

  • JAVASCRIPT权威指南(第四版)

    作者:David Flanagan

    《JavaScript权威指南》全面介绍了JavaScript语言的核心,以及Web浏览器中实现的遗留和标准的DOM。它运用了一些复杂的例子,说明如何处理验证表单数据、使用cookie、创建可移植的DHTML动画等常见任务。本书还包括详细的参考手册,涵盖了JavaScript的核心API、遗留的客户端API和W3C标准DOM API,记述了这些API中的每一个JavaScript对象、方法、性质、构造函数、常量和事件处理程序。
  • Programming PHP

    作者:Rasmus Lerdorf,Kevin

    Programming PHP, 2nd Edition, is the authoritative guide to PHP 5 and is filled with the unique knowledge of the creator of PHP (Rasmus Lerdorf) and other PHP experts. When it comes to creating websites, the PHP scripting language is truly a red-hot property. In fact, PHP is currently used on more than 19 million websites, surpassing Microsoft's ASP .NET technology in popularity. Programmers love its flexibility and speed; designers love its accessibility and convenience. As the industry standard book on PHP, all of the essentials are covered in a clear and concise manner. Language syntax and programming techniques are coupled with numerous examples that illustrate both correct usage and common idioms. With style tips and practical programming advice, this book will help you become not just a PHP programmer, but a good PHP programmer. Programming PHP, Second Edition covers everything you need to know to create effective web applications with PHP. Contents include: * Detailed information on the basics of the PHP language, including data types, variables, operators, and flow control statements * Chapters outlining the basics of functions, strings, arrays, and objects * Coverage of common PHP web application techniques, such as form processing and validation, session tracking, and cookies * Material on interacting with relational databases, such as MySQL and Oracle, using the database-independent PEAR DB library and the new PDO Library * Chapters that show you how to generate dynamic images, create PDF files, and parse XML files with PHP * Advanced topics, such as creating secure scripts, error handling, performance tuning, and writing your own C language extensions to PHP * A handy quick reference to all the core functions in PHP and all the standard extensions that ship with PHP Praise for the first edition: "If you are just getting into the dynamic Web development world or you are considering migrating from another dynamic web product to PHP, Programming PHP is the book of choice to get you up, running, and productive in a short time." --Peter MacIntrye, eWeek "I think this is a great book for programmers who want to start developing dynamic websites with PHP. It gives a detailed overview of PHP, lots of valuable tips, and a good sense of PHP's strengths." --David Dooling, Slashdot.org
  • HTML Dog

    作者:Patrick Griffiths

    For readers who want to design Web pages that load quickly, are easy to update, accessible to all, work on all browsers and can be quickly adapted to different media, this comprehensive guide represents the best way to go about it. By focusing on the ways the two languages--XHTML and CSS--complement each other, Web design pro Patrick Griffiths provides the fastest, most efficient way of accomplishing specific Web design tasks. With Web standards best practices at its heart, it outlines how to do things the right way from the outset, resulting in highly optimized web pages, in a quicker, easier, less painful way than users could hope for! Split into 10 easy-to-follow chapters such as Text, Images, Layout, Lists, and Forms, and coupled with handy quick-reference XHTML tag and CSS property appendixes, HTML Dog is the perfect guide and companion for anyone wanting to master these languages. Readers can also see the lessons in action with more than 70 online examples constructed especially for the book.
  • JavaScript DOM编程艺术

    作者:Jeremy Keith

    本书讲述了JavaScript和DOM的基础知识,但重点放在DOM编程技术背后的思路和原则:预留退路、循序渐进和以用户为中心等,这些概念对于任何前端Web开发工作都非常重要。本书将这些概念贯穿在书中的所有代码示例中,使你看到用来创建图片库页面的脚本、用来创建动画效果的脚本和用来丰富页面元素呈现效果的脚本,最后结合所讲述的内容创建了一个实际的网站。 本书适合Web设计师和开发人员阅读。
  • Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML

