

  • 互联网创业启示录


    《互联网创业启示录》是一部互联网公司的创业指南,内容涉及网站创业的现状和机遇、创业公司价值、平台选择、工具和群组、资金的筹集、管理和盈利、社会化媒体环境、行动执行管理、开发人员方法论和工作效率、创始人的角色等方面,既有纲领和指导性理论,又有具体操作方法。书中大量对互联网创业成功人士的访谈介绍,以及创业公司的成功案例,更可以作为初次创业者的良好借鉴。 《互联网创业启示录》主要写给想自己创业的程序员,但同样适合非技术人员,适合网络创业者、大学生创业者、网络营销人员及一切有志创业者。做网络不一定要懂技术,互联网的成功是可以借鉴和延伸的!
  • 百面书生李彦宏


  • 像扎克伯格一样思考


    社交帝国天才CEO、互联网思维标志性先锋、社交网络时代最具影响力的人物,他就是马克·扎克伯格。本书 扎克伯格 扎克伯格 将由社会商业领域的开拓者,为您讲述扎克伯格改变世界的五大成功准则,让互联网思维的碰撞,助你获取灵感、洞悉世事,建立独树一帜的公司,引领长期赢利和成长。在这个世界留下自己的印记。 他的故事并不是传奇,因为他的成功可以复制。 19岁创建脸谱网并将其发展为史上最伟大的公司之一;用不到10年的时间将地球上1/7的人口联系在一起;斥资190亿美元收购WhatsApp……无论你是学生、创业者,还是公司高层、老板,本书你都不可不读。
  • 作者:(美)约翰·巴特利

    这个世界需要什么?如何任何一家公司能回答好这个问题,它就掌握了控制商业社会,乃至整个人类文明的万能钥匙。在过去的几年中,Google正在为获得这把钥匙而努力。虽然Google并非搜索业务的最早开发者,但它凭借着简明、便利、实用的搜索技术和理念,逐渐击败雅虎、Alta Vista等搜索领域的先锋,成为搜索行业名副其实的王者。 本书描述了Google如何从斯坦福一个不起眼的公司迅速崛起为“用思想控制世界的搜索巨头”,再现了Google首次公开上市时写华乐街的游戏规则,公开宣布其“不作恶”的信条时掀起的狂潮,以及搜索技术的兴起对市场营销、传媒产业、流行文化、职业发展、公民权利等人类社会各方面的巨大影响。 作者约翰·巴利特是《产业标准》杂志的创始人,也是著名的行业杂志《连线》创始人之一。为写作本书,巴特利采访了从硅谷到华尔街与搜索行业相关的350多人,包括Google的两位创始人拉里·佩奇、谢尔盖·布林和公司总裁埃里克·施米特等风云人物。他指出,搜索的革命性意义并非表现在搜索巨头间的激战上,重要的是,Google和其他的搜索引擎已经在不知不觉中深深地改变了我们的做事习惯和生活方式,成为通向整个世界的需求、兴趣、恐惧和欲望的窗口,旨趣的数据库,它们也注定会成为21世纪资本的枢纽。 这或许是我们的幸运,或者也是一种悲哀。但无论如何,你都可以从这本书中找到世界可能的未来。
  • 信息就是信息


  • 谷歌风云


    《谷歌风云》通过揭秘谷歌创业14年来的成长内幕,完整记录其所遭遇过的、关乎其生死的系列挑战,再现其步步为营、走上成功巅峰的博弈过程。《谷歌风云》不仅仅是一部记录谷歌突出重围的创业志,更是一部云谲波诡的科技界商战史。《谷歌风云》完整记录了谷歌从创业到做大做强的整个奋斗历程,值得管理者在运营企业时引以借鉴参考。 20世纪末,冲出斯坦福大学象牙塔的两位谷歌创始人,一头扎进了被当时商界视为红海的搜索领域,毫不理会雅虎、Excite、Infoseek已三分搜索天下的市场格局,化繁为简,心无旁骛地发展那个看起来简陋无比的搜索条,并抓住对手们因犯下一系列愚蠢错误而拱手让出的市场机遇,在数年后成就了搜索领域的霸业。此后,谷歌打碎微软在搜索领域试图尾随超车的计划,并开始顺势切入微软原来处于优势地位的浏览器、操作系统领域,再燃硅谷烽烟;谷歌以其桀骜不驯的姿态,登陆华尔街,冲击了原有的利益格局;谷歌还通过收购YouTube,激烈震荡了好莱坞传统势力。火线全开后,成长为科技巨头的谷歌开始反噬苹果,凭借安卓平台,力图成为移动互联网时代的新盟主;它还屡败屡战,意欲和后起之秀Facebook在社交网络领域决一雌雄。
  • 网飞传奇


