall (1880-1943) was legendary in her own time--or infamous, some might say--for her fifth novel, The Well of Loneliness (1928). The book was banned for obscenity because its main character is a lesbian, and it subsequently became a notorious best-seller, thrusting Hall into a literary rogues' gallery of fame. Cline uses previously unexplored material to create a biography of the now largely forgotten author that portrays the dense interrelationship of her writings, her childhood, and her friends and loves. Hall called herself by three names: Marguerite, the name with which she had been christened and which she hated, given as it was by the mother she despised; John, her chosen name, which she used among her associates; and Radclyffe, her pen name. The three often enigmatic selves these names indicated formed her public and private personae. The roots giving rise to her international lesbian best-seller are traceable to her early adolescent loves as well as her affairs with married sculptor Una Troubridge and many others--matters that Cline presents in a lively and readable style.                              Whitney Scott From 500 Great Books by Women; review by Heather Downey The Well of Loneliness is a path-breaking novel. Published by Radclyffe Hall herself in 1928, it was immediately banned in Britain due to its lesbian theme and was allowed in the United States only after a long court battle. Once it was available, The Well of Loneliness sold more than 20,000 copies its first year and paved the way for other works with lesbian themes. The novel concerns a girl born into a wealthy English family at the turn of the century and named Stephen by her father who desperately wanted a boy. Practically from birth, Stephen is described as "different," yet while Radclyffe Hall delivers the powerful message that lesbianism is natural, she also asks the reader to have pity on Stephen Gordon, for, along with the popular psychoanalysts of her day, Radclyffe Hall describes lesbianism as an "inversion." The "terrible mark of Cain" compels Stephen to forsake the woman she loves to protect her from a life of ostracism. This message, along with Radclyffe Hall's portrayal of lesbians in stereotypical "butch" and "femme" roles, caused the book to be written off by feminists in the late 1970s and early 1980s. In addition, many readers today may find the language long-winded and the characters one-dimensional, with the exception of the thinly-veiled portrait of the author as Stephen Gordon. Nonetheless, The Well of Loneliness is worth reading because it shattered the silence of oppression and conveys a message about homophobia and internalized shame relevant to lesbians even today. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8                 width:(cm)12.6
  • 寂寞的群眾


  • Annie on My Mind

    作者:Nancy Garden

    Liza never knew that falling in love could be so wonderful . . . and so confusing. "'Liza,' Mom said, looking into my eyes, 'I want you to tell me the truth, not because I want to pry, but because I have to know. This could get very unpleasant . . . Now--have you and Annie--done any more than the usual experimenting . . . ' 'No, Mom,' I said, trying to look back at her calmly. I'm not proud of it, I make no excuses--I lied to her."
  • 另类戒指


    《另类戒指》(With This Ring),小说又名《我的姐妹,我的新娘》(My Sister,Mr Bride),是柯利尔·津萨贝尔的第二部小说,于2000年在耶路撒冷出版。评论家在评论她于1998年发表的处女作《血与肉的天使》时,曾经把这位年轻貌美、才华横溢的女作家比作享誉现当代犹太文坛的以色列著名作家亚科夫·沙伯太(Ya’akov Shabtai,1934—1981)。两年之后,年仅24岁的她又写下了一部在充满激情的特拉维夫市发生的一个非同寻常的爱情故事。如同评论家哈亚·霍夫曼(HayaHoffman)所说的。“柯利尔·津萨贝尔在她的第二部小说里成功地塑造了两个既令人迷惑又十分可信的女主角……这是一部匠心独运、令人耳目一新、真正反映特拉维夫的小说。津萨贝尔富有敏锐的洞察力,毫无疑问,她虽年轻,却拥有一双敏感的、异常清醒的眼睛……她的勤奋、她的精益求精、她为捕捉情境与感情而付出的真诚努力,同时她大胆地逾越传统的思想和行为模式,多么令人震惊!” 《另类戒指》描述了两个女人之间编织的爱情故事,它既温柔敏感、大胆裸露而又发人深省。
  • 花自飘落水自流


  • Fingersmith

    作者:Sarah Waters

    From the author of the New York Times Notable Book Tipping the Velvet and the award-winning Affinity: a spellbinding, twisting tale of a great swindle, of fortunes and hearts won and lost, set in Victorian London among a family of thieves. Sue Trinder is an orphan, left as an infant in the care of Mrs. Sucksby, a "baby farmer," who raised her with unusual tenderness, as if Sue were her own. Mrs. Sucksby's household, with its fussy babies calmed with doses of gin, also hosts a transient family of petty thieves-fingersmiths-for whom this house in the heart of a mean London slum is home. One day, the most beloved thief of all arrives-Gentleman, a somewhat elegant con man, who carries with him an enticing proposition for Sue: If she wins a position as the maid to Maud Lilly, a naïve gentlewoman, and aids Gentleman in her seduction, then they will all share in Maud's vast inheritance. Once the inheritance is secured, Maud will be left to live out her days in a mental hospital. With dreams of paying back the kindness of her adopted family, Sue agrees to the plan. Once in, however, Sue begins to pity her helpless mark and care for Maud Lilly in unexpected ways. . . . But no one and nothing is as it seems in this > Dickensian novel of thrills and surprises. The New York Times Book Review has called Sarah Waters a writer of "consummate skill" and The Seattle Times has praised her work as "gripping, astute fiction that feeds the mind and the senses." Fingersmith marks a major leap forward in this young and brilliant career.
  • 马德里美人帮


    这是一个关于真正的奢侈品的故事。爱情是这个时代最重要的奢侈品。 这是一个关于行走的故事。行走是为了寻找,尽管不知道在寻找什么。 两位女子:一位在童年时代就怀有了对死的恐惧,一位则在不同的城市间游走、耗费青春,她们在马德里的相遇改变各自的生活轨道……
  • Tipping the Velvet

    作者:Sarah Waters

    "Lavishly crammed with the songs, smells, and costumes of late Victorian England" (The Daily Telegraph), this delicious, steamy debut novel chronicles the adventures of Nan King, who begins life as an oyster girl in the provincial seaside town of Whitstable and whose fortunes are forever changed when she falls in love with a cross-dressing music-hall singer named Miss Kitty Butler. When Kitty is called up to London for an engagement on "Grease Paint Avenue, " Nan follows as her dresser and secret lover, and, soon after, dons trousers herself and joins the act. In time, Kitty breaks her heart, and Nan assumes the guise of butch roue to commence her own thrilling and varied sexual education--a sort of Moll Flanders in drag--finally finding friendship and true love in the most unexpected places. Drawing comparison to the work of Jeanette Winterson, Sarah Waters's novel is a feast for the senses--an erotic, lushly detailed historical that bursts with life and dazzlingly casts the turn of the century in a different light. "An unstoppable read, a sexy and picaresque romp through the lesbian and queer demi-monde of the roaring Nineties. It's gorgeous." --The Independent on Sunday (UK)
  • 你是否快来了


    《你是否快来了》,她一直等待,隐忍。在文字里的痛倘若虚幻,那么现在的她已经真实而且棱角分明的呈现在你们面前。她说,她就是故事里所有的角色。用虚构的人物描述自己的影像,跌荡起伏的欲压制着她,在每一个具有画面感的情节里,她变得鲜活而放肆。 一个另类女子的故事。在等待另一个女子的出现。而她,是否真的快来了?作者用最固执,原始,反叛的自我讲述了一个需要的她。