

  • The Tell-tale Brain

    作者:V. S. Ramachandran

    Drawing on strange and thought-provoking case studies, an eminent neurologist offers unprecedented insight into the evolution of the uniquely human brain.V. S. Ramachandran is at the forefront of his field-so much so that Richard Dawkins dubbed him the "Marco Polo of neuroscience." Now, in a major new work, Ramachandran sets his sights on the mystery of human uniqueness. Taking us to the frontiers of neurology, he reveals what baffling and extreme case studies can teach us about normal brain function and how it evolved. Synesthesia becomes a window into the brain mechanisms that make some of us more creative than others. And autism—for which Ramachandran opens a new direction for treatment—gives us a glimpse of the aspect of being human that we understand least: self-awareness. Ramachandran tackles the most exciting and controversial topics in neurology with a storyteller's eye for compelling case studies and a researcher's flair for new approaches to age-old questions. Tracing the strange links between neurology and behavior, this book unveils a wealth of clues into the deepest mysteries of the human brain. 15 black-and-white illustrations
  • 我即我脑


  • 意识探秘

    作者:(美) 科赫

  • 人的意识


    长期以来,“意识”一直是一个古老而难解的谜,一个科学界悬而未决的重大问题,也曾一度被科学研究所遗忘和抛弃。但是,今天“人的意识”已经成为心理学和认知神经科学中发展非常迅速的一个领域,相关的研究成果吸引了越来越多的关注。 本书综述了意识研究领域中几乎所有的重要理论和观点,从东西方的传统哲学到到近代神经科学、量子理论,一览无余,具有开创性的意义。
  • The Brain That Changes Itself

    作者:Norman Doidge

    在线阅读本书 An astonishing new science called neuroplasticity is overthrowing the centuries-old notion that the human brain is immutable. In this revolutionary look at the brain, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Norman Doidge, M.D., provides an introduction to both the brilliant scientists championing neuroplasticity and the people whose lives theyve transformed. From stroke patients learning to speak again to the remarkable case of a woman born with half a brain that rewired itself to work as a whole, The Brain That Changes Itself will permanently alter the way we look at our brains, human nature, and human potential.
  • 贪婪的大脑


    我们欣赏梵高的《星空》,陶醉于贝多芬的《命运交响曲》,面对白雪覆盖的山峰,敬畏之情油然而生,所有这些体验都离不开意识。然而,意识具有主观性,属于个人经验,很难准确把握。长久以来,哲学家们都声称,意识太神秘了,科学无法洞悉意识。 神经科学家丹尼尔•博尔在《贪婪的大脑:为何人类会无止境地寻求意义》一书中提出了一种新的意识运作模式,他的观点与传统的哲学观点完全不同。博尔认为,意识是大脑的产物,随着知识积累,意识也在发展。意识实际上是一个思想工厂,是经过精心选择的、致力于创新的精神空间。意识的主要任务是发现深层结构。 博尔的意识运作模式解释了我们的大脑为何会贪婪地探寻信息,尤其是那些具有模式的信息。比如,当生理需求得到满足后,我们会玩填字游戏和数独游戏。从生物学角度看,玩这些游戏只是在浪费时间;但在博尔看来,这种探寻结构的行为有重大的进化意义。正是这种对结构模式的探寻,引导人类发现了火,学会耕种。 本书将认知与创造力相联系,为解开意识这一科学谜团提供了一种独特的见解。
  • 心智的构建

    作者:[英] Chris Frith

    在你的头脑里,有一种比最新高科技电脑还要高效的神奇节力装置,它可以帮助你免于应付周遭世界各种日常事务之烦劳,使你可以集中精力关注那些对你来说重要的事情:结交朋友和影响他人。当然,这个融入社会世界的“你”同时也是你的脑的一个建构物。正是你的脑,才使你能与你身边的人分享你的精神世界。 《心智的构建:脑如何创造我们的精神世界》通过大量详实的实验数据与案例,通俗简明、科学有趣地阐述了我们了解世界的方式——一种被作者称作自然式学习的方式,丰富了我们关于学习是怎样发生的理解。全书隐含着许多有关学习的生物学解释和新观点,为我们打开了一扇从神经科学视角理解学习的新窗口,是一本难得的了解我们脑如何构建精神世界的出色入门书,同时对于想了解脑、心智、行为与外部世界交互机理的读者来说,也是一本必读书。
  • Music, Language, and the Brain

