

  • チーズの時間 4


    両親の祖国・日本でチーズの美味しさを広めるため来日した亜氷音レミは、フレンチレストランでチーズ担当として働き始めた。だが、そのレストランのパティシエールは経歴を詐称していた。レミがその彼女に出したチーズとは!? チーズの魅力満載の書き下ろしコラムも大好評!
  • 美味与营养兼得的家常菜单(套装共6册)

    作者:悦然文化 编

  • 家常养生粥


  • Tender

    作者:Nigel Slater

    'I would like to think I know more now than I did before I picked up my trowel and dug that first furrow of red and white radishes. How to get the best out of a vegetable yes, but also what are the different ways to treat it in the kitchen, which seasonings will make it sing, what other ingredients is it most comfortable or most exciting with. What are the classic recipes not to be missed by a newcomer and what new ways are there which might be of interest to an old hand.' With over 400 recipe ideas and many wonderful stories from the cook's garden, Tender: Volume I - A cook and his vegetable patch, is the definitive guide to cooking with vegetables from Britain's finest food writer. In his imitable, unpretentious style Nigel Slater elevates vegetables to the starring role in his latest cook book, whether that means enjoying vegetables for their own sake or on the same plate as a piece of meat or fish. From crab cakes and crushed peas to broccoli and lamb stir-fry, luxury cauliflower cheese to a delicious broad bean salad, Tender has everything a cook could want from a recipe book.
  • 主妇必学的四季营养餐


    《主妇必学的四季营养餐:春》根据春季的特点,对饮食方案进行合理搭配。 构思一个5口之家,从一个主妇的角度设计一套可行的餐饮方案。万物生发的春天,人体新陈代谢也最为活跃。这个季节肝气升发,通常中医强调春季养肝。在饮食方面要注重均衡,主妇在搭配膳食时,每餐都需要准备足够的新鲜绿色蔬菜,不妨炒上两盘青菜。少吃酸、辣及油炸、烤、煎食品,注意提醒孩子多喝水,还要提醒孩子他爸爸少喝酒。
  • 六畜興旺


    最具古典涵養的美食家朱振藩 道出六種香氣四溢的美味關係 你能想像蜜唧甜滋滋,色、聲、香、味齊聲張揚的腦麻滋味嗎? 好吃的燒雞得於臨吃之際,提起雞腿一抖,骨、肉即自動分離才是真正好吃的道口燒雞? 除了常見的豬牛羊雞,還有什麼光是聽說,就口水直流的美味菜餚? 本書以肉品為美食骨架,引經據典考究出中國美味料理的精髓。
  • The Book of Sushi

    作者:Kinjiro Omae,Yuzuru

  • Merry Christmas Cakes

    作者:Jan Clement-May

  • 食物也fashion


  • 最具影响的经典家常菜-II

    作者:夏金龙 编

  • 最易操作的实用家常菜Ⅱ


  • 一看就会的家常主食

    作者:夏金龙 编

    《一看就会的家常主食》精选了150款原料取材容易、营养搭配合理、操作简便易行的家庭常见菜例。书中不仅有精美的成品彩图,还针对制作中的关键步骤加以图片分解说明,让您更直观、更轻松地选择习作。另外,编者还在每款菜例中附加了营养提示、操作时间、口味特点、烹饪笔记,使您的烹饪学习更加透彻明了。 愿《一看就会的家常主食》能成为您生活上的好助手,为您打开绚烂多彩的烹饪之门。
  • 每日食酒誌