    作者:Eric T Freeman,Elisa

    Tired of reading HTML books that only make sense after you're an expert? Then it's about time you picked up "Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML" and really learned HTML. You want to learn HTML so you can finally create those Web pages you've always wanted, so you can communicate more effectively with friends, family, fans and fanatic customers. You also want to do it right so you can actually maintain and expand your Web pages over time, and so your Web pages work in all the browsers and mobile devices out there. Oh, and if you've never heard of CSS, that's okay - we won't tell anyone you're still partying like it's 1999 - but if you're going to create Web pages in the 21st century then you'll want to know and understand CSS. Learn the real secrets of creating Web pages, and why everything your boss told you about HTML tables is probably wrong (and what to do instead). Most importantly, hold your own with your co-worker (and impress cocktail party guests) when he casually mentions how his HTML is now strict, and his CSS is in an external style sheet. With "Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML", you'll avoid the embarrassment of thinking Web-safe colors still matter, and the foolishness of slipping a font tag into your pages. Best of all, you'll learn HTML and CSS in a way that won't put you to sleep. If you've read a "Head First" book, you know what to expect: a visually-rich format designed for the way your brain works. Using the latest research in neurobiology, cognitive science, and learning theory, this book will load HTML, CSS, and XHTML into your brain in a way that sticks. So what are you waiting for? Leave those other dusty books behind and come join us in Webville. Your tour is about to begin.
  • Don't Make Me Think

    作者:Steve Krug

    Five years and more than 100,000 copies after it was first published, it's hard to imagine anyone working in Web design who hasn't read Steve Krug's "instant classic" on Web usability, but people are still discovering it every day. In this second edition, Steve adds three new chapters in the same style as the original: wry and entertaining, yet loaded with insights and practical advice for novice and veteran alike. Don't be surprised if it completely changes the way you think about Web design. Three New Chapters! * Usability as common courtesy -- Why people really leave Web sites * Web Accessibility, CSS, and you -- Making sites usable and accessible * Help! My boss wants me to ______. -- Surviving executive design whims "I thought usability was the enemy of design until I read the first edition of this book. Don't Make Me Think! showed me how to put myself in the position of the person who uses my site. After reading it over a couple of hours and putting its ideas to work for the past five years, I can say it has done more to improve my abilities as a Web designer than any other book. In this second edition, Steve Krug adds essential ammunition for those whose bosses, clients, stakeholders, and marketing managers insist on doing the wrong thing. If you design, write, program, own, or manage Web sites, you must read this book." -- Jeffrey Zeldman, author of Designing with Web Standards
  • 高性能网站建设进阶指南

    作者:Steve Souders

    性能是任何一个网站成功的关键,然而,如今日益丰富的内容和大量使用Ajax的Web应用程序已迫使浏览器达到其处理能力的极限。Steve Souders是Google Web性能布道者和前Yahoo!首席性能工程师,他在本书中提供了宝贵的技术来帮助你优化网站性能。 Souders的上一本畅销书《高性能网站建设指南》(High Performance Web Sites)震惊了Web开发界,它揭示了在客户端加载一个网页的时间大约占用了总时耗的80%。在《高性能网站建设进阶指南》(Even Faster Web Sites)这本书中,Souders与另外8位专家级特约作者提供了提升网站性能的最佳实践和实用建议,主要包括以下3个关键领域: • JavaScript——你将获得忠告:理解Ajax性能、编写高效的JavaScript、创建快速响应的应用程序、无阻塞加载脚本等。 • 网络——你将学到:跨域共享资源、无损压缩图片大小,以及使用块编码加快网页渲染。 • 浏览器——你将发现:避免或取代iframe的方法、简化CSS选择符,以及其他技术。 对于当前的富媒体网站和Web 2.0应用程序来说,速度至关重要。在本书中,你将学习如何节省宝贵的网站加载时间,使其更快地响应用户的请求。
  • Professional JavaScript for Web Developers

    作者:Nicholas C. Zakas

    This eagerly anticipated update to the breakout book on JavaScript offers you an in-depth look at the numerous advances to the techniques and technology of the JavaScript language. You'll see why JavaScript's popularity continues to grow while you delve through topics such as debugging tools in Microsoft Visual Studio, FireBug, and Drosera; client-side data storage with cookies, DOM storage, and client-side databases; HTML 5, ECMAScript 3.1, the Selectors API; and design patterns including creational, structural, and behavorial patterns.
  • PHP程序设计

