

  • 吸血鬼大全


    《吸血鬼大全》内容简介:电影《暮光之城》系列及《吸血鬼日记》的热映使“吸血鬼”在继“刀锋战士”系列后重新爆发了空前的热度。什么是吸血鬼?现实生活里有没有吸血鬼?当今的吸血鬼的怎样存活于人类当中而不被人类发现的?他们在当今城市中的组织如何应对吸血鬼猎人追杀?所有关于吸血鬼的课题,没有谁能比 J•;Gordon•;Meldon的研究更具体、更全面。即便你不是吸血鬼迷,带着书中某些问题的答案,也足以让那些真正的吸血鬼迷们瞪大双眼,冲你竖起大拇指!
  • Interview with the Vampire

    作者:Anne Rice

    In a darkened room a young man sits telling the macabre and eerie story of his life - the story of a vampire, gifted with eternal life, cursed with an exquisite craving for human blood. Anne Rice's compulsively readable novel is arguably the most celebrated work of vampire fiction since Bram Stoker's Dracula was published in 1897. As the Washington Post said on its first publication, it is a 'thrilling, strikingly original work of the imagination ...sometimes horrible, sometimes beautiful, always unforgettable'.
  • Sookie Stackhouse, Books 1-7

    作者:Charlaine Harris

    This past year I began a reading project of the major vampire novels and stories, from John Polidori's THE VAMPYRE to Bram Stoker's DRACULA to Richard Matheson's I AM LEGEND to Theodore Sturgeon's SOME OF YOUR BLOOD to more recent works. I had previously read various novels, including the Anita Blake series, which started promisingly but not only never lived up to its initial promise but regressed to embarrassingly awful pornography. In August of this year I decided to read Charlaine Harris's vampire series, which was originally known as The Southern Vampire Mysteries but eventually became better known as the Sookie Stackhouse Novels. Now, this is where the story gets odd. Completely independently of my reading project I had heard about and planned on watching Alan Ball's new series TRUE BLOOD. I was a huge fan of SIX FEET UNDER and was anxious to see how he would handle a series dealing with vampires. A few days after I had ordered the first four Sookie Stackhouse novels I learn to my great shock that Ball's new series was based on the very same novels. It is the most serendipitous coincidence in my life as a reader. Because so many people have become aware of these books as a result of the TV series, a word about the differences between the two is in order. There are both definite similarities and some sharp differences between the two. The books focus much more on Sookie and less on the lives of the supporting characters, not surprising given that Sookie is the narrator in the novels. Sookie's narrative voice is for me one of the joys of the books and I miss that very personal perspective when I watch the TV series. The books are also far less sexual than the series, though there are several sex scenes (though it never descends to the pure porn found in the Anita Blake books). The series differs sharply from the books when it deals with characters other than Sookie. For instance, Tara in the books is a minor (and white) character. Jason plays a far smaller role. Just about everything touching Tara and Jason cannot be found in the novels. Sam and Tara are not involved. Without giving spoilers, Lafayette cannot be regarded as an important character in the books. On the other hand, Eric is as important as the other three main characters in the books, Sookie, Bill, and Sam. Still, based on all but the last 2 or 3 episodes of Season One of the TV show, Sookie's story there is pretty close to that is the first novel in the sequence. The one huge advantage of the novels over the series is that there is just so much more that happens. Season One of the series corresponds to the first novel in the sequence. I expect that the TV show will begin to diverge from the novels in the second season. So I see no reason for anyone who enjoys the show not to plunge in and enjoy a whole string of new adventures in the life of Sookie Stackhouse, barmaid and telepath. What has delighted me is how consistently superb the novels are. I felt the second novel in the series, DEAD AND LIVING IN DALLAS, was a bit less entertaining than the second book, but all the rest in the sequence were increasingly excellent. And they all mesh to tell a unified story. One novel ends and the next picks up the story perhaps as little as two or three weeks later. The novels also introduce new and more interesting supernatural characters. The Anita Blake novels did this as well, but I felt that that series was increasingly less successful. Both series introduce weres (were wolves, were tigers, were panthers, and others), witches, vampires from other locales, and fairies. But throughout it all Sookie remains both an innocent and an explorer. All in all, this is one of the most enjoyable long series of novels that I know. My only real disappointment is that a date has not yet been announced for the next and ninth novel in the series. Charlaine Harris (who lives in the southern part of my native state of Arkansas) has a couple of other series and 2009 apparently is devoted to those. My hope is that perhaps the success of the TV show will cause Ms. Harris to revise her plans and bring out another Sookie Stackhouse sooner rather than later. I will add that on some boards many fans of the books don't like Anna Paquin as Sookie. I do. She isn't quite the way the books describe Sookie, being slender and not at all voluptuous, whereas in the books Sookie is constantly described as curvy and very chesty. But I think Anna Paquin gets a lot of the spirit of Sookie. She feels in her performance very much like someone who has been traumatized by hearing the thoughts of others. If you are a fan of TRUE BLOOD, you should definitely read these. I actually prefer the books to the TV show, though I like the show as well. But if you haven't watched the show, but enjoy well written book on supernatural themes, you should read these anyway. In the recent tradition of revisionist accounts of vampires, this is one of the best. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First off - if you are interested in the True Blood series on HBO - get these books and get this set. I was STRONGLY recommended to read these books after talking about the show by a friend who read them when they first came out. So I did...purchased one at a time. Boy do I wish I would have bought the set right off and then get the additional books later for I would have saved a bit of money and had a great way to keep all the books together and in great shape. Nevertheless, the books and show ARE different and yet both are worthy of reading/watching if you are into this genre of books. I have enjoyed both for various reasons, but for the books, I truly enjoy the narrative of Sookie through all her trials and tribulations of interacting with "special" characters. This is not a wannabe Anita Blake type of series, but very unique, exciting and often lighthearted...definitely not as dark! Harris has written these books in such a way to really draw one into them, sometimes even identifying with human emotions that is sometimes unexpected. Now I have all the paperbacks, without the boxed set container (sad), and am awaiting the next book in the series. Plus I will continue to watch the show, knowing on what it is based and that I should not expect the same thing as I read in the books...yet knowing the same "flavor" will be retained. That makes for good reading and for good TV/movie adaptation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bought this set (cheaper than buying them seperate, that's for sure!) so that I can get my True Blood fix while I'm waiting for the 2nd season on HBO. Obviously the show and the books are different (drastically sometimes), but the books are highly addictive!
  • The Queen of the Damned

