

  • 挑战不可能


    他是享誉世界的华人神探,美剧CSI多处以他侦破的案例为原型。 他是美国历史上首位华裔刑侦鉴识专家,也是美国警界迄今职位超高的华人。 他被称为“当代福尔摩斯”,“现场重建之王”, 他严谨、细致,洞察力惊人,首开以微物证据定罪嫌犯的先河,擅长在蛛丝马迹中发现真相。 他曾经花两秒钟的时间破案,也曾让20年未破的悬案真相大白;他曾经借着一条手帕还肯尼迪家族成员清白,也曾经让背负18条重罪的“凶手”获判无罪。 从警50余年,他参与调查了全球各类案件8000多起,其中许多案件已成为国际法学科学界与警界的教学范例。其参与的经典案件包括:轰动美国的“世纪大审判”辛普森案、克林顿助手自杀案、克林顿性丑闻案、陈水扁319枪击案、前美国中央情报局职员碎木机杀妻案(在没有尸首的情况下,将凶犯抓获,轰动美国)——每一个重大案件都因为他的介入而得到关键性扭转。他改变了美国司法体系,甚至可以说改变了美国历史。 在犯罪现场,任何一个蛛丝马迹都可以成为他侦破的关键;而在自己的人生现场,他又如何从一个台湾的小警察,成为全球最富盛名的鉴识专家? 50年前,27岁的李昌钰辞去台湾警察的工作,带着50美元赴美留学,端盘子,教功夫,洗试管,用五年时间在美国读完本科、研究生、博士;50年后的今天,他凭借精湛独到的刑事侦查与鉴识技术,成为全球首屈一指的鉴识专家。从台湾小警察到纽约穷留学生,从高校教授到警界精英,他一天工作14小时,用勤奋与坚持反转人生,用经历和智慧证实了人生没有不可能。他说: “我一生只做一件事情,就是变不可能为可能。”
  • 美军第一狙击手


    《美军第一狙击手:一个美军海豹突击队员的生死狙击》内容简介:你了解美军海豹突击队吗?你知道海豹突击队里的狙击手都有什么样的心理特征吗?你知道狙击手在扣动扳机的瞬间,到底在想什么吗?作者克里斯•凯尔,用自己的亲身经历对上述问题给出了答案。 凯尔是美军海豹突击队三分队的一名狙击手,他在伊拉克战争中刷新了美军单兵狙杀纪录,还创下了在2100码(1920米)外射杀敌人的纪录,被美国国防部正式确认为美军第一狙击手。在《美军第一狙击手:一个美军海豹突击队员的生死狙击》中,作者详细讲述了美军海豹突击队内部的运作方式、训练方式和作战特征,真实地描绘了惊心动魄的战争以及狙击手的心理。它是美军第一狙击手的故事,是自传,也是传奇;是回忆,也是反思。 海报:
  • Dreams from My Father

    作者:Barack Obama

    Nine years before the Senate campaign that made him one of the most influential and compelling voices in American politics, Barack Obama published this lyrical, unsentimental, and powerfully affecting memoir, which became a #1 New York Times bestseller when it was reissued in 2004. Dreams from My Father tells the story of Obama’s struggle to understand the forces that shaped him as the son of a black African father and white American mother—a struggle that takes him from the American heartland to the ancestral home of his great-aunt in the tiny African village of Alego. Obama opens his story in New York, where he hears that his father—a figure he knows more as a myth than as a man—has died in a car accident. The news triggers a chain of memories as Barack retraces his family’s unusual history: the migration of his mother’s family from small-town Kansas to the Hawaiian islands; the love that develops between his mother and a promising young Kenyan student, a love nurtured by youthful innocence and the integrationist spirit of the early sixties; his father’s departure from Hawaii when Barack was two, as the realities of race and power reassert themselves; and Barack’s own awakening to the fears and doubts that exist not just between the larger black and white worlds but within himself. Propelled by a desire to understand both the forces that shaped him and his father’s legacy, Barack moves to Chicago to work as a community organizer. There, against the backdrop of tumultuous political and racial conflict, he works to turn back the mounting despair of the inner city. His story becomes one with those of the people he works with as he learns about the value of community, the necessity of healing old wounds, and the possibility of faith in the midst of adversity. Barack’s journey comes full circle in Kenya, where he finally meets the African side of his family and confronts the bitter truth of his father’s life. Traveling through a country racked by brutal poverty and tribal conflict, but whose people are sustained by a spirit of endurance and hope, Barack discovers that he is inescapably bound to brothers and sisters living an ocean away—and that by embracing their common struggles he can finally reconcile his divided inheritance. A searching meditation on the meaning of identity in America, Dreams from My Father might be the most revealing portrait we have of a major American leader—a man who is playing, and will play, an increasingly prominent role in healing a fractious and fragmented nation. Pictured in lefthand photograph on cover: Habiba Akumu Hussein and Barack Obama, Sr. (President Obama's paternal grandmother and his father as a young boy). Pictured in righthand photograph on cover: Stanley Dunham and Ann Dunham (President Obama's maternal grandfather and his mother as a young girl).
  • 朱东润自传


