

  • Classic Italian Cooking

    作者:Valentina Harris

  • Gourmet's Guide Cheese

    作者:Engelmann, Brigitte;

  • 新编四季养生食谱

    作者:张铁元 编

    《新编四季养生食谱(专家指导版)》内容简介:四季养生是根据自然界一切生物的春温、夏长、秋收、冬藏的规律,来调节人体和饮食,以达到健身防病、长寿的目的。春夏秋冬按照传统的五行学说,各有归属。春为木,是阳长阴消的开始,所以应该养阳。 春天主生发,人体脏腑属肝胆,养生之道在于以养肝为主,饮食原则上要减酸增甘而养脾气。夏为火,是阳长阴消的极期,夏天主长,人体脏腑属心,饮食原则上要减苦辛,达到养心益肺之目的。秋为金,是阴长阳消的时候,所以要养阴为主。秋天主收,人体脏腑属肺,饮食上要减辛酸,达到润肺养肝的目的。冬为水,是大地收藏、万物皆伏的季节,人体脏腑属肾,冬天养生应以养肾为主,饮食原则上要减咸增苦,以补肾养心气。
  • juices & smoothies galore

    作者:Susannah Blake

    Packed with over 120 delicious drinks, these recipes are a fun way to get your daily requirement of 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. A detailed guide on juicing techniques and combining flavors is also included in this wonderful collection of juices and smoothies.
  • french general handmade soirees

    作者:Meng, Kaari

    With "The Craft of Entertaining", every hostess with the mostest can add a bit of French charm to her next special occasion. Tastemaker Kaari Meng makes entertaining effortlessly chic with twenty-four simple-to-create table and room decorations. Organza chair covers dress up a summer fete, fabric wine totes and roll-out placemats make picnics practical, and all of these projects make guests feel cherished. Kaari shares the secrets of hosting: setting an elegant table, collecting and caring for vintage dishes and textiles, arranging flowers, and more. The patterns, how-to illustrations, and step-by-step instructions make it all tres simple for both beginning and seasoned sewers to achieve polished results. With an exquisitely scalloped cloth spine and eighty dream-worthy photographs, "The Craft of Entertaining" is as pretty as the projects it proffers.
  • 食全食美私家菜


  • 中餐菜肴制作技术实验教程


    《中餐菜肴制作技术实验教程》主要介绍中式烹调工艺中热菜和冷菜实验操作的相关知识;阐述原料加工后产生的变化及变化的调控与利用;介绍原料初步处理的方式、方法,以及调味、调色、调香、调型和调质的原理和方法。突出操作程序、制作关键,并以若干有代表性的菜例汇成表格加以说明,方便查阅参考。 《中餐菜肴制作技术实验教程》重视理论与实践的统一,既有传统烹调工艺的阐述,又有创新烹调方法及菜式的介绍,力求体现中式烹调工艺的传统与发展。 《中餐菜肴制作技术实验教程》可供烹饪工作者,各种院校烹饪专业和旅游专业师生,烹饪培训以及烹饪爱好者学习、参考使用。
  • Veg Patch

    作者:Mark Diacono

  • Gordon Ramsay's Maze

    作者:Gordon Ramsay

    With locations in London and New York City, Gordon Ramsay's Maze restaurant focuses on quality ingredients, imaginative flavor combinations, and simple preservations. The dishes are served in small portions, enabling patrons to savor a wide variety of tastes in one visit. This cookbook gives readers the opportunity to cook the Maze way. But it is more than a collection of the restaurant's best recipes. The book explains how each dish would be served in the restaurant, following which additional recipes are offered using the same ingredients. Each signature dish — for example, Braised Shin of Veal with Pea Risotto and Butter-Roasted Cod with Silky Mash and Spiced Lentils — is followed by two additional recipes using the same ingredients and geared to the home cook. Covering starters, entrees, and desserts, Gordon Ramsay's Maze shows how to make meals both artful and delicious, all highlighted by Ditte Isager's gorgeous photographs.
  • The World Cheese Book

    作者:Juliet (ed) Harbutt

    This title lets you explore cheese in its many glorious varieties - the science, the smells, the succulence! The grandest fromages, the finest Feta, the most delicious Manchego: celebrate the glorious variety, quality and pleasure of great cheeses from around the world. You'll find detailed profiles of over 800 cheeses from France to Australia. Develop an in-depth understanding of different cheese - from its provenance, to the producers, science, smells, and how to savor each taste. Plus, discover what to buy, where and how to serve it. No cheese lover should be without it!
  • Impasti Di Base