    作者:Anne Rice

    In a feat of virtuoso storytelling, Anne Rice unleashes Akasha, the queen of the damned, who has risen from a six-thousand-year sleep to let loose the powers of the night. Akasha has a marvelously devious plan to “save” mankind and destroy the vampire Lestat—in this extraordinarily sensual novel of the complex, erotic, electrifying world of the undead.
  • 暗夜学院5·逃亡

    作者:P. C.卡斯特,克丽丝汀. 卡斯特

    《逃亡》是“暗夜学院”系列的第五部。释放堕落天使卡罗纳的预言终于实现,在娜菲丽特的阴谋帮助下.他从千年的囚禁中得以脱身。无奈中.佐伊与伙伴们踏上了逃亡之路.斯蒂芬·雷中了僵尸军团射出的箭,鲜血四溅无法停止.危急中,佐伊与伙伴们重结亲密团队,在女神指引的道路上伊佐不再孤单。 卡罗纳数次进入佐伊的梦境搅扰,他妄图与佐伊联手毁掉暗黑血族议会关于重建秩序的计划,艰难中.佐伊顽强抵御,她不想成为别人的傀儡,不想成为毁掉世界的元凶。佐伊不断鼓励自己,不断坚定必胜信念:一定要与尼克斯女神同在,一定要守卫好世界光明。 挫折使佐伊对所有男生谨小慎微,可她依然躲不开爱情魔咒。在真空状态持续一段时间后,爱情的火焰再次在佐伊内心重燃,那种久违的温暖好似大雪中燃烧的炭火。是上天的捉弄吗?短暂幸福瞬间又被困扰替代,面对三个男生接踵而至的爱意.佐伊意乱情迷。无从抉择中,佐伊开始逃避爱情,她无法确认谁才是自己的唯一依靠…… 佐伊似乎离不开每个人。严峻的局势使佐伊无暇顾及爱情、爱人或男友,面对娜菲丽特阴魂不散的步步死追,在收到回校短信后,佐伊毅然带领伙伴奔回暗夜学院——面对无尽黑暗,那是她的家……
  • V族日记