    《朱东润自传》是一本自传,属于传记文学的一个部门。中国史传文学的发展是很早的。《史记》的《太史公自序》、《汉书》的《叙传》是纪元前后的作品,但是这两篇只是约略叙述了作者的生平,而以更多的文字介绍全书的篇目,因此实际上都还不能算是自传。自传的作品,在国外只是二百年以来的事,在中国还要更迟一些。 自传和其他的作品明显的区别,在于这是一本永远不能完成的作品,因此在整个结构方面,不可能像其他作品那样的完整。这《朱东润自传》以我八十年的人生历程为界,比较地有个全局的概念。纵使在这《朱东润自传》里面,看不到作者的一生,但是我们必须承认任何一本自传都是不可能写得那么完整的。
  • 太空步


    迈克尔·杰克逊的自传《太空步》是每个杰克逊歌迷的必读之书。它发行于1988年,是迈克尔在他朋友——美国前第一夫人杰奎琳·肯尼迪·欧纳西斯(Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis)——的鼓励下写成的。这本书讲述了他从小到大(至1988年)的所有罕为人知的故事(当时他还与家人一起住在加州恩西诺的赫文哈斯特家里)。这本精彩绝伦的自传,以积极的笔调写满了6章,并包括许多漂亮的彩色和黑白照片。该书一经出版,立刻轰动世界,并在各大畅销书榜上拨得头筹。Michael将此书献给舞王弗雷德·阿斯泰尔(Fred Astaire)。
  • 乱世学人


    维格纳是20世纪著名物理学家,他在量子力学的发展中作出了许多重要贡献,还将群论用于量子力学研究,奠定了量子力学和基本粒子理论中对称性原理的基础。在1963年,维格纳由于对称性基本原理的发现和应用荣获诺贝尔物理学奖。维格纳还是最早提出研制原子弹的科学家之一,并在曼哈顿工程中发挥了重要作用。 本书是维格纳晚年的口述自传。维格纳一生流离于欧洲和美洲,亲身经历了第二次世界大战的惨痛。本书以坦率和谦逊的风格,描述了他在匈牙利的青少年时期、在柏林的留学生涯以及在第二次世界大战前夕移居美国后参与原子弹研制活动的经历。书中充分表现了维格纳对匈牙利文化的热爱、对纳粹和希特勒的憎恶、对和平的期盼以及对科学的追求。同时,它还生动地刻画了维格纳与爱因斯坦、费米、狄拉克等大物理学家及与西拉德、冯・诺伊曼、特勒等同样出自匈牙利的天才学者之间的交往。从本书中,读者不但可以体会维格纳作为科学家的卓越成就,更可深切了解这位被迫背井离乡的“乱世学人”
  • 永不后退


