

  • 小說 艾瑪 01


    這是一部架構在傳統與革新衝突間的英國羅曼史,同時也是是一部正統的英國女僕故事。原作森薰對於時代背景的考據相當細膩;作者久美沙織纖細、溫柔的筆觸則讓小說版呈現出更充實、更具深度的描寫,讓人充滿想像空間。 19世紀末,英國正值維多利亞王朝時期,商人階級藉由工業革命致富並因此崛起。倫敦的富商——瓊斯家的長男威廉,某天拜訪退休的家庭教師時與美麗的女僕艾瑪相遇。威廉對艾瑪一見鍾情,並開始頻繁地拜訪艾瑪的住處。同時,艾瑪也漸漸為誠實正直的威廉所吸引。這段發生在新舊觀念交替的時代下,跨越階級且不被世俗所允許的戀情,究竟能不能開花結果?
  • A Pig in Provence

    作者:Georgeanne Brennan

    Georgeanne Brennan moved to Provence in 1970, seeking a simpler life. She set off on hermany adventures in Provençale cuisine by tracking down a herd of goats, a cool workshop, some rennet, and the lost art of making fresh goat cheese. From this first effort throughout her time in Provence, Brennan transformed from novice fromagère to renowned, James Beard Foundation Awardwinning cookbook author and food writer. A Pig in Provence is the story of how Georgeanne Brennan fell in love with Provence. But it’s also the story of making a life beyond the well-trodden path and the story of how food can unite a community. In loving detail, Brennan tells of the herders who maintain a centuries-old grazing route, of the community feast that brings a town to one table, and of the daily rhythms and joys of living by the cycles of food and nature. Sprinkled with recipes that offer samples of Brennan’s Provençale cooking, A Pig in Provence is a food memoir that urges you to savor every morsel.
  • Everyday Harumi

    作者:Harumi Kurihara

    Harumi Kurihara, Japan's most famous cookbook writer, selects her favorite ingredients and presents 70 new home-style recipes for you to make for family and friends. In "Everyday Harumi," Harumi Kurihara, Japan's most popular cookbook writer, selects her favorite foods and presents more than 60 new home-style recipes for you to make for family and friends. Harumi wants everyone to be able to make her recipes and she demonstrates how easy it is to cook Japanese food for every day occasions without needing to shop at specialist food stores. Arranged by her favorite ingredients, Harumi presents recipes for soups, starters, snacks, party dishes, main courses and family feasts that are quick and simple to prepare, all presented in her effortless, down-to-earth and unpretentious approach to sylish living and eating. Every recipe is photographed and includes beautiful step by step advice that show key Japanese cooking techniques, such as chopping skills or how to serve rice. Texture and flavor are important to Japanese food and Harumi takes you through the basic sauces you can make at home and the staples you should have in your store cupboard. Photographed by award-winning photographer Jason Lowe, this warm and approachable cookbook invites you to cook and share Japanese food in a simple and elegant style.
  • 家用烤箱食谱