    讀完市面上的飲酒書,實際到賣場選購時,卻還是會碰到選擇上的困難? 超市、大賣場的酒類琳瑯滿目,不確定哪一種酒的品牌、產地或口感才適合今晚的料理? 在家辦派對、或幫主管策劃聚餐,既看不懂餐酒單,也不知道那一種酒能夠滿足所有人的期待、既不過分昂貴也不失禮? 常見的台灣小吃,和什麼酒莊、年份或產地所釀出的葡萄酒最合適? 傳統中式甜點佐法式香檳,居然是從未試過的甜蜜滋味!? 當季食材、氣候與各式醬汁佐料,都會一併影響著酒的口感和香氣,在吃重口味的中菜時,除了搭配啤酒外,還有什麼一般人不了解的葡萄酒撘配美學? 結合所有消費者最常碰到的問題,台灣第一本超實用料理與美酒搭配的內行祕笈!料理少了酒彷彿有些無味、酒沒了料理的陪伴又有些孤單……,學會酒和料理的完美搭配,正式步入新美學生活時代!再也不需要花時間蒐集葡萄酒資料、死背硬記過目就忘的選酒知識,或者瀏覽網頁一整天只為了找到最適合今晚菜色的搭配葡萄酒……,像「隨身達人」一樣的每日食酒誌,在旁提醒選酒常識、補充品酒知識,更重要的,誰都能從文字中選到最適合的葡萄酒! 從在地角度出發,推薦最容易買到、也最容易搭配各式料理的酒類品牌。重點式提醒「選酒、醒酒、品酒、保酒」四大要點,再加上幽默並容易理解的「NG配法」,想了解葡萄酒其實一點都不難!從更生活化且輕鬆的搭配技法,開始享受更自在的生活飲酒美學。
  • Paris Patisseries

    作者:Julia Hung

    An exquisitely photographed introduction to the great French tradition of baking—from the simple croissant to the light and flaky millefeuilles, drawn from the best pastry chefs in Paris. Temptations abound for the sweet tooth in Paris, from the hottest culinary trends to time-honored classics. Pâtisserie is an integral part of the city’s culinary tradition and the source of countless delectable creations that combine fruit, cream fillings, icings, frostings, mousses, and pastry. Readers will yield to sweet temptation as they discover the best pastries and cakes the city has to offer, including macarons, éclairs, baba au rum, tarts, mont blanc, polonaises, and oriental cakes. Twenty pastry chefs show off their artful creations and share their signature recipes, which are described in the context of their historical tradition, composition, and gastronomic properties. The evolution of the pastry art is also explained, focusing in particular on the new generation of Parisian pâtissiers and chocolatiers, buzzing with the creativity and ingenuity that are redefining their craft. The book includes an address book of the best pâtisseries and tea rooms in Paris along with twenty recipes from the city’s most respected pastry chefs.
  • 鴛鴦


    内容转自 YesAsia.com : 用意大利花盆改成吊燒炭爐?用石磨自製米漿? 私房菜「鴛鴦飯店」主理人徐蒝,一向醉心烹飪,而且創意點子特別多,菜式如:鏡花水月(花茶烤魚)、紅塵白雪(米漿蒸膏蟹)、鴛鴦戲水(燒乳鴿伴有機菜)……味道及賣相均俘虜食客。 全書分野家菜(鴛)及香港菜變奏(鴦)兩部份。野家菜是以新鮮食材及有機蔬菜,烹調而成的私房菜;香港菜變奏則將香港特色的懷舊菜,以她創新的演繹,重新包裝,各具特色。 此外,徐蒝崇尚天然,書內介紹用石磨及山水自製豆漿及豆腐,自製梅酒及金柑酒,甚至走進她的菜園,享受綠色的自耕生活。
  • “烹”出营养来


    《"烹"出营养来》为“健康私房书”之一,从烹调前的处理、主食烹调、蔬果烹调、肉蛋鱼烹调、烹调器材的选择、控油控盐、调味品的选择、食物多样化、食品储藏、旧菜翻新、四季养生等方面介绍了营养健康的知识和操作方法,并配有实用菜谱。 《"烹"出营养来》图文并茂,适合广大关心健康的人群,尤其年轻女性阅读。
  • The Complete Robuchon