    作者:Aniruddh D. Patel

    In the first comprehensive study of the relationship between music and language from the standpoint of cognitive neuroscience, Aniruddh D. Patel challenges the widespread belief that music and language are processed independently. Since Plato's time, the relationship between music and language has attracted interest and debate from a wide range of thinkers. Recently, scientific research on this topic has been growing rapidly, as scholars from diverse disciplines, including linguistics, cognitive science, music cognition, and neuroscience are drawn to the music-language interface as one way to explore the extent to which different mental abilities are processed by separate brain mechanisms. Accordingly, the relevant data and theories have been spread across a range of disciplines. This volume provides the first synthesis, arguing that music and language share deep and critical connections, and that comparative research provides a powerful way to study the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying these uniquely human abilities. Winner of the 2008 ASCAP Deems Taylor Award
  • Cognitive Neuroscience

    作者:Michael S. Gazzaniga

    Taking a highly interdisciplinary approach, the authors balance cognitive theory, with neuroscientific and neuropsychological evidence to reveal what we currently know about how the human mind works and to encourage students to think like cognitive neuroscientists. The text has been reorganized to move more seamlessly from micro to macro level topics, and its underlying pedagogy strengthened in order to make it an even more effective teaching tool. Maintaining its commitment to highlight the most cutting-edge trends in the field, the third edition includes the first ever standalone chapter of its kind on social neuroscience.
  • 人脑之谜


  • On Intelligence

    作者:Jeff Hawkins,Sandra

    From the inventor of the PalmPilot comes a new and compelling theory of intelligence, brain function, and the future of intelligent machines Jeff Hawkins, the man who created the PalmPilot, Treo smart phone, and other handheld devices, has reshaped our relationship to computers. Now he stands ready to revolutionize both neuroscience and computing in one stroke, with a new understanding of intelligence itself. Hawkins develops a powerful theory of how the human brain works, explaining why computers are not intelligent and how, based on this new theory, we can finally build intelligent machines. The brain is not a computer, but a memory system that stores experiences in a way that reflects the true structure of the world, remembering sequences of events and their nested relationships and making predictions based on those memories. It is this memory-prediction system that forms the basis of intelligence, perception, creativity, and even consciousness. In an engaging style that will captivate audiences from the merely curious to the professional scientist, Hawkins shows how a clear understanding of how the brain works will make it possible for us to build intelligent machines, in silicon, that will exceed our human ability in surprising ways. Written with acclaimed science writer Sandra Blakeslee, On Intelligence promises to completely transfigure the possibilities of the technology age. It is a landmark book in its scope and clarity.
  • 神经生物学

    作者:John G. Nicholls

  • 神经科学原理

    作者:(美)埃里克 R. 坎德尔,詹姆斯 H.

    诺贝尔奖获得者坎德尔领衔主编,多位神经科学泰斗级人物共同编著 国际上最权威神经科学教科书,被称为“神经科学圣经” 全面更新至第5版  国际著名神经生物学家蒲慕明、  北京市神经再生及修复研究重点实验室主任徐群渊  北京大学心理学系主任周晓林 隆重推荐 随书赠送光盘,包含书中全部近千张彩图
  • 谁说了算?


    左脑右脑谁说了算?是你在决定还是你的大脑在替你决定?人该为自己的罪行负责吗? 开创认知神经科学的著名思想家加扎尼加被誉为脑科学界的斯蒂芬•霍金。他在这本书里用“睿智而不夸张”的语言从脑科学的角度阐释自由意志问题,讲述了人类大脑的作用机制、意识的来源、社会意识的进化以及自由意志观念对于整个社会的影响。他告诉我们,人的思维是大脑整体运作的结果,既有从上而下也有从下而上的机制。本书还涉及物理学、社会学中那些会决定“我”的部分。 这是一本可以改变你的世界观的书。
  • 隐藏的自我


