

  • 蒼蠅王

    作者:william golding

  • 第十三個故事

    作者:黛安.賽特菲爾德 Diane Sette

    每個人都有自己的悲傷,雖然輪廓、大小、重量各異,但是悲傷的顏色對我們每個人都是一樣的…… 當瑪格麗特打開通往過去的大門時,她面對的卻是自己的命運。 瑪格麗特自小在父親經營的古書店幫忙,個性內向,平時喜歡讀傳記,也嘗試過替古人寫傳。一天,她突然收到知名暢銷女作家薇妲?溫特的來信。溫特一直過著隱居的生活,非常神秘低調,從未明白道出自己的出身背景,反倒編造了很多離奇故事來唬弄採訪的記者。但是,由於年事已高,加上病痛纏身,她決定說出自己真正的人生故事,於是寫信請瑪格麗特來為她寫傳。 出於好奇,同樣深居簡出的瑪格麗特來到約克郡見溫特。按照溫特的?述,她的母親美麗而任性,父親、哥哥都聽從於她,而母親的一對雙胞胎女兒則是行為怪異。她對女作家的故事既著迷,又疑惑,無法完全相信。於是她開始著手調查這個家族,依照自己的調查結果將這個家族的故事拼接起來。 然而,尋找真相的過程令人膽戰心驚,並徹底改變了瑪格麗特自己的命運…… 重要事件 1. 自1996年以來,首度登上美國暢銷排行榜寶座的英國作家 2. 原著正由哈利波特製片、名編劇克里斯多夫.漢普頓(Christopher Hampton)操刀改編中,克里斯多夫.漢普頓以《危險關係》獲得第61屆奧斯卡最佳改編劇本獎,剛完成伊恩.麥克伊溫(Ian McEwan)的小說《贖罪》之劇本改編。 得獎與推薦記錄 ★ 榮登全球各國排行榜,包括美國、西班牙、義大利、丹麥、芬蘭、波蘭等 ★ 打敗美國暢銷作家詹姆斯.派特森等人,榮登美國紐約時報、華爾街日報、出版人週刊等暢銷排行榜冠軍 ★ 獲頒2007美國青少年圖書館服務協會(美國圖書館協會分會)舉辦之Alex獎(同《追風箏的孩子》、《失物之書》、《大象的眼淚》等,主要推薦適合給青少年看的成人書) ★ 2006年Book Sense10月選書 ★ 2006年邦諾書店(Barnes&Noble)「發現新人獎」 ★ 2006年亞瑪遜網路書店年度選書 ★ 2006年邦諾書店「作家推廣計畫」重點書 ★ 入圍2007年英國最大連鎖書店Waterstone年度新人獎 ★ 入圍法國《ELLE》雜誌讀者票選大獎名單
  • 2001:太空漫游


    世界科幻殿堂不可超越的巅峰之作,一笔写透人类终极归宿 好莱坞经典电影《2001:太空漫游》原著小说 所有的故事,都开始于300万年前 一块神秘的黑色石板,出现在非洲丰饶广袤的草原上。没有人知道是谁放在那里的,因为那里根本没有“人”。但地球未来的主宰者,却从此踏上了他们漫长的征途。300万年后的一个寻常日子,一块黑色石板在月球上被人类挖出。 “发现号”宇宙飞船沉稳老练的鲍曼船长,带着他的精英船员和顶尖科学家团队,在超级电脑“哈儿”的辅佐下,开启了对这石板主人的秘密追寻。此时他一点儿也不知道,他的全部船员都将遇害,不知道他的忠诚伙伴“哈儿”会倒戈一击,更加不知道,他自己即将变成一位真正的神。 一场持续百万年的实验,结果就要揭晓。地球的命运,是否还在人类手中? 还没看过《2001:太空漫游》的地球人要抓紧恶补一下了。这非常有助于你为即将快速到来的全民太空时代做好最基础的准备。 ——姬十三(果壳网CEO) 我的所有作品都是对《2001:太空漫游》的拙劣模仿。——刘慈欣(《三体》系列作者) 克拉克是世界上最好的科幻小说家。——艾萨克•阿西莫夫(《基地》系列作者) 克拉克让我们看到,人类从地球摇篮向自己在星海间的未来伸出了双手。 ——斯坦利•库布里克(《2001:太空漫游》《大开眼戒》导演) 《2001:太空漫游》这部作品我总是看不够。——汤姆•汉克斯(奥斯卡影帝) 是克拉克为我们的登月提供了最重要的知识动力。——美国宇航局(NASA)
  • Never Let Me Go

    作者:Kazuo Ishiguro

    From the Booker Prize-winning author of The Remains of the Day comes a devastating new novel of innocence, knowledge, and loss. As children Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy were students at Hailsham, an exclusive boarding school secluded in the English countryside. It was a place of mercurial cliques and mysterious rules where teachers were constantly reminding their charges of how special they were. Now, years later, Kathy is a young woman. Ruth and Tommy have reentered her life. And for the first time she is beginning to look back at their shared past and understand just what it is that makes them special–and how that gift will shape the rest of their time together. Suspenseful, moving, beautifully atmospheric, Never Let Me Go is another classic by the author of The Remains of the Day .
  • The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

    作者:Mark Haddon

    Mark Haddon's bitterly funny debut novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, is a murder mystery of sorts--one told by an autistic version of Adrian Mole. Fifteen-year-old Christopher John Francis Boone is mathematically gifted and socially hopeless, raised in a working-class home by parents who can barely cope with their child's quirks. He takes everything that he sees (or is told) at face value, and is unable to sort out the strange behavior of his elders and peers. Late one night, Christopher comes across his neighbor's poodle, Wellington, impaled on a garden fork. Wellington's owner finds him cradling her dead dog in his arms, and has him arrested. After spending a night in jail, Christopher resolves--against the objection of his father and neighbors--to discover just who has murdered Wellington. He is encouraged by Siobhan, a social worker at his school, to write a book about his investigations, and the result--quirkily illustrated, with each chapter given its own prime number--is The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Haddon's novel is a startling performance. This is the sort of book that could turn condescending, or exploitative, or overly sentimental, or grossly tasteless very easily, but Haddon navigates those dangers with a sureness of touch that is extremely rare among first-time novelists. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is original, clever, and genuinely moving: this one is a must-read. --Jack Illingworth, Amazon.ca--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.