

  • How to Argue & Win Every Time

    作者:Gerry Spence

    The Laws of Arguing According to Gerry Spence 1. Everyone is capable of making the winning argument.2. Winning is getting what we want, which also means helping "others" get what they want.3. Learn that words are a weapon, and can be used hostilely in combat.4. Know that there is always a "biological advantage" of delivering the TRUTH.5. Assault is not argument.6. Use fear as an ally in pubic speaking or in argument. Learn to convert its energy.7. Let emotions show and don't discourage passion.8. Don't be blinded by brilliance.9. Learn to speak with the body. The body sometimes speaks more powerfully than words.10. Know that the enemy is not the person with whom we are engaged in a failing argument, but the vision within ourselves.
  • What Type Am I?

    作者:Renee Baron

    The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator temperament test is given annually to millions of people, mainly business students and job applicants. But what good does it do, short of giving you a catchy-sounding, four-letter abbreviation (ENTJ, ISFP) that you can sometimes use to break the ice at cocktail parties? The aim of this book is to help you apply your knowledge to the benefit of both your work and love life--and to teach you how to prevent personality clashes by slightly adjusting your behavior around others, once you ascertain which "type" they fall under. The four areas covered by Myers-Briggs are how you relate to the world (Extraverting or Introverting); how you take in information (Sensing or iNtuiting); how you make decisions (Thinking or Feeling); and how you manage your life (by Judging or Perceiving). If you don't already know your profile, take the fun and quick 20-question quizzes for each of the four categories. (Do you dislike routine and repetition? Do you prefer to finish one project before starting another, or does that not matter to you? Do people seek you out for warmth and nurturing?) You're then given tons of tips for getting along in this world. ESFPs are warned that they should not get involved in too many activities, lest they forget their responsibilities. INTJs need to learn to be more flexible, and are sometimes best off working for themselves. If you're dating someone who's an NF, "give them cards, gifts, compliments, hugs, adoration, and other forms of loving attention"; they enjoy romance and need this kind of doting. There's also fascinating information about which functions are dominant in each of the 16 types, and how they're broken out by percentages, population-wide. Product Description The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the most widely used psychological indicator in the world. Millions of people take the test annually. Now a family therapist explains this fascinating system of ideas to the public in a way that is entertaining and easy to absorb. Based on the work of Carl Jung, the MBTI is a system that discusses people's individual preferences on four basic scales: how they relate to the world, take in information, make decisions, and manage their lives. Renee Baron takes on the complexity of the sixteen personality types and makes them accessible so the general reader can comprehend them, find their own type, and use the knowledge to enrich their own lives. She presents information about individual strengths and weaknesses along with suggestions for personal growth and awareness. Insightful, helpful, and encouraging, What Type Am I? is the only user-friendly guide to the MBTI--and an eminently useful step in helping individuals appreciate, and apply their strength, to work, love, and life. Baron has co-authored two bestselling books: Are You My Type, Am I Yours and The Eneagram Made Easy
  • 财色战场


    武俠小説裏,所有的角色都離不開一個地方——江湖。江湖是個多大的地方,確實的位置在哪裏,小説的作者大概也説不清。反正,英雄每天一定會見到的,就是人。沒見到人,哪來的情節?聼過一句話——三個人就能夠形成一個江湖,因此,也許我們可以說,江湖有的就是人。 見到人,通常是敵人,與英雄爭名、爭利。既然如此,就要打,就要殺——路就是這麽殺出來的,所以一般稱爲“血路”。 還有一種人,是必定會讓英雄遇見的,往往令英雄愛恨交織,難捨難分,而英雄的一生極爲可能就敗在這種人的身上。這種人統稱為“美人”——英雄難過美人關;窈窕淑女,君子好逑;英雄氣短,兒女情長……. 現實的世界裏,古往今來,許多人窮一生精力所追求的,不外乎財與色。當然,也有重名多於財色的,那是人生的另一境界,但也還離不開這個凡塵俗世、花花世界。一個人要是到了這些都能夠超越的時候,他的境界不是世外高人,就是聖人,再不然就是像佛陀、基督這樣的先知。 因此,“財色戰場”這本著作,完全是為戀戀紅塵的人所著,也是為愛財好色的凡夫俗子所著。 由於兩位老師都是男性,所以書的内容完全是以男性的角度寫成。我在看這本書的時候,仿佛進入一個前所未聞的男性與女性的内心世界——男性和女性的角度看世界,原來存在如此多的矛盾與差異。僅僅是因爲這種種的矛盾與差異,就造成男女之間數不清的戰爭遊戲。而生意人的商業手腕,原來與男女關係中所用的策略有那麽多的共同點。於是乎,對於大多數人而言,財與色就變成與一生成敗休戚相關的兩大要素。 我想,讀者看完這本書之後,有兩個可能的下場——第一是變得對這個大千世界更加入迷,再者就是看破世情,學會遊戲人間。
  • The Art of Seduction

    作者:Robert Greene