

  • Being Logical

    作者:D. Q. McInerny

    Whether Regarded as a science, an art, or a skill--and it can properly be regarded as all three--logic is the basis of our ability to think, analyze, argue, and communicate. Indeed, logic goes to the very core of what we mean by human intelligence. In this concise, crisply readable book, Professor D. Q. McInerny offers an indispensable guide to using logic to advantage in everyday life. Written explicitly for the layperson, McInerny's Being Logical promises to take its place beside Strunk and White's The Elements of Style as a classic of lucid, invaluable advice. As McInerny notes, logic is a field with a profound bearing on our lives. A mastery of logic begins with an understanding of right reasoning--and encompasses a grasp of the kinship between logical thought and logical expression, a know ledge of the basic terms of argument, and a familiarity with the pitfalss of illogical thinking. Accordingly, McInerny structures his book as a series of brief chapters that build on one another to form a coherent introduction to clear and effective reasoning. At the heart of the book is a consideration of argument--how an argument is founded and elaborated, how it differs from other forms of intellectual discourse, and how it embodies the elements of logic. McInerny teases out the subtleties and complexities of premises and conclusions, differentiates statements of fact from statements of value, and discusses the principles and uses of every major type of argument, from the syllogistic to the conditional. In addition, he provides an incisive look at illogical thinking and explains how to recognize and avoid the most common errors of logic. In Being Logical, D. Q. McInerny breaks logic down to its essentials through clear analysis, accessible examples, and focused insights. Whether you are a student or a teacher, a professional honing your career skills or a generalist devoted to the fine points of thought and expression, you are sure to find Being Logical an invaluable guide to reasoning.
  • Logic

    作者:Graham Priest

    Logic is often perceived as having little to do with the rest of philosophy, and even less to do with real life. In this lively and accessible introduction, Graham Priest shows how wrong this conception is. He explores the philosophical roots of the subject, explaining how modern formal logic deals with issues ranging from the existence of God and the reality of time to paradoxes of probability and decision theory. Along the way, the basics of formal logic are explained in simple, non-technical terms, showing that logic is a powerful and exciting part of modern philosophy.
  • 普通逻辑


  • 对逻辑的思考:逻辑哲学导论


  • 逻辑学


  • Do You Think What You Think You Think?

    作者:Julian Baggini,Jerem

    Explore the gray areas in your gray matter—philosophical brainteasers from the bestselling author of The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten Is your brain ready for a thorough philosophical health check? The author of the international bestseller The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten and his fellow founding editor of The Philosopher’s Magazine have some thought-provoking questions about your thinking: Is what you believe coherent and consistent—or a jumble of contradictions? If you could design a God, what would He, She, or It be like? And how will you fare on the tricky terrain of ethics when your taboos are under the spotlight? Here are a dozen philosophical quizzes guaranteed to make armchair philosophers uncomfortably shift in their seats. The answers will reveal what you really think—and it may not be what you thought. Fun, challenging, and surprising, this book will enable you to discover the you you never knew you were.
  • 逻辑学导论


  • 数理逻辑引论


  • 形式逻辑


  • Finite and Infinite Games


    An extraordinary book that will dramatically change the way you experience life.Finite games are the familiar contests of everyday life, the games we play in business and politics, in the bedroom and on the battlefied -- games with winners and losers, a beginning and an end. Infinite games are more mysterious -- and ultimately more rewarding. They are unscripted and unpredictable; they are the source of true freedom.In this elegant and compelling work, James Carse explores what these games mean, and what they can mean to you. He offers stunning new insights into the nature of property and power, of culture and community, of sexuality and self-discovery, opening the door to a world of infinite delight and possibility."An extraordinary little book . . . a wise and intimate companion, an elegant reminder of the real."-- Brain/Mind Bulletin
  • 逻辑十九讲

    作者:[美] 威廉姆·沃克·阿特金森

    《逻辑十九讲》是美国著名思想家、作家、“新思想运动”之父威廉姆·沃克·阿特金森针对大众读者所撰写的一本逻辑学通俗入门读物。全书从逻辑学最浅显的概念入手,用通俗和生活化的语言,系统、简洁地阐述了逻辑学最基本的原则与思维方式。其中诸如推理、归纳、因果关系、真假命题、是非条件等专业术语,作者都进行了通俗易懂的解释,旨在让读者明白逻辑对于日常生活及普通思维、行为方面的价值和意义,并掌握简单的逻辑思维能力和推理能力,以扩展、提高读者的认识面和认知能力。 本书是一本有关逻辑学的入门读物,通过对专业术语的通俗化解释,简单明确地阐述了逻辑学的一些基本常识,读者可以通过本书了解到逻辑学的基本知识与应用准则,能够起到逻辑学普及作用,有助于读者在工作、学习乃至生活中更好地理解和运用逻辑。
  • 理则学