    作者:Kevin Tatroe,Rasmus

    本书涵盖了创建一个高效PHP Web应用程序所需要的所有技术,其内容包括:PHP语言基础的详细信息,包括数据类型、变量、操作符和流控制语句。用专门章节讨论关于函数、字符串、数组和对象的基本内容。涵盖通用的PHP Web应用程序设计技术,如表单处理和验证、会话跟踪以及cookie。用和数据库无关的PEAR DB库与关系数据库(如MySQL和Oracle)进行交互的内容。介绍用PHP生成动态图像、创建
  • CSS 3实战


    全书一共分为9章,首先从宏观上介绍了CSS 3技术的最新发展现状、新特性,以及现有的主流浏览器对这些新特性的支持情况;然后详细讲解了CSS 3的选择器、文本特性、颜色特性、弹性布局、边框和背景特性、盒模型、UI设计、多列布局、圆角和阴影、渐变、变形、转换、动画、投影、开放字体、设备类型、语音样式等重要的理论知识,这部分内容是本书的基础和核心。不仅每个知识点都配有丰富的、精心设计的实战案例,而且详细介绍了每一种新特性在各种主流浏览器上的兼容性,旨在帮助设计师们提高设计的安全性。 本书全彩印刷,排版、设计和装帧也非常精美,既适合学习参考,也适合收藏。无论你是前端领域的新人,还是有着丰富经验的老手,都能通过本书系统而全面地学习和实践CSS 3的最新技术,为迎接新一轮的Web技术革命打下坚实的基础。
  • JavaScript高级程序设计:第2版

    作者:Nicholas Zakas

    《JavaScript高级程序设计(第2版)》在上一版基础上进行了大幅度更新和修订,融入了近几年来JavaScript应用发展的最新成果,几乎涵盖了所有需要理解的重要概念和最新的JavaScript应用成果。从颇具深度的JavaScript语言基础到作用域(链),从引用类型到面向对象编程,从极其灵活的匿名函数到闭包的内部机制,从浏览器对象模型(BOM)、文档对象模型(DOM)到基于事件的Web脚本设计,从XML(E4X)到Ajax及JSON,从高级前端开发技术到前沿的客户端存储,从最佳编程实践到即将成为现实的API,直至JavaScript未来的发展,全景式地展示了JavaScript高级程序设计的方方面面。 《JavaScript高级程序设计(第2版)》适合不同层次的JavaScript/Web开发人员阅读参考,也可作为高校相关专业课程的教材。 点击链接进入新版: JavaScript高级程序设计(第3版)
  • PHP和MySQL Web应用开发核心技术


    本书详细讲解了3个应用程序的构建过程:一个日程安排系统、一个博客引擎以及一个电子商务商店。细致分析如何创建健壮的Web数据库应用程序,以及如何避免困扰许多PHP和MySQL开发者的常见错语。 本书是为程序员提供的综合且实用的指南,教他们使用PHP和MySQL开发具有产品品质的、使用数据库的Web应用程序。本书不仅包括编写代码,而且介绍前端应用程序、用户界面和数据库设计,还有安全性、测试以及更多内容。 主要内容: ·从PHP开发的入门开始,包括代码组织、重用和面向对象的PHP。 ·对数据访问详细讨论,包含事务处理、外键和索引。 ·利用PHP正则表达式的功能强大的数据验证技术。 ·介绍计划Web应用程序,包括用户界面和用户管理。 ·提供关于保证Web应用程序安全性的系统化指南。 ·涵盖广泛的实现问题——包括国际化、错语处理、数据验证、调试、会话管理和部署。 ·关于XML、基于XML的Web服务和用于可重用PHP组件的PEAR框架。 ·如何使用Oracle和PostgreSQL的数据库。 ·本书配套光盘的内容本书的源代码(包括3个完整的应用程序)。
  • CSS权威指南(第三版·英文影印版)

