

  • A Concise Introduction to Logic

    作者:Patrick J. Hurley

    Unsurpassed for its clarity and comprehensiveness, Hurley's A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC is the #1 introductory logic textbook in the market. In this Eleventh Edition, Hurley continues to build upon the tradition of a lucid, focused, and accessible presentation of the basic subject matter of logic, both formal and informal. Hurley's extensive, carefully sequenced collection of exercises continue to guide students toward greater proficiency with the skills they are learning. Review "What I like perhaps most about Hurley's text is the organization of the material. His book introduces the material in step-by-step way building off of what was just learned the section before and adding just enough information to each section to simplify the whole process of learning logic." - David Weise, Gonzaga University "This is the "gold standard" of introductory logic texts." - Frank Ryan, Kent State University "It is the clearest text, with the best technology available." - Stephanie Semler, Radford University "Hurley's text provides a methodical introduction to the strategies and techniques usually covered in an introductory logic course, including both formal and informal topics. Numerous exercises provide plenty of opportunity for students to practice the skills they have learned." - Allyson Mount, Keene State College "Hurley's book is thorough and very accessible to instructors and students. One of the best logic texts on the market." - Paula Smithka, University of Southern Mississippi
  • Beyond Feelings

    作者:Vincent Ruggiero

    This succinct, interdisciplinary introduction to critical thinking successfully dares students to question their own assumptions and to enlarge their thinking through the analysis of the most common problems associated with everyday reasoning. The text offers a unique and effective organization: Part I explains the fundamental concepts; Part II describes the most common barriers to critical thinking; Part III offers strategies for overcoming those barriers.
  • 心理学带你走出思维误区

    作者:(美)John Ruscio

    《心理学带你走出思维误区》的首要目标是帮助读者发现并避免错误的推理,培养批判性思维的能力,其次是如何运用批判性思维,评价当代的种种伪科学。书中通过生活中各种伪科学的例子,介绍了科学推论的原则及其运用。 批判性思维并不意味着否定一切,如何保持一种恰当的平衡,既不是过于开放,轻易地接受所有的论断,也不是“怀疑论者”,拒绝所有的论断,正是《心理学带你走出思维误区》的主旨。 《心理学带你走出思维误区》将复杂的行为科学以简洁清晰,近乎对话的方式呈现出来,既发人深省,又通俗易懂,是普通心理学的必备辅助读物。 强力推荐:Critical Thinking in Psychology: Separating Sense from Nonsense 英文原版火热发售