

  • The Accidental Mind

    作者:David J. Linden

    The brain, that "cobbled-together mess," is the subject of this lively mix of solid science and fascinating case histories. Linden, a neuroscientist from Johns Hopkins University, offers "the Reader's Digest version" of how the brain functions, followed quickly by the "real biology," before tackling the big questions: Why are people religious? How do we form memories? What makes sleep so vital to mental health? Which is more important, nature or nurture? Linden tackles these problems head on, debunking myths (people do, in fact, use more than 10 percent of their brains) and offering interesting trivia (Einstein's brain was a bit on the small side) along the way. Anti-evolutionary arguments are answered in a chapter titled "The Unintelligent Design of the Brain," in which Linden proposes that it's the brain's "weird agglomeration of ad hoc solutions" that makes humans unique. The book's greatest strength is Linden's knack for demystifying biology and neuroscience with vivid similes (he calls the brain, weighing two percent of total body weight and using 20 percent of its energy, the "Hummer H2 of the body"). Though packed with textbook-ready data, the book grips readers like a masterful teacher; those with little science experience may be surprised to find themselves interested in-and even chuckling over-the migration of neurons along radial glia, and anxious to find out what happens next.
  • 神经科学的哲学基础

    作者:M. R. Bennett,P. M.

    《神经科学的哲学基础》既是对认知神经科学研究工作的批判,又可作为学生或研究人员的概念手册。在这部引发争论的著作中。一位著名的哲学家和一位杰出的神经科学家扼要地说明了处于认知神经科学核心的各种概念问题。 作者从科学和哲学的广博视角,对当代神经科学和心理学诸多理论中遇到的概念难题作了全面的批判性述评,其中包括布莱克奠尔(Blakemore)、克里克(Crick)、达马西奥(Damasio)、埃德尔曼(Edelman)、加扎尼加(Gazzaniga)、坎德尔(Kandel)、科斯林(Kosslyn)、勒杜(LeDoux)、彭罗斯(Penrose)和魏斯克兰茨(Weiskrantz)等人的理论。作者指出,关于心脑关系的概念混淆影响了神经科学家所开展的研究的可理解性,包括他们要提的问题、对结果的描述和解释以及他们得出的结论。
  • 神经科学

    作者:Mark F. Bear,Barry W

    《教育部高等教育司推荐国内外优秀生命科学教学用书•神经科学:探索脑(第3版)(影印版)》分为Foundations、Sensory and Motor Systems、The Brain and Behavior、The Changing Brain四部分。Neuroscience: Past, Present, and Future、The Neuronal Membrane at Rest、The Structure of the Nervous System等内容。教育部高等教育司推荐,国外优秀生命科学教学用书。《教育部高等教育司推荐国内外优秀生命科学教学用书•神经科学:探索脑(第3版)(影印版)》突出实用性、及时性与系统性。
  • Smart Thinking

    作者:Markman, Art

    Think smart people are just born that way? Think again. Drawing on diverse studies of the mind, from psychology to linguistics, philosophy, and learning science, Art Markman, Ph.D., demonstrates the difference between "smart thinking" and raw intelligence, showing readers how memory works, how to learn effectively, and how to use knowledge to get things done. He then introduces his own three-part formula for readers to employ "smart thinking" in their daily lives. "Smart Thinking" gives readers: *The means to replace self-limiting habits with new behaviors that foster smart thinking *An understanding of the mind itself as well as memory *The ability to define and solve problems by finding and applying relevant knowledge *Ways to present and process information effectively
  • The Overflowing Brain

    作者:Torkel Klingberg

    As the pace of technological change accelerates, we are increasingly experiencing a state of information overload. Statistics show that we are interrupted every three minutes during the course of the work day. Multitasking between email, cell-phone, text messages, and four or five websites while listening to an iPod forces the brain to process more and more informaton at greater and greater speeds. And yet the human brain has hardly changed in the last 40,000 years. Are all these high-tech advances overtaxing our Stone Age brains or is the constant flood of information good for us, giving our brains the daily exercise they seem to crave? In The Overflowing Brain, cognitive scientist Torkel Klingberg takes us on a journey into the limits and possibilities of the brain. He suggests that we should acknowledge and embrace our desire for information and mental challenges, but try to find a balance between demand and capacity. Klingberg explores the cognitive demands, or "complexity," of everyday life and how the brain tries to meet them. He identifies different types of attention, such as stimulus-driven and controlled attention, but focuses chiefly on "working memory," our capacity to keep information in mind for short periods of time. Dr Klingberg asserts that working memory capacity, long thought to be static and hardwired in the brain, can be improved by training, and that the increasing demands on working memory may actually have a constructive effect: as demands on the human brain increase, so does its capacity. The book ends with a discussion of the future of brain development and how we can best handle information overload in our everyday lives. Klingberg suggests how we might find a balance between demand and capacity and move from feeling overwhelmed to deeply engaged.
  • Reading in the Brain