    菲尔教区小镇被暗黑的杀戮气息笼罩,凶手却不是血族兄弟斯特凡与达蒙。 幕后元凶强势现身,竟是与凡人女孩埃琳娜面容惊人相似的血族女子。 在意大利,几个世纪前,斯特凡与达蒙曾在黑暗中获取永恒生命。 在街区,爱恨纠葛的复仇之火烈焰冲天,绵延五百年,整个菲尔教区在炽热中焦灼不安。 这时,更有女巫狼人后裔卷入抗争。 所有疑团一一解开之时,亦是危急存亡之刻。 斯特凡、达蒙、小镇亲友……无数生命悬于一线,埃琳娜该何去何从? 一座迷雾重重的小镇 一场跨越时空的追索 一对血族兄弟的善良隐忍与深情邪恶
  • 抉择

    作者:[美] P.C. 卡斯特,[美] 克丽丝

    “暗夜学院”系列是一段发生在暗黑血族养成学校里的浪漫传奇,一套融合超自然巫术和魔法的奇幻爱情悬念小说。《抉择》是该系列的第三本。 命运之风会向哪个方向吹?亲密爱人会失去还是回来? 一切皆在一夜间发生,一夜间倾覆。这里,就是暗夜学院——暗黑一族的养成世界,这就是佐伊要经历面对的真实生活。 如果生日礼物可以让佐伊自己抉择,那么她决不会选择跟圣诞节有关的东西。可偏偏在她所收到的礼物中,都与圣诞息息相关。而她最亲密的爱人,也没逃脱让她失望的命运。佐伊强颜欢笑,来自外界的一份生日礼物神秘而至,击中了她脆弱的神经,这个亲密小团体顿时掀起轩然大波。 佐伊感觉被遗忘的母亲先往她疼痛的胸口抚上一层纱布,却又在下一秒刺透了她的胸膛。继父是家庭破碎的根源,他将佐伊的抉择归为邪恶。只有慈祥的外婆是佐伊唯一的亲人。她给了佐伊生活的一线希望。 可这些,都远远不是佐伊伤心的理由。她要找回那死亡的挚友,即使承诺也许永生无法兑现;她要寻找能将魔法圈空缺补上的伙伴,对抗凶险的敌人;更要面对的,是让她欲罢不能无从抉择纯洁天真的爱——那是夏娃面对禁果的诱惑,为爱沉沦…… 佐伊失去了最珍贵的东西,感觉正身处深渊。在佐伊人生的天平上,黯然远超亮敞。奇怪的是,她已经开始习惯并接受这一切。她要找回真爱,她要去拯救挚友,她要不辜负女神的信任。 更多抉择摆在面前,漫长的青春之路,曲折之至。
  • The Vampire Diaries

    作者:L. J. Smith

    Elena: transformed, the golden girl has become what she once feared and desired. Stefan: tormented by losing Elena, he's determined to end his feud with Damon once and for all—whatever the cost. But slowly he begins to realize that his brother is not his only enemy. Damon: at last, he possesses Elena. But will his thirst for revenge against Stefan poison his triumph? Or can they come together to face one final battle? Collected here in one edition are the third and fourth volumes of The Vampire Diaries, a riveting conclusion to the tale of two vampire brothers and the beautiful girl torn between them.
  • 背叛