    作者:Scuola di Cucina

  • 新手也能醬料變佳餚90道


    作者序 6 自製方便醬的三種保存法 7 本書用法 8 <肉燥醬> 9 香菇瓜仔肉飯 10 肉燥白菜魯 11 哨子蒸嫩蛋 12 肉燥燜苦瓜 13 中式肉燥燒 14 <油辣子醬> 16 口水雞 17 紅油酸湯水餃 18 回鍋小炒肉 19 油辣子雞丁 20 酸辣涼粉 21 <麻婆肉醬> 22 麻婆豆腐 23 螞蟻上樹 24 醬香肉末茄子 25 麻婆馬鈴薯 26 滑蛋麻婆肉醬蓋飯 27 <糖醋 醬> 28 糖醋排骨 29 鳳梨咕咾肉 30 醋溜肉丸子 31 糖醋炸茄盒 32 醋溜皮蛋 34 <宮保醬> 35 宮保雞丁 36 宮保蝦仁 37 宮保豆腐 38 宮保什錦蔬菜 39 宮保皮蛋 40 <三杯醬> 41 蘋果三杯雞 42 三杯中卷 44 三杯臘味飯 46 三杯麵輪 47 三杯玉米 48 <油蔥醬> 49 南瓜香香飯 50 客家風味炒河粉 51 客家鹹湯圓 52 蔥油拌韭菜 53 家常肉羹湯 54 <麻醬> 56 芝麻醬涼麵 57 麻醬涼拌雞絲 58 麻醬豆腐 59 麻醬果仁菠菜 60 苜蓿芽菜卷 61 <咖哩醬> 62 咖哩螃蟹 63 印度咖哩餃 64 咖哩紅酒燉牛肉 66 咖哩燉排骨 67 葡國雞 68 <番茄肉醬> 70 蕃茄蔬菜肉醬義大利麵 71 起司焗豆腐 72 蕃茄肉醬焗茄子 73 蕃茄肉醬焗馬鈴薯泥 74 蕃茄肉醬燉花豆 75 <奶油白醬> 76 奶汁玉米可樂餅 77 鹽酥雞奶油焗飯 78 奶油培根義大利麵 80 奶油馬鈴薯 81 和風奶油燉菜 82 <萬用昆布汁> 83 茶碗蒸 84 揚出豆腐 85 蒟蒻昆布白蘿蔔煮 86 和風南瓜雞肉煮 87 關東煮 88 <黑胡椒醬> 90 黑椒炒牛柳 91 香烤黑胡椒豬肋排 92 黑胡椒肉醬麵 93 黑椒肉末蔥燒餅 94 黑胡椒雞肉串 96 <泰式酸甜醬> 97 腰果炒雞丁 98 泰式涼拌海鮮 99 泰式風味烤雞腿 100 泰式香魚塊 101 泰式酸甜雞翅腿 102 < 照燒醬> 103 照燒漢堡肉 104 照燒牛肉卷 106 照燒鮭魚 107 照燒雞腿 108 照燒醬中卷 109 <食材小百科> 黃薑粉 椰糖 味醂 義大利綜合香料 蕃茄糊
  • 在家做糖果


    童年时,甜美的糖果带给我们许许多多快乐的回忆。她有一种奇特的魅力,让人很想亲近,让人难以抗拒…… 正因为此,作者规划了这本甜滋滋的糖果书,内容包括脆糖、牛轧糖、硬糖、软糖及巧克力糖等五大类,介绍了40种不同糖果的制作方法,并配有详细的材料配比、工具和步骤图,简便易学。 如果你对手工糖果充满好奇和兴趣,或是想亲手制作一份甜蜜的礼物送给家人和朋友,那么本书将会满足你的心愿,带你进入奇妙的糖果世界。
  • 经典韩食


  • English Bread and Yeast Cookery (Cookery Library)

    作者:Elizabeth David

    In this universally acclaimed book Elizabeth David deals with all aspects of flour-milling, yeast, bread ovens and the different types of bread and flour available. The recipes cover yeast cookery of all kinds, and the many lovely, old-fashioned spiced breads, buns, pancakes and muffins, among others, are all described with her typical elegance and unrivalled knowledge.
  • Gordon Ramsay 3* Chef

    作者:Gordon Ramsay

  • 空におちる
