

作者:Tal Ben-Shahar





标签: 心理学  积极心理学  Happiness  TalBen-Shahar  英文原版  幸福  心理  幸福學 


Part 1: Happiness Foreword: Positive Psychology Chapter 1: The Question of Happiness Part 2: What Is Happiness? Chapter 2: Reconciling Past and Future Chapter 3: Happiness Explained Chapter 4: The Ultimate Currency Chapter 5: Setting Goals Part 3: Happiness Applied Chapter 6: In Education Chapter 7: In the Workplace Chapter 9: In Relationships Part 4: Meditations on Happiness First Mediation: Self-Interest and Benevolence Second Mediation: Beyond the Temporary High Third Meditation: Letting Our Light Shine Fourth Mediation: Imagine! Fifth Meditation: Take Your Time Sixth Mediation: The Happiness Revolution Conclusion: Here and Now


Can You Learn to Be Happy? YES . . . according to the teacher of Harvard University’s most popular and life-changing course. One out of every five Harvard students has lined up to hear Tal Ben-Shahar’s insightful and inspiring lectures on that ever-elusive state: HAPPINESS. HOW? Grounded in the revolutionary “positive psychology” movement, Ben-Shahar ingeniously combines scientific studies, scholarly research, self-help advice, and spiritual enlightenment. He weaves them together into a set of principles that you can apply to your daily life. Once you open your heart and mind to Happier ’s thoughts, you will feel more fulfilled, more connected . . . and, yes, HAPPIER. “Dr. Ben-Shahar, one of the most popular teachers in Harvard’s recent history, has written a personal, informed, and highly enjoyable primer on how to become happier. It would be wise to take his advice.” --Ellen J. Langer, author of Mindfulness and On Becoming an Artist “This fine book shimmers with a rare brand of good sense that is imbedded in scientific knowledge about how to increase happiness. It is easy to see how this is the backbone of the most popular course at Harvard today." --Martin E. P. Seligman, author of Authentic Happiness


1、Happier是作者Tal Ben-Shahar创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • sasa创意的评论
    You can't control everything. You'll be much happier when you stop trying.
  • 小粉wy的评论
    "I'm just really in love." "It opened my life up and I’m so much happier.” 天惹这是K第二次在主流杂志毫不避讳的提到恋情吧,这待遇只有初恋M先生有,是真爱含泪祝福[泪][泪][泪]
  • L的Sophia的评论
    #诚品厨蜜创业小随笔#第六周,美好的事物,总是要花时间的;整个下午都在看各种专业书籍,任何事物,来之不易Baking make Life happier
  • Miss_董咚咚的评论
    #宫崎骏动画经典语录# 相信我,我们可以更快乐,因为童真只是一种态度。Believe me,we can be happier, because innocent is just an attitude.
  • 囧瑟琳包子酱的评论
    There's no happier birthday than this[爱你][挤眼][嘻嘻][心]
  • 雪莉酱的PeterPan的评论
    The one who makes me feel happier than I possibly can[心]Miss u here in another city 珠海·前山街区
  • 徐侨镁Chiao的评论
    Learning the abilities of making life easier and happier might be a new romance.[织][眨眼]
  • 奈奈子酱i的评论
    I long to find a place where I'd be happier.Anywhere but here!
  • beckylynch贝基林奇的评论
    Could not be happier for Bayley. One of the greatest talents and people in the world. WWEBattleground 为非常优秀且极具天分的@贝莉Bayley 感到无比开心!#决胜战场#
  • 兹喇的评论
    John 和 Jessica 这对最让我难过的不是Jessica没能等到John回来而是 John自认为放手是最好的选择 却最终放任别人误了佳人像她妈妈说的那样 “ However,sometimes now I wonder… if she had waited for him,maybe things could work out,maybe she could be happier.”Tell me to wait for y
  • 古时月-chunxiao的评论
    If you only focus on your own gain and loss, you'll always feel unfair. Because life is never fair. But if you focus on the work you do and there's some work needs to be done, you'll feel happier. So focus on your own business.
  • VOA英语频道的评论
    #VOAEC精选# Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen. 如果我们能在80岁的时候出生,然后慢慢走向18岁,那生活将会幸福无比。——美国作家、幽默大师马克·吐温
  • 浅笑_空白的评论
    胡桃里,拔草,不会再去第二次[挤眼]H P bo s d!A healthier, happier, more rich, more happiness!
  • CakeForBreakfast的评论
    Morning my city. 早起的小牛已经跑完9k了. 感谢自己几年坚持跑步有两条强壮的小牛腿[害羞] couldn't be happier #LFME # 加拿大·温哥华
  • 陈小xian的评论
    今天切身感受到凡事都应该提前做好充足的准备…~the more you prepared, the happier you felt~
  • 卡尔加里的rui妞妈的评论
    今天感谢对面越南阿姨送来的自家小苹果,红米饭;开心和Reina一起读完一本pandarella;等了三个月的检查终于预约上了;作业成功提交;看了一下好些天没看的Harvard Happier lesson;现在要睡个短暂的午觉[兔子]
  • CFL未来领导精英项目的评论
    I’m sorry. Sometimes, I get jealous thinking that someone could make you happier than I could. -----对不起,有时候想到有人比我更能让你开心,我就会很嫉妒。 寒假CFL免费去哈佛机会:网页链接
  • Wink每一天加油加油的评论
    两个月被减重了15斤,真的觉得好辛苦。恋爱容易婚姻不易,过日子就是琐碎而接地气,不能整天一副不食人间烟火的样子。父母的立场很重要,遇到一个好婆婆是幸运的。多沟通,少任性,生气不隔夜,大度,宽容。生活肯定是正面多于负面,一定要这样去相信和坚持,自己才会觉得幸福。[微笑]Be happier:)
  • missjessicajy的评论
    Colourful food makes U happier. [爱心]️[黄心][绿心][蓝心][紫心] 新加坡
  • 英语讲解-EnglishExplaine的评论
    The UK Olympic Team is so good. I would be so much happier if only I cared about the Olympics instead of football....