

  • 畫畫的52個創意練習


    每個喜歡畫畫的人,書桌上一定要有的一本書 .超可愛!每一頁的範例都想試著畫畫看! .超簡單!原來米羅大師的畫,也可以馬上畫得出來! .超輕鬆!一次學會52個創意,無論是動物、臉部、風景,什麼都可以畫! 你厭倦了一成不變的鉛筆素描畫? 或是只能有單一媒材的鋼珠筆畫法? 在這本書,給你意想不到的創意點子,帶給你繪畫的無限樂趣! 看到什麼都會畫 無論是人物,風景,動物,跟著書中所提供的方式,用簡單的媒材,輕鬆畫出你想要的感覺,什麼也難不倒你,每張畫都超有FU~ 學藝術大師思考 藝術大師的畫不再是那麼的遙不可及,書內介紹了耳熟能詳的藝術家,跟著畫,你也能創造大師般的作品,超有成就感! 一次學會所有的素描技巧 52個創意練習,包含著美術作品中非常重要且實用的技巧,輪廓素描、盲繪、動態速寫等,讓你奠定素描實力,看到什麼都想畫! 這不是單純的一本教導繪畫的書籍,它能讓你擁有充滿樂趣的生活。 每一種創意練習,都能讓你發出「哇!我竟然也畫得出來」讚嘆的驚訝聲! 原來,它能激發每個人內在對美術的渴望,並且沾沾自喜!大人可以在其中發掘畫畫的趣味,孩子也可以在其中獲得完成作品的自信心。 開始吧! 隨性地翻開一頁,今天想當個畢卡索,或是米羅,還是人物畫家,由你自己決定!完成後,你一定也迫不及待的想和親愛的家人、朋友分享!
  • Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia

    作者:Danzig Baldaev

    Once upon a time, before the advent of the indie rocker and the alternative chick, before primitivism became a style trend and tattoo parlors set up shop on the good avenues, tattoos were the secret language of a restricted world, a world of criminals. The photographs, drawings and texts published here are part of a collection of 3,600 tattoos accumulated over a lifetime by prison attendant Danzig Baldayev. Tattoos were his entrance into a secret world, a world in which he acted as an ethnographer, recording the rituals of a closed society. The icons and tribal languages he documented are artful, distasteful, sexually explicit and sometimes just simply strange, reflecting as they do the lives and mores of convicts. Skulls, swastikas, harems of naked women, a smiling Al Capone, assorted demons, medieval knights in armor, daggers sheathed in blood, benign images of Christ, mosques and minarets, sweet-faced mothers and their babies, armies of tanks, and a horned Lenin--these are the signs with which this hidden world of people mark and identify themselves.