    作者:夏金龙 编

  • 起司蛋糕


    起司蛋糕的基礎技巧~烤起司蛋糕篇 紐約起司蛋糕 首先讓我們先學會如何製作最基本的起司蛋糕。堪稱起司蛋糕之王的紐約起司蛋糕,濃縮了起司的精華,吃起來非常美味。 烤起司蛋糕 柳橙烤起司蛋糕 吃得到整顆柳橙的起司蛋糕,是最受女孩子歡迎的人氣冠軍。 本書特色 只要跟著本書,step by step詳細步驟圖與美味關鍵解說,讓你成功烤出具備綿密細緻扎實口感,其特有的濃郁香味的cheese cake! 本書的3大主題 「烤起司蛋糕」 把添加了起司奶油的麵糊放進烤箱烘焙而成。一個起司蛋糕需要用掉一包250g裝的起司奶油,所以不用計算份量,也不用擔心會有剩餘。→基礎篇從P3開始。 「生起司蛋糕」 把添加了起司奶油的麵糊放進冰箱冷藏,使蛋糕凝固成型。起司裡添加了明膠等其他成分,替起司蛋糕增添各種變化。→基礎篇從P34開始。 「運用起司做成的甜點」 利用製作「生起司蛋糕」後剩餘的起司奶油和其他種類的起司,製作各式各樣的甜點。→P56開始。 作者介紹 信太康代 在法國旅行的途中,被手製甜點的魅力征服;之後先後留學於瑞士的瑞奇蒙(Richmont)烘焙學校、法國巴黎的雷諾特(Lenotre)烘焙學校。回國後,以料理研究家的身分,活躍於電視、雜誌等媒體。目前在自家以沙龍的型式,開設點心與料理教室。簡單又美味的料理,以及做法正統的點心,皆贏得相當的好評。著作等身,主要作品包括《冰涼涼的冰淇淋.布丁.小點心》(楓書坊)、《做法簡單的巧克力點心》(雄雞社)、《薯芋.南瓜》(貴夫人出版社)等。
  • The Bagel

    作者:Ms. Maria Balinska

    If smoked salmon and cream cheese bring only one thing to mind, you can count yourself among the world’s millions of bagel mavens. But few people are aware of the bagel’s provenance, let alone its adventuresome history. This charming book tells the remarkable story of the bagel’s journey from the tables of seventeenth-century Poland to the freezers of middle America today, a story of often surprising connections between a cheap market-day snack and centuries of Polish, Jewish, and American history. Research in international archives and numerous personal interviews uncover the bagel’s links with the defeat of the Turks by Polish King Jan Sobieski in 1683, the Yiddish cultural revival of the late nineteenth century, and Jewish migration across the Atlantic to America. There the story moves from the bakeries of New York’s Lower East Side to the Bagel Bakers’ Local 388 Union of the 1960s, and the attentions of the mob. For all its modest size, the bagel has managed to bridge cultural gaps, rescue kings from obscurity, charge the emotions, and challenge received wisdom. Maria Balinska weaves together a rich, quirky, and evocative history of East European Jewry and the unassuming ring-shaped roll the world has taken to its heart.
  • Appetite

    作者:Nigel Slater

  • 国医绝学一日通系列丛书


  • 日本料理實用小百科


    國內第一本詳盡解釋日本料理名詞的實用工具書! 讓料理達人提昇廚藝技術,愛吃日本料理的人也看得懂的小百科! 日本料理是以日本獨特的飲食文化為背景,加上悠久的傳統而演變至今,因此,料理的專有名詞長年累積已越來越多,也都有其獨特的詞彙,若能完全瞭解這些用語名詞的含意,在學習烹調的過程中,必能更增廣視野、提昇技術。 本書特別蒐集了從烹調用具到方法、技術等最基本的用語,並詳細說明其意義和由來。除了以文字確實描述外,許多名詞還附有手繪圖片,讓讀者看圖即可清楚對照;內文並增加了具體的範例解釋,務求以生活化的描述使讀者更容易閱讀。因此,這本書不僅對剛踏入料理界的新人有助益,更是經驗豐富的廚師平日廚藝工作的好幫手。 除了關於技術方面的用語,也廣收錄了各種料理名詞,幫助一般人到餐廳用餐時能夠順利點菜,使這本書兼具了點菜指南的功用。 《本書特色》 ◎內文不艱澀難懂,以簡單明顯的文字使讀者容易閱讀。 ◎大部分名詞佐以手繪圖片,讓讀者看圖即可清楚對照。 ◎所有名詞皆附上日文,瞭解內容同時又能學會日文。 ◎除了當工具書使用,有效利用還可成為點菜指南。 ◎書末附上詳細的索引,查詢起來更方便。
  • The End of Overeating

    作者:David A., M.d. Kessl

  • Classic Italian Cooking

    作者:Valentina Harris

  • Gourmet's Guide Cheese

    作者:Engelmann, Brigitte;