    作者:Stanislas Dehaene

    "Brings together the cognitive, the cultural, and the neurological in an elegant, compelling narrative. A revelatory work." -Oliver Sacks, M.D. The act of reading is so easily taken for granted that we forget what an astounding feat it is. How can a few black marks on white paper evoke an entire universe of meanings? It's even more amazing when we consider that we read using a primate brain that evolved to serve an entirely different purpose. In this riveting investigation, Stanislas Dehaene explores every aspect of this human invention, from its origins to its neural underpinnings. A world authority on the subject, Dehaene reveals the hidden logic of spelling, describes pioneering research on hiw we process languages, and takes us into a new appreciation of the brain and its wondrous capacity to adapt.
  • 大脑如何思维


    本书总结了人类研究大脑如何思维的历史,展现了智力的本质、基础、进化过程及与意识的关系,对大脑的运作机制进行探讨,同时展望了超人智力。本书的语言简洁、生动,是一本非常精彩的科普读物。 皮亚杰曾说,智力是你不知怎么办时动用的东西。那么,智力的本质是什么?动物的智力如何向人类的智力进化?它的基础是什么?这些问题都指引着我们探讨大脑是如何思维的。本书正是一本描述大脑如何工作的优秀科普读物。本书总结了人类研究大脑如何思维的历史,展现了智力的本质、基础、进化过程及与意识的关系,对大脑的运作机制进行探讨,同时展望了超人智力。
  • 心智、大脑与计算机


  • Sleights of Mind

    作者:Stephen L. Macknik,S

    Have you ever wondered how a magician saws a woman in half? Or makes coins materialize out of thin air? Or reads your mind? Magic tricks work because humans have a hardwired process of attention and awareness that is hackable. A good magician uses your mind's intrinsic properties against you in a form of mental jujitsu, to fool you every time, even when you know full well that you are being tricked.Now Stephen L. Macknik and Susana Martinez-Conde, the founders of the exciting new discipline of neuromagic, have convinced some of the world's greatest magicians to reveal their techniques for tricking the brain. This fascinating book is the result of the authors' worldwide exploration of magic and how its ancient principles can now be explained using the latest discoveries of cognitive neuroscience.The secrets behind magic tricks reveal how your brain works not just when watching a magic show but in everyday situations. For instance, if you've ever found yourself paying for
  • 生物心理学


    《生物心理学(第10版)(通用教材版)》是研究行为生物基础的一门科学,它试图从生物学和进化学的角度对感知觉、认知和行为进行解释。 《生物心理学(第10版)(通用教材版)》取材广泛,综合了比较心理学、生理心理学、心理药物学、神经心理学以及认知神经科学等诸多学科的最新研究成果,详细探讨了大脑与神经系统的解剖、感知觉加工、运动控制、动机情绪、精神障碍、学习与记忆、语言和认知等方面的理论及观点,着重解释了行为及心理现象背后的神经过程和神经机制。 詹姆斯•卡拉特擅长用浅显有趣的文字讲解科学道理,该书被誉为本领域教材中的“首选”,詹姆斯•卡拉特也因此被称为生物心理学领域内的“戴维•迈尔斯。 《生物心理学(第10版)(通用教材版)》适合心理学、生物学、认知神经科学等学科的广大师生和研究者使用。
  • 大脑处方


  • Incognito

    作者:David Eagleman

  • 大脑可以改变


    《大脑可以改变》主要内容:大脑是个有机体,它能改变自己的结构和功能。只要人活着,年纪再大也能不断改变。“神经可塑性”推翻了几个世纪以来,认为大脑在成年后不能改变的观念。神经细胞可以重新生长,并可产生新的连接,这不仅给心智有缺陷的人带来希望,也给过去被认为无法治疗的大脑疾病带来康复的机会。此书通过活生生的典型病例,对我们日常所熟知的顽症如:抑郁症、脑中风、脑功能性丧失、孤独症、强迫症、性变态、脑平衡障碍、幻肢、脑萎缩、脑缺失…… 这些长久以来被认为无法治愈的病症,在充分利用神经可塑性治疗后,都奇迹般的痊愈和/或改变,同时也让我们看到健康大脑拥有惊人的潜能。
  • 脑的进化


  • 是高跟鞋还是高尔夫修改了我的大脑?


