

  • 奥巴马演说集(附光盘)


    《奥巴马演说集》中共收录奥巴马激情演说十四篇(包含就职演说),每篇演说后都附有详尽的背景注释与难词解析,是了解美国历史与现状、了解奥巴马心路历程的绝佳资料,也是学习英文及演讲技巧的最好范例。 从夏威夷到印度尼西亚,从印度尼西亚到芝加哥,从芝加哥到白宫,巴拉克•奥巴马演绎了美国政治史上一段最不可思议、最令人着迷的传奇。自他决定参选之日起,权力之路就已经向他展开。他要用激情、智慧和口才去征服和感动全美国人民。作为一位非裔美国人、一位参议员、一位律师、一位大学讲师、一位父亲、一位天主教徒、一位持异见的政客,奥巴马在演说中叙述了个人的成长经历、价值取向、对伊拉克战争的态度,并就种族、信仰、社区、教育、税收等政治和社会方面的诸多问题提出了多项改革方案。其演讲逻辑缜密,激情澎湃,震撼人心。
  • 英语思维是这样炼成的


    这是一本让你顿悟语言之美妙的启蒙读本!这是一本带你突破英语学习瓶颈的点睛之作!这是一本颠覆传统学习观念的实力专著!这是一本能重燃你英语学习兴趣的神奇力作! 全书共分上中下三篇。上篇在系统地讲述了中英文思维的差别之后就重点讲述了各词性词汇中所蕴含的英语思维。中篇介绍了英语学习的一些具体方法。下篇是关于英语学习中的一些常见问题。
  • 摩西英语


    本书是摩西英语网站建站一年来的精华部分,目录分为52章,对应一年的52个星期。 本书每一章都以时事作为切入点,引出五个单词,然后讲述单词中的词根和故事,再一一讲解其衍生单词。 阅览此书,读者会不由自主地一时冒出一个惊叹号,一时冒出一个问号。惊叹号是,每个英文单词的背后居然有这样精彩的故事;问号是,你从此会带着疑问来学习每一个单词,并试图探究其隐藏的联系。 书中,读者在轻松学习单词的同时,还可以读到令人沉思的英文名言和引人入胜的希腊、罗马神话,在每一章的最后,还为读者奉上了一个小游戏Crossword。
  • How to Speak and Write Correctly

    作者:Joseph Devlin

    The classic text on how to speak and write English 'correctly.' *** "In the preparation of this little work the writer has kept one end in view, viz.: To make it serviceable for those for whom it is intended, that is, for those who have neither the time nor the opportunity, the learning nor the inclination, to peruse elaborate and abstruse treatises on Rhetoric, Grammar, and Composition. To them such works are as gold enclosed in chests of steel and locked beyond power of opening. This book has no pretension about it whatever, -it is neither a Manual of Rhetoric, expatiating on the dogmas of style, nor a Grammar full of arbitrary rules and exceptions. It is merely an effort to help ordinary, everyday people to express themselves in ordinary, everyday language, in a proper manner."
  • Dirty Chinese

    作者:Matt Coleman,Edmund

  • 《美国语文》(第5册)


    《美国语文5(英汉双语全译版)》从19世纪中期至20世纪中叶,一直被广泛用作美国学校的语文教材,据称有10000多所美国学校拿它当作教材。到了21世纪,西方一些私立学校(Private School)和家庭学校(Homeschool)仍用它作为教材,足见这套书的价值与影响力。据估计,这套书从问世至1960年,至少发行了1.22亿册;1961年后,在西方每年销量仍达30000册以上。应该说,没有哪一套个人主编的教材能超过此发行量了!此套读本的英文原版共分七级,包括启蒙读本和第1-6级。考虑到启蒙读本与第一级篇幅都较少,难易程度也很接近,于是我们将之合并为第1册,其余2-6级与英文原版相同。这样国内出版的这套读本共包括6册。第1册从字母表开始,主要侧重于字母的发音与书写、简单的单词与句型,同时强调英文书写,课文后面附有不少书法练习,让孩子们不仅将英语说得像外国人,而且写得也跟外文书法一样,这是国内英语教学所缺少的一个环节。从第2册开始,均是比较正式的课文,每一课包括词汇和课文,对一些生词有英文解释,让学生学会通过简单英文理解生词,养成用英语理解和思维的习惯。第5册和第6册的课文前增加了作者简介与相关背景知识,内容丰富而有一定深度。此套书为在原版本基础上重新修订精装版,后两册字号较之前有所放大,并且修正了原有的错误之处,以方便学生阅读。
  • 英语语法大全