    这是一本让你彻底了解迈克·泰森人生经历的著作。 ——华尔街日报 迈克.泰森,出生于美国纽约布鲁克林,13岁遇到拳击教练库斯.达马托。这位70岁的老人说“我一辈子都在等这样一个孩子”,预言泰森将成为世界重量级拳王。泰森开始一丝不苟在2小时内完成2500个仰卧起坐和500个俯卧撑……并在库斯的教导下,学会控制恐惧、震慑对手。 拳击职业赞助人一致判断泰森个子太矮,注定无法成为强力的重量级拳手。库斯坚持运作,泰森18岁时才正式成为职业拳手。泰森19岁,库斯离世。为了保证库斯.达马托不被世人遗忘,年仅20岁的泰森挑战WBC 重量级拳王伯比克,仅用两回合KO对手,成为拳击史上最年轻的重量级拳王! 泰森说“我只想把他的鼻梁骨打进脑袋里”,年仅21岁的他用超过450公斤的重拳和迅猛的速度一统三大权威组织WBA、WBC和IBF金腰带。泰森成为“穿着短裤的印钞机”,所有以凶狠著称的重炮手在迈克这只猛兽出笼的时代统统被人们无情遗忘。 整个世界都在围观他的嚣张与堕落,却没有人知道他的内心:他的训练与生活、爱情与婚姻、遭遇指控和入狱后的真实经历、与霍利菲尔德的世纪之战和经纪人唐.金的财产官司,甚至他无底线的堕落和滑向地狱前的最后一次成功自救……阅历了人生足够多的云翳,泰森绝不避重就轻,而是将过往真相毫无保留、一锤定音! 始终进攻、永不后退是泰森出拳的风格,也是泰森与命运的较量方式,这使本书既有对人生的哲学思考,又充满了个人奋斗的美国精神,成为轰动美国、被权威媒体一致盛赞的杰作。
  • 古多尔的精神之旅


    简・古多尔从蹒跚学步起,就对世上的各种生命形式充满了好奇;成长过程中,又受到《人猿泰山》和《丛林故事》的影响和鞭策。后来,她为著名古生物学家和人类学家路易斯・利基博士工作,在贡贝的科学研究中取得重要突破,成为对我们知识世界影响重大的贡献者之一。 在本书中,她不仅详细地叙述了40年前就已经介绍给世人的贡贝黑猩猩故事,而且坦诚地讲述了自己的一生,讲述了她的母亲、儿子和已故的丈夫、她的朋友以及许多素不相识的人所给予她的爱和支持。 简・古多尔博士酷爱自然,也目睹了人类破坏环境所造成的危险、不公、物欲、种族屠杀。她提出自己对这些危险的独到见解,并高度赞扬了为地球新生而奋斗的人们。这些人就是她所说的“希望的理由”。
  • 败者为王


  • What Do You Care What Other People Think?

    作者:Richard P Feynman

    The New York Times bestseller: sequel to "Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!" —funny, poignant, instructive. One of the greatest physicists of the twentieth century, Richard Feynman possessed an unquenchable thirst for adventure and an unparalleled ability to tell the stories of his life. "What Do You Care What Other People Think?" is Feynman’s last literary legacy, which he prepared as he struggled with cancer. Among its many tales—some funny, others intensely moving—we meet Feynman’s first wife, Arlene, who taught him of love’s irreducible mystery as she lay dying in a hospital bed while he worked nearby on the atomic bomb at Los Alamos. We are also given a fascinating narrative of the investigation of the space shuttle Challenger ’s explosion in 1986, and we relive the moment when Feynman revealed the disaster’s cause by an elegant experiment: dropping a ring of rubber into a glass of cold water and pulling it out, misshapen.
  • Hard Choices