    “我思故我在”的时代渐渐消逝了,如今的现实是“其他人思,故我在”。 你以为大脑的神经生理学本质决定了你的性格?你以为小女孩生来就喜欢粉色,小男孩生来喜欢小汽车?不要被你的大脑骗了。世界不断在改变,别人对你的看法(或者你以为他们对你的看法)穿透了你的自我概念,你“被成为”了一个理性有逻辑的男人,一个照顾家庭的女人,或者相反。 可是,如果有人为共情能力付钱的话,男人的共情能力就会突然好起来。而且,女生的数学能力不是天生就比男生差的。人的大脑,其实非常有弹性。 大脑,既不是你的理由,也不是你的借口。你的表现,并不是因为你是一个男人或女人,只和你以为自己是什么样,你觉得别人以为自己是什么样有关。挑战性别和大脑的常识,从心理学和神经科学的角度破除错觉——不要被大脑刻板印象骗了,认识你自己,给自己更多的可能。 我思故我在?非也,事实上是其他人思故我在。 一张调查问卷,一张纸币,一种颜色,一个词,就改变你的男性/女性行为。男女,强弱,外向内向,职业成就,并不是只由大脑决定,你的自我概念会被穿透,被左右,然后悄悄变了模样。
  • 视觉大革命

    作者:[美]马克·常逸梓,Mark Chang

  • 认知、脑与意识

    作者:Bernard J. Baars,Nic

    一股新的研究浪潮正改变着我们对人类思维和大脑的认识。许多基础教育领域已要求学生对认知神经科学具备基本的理解。不过,目前多数教科书都是为生物学专业的学生准备的,很少考虑心理学和其他相关专业的读者。本书意在填补这一空缺。 专为心理学、医学预科、教育不及神经科学本科生和研究生而写;采用易于理解的主题式写作方式,无需神经科学或生物学背景;章节设置循序渐进,可读性强,以简单漂亮的绘图作品构建大脑,令人印象深刻;每章结尾处附有思考题和绘图练习,帮助加深理解。
  • Principles of Neural Science

    作者:Eric Kandel,James Sc

    This is the most authoritative introduction to the brain, its structure, function, development, and control of behavior available today. It presents both a comprehensive summary of the state of the science and a full discussion of historical issues in the study of the brain. Neuroanatomy, cell and molecular mechanisms, mechanisms, of signaling, and development are thoroughly described in the context of the cognitive approaches to behavior. Thoroughly revised, with a new full-color art program, this text was re-designed to be more user friendly. Also featured is an expanded treatment of the development of the nervous system, the genetic basis of neurological and psychiatric diseases, the cognitive neuroscience of perception, and icon channel mechanisms.
  • The Power of Mindful Learning

    作者:Ellen J. Langer

    Presents the concept of mindful learning, that is the continuous creation of new categories, openness to new information, & an implicit awareness of more than one perspective. Paper. DLC: Learning.
  • 双脑记

    作者:[美] Michael S. Gazza

    [内容简介] ● 在《双脑记》一书中,加扎尼加讲述了自己充满激情的科研人生,以及一段历时半个世纪的探索之旅:大脑的两侧半球是如何分工与合作的,人类的意识又是产生于何处? ● 加扎尼加以一个关于人类意识本质的伟大发现为背景,以“科研是如何做成的”为主题,为我们讲述了一个关于科学、友谊、 人生的迷人故事。 ● 书中不光有裂脑理论的形成之路,有认知神经科学从诞生到繁荣的曲折历程,也有他那群战友的身影——数量庞大的病人、朋友以及家人,他们与加扎尼加并肩同行,共同完成了这场科学大冒险。 [编辑推荐] ● 江苏卫视《最强大脑》总决赛国际评委、“认知神经科学之父”迈克尔•加扎尼加唯一传记。 ● 深圳大学特聘教授罗跃嘉,北京大学教授、《最强大脑》“科学判官”魏坤琳,哈佛大学心理学教授史蒂芬•平克专文作序推荐。 ● 北大、北师大、清华、中山、深圳大学知名教授助力:北京大学脑科学与认知科学中心主任、北京大学心理学系教授周晓林,清华大学心理学系主任彭凯平,北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室主任李武,中山大学天文与空间科学研究院院长李淼,财讯传媒集团首席战略官段永朝联袂推荐。 ● 脑科学一代宗师的科研人生,每位心理学学生的必读之书。 ● 《生活大爆炸》编剧推荐,比《生活大爆炸》更跌宕起伏的真人版科学剧,全景展现脑科学上里程碑式的研究发现。 ● 六位诺奖获得者、数十位学科奠基人和重大科学理论的提出者轮番登场,超越你想象的心理学巨擘的朋友圈。 ● 14段珍贵的成就诺贝尔奖的裂脑人实验原始视频资料公开放送。 ● 湛庐文化出品。