    飞的历史充满了传奇色彩,它的崛起伴随着复杂斗争、幸运转折、个人背叛……它自身的历史比它出租的那些电影还要更富有戏剧性。网飞在1997年建立,而建立的原因仅仅是因为创始人伦道夫和哈斯廷斯没有按时归还租借的DVD,还要缴纳因此而产生的滞纳金。 1999年,网飞公司摒弃了百视达的“每片付租”模式,转而采用了一种订阅模式:用户只需要支付固定费用,就能尽情租片观赏,免去了到期还片日、滞纳金、运费和手续费等一系列麻烦。这一模式允许用户每月只需支付固定费用,就能在家中舒适地无限量观赏大片。 电影出租巨头百视达公司2002年达到了发展顶峰,市值高达50亿美元。它是横亘在网飞发展道路上的一个巨大的障碍。它的创始人也曾预见到网飞的成功,并推出了“并网”方案,将网飞置于生死边缘。由于百视达内部原因,网飞公司从残酷的竞争中侥幸胜出,并最终成为美国家庭娱乐方式的第一选择。
  • 钢铁侠是怎样炼成的


    他用10年时间,做了3款汽车:Roadster、Model S、Model X,从而改变了汽车行业;他用10年时间,做了3型火箭:猎鹰1号、猎鹰9号、猎鹰重型,从而颠覆了航天产业;他曾经以贝宝定义了互联网金融,他还在用Solarcity刷新光伏产业。他就是伊隆•马斯克,被誉为当代“钢铁侠”。 年少远行、辍学创业、硅谷成功、矢志航天、进军光伏、电车称霸…… 一连串耀眼的人生经历和创业成功写满了旁人难以企及的辉煌。电影中的钢铁侠痴迷技术、个性张扬、富有激情;现实中的马斯克信仰物理、不断创新、勇于探索。 与一般传记重花边、撰八卦、串故事、轻解读不同,本书以还原马斯克真实的成长、创业经历为立足点,以探寻马斯克成功背后的深层次原因为目的,解析了社会需要怎样的创新型人才,怎样才能诞生影响未来的创新型人才。字里行间充溢着思辨有趣的文风、幽默轻松的睿智、直抵心扉的思考、笔追心意的创新。 这是茁壮莘莘学子的心灵鸡汤;这是治疗迷途惆怅的真情处方;这是引领创新发展的导航灯塔;这是成就完美人生的梦想翅膀……一起来吧,读你所想,思你所需,以勇敢的心奔赴激情燃烧的征程。
  • IT史记2


    作者冷静地描绘IT世界的风起云涌,文以载道,这其中一以贯之的“道”究竟如何,是“数字化生存”,还是“只有偏执狂才能生存”,须知生存还是毁灭,这是摆在每个IT英雄面前的难题,他们深味摩尔定律的技术推动力量,在诚惶诚恐的无间煎熬中将个人的能量推至极限,可是逆风飞飏之际,手中的奶酪已不知被哪个产业新贵悄然攫去。 这是一部真正的IT英雄历史,作者作为国内信息产业最具影响力的独立评论家,经营数载,披览数千中英文著作,终于炼得此部IT历史,作者不求本书如《吕氏春秋》般不能“增损一字”,只愿本书能恰当地对每个IT英雄做出公允的描述,从而使读者在阅读时能得到不受误导的认识!
  • The Google Story