    作者:Hillary Rodham Clint

    Hillary Rodham Clinton’s inside account of the crises, choices, and challenges she faced during her four years as America’s 67th Secretary of State, and how those experiences drive her view of the future. “All of us face hard choices in our lives,” Hillary Rodham Clinton writes at the start of this personal chronicle of years at the center of world events. “Life is about making such choices. Our choices and how we handle them shape the people we become.” In the aftermath of her 2008 presidential run, she expected to return to representing New York in the United States Senate. To her surprise, her former rival for the Democratic Party nomination, newly elected President Barack Obama, asked her to serve in his administration as Secretary of State. This memoir is the story of the four extraordinary and historic years that followed, and the hard choices that she and her colleagues confronted. Secretary Clinton and President Obama had to decide how to repair fractured alliances, wind down two wars, and address a global financial crisis. They faced a rising competitor in China, growing threats from Iran and North Korea, and revolutions across the Middle East. Along the way, they grappled with some of the toughest dilemmas of US foreign policy, especially the decision to send Americans into harm’s way, from Afghanistan to Libya to the hunt for Osama bin Laden. By the end of her tenure, Secretary Clinton had visited 112 countries, traveled nearly one million miles, and gained a truly global perspective on many of the major trends reshaping the landscape of the twenty-first century, from economic inequality to climate change to revolutions in energy, communications, and health. Drawing on conversations with numerous leaders and experts, Secretary Clinton offers her views on what it will take for the United States to compete and thrive in an interdependent world. She makes a passionate case for human rights and the full participation in society of women, youth, and LGBT people. An astute eyewitness to decades of social change, she distinguishes the trendlines from the headlines and describes the progress occurring throughout the world, day after day. Secretary Clinton’s descriptions of diplomatic conversations at the highest levels offer readers a master class in international relations, as does her analysis of how we can best use “smart power” to deliver security and prosperity in a rapidly changing world—one in which America remains the indispensable nation.
  • 一切行业都是创意业


    ★《华尔街日报》畅销书榜第一名。 ★英国亚马逊商业传纪类畅销书榜第一名。 ★自1998年至今,不断再版,不断补充最新内容,本书是当之无愧的全球畅销书。 ★“英国最聪明的人” 理查德•布兰森亲口解析创意行业关键词:有趣、诚信、形象、品牌、原创性、争议性、潮流、炒作、偶像、多元化等,让你学会在混乱与刺激中兴旺发达的商业秘籍。 ★超过120张珍贵的照片、图片资料,真实记录维珍商业帝国的成长历程。 掌握创意方法,就能颠覆任何行业。 理查德•布兰森用他源源不绝的创意,持续地在唱片、航空、铁路、饮料、银行、保险、化妆品等各个行业开疆拓土,成就了英国最大的私有企业——维珍集团。 1971年,第一家维珍唱片零售店开张,以独特的嬉皮士定位打破了唱片零售业的传统,数年间分店遍布全英。 1972年,维珍唱片公司签下了被所有其他唱片公司拒绝的迈克•欧菲尔德,并将他的一首长达45分钟的无词乐曲《管钟》作为公司的首张专辑发行,最终售出1300万张。 1984年,维珍航空成立,挑战了航空业的惯例,以客户为中心不断推出别具一格或引领潮流的服务产品,现已成为英国第二大国际航空公司。 2004年,维珍银河公司成立,成为第一个进入太空的非政府组织,即将推出个人太空旅游服务。 在本书中,维珍商业帝国的创始人理查德•布兰森,详细回顾了他靠着与众不同的商业哲学,从4英镑起家,成为亿万富翁的故事。他以创意产业的标准来对待每一个行业,打破常规传统,挑战垄断,用固有产品的新鲜定位开拓市场,一手造就了英国最大的私有企业——维珍集团,其旗下拥有200多家大小公司,涉及产业包括航空、金融、铁路、唱片、婚纱直至避孕套,俨然半个国民生产部门。  生意必须有趣,能激发出人的创造力。  唱片店不仅仅是卖唱片的商店,更是品味的裁判。  一个能让人们从中辨认出某种关键价值的词语,是整个一系列服务的开端。  坚守形象,保持统一性,获得更多顾客。 翻开本书,看布兰森亲口解析创意行业关键词:有趣、诚信、形象,品牌、原创性、争议性、潮流、炒作、偶像、多元化等,学会在混乱与刺激中兴旺发达的商业秘籍。 媒体评论 “任何想要创业的人都该读这本书,这个男人的经历值得崇拜。” ——《星期日邮报》 “一本创业必读书。” ——《商业时代》
  • American Sniper