  • 进化的大脑


  • Proof of Heaven

    作者:Alexander, Eben

    A SCIENTIST'S CASE FOR THE AFTERLIFE Thousands of people have had near-death experiences, but scientists have argued that they are impossible. Dr. Eben Alexander was one of those scientists. A highly trained neurosurgeon, Alexander knew that NDEs feel real, but are simply fantasies produced by brains under extreme stress. Then, Dr. Alexander's own brain was attacked by a rare illness. The part of the brain that controls thought and emotion—and in essence makes us human—shut down completely. For seven days he lay in a coma. Then, as his doctors considered stopping treatment, Alexander's eyes popped open. He had come back. Alexander's recovery is a medical miracle. But the real miracle of his story lies elsewhere. While his body lay in coma, Alexander journeyed beyond this world and encountered an angelic being who guided him into the deepest realms of super-physical existence. There he met, and spoke with, the Divine source of the universe itself. Alexander's story is not a fantasy. Before he underwent his journey, he could not reconcile his knowledge of neuroscience with any belief in heaven, God, or the soul. Today Alexander is a doctor who believes that true health can be achieved only when we realize that God and the soul are real and that death is not the end of personal existence but only a transition. This story would be remarkable no matter who it happened to. That it happened to Dr. Alexander makes it revolutionary. No scientist or person of faith will be able to ignore it. Reading it will change your life.
  • 神经科学

    作者:Mark F. Bear,Barry W

    本书是国际流行的神经科学本科教材,美国的布朗大学、明尼苏达大学等著名高校以此为教材。该书体系新颖,全书只分四大部分,但包括了神经科学的方方面面, 这样的安排有助于学生抓住神经科学的精髓。全书附有3类专栏:“发现之路”(pathofdiscovery)邀请一些在神经科学研究领域做出重大发现的科学家介绍其发现的科研历程,有助于培养学生的科学理想和献身科学的精神;“趣味话题”(ofspecialinterest)深入介绍一些知识,有助于培养学生的科学兴趣;“脑的食粮”(brainfood)介绍一些与神经科学研究有关的实验方法和手段,让学生了解先进的神经科学研究方法,建立动手意识。作者MarkF.Bear是美国BrownUniversity神经科学教授。本书内容的第一篇为神经生物学基础,包括神经科学导论,神经元和神经胶质细胞,静息态的神经元膜,动作电位,突触传递,神经递质系统,神经系统的基本结构;第二篇为感觉和运动系统,包括化学感官,眼,中枢视觉系统,听觉和前庭系统,躯体感觉系统,运动的脊髓控制,运动的脑控制;第三篇为大脑和行为,包括脑和行为的化学调控,动机,性与脑,情绪的脑机制,脑的节律,语言和注意,精神疾病;第四篇为脑的变化,包括大脑连接,记忆系统,学习和记忆的分子机制。书后附有词汇、参考读物和索引。
  • 认知神经科学

    作者:Michael S. Gazzaniga

  • In Search of Memory

    作者:Eric R. Kandel

    From Publishers Weekly When, as a medical student in the 1950s, Kandel said he wanted to locate the ego and id in the brain, his mentor told him he was overreaching, that the brain had to be studied "cell by cell." After his initial dismay, Kandel took on the challenge and in 2000 was awarded a Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking research showing how memory is encoded in the brain's neuronal circuits. Kandel's journey into the brain spans five decades, beginning in the era of early research into the role of electrical currents flowing through neurons and ending in the age of genetic engineering. It took him from early studies of reflexes in the lowly squid to the founding of a bioengineering firm whose work could some day develop treatments for Alzheimer's and on to a rudimentary understanding of the cellular mechanisms underlying mental illness. Kandel's life also took him on another journey: from Vienna, which his Jewish family fled after the Anschluss, to New York City and, decades later, on visits back to Vienna, where he boldly confronted Austria's unwillingness to look at its collusion in the Final Solution. For anyone considering a career in science, the early part of this intellectual autobiography presents a fascinating portrait of a scientist's formation: learning to trust his instincts on what research to pursue and how to pose a researchable question and formulate an experiment. Much of the science discussion is too dense for the average reader. But for anyone interested in the relationship between the mind and the brain, this is an important account of a creative and highly fruitful career. 50 b&w illus. (Mar.) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. From Scientific American Kandel, who received the Nobel Prize in 2000, traces advances in understanding learning and memory. His own groundbreaking findings showed that learning produces changes in behavior by modifying the strength of connections between nerve cells. He conveys his immense grasp of the science beautifully, but it is his personal recollections that make the book especially compelling. He begins with his searing childhood memories of the German annexation of Austria and his family’s escape to the U.S. when he was nine. And he ends with a conference he organized in Vienna to examine the strange reluctance of Austria (unlike Germany) to acknowledge its role in the Holocaust. One comes away in awe of the scientific advances—and of a life well and fully lived. Editors of Scientific American --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.