

  • 程序开发心理学(银年纪念版)

    作者:【美】Gerald M. Weinber

    《程序开发心理学(银年纪念版)》出自软件领域著名思想家,美国计算机名人堂首批成员之一的Gerald M.Weinberg 温伯格之手。《程序开发心理学(银年纪念版)》关注的是程序开发过程中人的因素,堪称这一领域的开山之作。本书的初稿完成于整整40 年前,作者当时慧眼独具,前瞻性地提出了将程序开发作为一种人类行为来考察的观点。几十年来,《程序开发心理学(银年纪念版)》已让无数读者从中受益,时至今日仍然是畅销全球的经典之作。 适合阅读《程序开发心理学(银年纪念版)》的,不仅仅是处在软件行业第一线的程序员;各个软件开发单位的团队领导、项目主管、高层管理人员,以及人力资源经理、文档撰写人员、程序开发工具的设计者、程序开发语言的设计者,甚至所有其工作与程序开发有关的人,都能从《程序开发心理学(银年纪念版)》中得到启发。
  • 大脑设计

    作者:[美] 艾什比

  • 认知科学前沿中的哲学问题


  • 心智、语言和机器


  • 论人类语言结构的差异及其对人类精神发展的影响

    作者:[德] 威廉·冯·洪堡特

  • 脑内革命


  • Cognitive Science

    作者:José Luis Bermúdez

    This exciting textbook introduces students to the dynamic vibrant area of cognitive science - the scientific study of the mind and cognition. Cognitive science draws upon many academic disciplines, including psychology, computer science, philosophy, linguistics and neuroscience. This is the first textbook to present a unified view of cognitive science as a discipline in its own right, with a distinctive approach to studying the mind. Students are introduced to the cognitive scientist's 'toolkit' - the vast range of techniques and tools that cognitive scientists can use to study the mind. The book presents the main theoretical models that cognitive scientists are currently using, and shows how those models are being applied to unlock the mysteries of the human mind. Cognitive Science is replete with examples, illustrations, and applications, and draws on cutting-edge research and new developments to explore both the achievements that cognitive scientists have made, and the challenges that lie ahead.
  • Surfaces and Essences

    作者:Douglas Hofstadter,E

    Is there one central mechanism upon which all human thinking rests? Cognitive scientists Douglas Hofstadter and Emmanuel Sander argue that there is. At this core is our incessant proclivity to take what we perceive, to abstract it, and to find resemblances to prior experiences—in other words, our ability to make analogies. In The Essence of Thought , Hofstadter and Sander show how analogy-making pervades our thought at all levels—indeed, that we make analogies not once a day or once an hour, but many times per second. Thus, analogy is the mechanism that, silently and hidden, chooses our words and phrases for us when we speak, frames how we understand the most banal everyday situation, guides us in unfamiliar situations, and gives rise to great acts of imagination. We categorize because of analogies that range from simple to subtle, and thus our categories, throughout our lives, expand and grow ever more fluid. Through examples galore and lively prose peppered, needless to say, with analogies large and small, Hofstadter and Sander offer us a new way of thinking about thinking.
  • 认知科学导论

    作者:P. 萨伽德

  • The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition

    作者:Michael Tomasello

    Ambitious and elegant, this book builds a bridge between evolutionary theory and cultural psychology. Michael Tomasello is one of the very few people to have done systematic research on the cognitive capacities of both nonhuman primates and human children. The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition identifies what the differences are, and suggests where they might have come from.

    Tomasello argues that the roots of the human capacity for symbol-based culture, and the kind of psychological development that takes place within it, are based in a cluster of uniquely human cognitive capacities that emerge early in human ontogeny. These include capacities for sharing attention with other persons; for understanding that others have intentions of their own; and for imitating, not just what someone else does, but what someone else has intended to do. In his discussions of language, symbolic representation, and cognitive development, Tomasello describes with authority and ingenuity the "ratchet effect" of these capacities working over evolutionary and historical time to create the kind of cultural artifacts and settings within which each new generation of children develops. He also proposes a novel hypothesis, based on processes of social cognition and cultural evolution, about what makes the cognitive representations of humans different from those of other primates.

    Lucid, erudite, and passionate, The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition will be essential reading for developmental psychology, animal behavior, and cultural psychology.