  • 新编四季养生食谱

    作者:张铁元 编

    《新编四季养生食谱(专家指导版)》内容简介:四季养生是根据自然界一切生物的春温、夏长、秋收、冬藏的规律,来调节人体和饮食,以达到健身防病、长寿的目的。春夏秋冬按照传统的五行学说,各有归属。春为木,是阳长阴消的开始,所以应该养阳。 春天主生发,人体脏腑属肝胆,养生之道在于以养肝为主,饮食原则上要减酸增甘而养脾气。夏为火,是阳长阴消的极期,夏天主长,人体脏腑属心,饮食原则上要减苦辛,达到养心益肺之目的。秋为金,是阴长阳消的时候,所以要养阴为主。秋天主收,人体脏腑属肺,饮食上要减辛酸,达到润肺养肝的目的。冬为水,是大地收藏、万物皆伏的季节,人体脏腑属肾,冬天养生应以养肾为主,饮食原则上要减咸增苦,以补肾养心气。
  • juices & smoothies galore

    作者:Susannah Blake

    Packed with over 120 delicious drinks, these recipes are a fun way to get your daily requirement of 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. A detailed guide on juicing techniques and combining flavors is also included in this wonderful collection of juices and smoothies.
  • french general handmade soirees

    作者:Meng, Kaari

    With "The Craft of Entertaining", every hostess with the mostest can add a bit of French charm to her next special occasion. Tastemaker Kaari Meng makes entertaining effortlessly chic with twenty-four simple-to-create table and room decorations. Organza chair covers dress up a summer fete, fabric wine totes and roll-out placemats make picnics practical, and all of these projects make guests feel cherished. Kaari shares the secrets of hosting: setting an elegant table, collecting and caring for vintage dishes and textiles, arranging flowers, and more. The patterns, how-to illustrations, and step-by-step instructions make it all tres simple for both beginning and seasoned sewers to achieve polished results. With an exquisitely scalloped cloth spine and eighty dream-worthy photographs, "The Craft of Entertaining" is as pretty as the projects it proffers.
  • 食全食美私家菜


  • 中餐菜肴制作技术实验教程


    《中餐菜肴制作技术实验教程》主要介绍中式烹调工艺中热菜和冷菜实验操作的相关知识;阐述原料加工后产生的变化及变化的调控与利用;介绍原料初步处理的方式、方法,以及调味、调色、调香、调型和调质的原理和方法。突出操作程序、制作关键,并以若干有代表性的菜例汇成表格加以说明,方便查阅参考。 《中餐菜肴制作技术实验教程》重视理论与实践的统一,既有传统烹调工艺的阐述,又有创新烹调方法及菜式的介绍,力求体现中式烹调工艺的传统与发展。 《中餐菜肴制作技术实验教程》可供烹饪工作者,各种院校烹饪专业和旅游专业师生,烹饪培训以及烹饪爱好者学习、参考使用。
  • Veg Patch

    作者:Mark Diacono

  • Gordon Ramsay's Maze

    作者:Gordon Ramsay

    With locations in London and New York City, Gordon Ramsay's Maze restaurant focuses on quality ingredients, imaginative flavor combinations, and simple preservations. The dishes are served in small portions, enabling patrons to savor a wide variety of tastes in one visit. This cookbook gives readers the opportunity to cook the Maze way. But it is more than a collection of the restaurant's best recipes. The book explains how each dish would be served in the restaurant, following which additional recipes are offered using the same ingredients. Each signature dish — for example, Braised Shin of Veal with Pea Risotto and Butter-Roasted Cod with Silky Mash and Spiced Lentils — is followed by two additional recipes using the same ingredients and geared to the home cook. Covering starters, entrees, and desserts, Gordon Ramsay's Maze shows how to make meals both artful and delicious, all highlighted by Ditte Isager's gorgeous photographs.