    张道真英语语法大全(全两册),ISBN:9787811193329,作者:张道真 编著
  • The Book on Writing

    作者:Paula LaRocque

    Many books attempt to teach the elements of good non-fiction writing, but only one does it in the gentle, humorous way of famous writing coach Paula LaRocque. LaRocque's new book is the result of a lifetime spent as a journalist and writing educator. This book contains 25 chapters in three sections. The first section spells out a dozen essential guidelines to good writing, from the importance of short sentences to the value of using a conversational tone. Section Two teaches the reader how to tell a story -- how to build suspense, how to effectively describe things, how to use literary devices. Section Three is a concise handbook on writing mechanics, such as grammar, usage, punctuation and style. Each section is loaded with illustrative examples of great non-fiction writing, and LaRocque's gentle humour makes reading a pleasure. This is LaRocque's gift to the writing world -- it is destined to become a classic.
  • 剑桥中级英语语法(英文版)(英语在用)


    剑桥中级英语语法,ISBN:9787560022536,作者:(英)Raymond Murphy著
  • 朗文当代英语大辞典


    《朗文当代英语大辞典(英英.英汉双解)》收录词目达80,000条。除了突破传统收词界限,增收15,000余条有关政治、历史、地理、科学、艺术及文化等方面的词条,将英语学习词典与百科全书功能合二为一,全球首创。还特别增收2000个21世纪最新词语,以适应时代需要。另外还有: 400项文化注释(Cultural Notes),阐释与文化有关的重要词汇。 400项用法说明(Usage),详细讲解词语间的细微区别和正确用法。 11个文化特写(Features),介绍西方文化。 20页全彩色插页。 20页语言提示(Language Notes),介绍语用学知识。 多页附录内容有助于打好语言基础。 涵盖英式及美式英语。 双色印刷,版百醒目。
  • 最新通俗美语词典


  • 怎样起英文名字


  • Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition

    作者:Inc. Merriam-Webster

    Merriam Webster is proud to announce the arrival of its most famous dictionary, now completely revised and updated. The features of the dictionary now include: 225,000 clear and precise definitions More than 40,000 word-use examples More than 7500 phrases and idions The Merriam Webster Collegiate is a great learning too: It features a comprehensive coverage of all fields of knowledge 165,000 entries with correct spellings and pronunciations More than 700 illustrations, tables and diagrams for at-a-glance information The CD edition comes complete with the book and a free one year subscription to Merriam-WebsterCollegiate.com. The new Eleventh Edition of America's best-selling dictionary merges print, CD-ROM, and Internet-based formats to deliver unprecedented accessibility and flexibility at one affordable price. Fully revised print content features more than 225,000 clear and precise definitions and more than 10,000 words and meanings. Includes easily installable CD-ROM and free one-year subscription to new Collegiate Web site. The first Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (M-W) was published in 1898, and the tenth edition had a copyright date of 1993. The eleventh edition brings many new words, a CD-ROM, and a free one-year subscription to Merriam-Webster Collegiate.com, which includes the text of the dictionary as well as the Collegiate Thesaurus, Collegiate Encyclopedia, and Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary. Now for the numbers. M-W has a paper file of 15,700,000 citations from which their lexicographers chose 10,000 new words, for a total of 165,000 entries and 225,000 definitions. There are 100,000 "changes" from the tenth edition. Users asked for more usage examples and idioms and phrases, so there are now 40,000 examples and a "significant" increase in idioms. There are 91,000 pronunciations, 33,000 etymologies, 2,700 illustrative quotations, 650 foreign words and phrases, and 700 illustrations. As the world rushes on, so does the time taken for words to become accepted. It used to be at least ten years before a new word was considered for inclusion; now it may take as few as four years. M-W staff certainly have become the purveyors of the words that we use. Terms added to this edition include Botox, comb-over, crunch-exercise, dead-cat bounce, dead presidents, dead tree, def, exfoliant, gimme cap, identity theft, phat, and tweener. As would be expected, some entries had to be eliminated because words are invented faster than they go out of favor. Anyone seeking definitions of record changer and pantdress will need an unabridged or older dictionary. M-W still includes separate sections for geographical and biographical names, but abbreviations are now interfiled in the main section. Perhaps the next edition will interfile the other two sections. Criticisms of the eleventh edition are mostly cosmetic. The use of photographs and shaded boxes for usage notes would make it more attractive to users. There are, however, more than 200 new black-and-white line drawings. The Col legiate Dictionary's closest competitor, the American Heritage College Dictionary (4th ed.), published last year, makes good use of photographs and illustrations in the margins. It contains a number of words (gangsta, goth) that are also new to this edition of M-W. The online version has a number of search options, including a reverse dictionary (if you can think of the correct words), the etymology of words, and those that are the same part of speech. The most interesting option is the date feature. Paging through the words attributed to a particular year is a definite retrospective of recollections. Words of 1980 include balsamic vinegar, exit poll, NIMBY, and ziplock. An improvement to the online version would be a search button so the back button doesn't need to be used as much. It would be less cumbersome if the illustrations were included with the definitions rather than requiring another click. Because the one-year free subscription to the online version is only mentioned on the dust jacket, some users will fail to see it. Unfortunately, the free subscription is not available free to libraries or schools. One wonders if the CD-ROM is really necessary because it provides only basic searching. For serious dictionary collections and fans of dictionaries from this venerable publisher, now in partnership with Britannica, the eleventh edition is a definite buy. With a list price of $25.95, it is a bargain for individuals. Libraries with limited budgets that purchased the American Heritage College Dictionary in 2002 may not need another college dictionary this year. RBB Since 1937. Merriam-Webster is America's foremost publisher of language-related reference works. The company publishes a diverse array of print and electronic products, including Merriam-Webster's Collegiate? Dictionary, Eleventh Edition – America's best-selling desk dictionary – and Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster can be considered the direct lexicographical heir of Noah Webster. In 1843, the company bought the rights to the 1841 edition of Webster's magnum opus, An American Dictionary of the English Language, Corrected and Enlarged. At the same time, they secured the rights to create revised editions of the work. Since that time, Merriam-Webster editors have carried forward Noah Webster's work, creating some of the most widely used and respected dictionaries and reference books in the world. length: (cm)25.1            width:(cm) 18.5
  • 你还在学英语吗


