

  • 游戏物理引擎开发

    作者:[美] Ian Millington

    《游戏物理引擎开发》详细阐述了与游戏物理引擎相关的高效解决方案及相应的数据结构和算法,主要包括粒子数学、运动定律、粒子物理引擎、合力、弹力、硬约束条件、质体物理引擎、旋转操作的数学知识、刚体运算定律、刚体物理引擎、碰撞检测、生成碰撞、碰撞处理方案、静态接触和摩擦力、稳定性和优化问题、整合方案以及其他物理引擎等内容。此外,本书还提供了相应的算法、代码以及伪代码,以帮助读者进一步理解相关方案的实现过程。 《游戏物理引擎开发》适合作为高等院校计算机及相关专业的教材和教学参考书,也可作为相关开发人员的自学教材和参考手册。
  • 游戏引擎架构

    作者:[美] Jason Gregory (杰

    《游戏引擎架构》同时涵盖游戏引擎软件开发的理论及实践,并对多方面的题目进行探讨。本书讨论到的概念及技巧实际应用于现实中的游戏工作室,如艺电及顽皮狗。虽然书中采用的例子通常依据一些专门的技术,但是讨论范围远超于某个引擎或API。文中的参考及引用也非常有用,可让读者继续深入游戏开发过程的任何特定方向。 《游戏引擎架构》为一个大学程度的游戏编程课程而编写,但也适合软件工程师、业余爱好者、自学游戏程序员,以及游戏产业的从业人员。通过阅读《游戏引擎架构》,资历较浅的游戏工程师可以巩固他们所学的游戏技术及引擎架构的知识,专注某一领域的资深程序员也能从本书更为全面的介绍中获益。 內容包括: - 游戏开发中的大规模C++软件架构 - 游戏编程所需的数学 - 供调试、源代码控制及性能剖析的游戏开发工具 - 引擎基础系统、渲染、碰撞、物理、角色动画、游戏世界对象模型等引擎子系统 - 多平台游戏引擎 - 多处理器环境下的游戏编程 - 工作管道及游戏资产数据库
  • 3D Game Engine Design, Second Edition

    作者:David H. Eberly

    A major revision of the international bestseller on game programming! Graphics hardware has evolved enormously in the last decade. Hardware can now be directly controlled through techniques such as shader programming, which requires an entirely new thought process of a programmer. 3D Game Engine Design, Second Edition shows step-by-step how to make a shader-based graphics engine and how to tame the new technology. Much new material has been added, including more than twice the coverage of the essential techniques of scene graph management, as well as new methods for managing memory usage in the new generation of game consoles and portable game players. There are expanded discussions of collision detection, collision avoidance, and physics - all challenging subjects for developers.
  • Game Engine Architecture

    作者:Jason Gregory

    This book covers both the theory and practice of game engine software development, bringing together complete coverage of a wide range of topics. The concepts and techniques described are the actual ones used by real game studios like Electronic Arts and Naughty Dog. The examples are often grounded in specific technologies, but the discussion extends way beyond any particular engine or API. The references and citations make it a great jumping off point for those who wish to dig deeper into any particular aspect of the game development process. Intended as the text for a college level series in game programming, this book can also be used by amateur software engineers, hobbyists, self-taught game programmers, and existing members of the game industry. Junior game engineers can use it to solidify their understanding of game technology and engine architecture. Even senior engineers who specialize in one particular field of game development can benefit from the bigger picture presented in these pages.
  • DOOM启世录

    作者:[美] 大卫·卡什诺

    由David Kushner 撰写之著作 《Master of DOOM》在 Amazon 和 eBook上的销售喜人。本书的中文版权由我公司拿到,将在2004年4月出版。本书忠实详尽地讲述了两个玩家是如何走上游戏之路,如何制作出迄今为止影响力最大的游戏作品--DOOM和Quake,以及他们为何在最辉煌的时候分道扬镳。本书是国内第一部游戏领域的传记。与所有传记一样,不同的读者能从中得到不同的体验:或是那游戏制作的背景内幕、光环之中的趣闻轶事、年少创业的梦想豪情、奋斗途上的汗水艰辛,亦或是那成名之后的势易情迁,独辟蹊径的商业模式、天下为公的黑客精神、众说纷纭的暴力问题…