    作者:David Vise,Mark Mals

    Book Description Here is the story behind one of the most remarkable Internet successes of our time. Based on scrupulous research and extraordinary access to Google, the book takes you inside the creation and growth of a company whose name is a favorite brand and a standard verb recognized around the world. Its stock is worth more than General Motors' and Ford's combined, its staff eats for free in a dining room that used to be run by the Grateful Dead's former chef, and its employees traverse the firm's colorful Silicon Valley campus on scooters and inline skates. The Google Story is the definitive account of the populist media company powered by the world's most advanced technology that in a few short years has revolutionized access to information about everything for everybody everywhere. In 1998, Moscow-born Sergey Brin and Midwest-born Larry Page dropped out of graduate school at Stanford University to, in their own words, change the world through a search engine that would organize every bit of information on the Web for free. While the company has done exactly that in more than one hundred languages, Google's quest continues as it seeks to add millions of library books, television broadcasts, and more to its searchable database. Readers will learn about the amazing business acumen and computer wizardry that started the company on its astonishing course; the secret network of computers delivering lightning-fast search results; the unorthodox approach that has enabled it to challenge Microsoft's dominance and shake up Wall Street. Even as it rides high, Google wrestles with difficult choices that will enable it to continue expanding while sustaining the guiding vision of itsfounders' mantra: DO NO EVIL. Amazon.com Social phenomena happen, and the historians follow. So it goes with Google, the latest star shooting through the universe of trend-setting businesses. This company has even entered our popular lexicon: as many note, "Google" has moved beyond noun to verb, becoming an action which most tech-savvy citizens at the turn of the twenty-first century recognize and in fact do, on a daily basis. It's this wide societal impact that fascinated authors David Vise and Mark Malseed, who came to the book with well-established reputations in investigative reporting. Vise authored the bestselling The Bureau and the Mole, and Malseed contributed significantly to two Bob Woodward books, Bush at War and Plan of Attack. The kind of voluminous research and behind-the-scenes insight in which both writers specialize, and on which their earlier books rested, comes through in The Google Story. The strength of the book comes from its command of many small details, and its focus on the human side of the Google story, as opposed to the merely academic one. Some may prefer a dryer, more analytic approach to Google's impact on the Internet, like The Search or books that tilt more heavily towards bits and bytes on the spectrum between technology and business, like The Singularity is Near. Those wanting to understand the motivations and personal growth of founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin and CEO Eric Schmidt, however, will enjoy this book. Vise and Malseed interviewed over 150 people, including numerous Google employees, Wall Street analysts, Stanford professors, venture capitalists, even Larry Page's Cub Scout leader, and their comprehensiveness shows. As the narrative unfolds, readers learn how Google grew out of the intellectually fertile and not particularly directed friendship between Page and Brin; how the founders attempted to peddle early versions of their search technology to different Silicon Valley firms for $1 million; how Larry and Sergey celebrated their first investor's check with breakfast at Burger King; how the pair initially housed their company in a Palo Alto office, then eventually moved to a futuristic campus dubbed the "Googleplex"; how the company found its financial footing through keyword-targeted Web ads; how various products like Google News, Froogle, and others were cooked up by an inventive staff; how Brin and Page proved their mettle as tough businessmen through negotiations with AOL Europe and their controversial IPO process, among other instances; and how the company's vision for itself continues to grow, such as geographic expansion to China and cooperation with Craig Venter on the Human Genome Project. Like the company it profiles, The Google Story is a bit of a wild ride, and fun, too. Its first appendix lists 23 "tips" which readers can use to get more utility out of Google. The second contains the intelligence test which Google Research offers to prospective job applicants, and shows the sometimes zany methods of this most unusual business. Through it all, Vise and Malseed synthesize a variety of fascinating anecdotes and speculation about Google, and readers seeking a first draft of the history of the company will enjoy an easy read.                                 --Peter Han From Publishers Weekly If Google's splashy IPO and skyrocketing stock haven't revived the dotcom sector, they have certainly revived the dotcom hype industry, judging by this adulatory history of the Internet search engine. Billionaire founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, their countercultural rectitude imbibed straight from the Burning Man festival, are brilliant visionaries dedicated to putting all information at mankind's fingertips and "genuinely nice people" who "didn't care about getting rich." Their company motto, "Don't Be Evil," is not just PR boilerplate rendered in fantasy-gaming rhetoric, but a deeply-pondered organizing principle. Washington Post reporter Vise, author of The Bureau and the Mole, and researcher Malseed give a serviceable rundown of the company's rise from grad-student project to web juggernaut, its innovative technology and targeted advertising system, its savvy deal-making and its inevitable battles with Microsoft. But while they raise the occasional quibble about controversial company policies, they generally allow Google's image of idealism to overshadow the reality of a corporate leviathan. Worse, the bloated text feels like the product of an overly broad web search: anything with keyword Google-executives' speeches, seminar talks, informal Q and A sessions with students, company press releases, legal documents, SEC filings, even the company chef's fried chicken recipe-comes up, excerpted at inordinate and rambling length, drowning insight in a flood of information. From Booklist Vise, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for the Washington Post, and Malseed, contributor to the Post and the Boston Herald, look at a phenomenon that is transforming the culture of the planet. Google has become the de facto search engine on the Web, and computer users across the globe have discovered that the only real way to gain entrance to the Web is to "google." This inside look at this heretofore-secret enterprise reveals a company with a conscience, one that refuses to put ads on its home page or accept ads from gun and cigarette manufacturers, and whose employees eat for free in a dining room run by the former chef of the Grateful Dead. The company motto is, Don't Be Evil. Developed by two Stanford University PhD students in the mid-1990s, Google was a by-product of their attempt to download the entire Internet, but it became an instant hit with the world. The authors follow the story of Google from academic project to venture capital start-up to the explosive Wall Street IPO in 2004.                              David Siegfried About Author David A. Vise, formerly a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for the Washington Post, is now Senior Commentator for breakingviews.com, a leading online international financial commentary service. He is the author of three previous books, including the New York Times bestseller The Bureau and the Mole. Mark Malseed, a former researcher for Bob Woodward, has contributed to the Washington Post, the Boston Herald, and other publications. From AudioFile Narrated with classy restraint by Stephen Hoye, this story is so exciting it's inescapable. Two precocious sons of professors, one with unbounded curiosity about all things mathematical and the other with an uncanny gift for deal making, created the search engine that revolutionized how we find things on the World Wide Web. Their unconventional story of humor, social responsibility, and relentless curiosity rises above most dot-com sagas because the protagonists are so entertaining. From their beginnings at Stanford through the initial public offering and all the turf wars and intellectual challenges that followed, the story of how these two characters became gazillionaires is totally engaging. T.W. Book Dimension : length: (cm)23.1             width:(cm)15.5
  • 淘宝技术这十年