    “理则学”的主要目的是要训练与提升逻辑思考的能力,以使人在人生与为学上(无论是实践之学还是理论之学)碰到问题时,知道如何作正确的思考与分判一个推理是否正确,从而能解决问题与分辨观点的正确与否。简单地讲,就是学到如何正确地运用思想来思考问题。就这方面来说,传统理则学比现代逻辑(即符号逻辑)有用多了。实际思考问题时,对我们有帮助的是传统理则学讲的那一套,也就是顺着亚里士多德的理则学所发展出来的那个系统。 本书是牟宗三先生的代表作之一,出版后相当长时期内一直作为台湾高校逻辑课程的首选教材。全书共分三部:第一部传统逻辑,第二部符号逻辑,第三部方法学。按逻辑学的发展脉络对传统逻辑和现代逻辑都作了详尽而系统的论述。同时,在此基础上,作者在最后对“归纳法”和“辩证法”等常用思维方法的逻辑基础、具体过程以及所存在的问题等作了精妙分析,这也是本书区别于其他逻辑教材的特别之处。
  • 简明逻辑学-牛津通识读本


  • 哲学家的工具箱

    作者:Julian Baggini,Peter

    畅销书《自愿被吃的猪》作者 提供的哲学工具大补帖 告诉你如何进行有效又健全的思考 哲学家似乎尽是怪胎,不是性情暴烈,就是性格乖戾; 但不容否认的是,他们的思考方式就是有一套! 想要具备哲学家精湛的思考技术, 就赶快打开哲学家的工具箱,学习最刁钻的工具, 全面提升你的逻辑思考能力! 「太阳下山明早一样爬上来,花儿谢了明天还是一样地开。」这种说法合乎逻辑吗? 素食者不吃猪肉香肠,甘地不吃猪肉香肠,所以甘地是素食者。这句话合乎逻辑吗? 许多人都喜欢到开过头奖的乐透摊子购买乐透,因为这些摊子曾经开出大奖。这种做法合乎逻辑吗? 想要反驳对手的论证,最好的方法就是先假设对方是对的。这是什么怪招? 在当今这个竞争异常激烈的社会中,思路清晰、合乎逻辑,已经变成所有人莫敢不从的生活准则了。除了头脑「真的」不清楚的人之外,任何人只要被批评为头脑不清楚、说话没逻辑,肯定都会跳脚。因此,「具有超强的逻辑思考能力」已成为许多人追求的目标。 这时,著作畅销的英国哲普作家和教学卓越的美国哲学教授,提着《哲学家的工具箱》前来了,他们是来帮助大家提升思考能力的。这套工具箱总共有六大箱,从最入门的「论证基本工具」开始,逐步提升到「论证进阶工具」、「评估工具」、「概念区别工具」,让你的思考能力从初级提升至中级。最后两箱更是让思考能力达到最高级的秘笈:「大师级的工具」让你有机会具备大师级的思考能力;而「必须谨慎使用的工具」则是最上乘的心法,误用了不仅没效果,反而会引发更多问题。 这本书可说是「思考技术检修必备手册」,不仅可以逐箱学习,还可以摆放在身边:一旦思考短路,就能随时挑选适当的工具,检修自己的思路。送礼自用两相宜,但是,请切记最合乎逻辑的一点:千万不要送给自己的敌人!
  • 哲学逻辑引论


  • 走进分析哲学


    《走进分析哲学》内容简介:分析哲学是20世纪最主要的哲学思潮,它使逻辑分析成为哲学的基本方法,使语言成为哲学研究的直接对象,从而使哲学研究发生了根本性的变化,促成了“语言转向”,在哲学领域中形成了一场所谓“哥白尼式的革命”,对哲学的发展产生了重大而深远的影响。它的代表人物弗雷格、罗素、维特根斯坦、卡尔纳普等人的思想至今影响不衰。 《走进分析哲学》通过分析亚里士多德、中世纪学者和海德格尔的相关论述指出,语言分析自古有之,但是,单纯的语言分析,并不会成为分析哲学。因此,《走进分析哲学》不仅展现了分析哲学的思想和面貌。而且把它放在哲学史的主线上,揭示了它的独特性质和意义。
  • 思维

    作者:[美] 加里·R.卡比(Gary R.

  • The Logic of Scientific Discovery

    作者:Karl Popper

    When first published in 1959, this book revolutionized contemporary thinking about science and knowledge. It remains the one of the most widely read books about science to come out of the twentieth century.
  • 逻辑与演绎科学方法论导论