    作者:[美] P.C. 卡斯特,[美] 克丽丝

    暮光之城之后全球最当红的小说,唯一以女性吸血鬼为主人公的同类大作 奇幻魔法校园悬疑+非人类爱情罗曼史+最酷青春成长体验=吸血鬼养成学校——暗夜学院 魔法校园版暮光之城、吸血鬼版哈利波特 一段吸血鬼养成学校的浪漫传奇,一部融合超自然、魔法巫术的悬念故事 盘踞纽约时报、出版人周刊畅销排行榜100周以上 全系列美国版印量即超过1000万册 不要相信任何表象,不展卷开读,你永远无法知道她身边发生了什么. 即使背叛曾使我如坠地狱,可我依然坚信终将拥有天堂 青春让人欢笑,让人叹息,让人哭泣。自己以为清晰之路,却难免意外不迭……这里,就是暗夜学院。吸血鬼族在这里相遇,成长。青春自有青春莫名的忧伤、渴望和焦躁,加上蜕变成异类的考验,青春愈发复杂、艰难。 当佐伊终于适应新学校的生活,结交新的好友,并成为黑暗之女的领袖后,她才发觉,女神关于黑暗与光明、善良与邪恶的提醒,并未针对遥远的未来,而是现在。这个人类与吸血鬼族共存的世界需要她——即使她对被赋予的使命懵然无知…… 也许,成长有赖于诗。诗让佐伊的感觉更加细致,女孩渴求成为女人的意愿日渐强烈。学校东墙的橡树下,视听图书馆的古老藏书里,贴在教室置物柜的纸条上,一首首诗歌让佐伊悸动而迷惑。月光下,当桂冠诗人希望亲睹她肩头、背部刺青,佐伊突然发觉,在这个学院中最美又成熟的男性面前,自己不再忐忑,自信从容宛如与生俱来。 可在诗之外,现实步步进逼。人类世界的男孩相继失踪、死亡,所有证据都指向暗夜学院,人类与暗夜一族的古老冲突再次显现。警探来访,噩梦来临,帮佐伊入睡的绵羊居然是一个个惨死的人类男孩,挚友与诗人置身血河。此时,另一则消息传来,曾经自己最亲近的男孩将是下一个受害者时。佐伊已无法迟疑…… 面对背叛,佐伊再也无法坐视。承受痛彻心扉的哀伤,佐伊开始勇敢面对——那似悬崖绝望中救命援手一瞬间又将她推入深渊。她要通过大家的力量集结魔法圈,并坚守一个终究可能无法实现的承诺。 更多更恐怖在浮现,更多背叛在实施。 精彩评论: 如今青少年小说风起云涌,也许斯蒂芬妮.梅尔(暮光之城)正是最该负责的那个人。但在诸多作品中,《暗夜学院》肯定出类拔萃。J. K. 罗琳(哈利波特)已经教导我们,不要太理会“青少年小说”这个标签,这套书注定将成为所有年龄层读者的飨宴。 --《超自然书评》(Preternatural Reviews) “暮光之城”的书迷们,如果你们还对非人类故事有期待,我建议你们先来阅读“暗夜学院”吧。它可以帮助我们了解“对”的力量和友谊的重要。不过,我得声明,它极度容易让人上瘾。 --心理学家,任教于斯坦福大学/南西.布朗 「贝拉是那么着迷爱德华,二十四小时都想着他。如果你能接受雅各布参与进来,那么,你将试试看看佐伊和她的男朋友(或男朋友们)的故事。」 --青少年小说作家/钱德勒.克蕾格 我以为自己知道作者要带我去哪里,结果我大吃一惊,而且我依然微笑,仍旧哭泣。 ──《夜鹰罗曼史书评》(Night Owl Romance Reiviews) 有毒的笔,危险的书写;无论男女,绝对沉沦。 ──《女猎人书评》(Huntress Reviews) 迥异于典型的暗黑一族故事,却是每个青少年的真实历程。 ──《青年心声代言人双月刊》(VOYA) 母女作者回来了,回到她们魅惑人心的异样世界,搅动底层的风暴。 ──《浪漫时潮书评》(RT Book Reviews)
  • Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

