

  • 象征学全书


    《象征学全书》内容简介:象征文化源远流长,它起源于现代人遥不可及的远古蛮荒时代,诞生于世界所有古老民族的神话、传说之中,也来自许多教义抽象的宗教。它着眼于情感、心灵体验和内心震撼,隐含于浩如烟海的文学艺术作品和传统文化中。同时也进入我们当今的现实生活和人们的潜意识中,成为一根联系古今中外历史和现实的纽带。 象征文化不仅是各种意象、情景、事件、典故的组合图,也蕴含着历史和现实的深邃内涵,而且极具人类文化学、文学、哲学、社会学、心理学、宗教、民族等科学科重要的研究探索价值。对神秘而丰富的象征文化的挖掘和整理,将加深入类对世界的认识和理解,更有助于当今世界跨越时空、民族的文化交流。 《象征学全书》通过对纷繁复杂及来自不同传统文化中象征符号的全面考察解读和全方位的扫描,使读者对象征体系的渊源、嬗变及其发展、进化、更新有所了解,也将是读者在广阔的象征世界作一次颇有裨益的遨游。
  • 象征之旅

    作者:[英] 杰克·特里锡

  • 世界文化象征辞典


    From Library Journal This reference work defines symbols not only as visual icons (including shapes, color, and geometric designs) but also as biblical, classical, and mythological figures; botanics; minerals; and animals (real and mythical) as they relate to literature, dreams, art, and so forth. The choice of the over 2000 cross-referenced terms included here was necessarily subjective, for almost anything in the universe can be construed as having an emblematic meaning. Prehistorical to modern periods are covered and, although there is a Western emphasis, the author attempts to place symbols in appropriate cultural contexts. This work, which consolidates much arcane information, is valuable for its elucidation of both the esoteric and commonplace. Generally recommended, although there is no need to duplicate if a collection has sufficient works of this nature. A similar title, Carl G. Liungman's Dictionary of Symbols , was chosen as one of LJ 's best reference books of 1991.--Ed. - Janice Braun, Oakland, Cal. Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.