  • 认知科学


  • 认知科学哲学问题研究


    《认知科学哲学问题研究》是科学技术哲学文库之一。认知科学哲学问题研究是目前科学哲学的一个非常新颖、非常前沿的领域。第一,《认知科学哲学问题研究》对认知科学的哲学基础做了深入的挖掘和分析,弄清了认知科学的思想渊源;第二,对认知科学的本体论、认识论和方法论进行了探讨,特别是对其中的命题态度、感受特性、知识表征、假设与隐喻、认知模型等做了研究;第三,对认知的语境依赖性进行了分析,探讨了语境与认知推理、模型推理、认知构架:语法隐喻、语用模型的关系;第四,对当代认知科学家和哲学家皮亚杰的建构论、福多的模块性、普特南的思想实验和萨伽德的认知连贯性思想做了探讨;第五,对认知与类比、计算、文化、学习、情感的关系及其相互影响进行了研究。 《认知科学哲学问题研究》是一本研究认知科学哲学的著作,适合大学哲学系和心理学系的师生以及本科以上的哲学工作者和心理学工作者阅读。
  • Memory

    作者:Larry Squire and Eri

    Combining insights from both cognitive neuroscience and molecular biology, two of the world's leading experts address memory from molecules and cells to brain systems and cognition. What is memory and where in the brain is it stored? How is memory storage accomplished? This book touches on these questions and many more, showing how the recent convergence of psychology and biology has resulted in an exciting new synthesis of knowledge about learning and remembering. Memory: From Mind to Molecules is an ideal primer for courses on learning and memory or for general readers who are interested in discovering what is currently known about one of the basic aspects of human existence.
  • Origins of Human Communication

    作者:Michael Tomasello

    Human communication is grounded in fundamentally cooperative, even shared, intentions. In this original and provocative account of the evolutionary origins of human communication, Michael Tomasello connects the fundamentally cooperative structure of human communication (initially discovered by Paul Grice) to the especially cooperative structure of human (as opposed to other primate) social interaction. Tomasello argues that human cooperative communication rests on a psychological infrastructure of shared intentionality (joint attention, common ground), evolved originally for collaboration and culture more generally. The basic motives of the infrastructure are helping and sharing: humans communicate to request help, inform others of things helpfully, and share attitudes as a way of bonding within the cultural group. These cooperative motives each created different functional pressures for conventionalizing grammatical constructions. Requesting help in the immediate you-and-me and here-and-now, for example, required very little grammar, but informing and sharing required increasingly complex grammatical devices. Drawing on empirical research into gestural and vocal communication by great apes and human infants (much of it conducted by his own research team), Tomasello argues further that humans' cooperative communication emerged first in the natural gestures of pointing and pantomiming. Conventional communication, first gestural and then vocal, evolved only after humans already possessed these natural gestures and their shared intentionality infrastructure along with skills of cultural learning for creating and passing along jointly understood communicative conventions. Challenging the Chomskian view that linguistic knowledge is innate, Tomasello proposes instead that the most fundamental aspects of uniquely human communication are biological adaptations for cooperative social interaction in general and that the purely linguistic dimensions of human communication are cultural conventions and constructions created by and passed along within particular cultural groups.
  • 千万别上魔术的当

    作者:[美] Stephen L. Mackn

    《千万别上魔术的当》讲述的是关于魔术的神经科学。书中以魔术作为切入点,讲述认知神经科学的相关知识,从而揭示了魔术背后的秘密,进而从魔术背后的神经科学看穿日常生活中的小骗局。   《千万别上魔术的当》适合对魔术及神经科学感兴趣的各类读者阅读。
  • 脑与语言认知