    作者:[美] Eric A.Meyer

    著名的CSS专家Eric A.Meyer他招牌式的智慧和无与伦比的经验引领读者探索了CSS的各个部 分,包括属性、标记、特性和实现。此外,他还就现实应用中的一些问题,例如浏览器的支持和设计方针,发表了看法。你所要知道的就是HTML 4.0的知识,这样就可以创建整洁、易于维护的脚本,以与桌面出版系统同样的优雅和控制能力管理网站布局和分页。你将会学到: 精妙地设计文本风格 用户界面、表格布局、列表以及自动生成的内容 浮动和定位的细节 Font familv和Fallback机制 盒模型(box model)的工作机制 IE7、Firefox及其他一些浏览器所支持的最新CSS3的选择器(selector) 经过彻底地更新,新版的《CSS权威指南》已经适用于IE7。它详细讲述TESS的各个属性,告诉你怎样同其他属性交互,怎样在编写CSS时避免常见的错误。不管你是一个有经验的Web开发人员还是一个彻底的初学者,这本书都是你的CSS学习源泉。
  • JavaScript语言精粹

    作者:Douglas Crockford

    本书通过对JavaScript语言的分析,甄别出好的和坏的特性,从而提取出相对这门语言的整体而言具有更好的可靠性、可读性和可维护性的JavaScript的子集,以便你能用它创建真正可扩展的和高效的代码。 雅虎资深JavaScript架构师Douglas Crockford倾力之作。 向读者介绍如何运用JavaScript创建真正可扩展的和高效的代码。
  • 写给大家看的设计书(第3版)

    作者:[美] Robin Williams

    这本书出自一位世界级设计师之手。复杂的设计原理在书中凝炼为亲密性、对齐、重复和对比4 个基本原则。作者以其简洁明快的风格,将优秀设计所必须遵循的这4 个基本原则及其背后的原理通俗易懂地展现在读者面前。本书包含大量的示例,让你了解怎样才能按照自己的方式设计出美观且内容丰富的产品。 此书适用于各行各业需要从事设计工作的读者,也适用于有经验的设计人员。
  • 点石成金

    作者:[美] 史蒂夫·克鲁克

    可用性设计是Web设计中最重要也是最困难的一项任务。《点石成金》的作者根据自己多年从业的经验,剖析用户的心理,在用户使用的模式、为浏览进行设计、导航设计、主页布局、可用性测试等方面提出了许多独特的观点,并给出了大量简单、易行的可用性设计的建议。这本书短小精悍,语言轻松诙谐,书中穿插大量色彩丰富的屏幕截图、趣味丛生的卡通插图以及包含大量信息的图表,使枯燥的设计原理变得平易近人。 此书适合从事Web设计和Web开发的技术人员阅读,特别适合为如何留住访问者而苦恼的网站/网页设计人员阅读。
  • 认知盈余

    作者:[美] 克莱·舍基

    “互联网革命最伟大的思考者”克莱•舍基 继《未来是湿的》之后最新力作 看自由时间如何变革世界的未来 如果说《未来是湿的》揭示的是“无组织的组织力量”, 那么《认知盈余》揭示的就是 “无组织的时间力量”。 腾讯董事会主席兼首席执行官马化腾首度亲笔作序倾情推荐 克莱•舍基说,美国人一年花在看电视上的时间大约2 000亿个小时,而这几乎是2 000个维基百科项目一年所需要的时间。如果我们将每个人的自由时间看成一个集合体,一种认知盈余,那么,这种盈余会有多大?我们已经忘记了我们的自由时间始终属于我们自己,我们可以凭自己的意愿来消费它们,创造它们和分享它们,我们可以通过积累将平庸变成卓越……
  • 疯狂的站长


    受全球性金融危机的影响,就业变得越来越困难,众多青年,包括大学毕业生,无不感到就业的巨大压力,站长这一职业不但创业门槛低,而且还自由自在。其实,搭建一个网站是相当简单的,但要成为一名成功的站长则不那么容易。 本书作者是一名站长,从事互联网相关工作已十余年,自已也在经营一个知名网站,积累了大量网站运营经验。作者结合自身真实的“疯狂”创业经历,以平实、通俗的语言讲述如何从零开始起步,最终成为一名有较高收入的站长,书中讲解了大量观点较为独特的网站运营技巧,并配有丰富的知识链接。 读了本书之后,读者将会发现运营网站并没有想象中的那么高深莫测,只要掌握方法,哪怕没有资金也没有计算机基础,一样可以成为一名优秀的站长,实现自己的网络创业梦想。