    作者:Chris Kyle,Scott McE

    He is the deadliest American sniper ever, called "the devil" by the enemies he hunted and "the legend" by his Navy SEAL brothers . . . From 1999 to 2009, U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle recorded the most career sniper kills in United States military history. The Pentagon has officially confirmed more than 150 of Kyles kills (the previous American record was 109), but it has declined to verify the astonishing total number for this book. Iraqi insurgents feared Kyle so much they named him al-Shaitan ("the devil") and placed a bounty on his head. Kyle earned legendary status among his fellow SEALs, Marines, and U.S. Army soldiers, whom he protected with deadly accuracy from rooftops and stealth positions. Gripping and unforgettable, Kyle's masterful account of his extraordinary battlefield experiences ranks as one of the great war memoirs of all time. A native Texan who learned to shoot on childhood hunting trips with his father, Kyle was a champion saddle-bronc rider prior to joining the Navy. After 9/11, he was thrust onto the front lines of the War on Terror, and soon found his calling as a world-class sniper who performed best under fire. He recorded a personal-record 2,100-yard kill shot outside Baghdad; in Fallujah, Kyle braved heavy fire to rescue a group of Marines trapped on a street; in Ramadi, he stared down insurgents with his pistol in close combat. Kyle talks honestly about the pain of war--of twice being shot and experiencing the tragic deaths of two close friends. American Sniper also honors Kyles fellow warriors, who raised hell on and off the battlefield. And in moving first-person accounts throughout, Kyles wife, Taya, speaks openly about the strains of war on their marriage and children, as well as on Chris. Adrenaline-charged and deeply personal, American Sniper is a thrilling eyewitness account of war that only one man could tell.
  • 荣格自传


  • 命运的重量


    《命运的重量——一个艺术家大半个世纪的人生自传》是一本个人的历史回忆录。董克俊,这位被美国的评论家称为“原始”的现代主义画家,建国后最知名的版画家之一,这位现实生活中的儿子、丈夫和父亲,在年过七旬之后,尽管深受眼疾困扰,仍然坚持用一支笔,在白纸上写着斗大的字,一笔一画地写出了命运的沉重或轻盈,选择的痛苦或快乐,历史的哑默或喧嚣。 这书的写作非常坦诚与平实。这是一个人的一生,却讲出了整个时代,记录了作者在风云变幻的历史关头的深刻思索和艰难抉择。字里行间,除了老一辈艺术家的艺术追寻之外,他所记录的亲戚、家人、病痛、工作、儿女婚事、退休等日常生活,文字朴素,情感真挚,就像人生的启示录一样能给人们带来启迪和参考。
  • How to Make Love Like a Porn Star

    作者:Jenna Jameson,Neil S

    When the stewardess brought me off the plane in a wheelchair, I lowered my head. I was too scared to even look at my father. I didn't want to see the disappointment and horror on his face. All that hate I had accumulated for him over the years, all the resentment against him for not understanding what I was going through, just released with the tears. "So, where are your parents?" the stewardess asked me after a few minutes. "I can't wait here with you much longer." I looked up and wiped my eyes. My father was standing ten feet away. He didn't even recognize me. In the underbelly of Las Vegas, a cesspool of warring biker gangs and seedy strip clubs transformed the gawky, brace-faced Jenna Massoli into the bombshell Jenna Jameson. Today, Jenna Jameson is the biggest star in the history of adult movies, consistently ranked as one of the most beautiful women alive. But behind the glamour and the meteoric rise to fame was a path paved with tragedy and heartbreak. As a teenager drawn into a chaotic world ruled by rape, abuse, and murder, Jenna plunged into a downward spiral of addiction, even as she became one of the most photographed women in adult magazines. Determined to overcome this past, Jenna rebounded in the adult-film business, where she encountered sadistic directors, experienced lovers of both sexes, amorous celebrities (from Howard Stern to Marilyn Manson to Tommy Lee), bitter rival starlets, and finally, glory, as she went on to become the biggest porn star the world has ever seen. But her struggle for happiness did not end when the accolades began. For years she wrestled with her resentment at her estranged father, the loneliness of growing up from the age of two without a mother, and her enduring childhood desire to find a man who could give her the security and love she never had. Her unforgettable memoir is many things at once: a shocking sexual history, an insider's guide to the secret workings of the billion-dollar adult-film industry, and a gripping thriller that probes deep into Jenna's dark past. An unparalleled exploration of sexual freedom, How to Make Love Like a Porn Star ventures far beyond the flesh, into the heart-shredding tragedies and adrenaline-pumping triumphs of a woman who has already lived a hundred lifetimes. Always witty and humorous even as she faces the demons of her past, Jenna offers hilarious anecdotes about one of the most controversial businesses in history, and shares outrageous advice, including her ten commandments of dating and sex, how to become a "suitcase pimp," and how to make it in the business as a female (or a male). Add to this never-before-seen photographs from Jenna's private collection and others taken exclusively for this book, and the result is certain to be one of the most talked-about books of the year.
  • Pour Your Heart Into It