    作者:Joel Robuchon

    An incomparable culinary treasury: the definitive guide to French cooking for the way we live now, from the man the Gault Millau guide has proclaimed “Chef of the Century.” Joël Robuchon’s restaurant empire stretches from Paris to New York, Las Vegas to Tokyo, London to Hong Kong. He holds more Michelin stars than any other chef. Now this great master gives us his supremely authoritative renditions of virtually the entire French culinary repertoire, adapted for the home cook and the contemporary palate. Here are more than 800 precise, easy-to-follow, step-by-step recipes, including Robuchon’s updated versions of great classics—Pot-au-Feu, Sole Meunière, Cherry Custard Tart—as well as dozens of less well-known but equally scrumptious salads, roasts, gratins, and stews. Here, too, are a surprising variety of regional specialties (star turns like Aristide Couteaux’s variation on Hare Royale) and such essential favorites as scrambled eggs. Emphasizing quality ingredients and the brilliant but simple marriage of candid flavors—the genius for which he is rightly celebrated—Robuchon encourages the beginner with jargon-free, impeccable instructions in technique, while offering the practiced cook exciting paths for experimentation. The Complete Robuchon is a book to be consulted again and again, a magnificent resource no kitchen should be without.
  • White Heat

    作者:Marco Pierre White

    Once in a blue moon a book is published that irrevocably changes the face of things. White Heat is one such book. Since it was originally produced in 1990, it has gone on to become one of the most enduring classic cook books of our time. With its unique blend of outspoken opinion, recipes, and dramatic photographs, White Heat captures the magic and spirit of Marco Pierre White in the heat of his kitchen.
  • 主妇必学的四季营养餐


  • 美味關係烹飪課

    作者:艾瑞卡·包曼斯特,Erica Bauer

    莉莉安烹飪教室開課囉! 「莉莉安,每個人心碎的方式都不一樣,療法自然也不相同。」 每一堂課,都是一則千迴百轉的人生故事。 每一道餐點,都蘊藏著超越美味的深厚意涵與刻骨情感。 莉莉安自幼迷戀美食, 童年時父親不告而別之後,母親因難以平復傷痛日漸與現實脫節,遁入一本本小說中的虛構世界, 無視於周遭一切,更疏忽了幼小的莉莉安。 莉莉安堅信透過美食,能讓媽媽「回過神來」。 童稚的她發明了一道又一道餐點,悉心觀察母親的反應改良手藝。 渴望親情又努力不懈的她要用哪一道菜施展色香味的魔法,喚回失落的母愛? 長大後的莉莉安成為烹飪課老師,她的學生各有各的故事── 克萊兒是個深覺迷失了自我的新手媽媽,還不知道螃蟹將對她發揮什麼魔力; 卡爾和海倫是結縭數十載的老夫老妻,看似恩愛的兩人曾走過旁人難以想像的風雨; 熱情勇敢的安東尼雅是一位廚房裝潢師,對做菜的空間懷有非比尋常的鄉愁; 愛吃「羊屁股」的伊安本來與做菜絕緣,上了烹飪課後他的眼神怎麼也無法從安東尼雅身上移開; 連煎蛋都不會的湯姆開始學做菜,只為了讓病重的太太食能下嚥; 可洛伊是個笨手笨腳缺乏自信的服務生,不但常常摔壞餐具,還為日漸褪色的愛情感到卑屈…… 隨著課程的進行,可貴的情誼逐日建立,愛的火花也被點燃。 在莉莉安的帶領之下,學生不只發現了創造美食的必備食材,也體會到創造美好人生的關鍵要素。 酸甜苦辣鹹,皆是人生好滋味! 每一口都佐以香噴噴、熱騰騰的人情; 每一道菜都帶領你品味生命的喜悅與滿足。 二oo九年歲末年終最美味可口、清新自然的贈禮! 寒意逼人的冬夜, 讓我們到莉莉安的烹飪課上享受大餐、依偎取暖!