    作者:Seth Grahame-Smith

    Indiana , 1818 . Moonlight falls through the dense woods that surround a one-room cabin, where a nine-year-old Abraham Lincoln kneels at his suffering mother's bedside. She's been stricken with something the old-timers call "Milk Sickness." "My baby boy..." she whispers before dying. Only later will the grieving Abe learn that his mother's fatal affliction was actually the work of a vampire. When the truth becomes known to young Lincoln , he writes in his journal, " henceforth my life shall be one of rigorous study and devotion. I shall become a master of mind and body. And this mastery shall have but one purpose ..." Gifted with his legendary height, strength, and skill with an ax, Abe sets out on a path of vengeance that will lead him all the way to the White House. While Abraham Lincoln is widely lauded for saving a Union and freeing millions of slaves, his valiant fight against the forces of the undead has remained in the shadows for hundreds of years. That is, until Seth Grahame-Smith stumbled upon The Secret Journal of Abraham Lincoln , and became the first living person to lay eyes on it in more than 140 years. Using the journal as his guide and writing in the grand biographical style of Doris Kearns Goodwin and David McCullough, Seth has reconstructed the true life story of our greatest president for the first time-all while revealing the hidden history behind the Civil War and uncovering the role vampires played in the birth, growth, and near-death of our nation.
  • 吸血鬼传奇


    《吸血鬼传奇》内容简介为:任何一个对吸血鬼的传奇故事感兴趣的人都会听过蒙塔古·萨默斯这个名字。他因为在二十世纪二十年代所著的作品,而一举确立了自己在吸血鬼研究这一领域里的权威地位,并保持至今。《吸血鬼传奇》(1928年)这《吸血鬼传奇》细致地阐述了吸血鬼现象及其相关结果,向读者娓娓道出了民间有关死亡和吸血鬼的诸多传说。此书涉及范围之广,论述程度之深,至今令其他著作也只能望其项背。 《吸血鬼传奇》内容是基于1928年出版的《吸血鬼传奇》一书,并对其进行了一些删减后形成的。这样做既不是为了改变原文的风格,也不是为了改变原文的基调,仅仅是想让它更加简洁明了一此。而且事实也证明这样做是完全有必要的。在现在的版本中,萨默斯的论证思路看起来更加清晰流畅,而且他的哥特式风格也十分切合这样的主题。《吸血鬼传奇》的文字都是萨默斯的原话,只是删掉了一些脚注、无关的描写、过多的实例以及那些过于详细的文献参考资料(还有很多逗号,他似乎喜欢在句中随意地使用逗号,就像在上面随意地洒盐一样)。
  • 暗夜学院4·预言


    《暗夜学院:预言》内容简介:“暗夜学院”系列是一段发生在暗黑血族养成学校里的浪漫传奇,一套融合超自然、魔法巫术的奇幻爱情悬念小说。《预言》是“暗夜学院”系列的第四部。诗人劳伦的欺骗亵渎,使佐伊痛失完美爱人埃里克,一并失去的。还有同伴的信任。一瞬间,佐伊仿佛成了世界上最孤单的人,她第一次感到害怕:深切实在的害怕。她宁愿面对期友们失望的眼神,却难以面对隐秘夜色中逐渐合拢的无边黑暗。佐伊知道自己把最宝贵的东西丢了……当她看到镜中自己惨淡的面容时,终于鼓起勇气振作精神,她要与朋友们和好,希望一切好起来。 就在俊伊心神俱疲之际,暗夜学院来了一位新的学员,他就是神箭手斯塔克。一位脸上一副坏相的大帅哥。一时间,这位大帅哥成为学院女生的新宠。佐伊不再为之动心,她的心灵之窗似已封闭。正当她方才慢慢开启心窗,犹豫是否向斯塔克倾诉衷肠时,斯塔克却意外成为暗黑血族的最新牺牲品…… 阿芙洛狄忒看到了佐伊死亡的幻象,究竟是死亡还是生存谁也无法预料。这时,一首恐怖的预言诗被佐伊的外婆破解,一场恶魔重生的腥风血雨扑面袭来,暗夜学院众人命悬一线……佐伊决意守护好暗夜学随这个她唯一的家:要拥抱完美爱人,要团结众人,拼死击败威胁家园的任何人——哪怕对手是天使。 人生这样疯狂,这样疲惫,这样嘈杂,佐伊内心却平和且甜蜜,她知遵自己正走在女神期待的目光里。佐伊决心要桀骜不驯到底,她那颗不羁的心正怦然跳动……
  • 恶夜追击令