    《淘宝技术这十年》内容简介:任何网站的发展都不是一蹴而就的。它在发展过程中会遇到各种各样的问题和业务带来的压力。正是这些问题和压力推动着技术的进步和发展,而技术的发展反过来又会促进业务的更大提升。如今淘宝网的流量排名已是全球前15名、国内前3名,其系统服务器也从一台发展到万台以上。 《淘宝技术这十年》从工程师的角度讲述淘宝这个超大规模互联网系统的成长历程,及其所有主动和被动的技术变革的前因后果。书中有幕后故事、产品经验、架构演进、技术启蒙,也有大牛成长、业内八卦、失败案例、励志故事。《淘宝技术这十年》文风流畅,有技术人员特有的幽默感;内容积极正面,有现场感,全部是作者亲身经历。
  • 知识英雄 2.0


  • 维基解密


    《维基解密:阿桑奇和他的解密王国》内容简介:一个行踪不定的网络黑客,一个神秘莫测的解密网站,引爆了外交界的“9·11”,颠覆了世界旧秩序。9万份机密战争文件,揭开阿富汗战争杀戮平民的真相;40万份秘密战地记录,彻底曝光伊拉克战争虐囚罪恶;25万份美国外交电报,催生肯尼亚骚乱、突尼斯政变、埃及暴动…… 阿桑奇,一个颠沛流离的少年黑客如何成长为“网络世界的罗宾汉”?维基解密,一个核心成员只有5人的网站,怎样扼住了世界政治的咽喉,一次次搅乱世人的神经?东鸟编著的《维基解密(阿桑奇和他的解密王国)》带你直击阿桑奇和他的解密王国。 “潘多拉魔盒”已被打开,“后维基解密时代”已经到来。一切刚刚开始,解密仍将继续……
  • 雷军

    作者:田旺 苍耳

  • 支付战争


    这是一个野心勃勃的创业计划,在线支付鼻祖PayPal试图创造一个“统治世界”的金融操作系统,并在全球成功推广一款颠覆式的互联网产品。 《支付战争》的作者是“PayPal黑帮”成员之一,他真实还原了这个伟大产品是如何诞生的,以及在后来的发展壮大之路上,如何应对融资紧张、突破增长瓶颈,在竞争者凶猛围剿与平台商霸王条款的夹击下,逆境求生,改变业务模式,最终完成IPO,并成功出售给竞争对手eBay的全过程。 PayPal充满韧性的年轻创业家们,在后来的商业之路上开创了硅谷投资界的新格局,打造了多家新创公司,其中有7家市值超过10亿美元,如领英(LinkedIn)、特斯拉(Tesla)、YouTube等。《支付战争》带领我们回到“PayPal黑帮”最初的战场:山寨产品不断涌现,赤字危机节节逼近,公司几经易主,重组后文化冲突尖锐,网络诈骗汹涌来袭,客服危机迫在眉睫,媒体质疑层出不穷,罢免埃隆•马斯克掀起血雨腥风……当全世界与它为敌,看PayPal如何接受残酷洗礼,浴火重生!
  • 作者:(美) 约翰·巴特尔

