

  • Rules of Play

    作者:Eric Zimmerman,Katie

    As pop culture, games are as important as film or television--but game design has yet to develop a theoretical framework or critical vocabulary. In Rules of Play Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman present a much-needed primer for this emerging field. They offer a unified model for looking at all kinds of games, from board games and sports to computer and video games. As active participants in game culture, the authors have written Rules of Play as a catalyst for innovation, filled with new concepts, strategies, and methodologies for creating and understanding games..Building an aesthetics of interactive systems, Salen and Zimmerman define core concepts like "play," "design," and "interactivity." They look at games through a series of eighteen "game design schemas," or conceptual frameworks, including games as systems of emergence and information, as contexts for social play, as a storytelling medium, and as sites of cultural resistance.Written for game scholars, game developers, and interactive designers, Rules of Play is a textbook, reference book, and theoretical guide. It is the first comprehensive attempt to establish a solid theoretical framework for the emerging discipline of game design.
  • Game Design Workshop

    作者:Tracy Fullerton

    Master the craft of game design so you can create that elusive combination of challenge, competition, and interaction that players seek. This design workshop begins with an examination of the fundamental elements of game design; then puts you to work in prototyping, playtesting and redesigning your own games with exercises that teach essential design skills. Workshop exercises require no background in programming or artwork, releasing you from the intricacies of electronic game production, so you can develop a working understanding of the essentials of game design. Features: * A design methodology used in the USC Interactive Media program, a cutting edge program funded in part of Electronic Arts. * Hands-on exercises demonstrate key concepts, and the design methodology * Insights from top industry game designers, including Noah Falstein, American McGee, Peter Molyneux
  • 游戏机制

    作者:[美] Ernest Adams,[荷]

    游戏机制是游戏核心部分的规则、流程以及数据。在游戏设计中,游戏机制居于核心地位。它们使游戏世界生动多彩,产生出供玩家解决的种种灵活挑战,并决定着玩家的行动在游戏中产生的效果。游戏设计师的工作,就是打造出能够产生挑战丰富、乐趣十足、平衡良好的可玩性的游戏机制。 《游戏机制——高级游戏设计技术》介绍游戏机制的本质,教授读者如何设计、测试及调整游戏的核心机制。全书共包括12章,分别从不同角度介绍和阐述了游戏机制,介绍了用于构建和模拟游戏机制的Machinations工具,展示了实用案例、常见的机制以及设计模式,还探讨了模拟和平衡游戏、构建经济机制、关卡设计与机制设计的融合以及有意义的机制等相对深入的话题。 《游戏机制——高级游戏设计技术》适合学习游戏设计的学生以及希望对游戏机制的设计、构建和测试加深了解的业内人士阅读参考。