    全球读者票选最受欢迎影集原著小说 全系列同时登上《纽约时报》畅销排行榜 改编为HBO金球奖美剧《真爱如血》(True Blood),创下全美最高收视率1240万人次! 苏琪正想彻底与专门找麻烦进门的超物们划清界线,却再次与变形人昆恩会面。噢好吧……她承认这只“老虎”的确对她有致命的吸引力,而且看起来不会咬死她──嘿!有多少女性得担心她男友会不会咬死她咧?可惜的是,她那些吸血鬼前男友们显然不是心胸宽大的类型……当他们在声明所有权时,苏琪差点怀疑自己身上贴有商品标签。 然而这些超物们并没这样就放过她,苏琪少得可怜的活人亲戚又少了一个,就是吸血鬼女王的侍女、也是活死人的表姐。表姐将所有遗产都给了苏琪,但显然有某些人想阻止她继承这些遗产──而且他们没有光说不练,可是无比积极地行动呢!无论这些人是谁,肯定都不是省油的灯……苏琪此次真的命在旦夕!
  • 南方吸血鬼系列:亡者俱樂部

    作者:莎蓮‧哈里斯(Charlaine Har

    當女英雄一向不是蘇琪‧史戴克豪斯的第一志願, 但認識吸血鬼之後,她似乎注定命運多舛…… 和蘇琪‧史戴克豪斯有牽扯的吸血鬼只有一位(起碼這是她自願的),那就是比爾。 然而,最近他有點疏遠──是指前往遙遠的別州這種距離上的遠。 比爾那邪惡性感的老闆艾瑞克知道上哪找他。 接下來蘇琪便發現自己已經動身前往密西西比的首府傑克遜, 和比地下組織更隱密的「亡者俱樂部」打交道。 這是一個危險的小巢穴,吸血鬼菁英可以到此冷靜一下並吸一些O型血。 當蘇琪終於發現在一場重大背叛中被擒住的比爾, 她不知道該不該救他……或是趕快找幾根木樁來削尖。
  • Dead Until Dark

    作者:Charlaine Harris

    Small town Louisiana has a big problem - or rather a number of big problems. And now some of them have come knocking on Sookie's door ...Sookie is an unassuming cocktail waitress in an (outwardly) unremarkable town. She's quiet, keeps to herself and doesn't get out much. Attractive as she is, her hidden 'talents' send men running. For some reason her mindreading skills are just a bit threatening ...Then the unreadable Bill appears on the scene. Tall, dark and handsome, Bill seems to be the man of her dreams. Except he's not technically human. Bill is a vampire and a vampire who keeps seriously bad company, some suspected - unsurprisingly - of murder. Things get a bit close to home when a co-worker is murdered and Sookie starts wondering whether she will be next ... --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  • The Historian

    作者:Elizabeth Kostova

    Late one night, exploring ther father's library, a young woman finds an ancient book and a cache of yellowing letters addressed ominously to 'My dear and unfortunate successor'. Her discovery plunges her into a world she never dreamed of - a labyrinth where the secrets of her father's past and her mother's mysterious fate connect to an evil hiden in the depths of history. Comments on this book: Some stories can be told again in endlessly different ways. Elizabeth Kostova's The Historian combines a search for the historical Dracula with a profound sense that Stoker got some things right--that the late Mediaeval tyrant kills among us yet, undead and dangerous. From Stoker, she also takes a sense that the supernatural seems more real when embedded in documentary evidence. Three generations search for Dracula's resting place, and their stories are nested within each other, so that we know that at least two quests ended badly. Kostova rations her thrills very carefully so that we jump out of our chair at quite slight surprises, especially when we have come to expect buckets of blood and loud bangs. She also has a profound and well-communicated sense of place and period, so that the book is equally at home in 1930s Rumania, Cold War Budapest and 1970s Oxford. Kostova is particularly good on the sights and sounds of remote country places and the taste of real peasant food--this sensuous realism does not always go with her other skill, the creation of imagined documents and folksongs that feel as real and true as what might be actual. This is a quietly good book rather than a spectacular debut, with some uncomfortable twists in its tail; her heroine-narrators are, and perhaps remain, in the most serious of jeopardies. ---Roz Kaveney --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  • 意外的访客