    作者:Howard Schultz,Dori

    The chairman and CEO of Starbucks relates how he and his team built a small Seattle company into a nationwide business phenomenon. From Amazon.com Since 1987, Starbucks's star has been on the rise, growing from 11 Seattle, WA-based stores to more than 1,000 worldwide. Its goals grew, too, from the more modest, albeit fundamental one of offering high-quality coffee beans roasted to perfection to, more recently, opening a new store somewhere every day. An exemplary success story, Starbucks is identified with innovative marketing strategies, employee-ownership programs, and a product that's become a subculture. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a manager, a marketer, or a curious Starbucks loyalist, Pour Your Heart into It will let you in on the revolutionary Starbucks venture. CEO Howard Schultz recounts the company's rise in 24 chapters, each of which illustrates such core values as "Winning at the expense of employees is not victory at all." --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Library Journal The author is the entrepreneur behind Starbucks, the coffee-shop chain with a "passion" for quality coffee. Through the voice of Eric Conger, Schultz speaks poetically about the "mystery and romance" of the "coffee experience." Well, to some people coffee is like that. The program is not so much for those who want to learn about business techniques as for those who love Starbucks. Schultz's story is an interesting one, largely a personal narrative about making it big. At one point the narration says, "It's not about me," but to a great extent the tapes really are. Recommended only if Starbucks has a strong presence in your community.?Mark Guyer, Stark Cty. Dist. Lib., Canton, Ohio Book Dimension Height (mm) 229                    Width (mm) 152
  • 通往权力之路

    作者:[英] 玛格丽特·撒切尔

    玛格丽特·撒切尔,这位改变英国、影响世界,并让所有人折服的女政治家,在长达11年的首相任职期间政绩卓著:她全力改革,使这个眼看落寞的老牌资本主义国家跻身于世界前四强;赢得马岛战争,坚持与美国的特殊关系,巩固了英国在世界政治中的强势地位。 本书是撒切尔夫人的回忆录,它以当事人的视角为我们展示了这位生来与政治结缘,浸淫在残酷政治纷争中的平民女孩是如何在没有显赫门第的疵荫下,依靠自己的不断努力和顽强奋斗脱颖而出,“巾帼不让须眉”,在英国这个传统守旧的国度里,在保守党政治斗争的漩涡与激流中,一步一步沿着成功的阶梯攀登,最终入主唐宁街10号,登上权力之巅。
  • 黑道商学院

    作者:[美] 麦可·法兰杰斯

  • 逆战


    《逆战:李世石自传》内容简介:他是世界围棋第一人,是棋坛最杰出的明星棋手。他野马奔腾般的力战型棋风,任何时候都是围棋界热议的焦点话题。与老一辈棋手不同,他个性鲜明、桀骜不驯、率真至性,另类得几乎为世俗所不容。“我不想下不是李世石风格的围棋。”这就是李世石,他的言行都是源于他的自信与强劲。 他是围棋界最闪耀的一颗明星,创造了27个月韩国职业棋手排行榜榜首连霸纪录、个人32连胜纪录,荣获了15项世界冠军。他朝着自己的梦想坚持不懈地追求着,给平静的棋坛带来了震动。他不仅有着过人的悟性与实力,而且还有着非凡的气质与胸襟。他已经成为韩国和中国青年新的偶像,现在,老一辈棋手也为他的崛起、为他的成熟而拍手叫好。 在《逆战:李世石自传》中,李世石讲述了他从孤岛少年到称霸棋坛的围棋圣手的传奇人生,以及他的定力、强劲和永不停歇的战斗……为读者呈现出一个最真实、最立体的李世石,让你了解李世石的围棋人生!