    在搜索的时代,每一段新的关系都从搜索开始。 马云说,搜索引擎是中国互联网产业竞争的下一个主战场。全球的战场同样硝烟弥漫。是什么让互联网臣头纷纷赌向搜索? 未来,是搜出来的。 《搜》是迄今为止关于搜索这个行业最权威、最经典的一本书。也是唯一的一本。作者约翰·巴特尔是著名科技杂志《连线》的编辑及创始人之一,为了《搜》,他采访了近400人。 这本书以谷歌的故事为线索,但巴特尔相信搜索的概念比任何一家公司都重要。在他看来,搜索的革命性意义并非表现在搜索巨头间的激战上,重要的是,谷歌和其他的搜索引擎已经在不知不觉中深深地改变了我们的做事习惯和生活方式,成为通向整个世界的需求、兴趣、恐惧和 欲望的窗口,旨趣的数据库,它们也注定会成为21世纪资本的枢纽。 搜索的战争刚刚开始,搜索的故事还远未结束。
  • 创业维艰

    作者:本·霍洛维茨 Ben Horowitz

    本·霍洛维茨,硅谷顶级投资人,与网景之父马克·安德森联手合作18年,有着丰富的创业和管理经验。2009年创立风险投资公司A16Z,被外媒誉为“硅谷最牛的50个天使投资人”之一,先后在初期投资了Facebook、Twitter、Groupon、Skype,是诸多硅谷新贵的创业导师。 在《创业维艰》中,本·霍洛维茨从自己的创业经历讲起,以自己在硅谷近20余年的创业、管理和投资经验,对创业公司(尤其是互联网技术公司)的创立、经营、人才选拔、企业文化、销售、CEO与董事会的关系等方方面面,毫无保留地奉上自己的经验之谈。他还谈到了与比尔·坎贝尔、安迪·拉切列夫、迈克尔·奥维茨等硅谷顶级CEO和投资人的交往经历,从他们身上学到的宝贵经验,以及他和马克·安德森这对绝佳拍档为何能够一起奋斗18年还能合作得这么好。 大多数创业书所说的都是如何做正确的事,不把事情搞砸,而本·霍洛维茨还会告诉你:当事情已经搞砸时,你该怎么办。
  • 马云如是说


    任何一个企业家的成功,都需要一种特立独行的精神。换尔言之,他一定是不断地否定别人的反对意见,坚持自己独特的观点,才能够真正走向大成功。在中国企业家群像里,马云就是这样一个特立独行的人。 目录 *永不放弃——马云论创业精神 *天下没有难做的生意——马云论经营理念 *B2B时代——马云论电子商务 *网络只是一个工具——马云论互联网与网络公司 *太多钱会坏事——马云论融资方略 *大多数客户都是懒人——马云论客户关系管理 *只要普通人才——马云论人才选拔与任用 *追求良好工作氛围——马云论公司内部管理 *目标是全世界——马云论阿里巴巴品牌力 *要能对机会说“NO”——马云论企业家修为 *战略联盟——马云论“阿雅”联姻 *长江里的鳄鱼与海里的鲨鱼——马云论竞争战略 *成 功 物 语——马云论阿里巴巴的成功之道
  • IT史记4


  • 史蒂夫·乔布斯管理日志


    《史蒂夫•乔布斯管理日志》是世界著名企业家管理日志系列中的一本,以管理日志的形式,对乔布斯的成长经历、独特个性、关注用户体验的产品开发思路、精心准备精益求精的营销策划、擅长右脑思维与管理、永不言败执著追求的精神和擅长把握强硬与妥协的谈判能力等亮点作了深度剖析。 苹果公司创始人、现任CEO史蒂夫•乔布斯身上有很多标签,他是《财富》眼中“美国最粗暴的老板”,吉姆•科林斯称他为“商界贝多芬”,硅谷称他为“电脑业的首席创新总监”,《经济学人》则将乔布斯比做“伟大的皇帝拿破仑”…… 更多关于乔布斯的图书: 《史蒂夫•乔布斯传(Steve Jobs:A Biography)(乔布斯唯一正式授权传记中文版预售中,2011年10月24日全球同步发售)》 《追随内心:乔布斯,从每一次失利开始》 《爱乔布斯:改变世界的方法》 《非同凡"想":乔布斯的创新启示》 《重返小王国:乔布斯如何改变世界》 《乔布斯的魔力演讲》 《活着就为改变世界:史蒂夫•乔布斯传》 《乔布斯的秘密日记》