    比《暮光之城》更畅销的吸血鬼小说 全系列同时登上《纽约时报》畅销排行榜 改编为HBO金球奖美剧《真爱如血》(True Blood),创下全美最高收视率1240万人次! 苏琪的新年新希望是——“避开一切麻烦”!可惜事与愿违,不光是吸血鬼,连狼人、女巫都找上门……苏琪的生活一团糟!男友比尔脚踏两条船还借口连连,据说是吸血鬼克星的女巫团同时大举入侵,紧接着她的哥哥又失踪(大概是凶多吉少)。苏琪自己都很需要救援了,麻烦还不断来敲门──她竟得孤身保护一向不可一世的吸血鬼头头艾瑞克(附注:完全忘了他自己是谁)。 艾瑞克备受惊吓,夺走他记忆的人现在还要向他索命。苏琪被迫着手调查个中的原因和敌方的底细,就此一脚踏入险境,扯入女巫团、吸血鬼和狼人的战争! 但是,她的心面临更大的危险,因为“翻新版”的艾瑞克温柔得让人难以抗拒……
  • 与狼人共舞


    全球读者票选最受欢迎影集原著小说 全系列同时登上《纽约时报》畅销排行榜 改编为HBO金球奖美剧《真爱如血》(True Blood),创下全美最高收视率1240万人次! 苏琪才刚与各方超物惊险过招,接下来的事情就更糟糕了!真是一波未平一波又起,苏琪才刚经历九死一生,她的哥哥詹森又出事了──他即将历经第一次“变身”!这时突然出现连续杀人犯,枪口对准变形一族;詹森这次也被冤枉,变形人全都怀疑是他干的。为了证明他的清白,苏琪又得疲于奔命,要是杀手决定先拿她开刀,倒也省了她不少事…… 这次苏琪要和吸血鬼、狼人、变形人以及精灵合力对付一名杀手!这个来路不明的家伙对超物们深恶痛绝,打算将他们一个个送上西天。 要是揪出凶手还不够苏琪忙的话,她还有好多事要操心,比如性感的狼人朋友欧喜德需要她帮忙,帮助他父亲角逐下届狼人地区领袖,顺便搞清楚他的前女友下落何方;加上闲来无事会变成牧羊犬的老板萨姆不幸中弹;她自己的家也失火;美丽的精灵自称是她的神仙教母……还有,酒吧来了个穿着海盗装的帅气吸血鬼侍者;比尔和艾瑞克也无时无刻现身,带来一堆“麻烦”! 总而言之,苏琪只能在一场又一场的灾难间疲于奔命。
  • 达拉斯夜未眠


    美国最火爆的吸血鬼小说 亚马逊畅销排行第一名 改编成美剧《真爱如血》True Blood,创下继《欲望城市》后全美惊人收视率1240万人次! 畅销纪录更胜《暮光之城》! “读心术”的秘密被曝光了,苏琪成了吸血鬼和其他异类竞相追逐的目标。于是,厄运也接连向她袭来——首先,她的同事遭到谋杀,而且似乎没人在意。接着,她和一个怪物面对面接触,对方给了她又痛又毒的一击。然后是吸血鬼上场,仁慈地替她将血中的毒素吸出来(说得好像他们很不乐意似的)。重点是,他们救了她。所以呢,其中一位吸血鬼要求她帮忙,她只好答应。 没多久,苏琪已经来到达拉斯,运用读心术寻找一位失踪的吸血鬼。她只有一个条件:吸血鬼必须保证守规矩,并且让人类全身而退。 真是说的比做的容易。代价不过是牺牲了一位金发美少年,还有一个令情况变得危急的小小错误……
  • 吸血鬼

    作者:北京大陆桥文化传媒 编