    实际上写这本《你还在学英语吗?》的动机与《千万别学英语》完全相同。由于无法一一解答《千万别学英语》读者朋友们的提问,所以才决定出这本书。无论如何,还会继续有人来买《千万别学英语》,他们也会像以前给我发邮件的那些人一样陷入困惑之中,并且还会给我发邮件试图解决他们的疑问,所以这也许是惟一的选择。 …… 在写这本书的过程中参考了大量的读者E-mail,而且都尽量保持了其原文含义,只是在很小的程度内做了改动。这样做既是为了保护别人的隐私,同时也考虑到要与本书的结构相符。 ——郑赞容《你还在学英语吗·前言》 目录 序 1 译者序 2 前言 4 ★K回来了 1 ★英语这个怪物 3 ★现实和疑心 5 ★如果与课堂学习并行的话 8 学校里出乱子了 8 课堂学习怎么办? 8 英语教育大本营的革命 9 那不就是让所有人都以这种方式去做吗? 11 与现实脱节的英语考试 12 ★可怕的三个幽灵 14 为什么是语法、词汇和阅读呢? 15 ★磁带的水准 17 考虑到我的实力…… 17 背诵为主、填鸭式教育的弊端 18 重要的是对耳朵的调整 19 ★两种外语同时进行也可以吗? 20 不再相互混淆了 21 母语房与外语房 22 ★为什么我不能像K那样? 23 只是去听,话匣子也能被打开 24 老师说的话全都听得清清楚楚 24 ★并非秘诀…… 26 用英语洗耳 26 与阅读训练并行?Oh, Korean! 27 ★再次透视第 1 阶段 28 1.第 1 阶段的结束时间自己来掌握 28 2.选择适合自己水平的磁带实际上并不是必须的 28 3.中途休息的情况 28 4.真的只用 1 盘磁带就行了 28 5.无论怎样也有听不清的部分之时 29 6.中断后重来的情况 29 7.与妨碍听力之事“断绝关系” 29 ★他们自己的帮派 30 ★听写即是制作脚本 34 不认识单词…… 34 不是要你去背诵 35 ★重新透视第 2 阶段 37 1.听写练习达到能够把听到的朗读出来的程度就行了 37 2.听写和朗读的顺序由自己来决定 37 3.声音模仿是必需的 37 4.绝对不要在语法上计较 37 ★感动、不安、怀疑、彷徨 39 直到第三阶段才能确信 39 英语,数十年间的恐怖历史 40 ★如果想在年幼时就去留学 42 ★在语言对象国生活的情况 44 ★茫然求索 46 ★如果用英韩词典 48 解释本身就是例句,还有…… 49 ★在进行第三阶段练习期间 50 ★再次透视第 3 阶段 52 1.不间断地去查 52 2.哪怕是稍有疑心的单词也要统统查一下 52 3.原原本本地吸收 52 4.就像说话一样去朗读 52 5.将英语广播当作背景音乐 53 6.顺序和时间并不太重要 53 7.消除对发音的忧虑 53 ★话语乃人生哲学的载体 54 ★怀着窥视文化的心情 57 通过电影理解文化 57 如果缺乏毅力就是在做无用功 59 ★重新透视第4 阶段 61 1.留心出场人物的表情和身体动作,如果能模仿出来的话就更好了 61 2.注意看各个场面的角角落落 61 3.第1 盘录像带一定要完全咀嚼透彻 61 4.按照从普通到特别的顺序来 61 ★一个时代的完结 62 ★虽然还没有人提出疑问 65 ★后记 67 ★附录1 读者经验谈 70 □求道之路 70 英国Heathrow机场 70 入学第1天 71 第1堂课 71 与日本朋友并肩作战 72 在英国寄宿房学习综合英语 72 啊,头脑发热! 73 语言研修VS外语考试 74 竟然呆1年? 74 相逢《千万别学英语》 75 □我就这样一直进行到了第四阶段 75 4年级暑假时 75 迷上了《AP News》(Associated Press)和肥皂剧 76 英语要以英语的思维方式来吸收 78 遇见《千万别学英语》 79 平生第一次只“追踪”声音 79 读了些文章,也回答了一些问题 80 进入第三阶段,眼不疼了,心不闷了 80 终于进入第四阶段 81 心里话,大实话 82 □写给因《千万别学英语》而苦闷的人们 83 时隔20年再次学英语…… 83 应该会发生哪怕只是很小的奇迹吧? 83 怀疑自己的耳朵,连续听了2个小时…… 84 □我也很惊喜 85 □从380分到600分 85 □大家一起跟着读100遍吧! 86 □在第二阶段舌头都卷起来了 87 □考完TOEIC之后 88 □今天期中考试了 88 □结束第一阶段,TOEIC成绩提高了155分 88 □成功也?失败也? 88 □哇,分数提高了 89 □通宵不停地开着AFKN睡 89 □满足,我的考试分数也有进步了! 89 □TOEIC分数提高了 90 □这个方法的效果现在才…… 90 □结束了第一阶段,TOEIC成绩!!! 90 □我是正在进行第一阶段练习的高三学生 91 □第一阶段练习还没结束,TOEIC成绩就提高了130分 91 □2个月内TOEIC分数提高了400分 92 □386大嫂也拿起英语书 92 □英语大昧境 93 □第一篇成功之谈 93 ★附录2 第一阶段 Q&A 95 头脑中总是想像对话的场景而无法集中精神去听,该怎么办?还有磁带的水平该怎么确定? 95 有人主张不要进行听写训练? 95 “听力理论”选用《AP News》如何? 96 磁带一定要用耳机听吗? 96 ★附录3 第二阶段 Q&A 97 第二阶段练习是不是要一直到能把听写脚本从头到尾流利地背下来为止? 97 关于朗读,请予以更为详细的说明。 97 连读部分如何听写? 98 自己写出来的单词太离谱,在第三阶段查不到的话怎么办? 98 在朗读的时候,发音和节奏哪一个是重点? 98 读长句时语调总是记不清楚,怎么办? 99 我按照您说的去做了,为什么TOEIC分数却没有提高呢? 99 ★附录4 第三阶段 Q&A 100 在抄写的时候,不是以单词为单位,而应该是以句子为单位进行吗? 100 我现在第三阶段做得对吗? 100 朗读了1个小时以后还是不能吃透其内容,是应该在第2天继续读呢,还是应该一边查下一个单词一边来促进这个过程的完成呢? 101
  • 我的第一本英文万用会话10000