    《清华大学认知科学译丛:脑与语言认知》收集了来自Nature、Science、Brain and Language、NeuroImage、Brain and Cognition、Proceedings of the National Academy of Science(PNAS)等近年来欧美顶级国际学术期刊中数十篇有关脑与语言认知方面的文章,知识新颖,内容丰富,代表了本学科发展的国际前沿。《清华大学认知科学译丛:脑与语言认知》编译的目的是探索词汇在人脑中的表达方法和操作方式,探索它们的构建原理和计算理论,探索脑认知规律,改善我们对自然语言的认识,促进语言学、认知科学、人工智能等学科的发展,脑的理论模型对认知科学和人类语言理解有重大意义。《清华大学认知科学译丛:脑与语言认知》还将为我们实验方法的有效性解释提供建议,使我们能够用计算机理解语言并创建新方法。书中的很多内容在清华大学本科生和研究生课程中进行了讲授,深受广大学生的欢迎和好评。从书中可以看出顶级科学家开阔的观察视野、奇特的研究思路,这些内容和结果均来自于实验,保证了结论的真实性、可靠性。本书内容广泛,丰富多彩,图文并茂,集权威性、真实性、趣味性、新颖性、知识性和综合性子一体。全书共分6章。本书可以为该领域的研究人员节约大量的收集英文资料和阅读资料的宝贵时间,使之在较短的时间内系统全面地了解该领域进展。本书可作为大脑认知、脑神经成像、语言学、神经语言学、认知语言学、计算语言学等领域的研究人员和高等院校、科研院所本科生、研究生的参考书。
  • The Birth of the Mind

    作者:Gary Marcus,Gary F.

  • The Embodied Mind

    作者:Francisco J. Varela,

    The Embodied Mind provides a unique, sophisticated treatment of the spontaneous and reflective dimension of human experience. The authors - argue that only by having a sense of common ground between mind in Science and mind in experience can our understanding of cognition be more complete. Toward that end, they develop a dialogue between cognitive science and Buddhist meditative psychology and situate it in relation to other traditions such as phenomenology and psychoanalysis.Francisco Varela is Director of Research at the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique and Professor of Cognitive Science and Epistemology, CREA, at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris. Evan Thompson is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toronto. Eleanor Rosch is Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley.
  • How Learning Works

    作者:Ambrose, Susan A.; B

    Praise for How Learning Works "How Learning Works is the perfect title for this excellent book. Drawing upon new research in psychology, education, and cognitive science, the authors have demystified a complex topic into clear explanations of seven powerful learning principles. Full of great ideas and practical suggestions, all based on solid research evidence, this book is essential reading for instructors at all levels who wish to improve their students' learning." -Barbara Gross Davis, assistant vice chancellor for educational development, University of California, Berkeley, and author, Tools for Teaching "This book is a must-read for every instructor, new or experienced. Although I have been teaching for almost thirty years, as I read this book I found myself resonating with many of its ideas, and I discovered new ways of thinking about teaching." -Eugenia T. Paulus, professor of chemistry, North Hennepin Community College, and 2008 U.S. Community Colleges Professor of the Year from The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education "Thank you Carnegie Mellon for making accessible what has previously been inaccessible to those of us who are not learning scientists. Your focus on the essence of learning combined with concrete examples of the daily challenges of teaching and clear tactical strategies for faculty to consider is a welcome work. I will recommend this book to all my colleagues." -Catherine M. Casserly, senior partner, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching "As you read about each of the seven basic learning principles in this book, you will find advice that is grounded in learning theory, based on research evidence, relevant to college teaching, and easy to understand. The authors have extensive knowledge and experience in applying the science of learning to college teaching, and they graciously share it with you in this organized and readable book." -From the Foreword by Richard E. Mayer, professor of psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara; coauthor, e-Learning and the Science of Instruction; and author, Multimedia Learning
  • 认知科学哲学导论


    本书是第一本对认知科学作全面综合述评的重要教材。其内容涵盖了从神经过程的人工智能模型到最近提出的漫述理论和文化理论。罗姆·哈瑞对该领域作了一个全新的、易于理解的整合。该教材的核心内容是论述“心理学如何能够成为一门科学?”这一问题。其答案建立在对自然科学中的方法和解释所作的清晰说明的基础上,并阐述了自然科学如何被应用于心理学研究。 本书语言流畅,结构合理,对于想对表面上分为意义研究和神经科学研究的这门学科最新状况进行全面把握的学生来说,是一本理想的教材。它分为四篇,每一篇包括三章。每章都为研习者提供了有帮助的学习要点、自测思考题和重要的阅读材料。 《认知科学哲学导论》对无论是过去的还是现在的各种观点进行了出色的审视,真正为新一代心理学学生引入了“心灵的科学”。它既是学习认知科学和认知心理学的各年级学生必不可少的读物,也是社会心理学、人工智能、心灵哲学和语言学等其他领域的学生有用的辅助读物。