    作者:许琼樱 & 国际语言中心委员会

  • 美英报刊导读


  • 新说文解字


  • 英美白领高阶词语

    作者:程学民,雍同,Edward R. Bou

    《英美白领高阶词语(英汉对照)》中释义新、词量大、话题时尚广泛,涉及当今欧美经济生活中的要事新闻、商场竞争、创业与合作、求职与晋升、、辞职与解雇、上下级关系与办公室政治、职场脸谱及办公室恋情等方方面面。文句鲜活、语言丰富,对了解和掌握时下国外业界人士每日关心、讨论着的焦点topocs,迅速、有效、全方位地感受、接触现代英语的气息,拓展英语的思维和话语视界,无疑会有极大的帮助。为提高读者的阅读兴趣,编者在书中还引用了不少名人如巴菲特、索罗斯、格林斯潘、小布什、布莱尔、希拉里、奥巴马、赖斯、肯尼迪总统父子的轶闻趣事等。 对那些已经通过了英美国家英语证书考试的人士,《英美白领高阶词语(英汉对照)》将有助于他们迅速提高读、说、听、译、写方面的综合能力,以资在出国留学之际,尽快地融入英美国家的社会文化与经济生活中去。
  • 别笑我是英文单词书(彩色图文本)


    哇!太神奇了,潜移默化中英语水平就提高了一大截!   只看一眼《别笑我是英文单词书》,就深深地爱上了它!   哇哈哈!我的英语宿命,真的改变了!   嘿嘿~快来体验一下吧!让你的英文水平也HIGH起来吧!   哈哈!一边咯咯地笑着,一边翻阅书页的同时,1000个单词自然而然就镶嵌在你的脑海里了。
  • Look Ahead

    作者:Andy Hopkins,Joc Pot