

  • Marketing Management

    作者:Phil Kotler,Kevin Ke

    Kotler/Keller is the gold standard in the marketing management discipline because it continues to reflect the latest changes in marketing theory and practice.Topics covered include brand equity, customer value analysis, database marketing, e-commerce, value networks, hybrid channels, supply chain management, segmentation, targeting, positioning, and integrated marketing communications.For marketing professionals who place special emphasis to creativity and imagination in marketing management.
  • 市场营销原理


    《市场营销原理》一书的目标是为市场营销基础课提供一本最新、最实用、信息丰富且令人兴奋的教材。这也是它在全球范围内一直被广泛采用,从众多教材中脱颖而出的原因所在。 第11版建立在四个主题之上: ?建立和管理可赢利的客户关系 ?建立和管理强势品牌以创造品牌资产 ?在数字时代应用市场营销技术 ?在全球以对社会负责任的方式开展营销 本书既适合用作MBA、市场营销及相关专业本科生或研究生教材,也可供市场营销实际工作 者参考。 本书中文翻译版已由清华大学出版社出版。
  • 中国式公关


  • 商业的奥秘


  • The New Community Rules

    作者:Tamar Weinberg

    Blogs, networking sites, and other examples of the social web provide businesses with a largely untapped marketing channel for products and services. But how do you take advantage of them? With "The New Community Rules," you'll understand how social web technologies work, and learn the most practical and effective ways to reach people who frequent these sites. Written by an expert in social media and viral marketing, this book cuts through the hype and jargon to give you intelligent advice and strategies for positioning your business on the social web, with case studies that show how other companies have used this approach. "The New Community Rules" will help you: Explore blogging and microblogging, and find out how to use applications such as Twitter to create brand awareness Learn the art of conversation marketing, and how social media thrives on honesty and transparency Manage and enhance your online reputation through the social web Tap into the increasingly influential video and podcasting market Discover which tactics work -- and which don't -- by learning about what other marketers have tried Many consumers today use the Web as a voice. "The New Community Rules" demonstrates how you can join the conversation, contribute to the community, and bring people to your product or service. 点击链接进入中文版: 正在爆发的营销革命:社会化网络营销指南
  • Growth Hacker Marketing

    作者:Ryan Holiday

    Dropbox, Facebook, AirBnb, Twitter. A new generation of multibillion dollar brands built without spending a dime on “traditional marketing.” No press releases, no PR firms, and no billboards in Times Square. It wasn’t luck that took them from tiny start-ups to millions of users and massive valuations. They have a new strategy, called Growth Hacking. And it works. In this e-special, bestselling author Ryan Holiday shows how the marketing game has changed forever. He explains the growth hacker mindset and provides a new set of rules—critical information whether you’re an aspiring marketer, an entrepreneur, or a Fortune 500 executive. "Growth hackers are the new VPs of marketing, and this book tells you how to make the transformation." —Andrew Chen, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, essayist and advisor "This book is a wake up call for every marketing exec in the business. And a tutorial for engineers, IT, founders and designers. Read it." —Porter Gale, Former VP of Marketing at Virgin America and author of Your Network is Your Net Worth “Holiday is part Machiavelli, part Ogilvy, and all results…this whiz kid is the secret weapon you’ve never heard of.” —Tim Ferriss, #1 bestselling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, investor in Twitter, Uber and TaskRabbit "Ryan captures the power of the growth hacker mindset and makes it accessible to marketers at companies of all types and sizes. If you don't see a boost in results after reading this book, something is wrong with your product.” —Sean Ellis, former growth hacker at Dropbox, and founder of Qualaroo "Finally, a crystallization and explanation of growth hacking in easy to understand terms—and better yet, real strategies and tactics for application." —Alex Korchinski, Director of Growth, Soma "Ryan's book will help every lean entrepreneur trying to grow their business and master the art of marketing and growth." —Patrick Vlaskovits, author of The Lean Entrepreneur
  • Positioning -- The Battle for Your Mind

    作者:Al Ries and Jack Tro

    his text deals with the problems of communicating in an overcommunicated society. It shows how to position a company within the mind of the prospective buyer/customer and how to stay there.
  • 社会化营销


  • The Icarus Deception

    作者:Seth Godin

    In Seth Godin's most inspiring book, he challenges readers to find the courage to treat their work as a form of art Everyone knows that Icarus's father made him wings and told him not to fly too close to the sun; he ignored the warning and plunged to his doom. The lesson: Play it safe. Listen to the experts. It was the perfect propaganda for the industrial economy. What boss wouldn't want employees to believe that obedience and conformity are the keys to success? But we tend to forget that Icarus was also warned not to fly too low, because seawater would ruin the lift in his wings. Flying too low is even more dangerous than flying too high, because it feels deceptively safe. The safety zone has moved. Conformity no longer leads to comfort. But the good news is that creativity is scarce and more valuable than ever. So is choosing to do something unpredictable and brave: Make art. Being an artist isn't a genetic disposition or a specific talent. It's an attitude we can all adopt. It's a hunger to seize new ground, make connections, and work without a map. If you do those things you're an artist, no matter what it says on your business card. Godin shows us how it's possible and convinces us why it's essential.
  • Marketing Management

    作者:Philip Kotler,Kevin

    For undergraduate and graduate courses in marketing management. Stay on the cutting-edge with the gold standard text that reflects the latest in marketing theory and practice. This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States. The world of marketing is changing everyday and in order for students to have a competitive edge, they need a textbook that reflects the best of today's marketing theory and practices. Marketing Management is the gold standard marketing text because its content and organization consistently reflect the latest changes in today's marketing theory and practice. Remaining true to its gold-standard status, the fourteenth edition includes an overhaul of new material and updated information, and now is available with mymarketinglab Pearson's online tutorial and assessment platform. MyLab或是Mastering系列是在线作业系统。Access Code Card是在线作业系统的访问码,是老师和学生课堂之外网络互动及交流的平台,个人是无法使用这个平台的。请读者注意您购买的这个ISBN是不带Access Code Card的。
  • Marketing Management in China

    作者:Philip Kotler,Kevin

    《Marketing Management in China (营销管理中国版) 》是营销大师菲利浦•科特勒《营销售理》13版的中国版本。本书结合了国际视野与中国市场学习营销管理这一重要领域。本书内容、结构符合中国高速成长及发展的学习需要,实为21世纪关注中国营销学习不可或缺的专业图书。 Marketing Management in China brings the landmark work of marketing gurus Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller to China. This edition, adapted by Professor Lu Tai Hong of Zhongshan University, takes a journey into a truly Chinese vista of marketing management. With content, language, and presentation shaped to the demands of the world s fastest burgeoning economy, this is one textbook that the Chinese marketing student of the new millennium cannot do without. Finding quality China-context cases that are current is challenging for most instructors. This adaptation provides hard-to-find and well-researched China cases that offer insights while covering a wide variety of contexts, spanning international companies operating in China to Chinese companies that are beginning to venture overseas. At the same time, the Kotler/Keller s MM 13e framework has been restructured to suit the way typical marketing management courses in China would teach this subject. Also, to suit the reading preference of Chinese readers, the text has been made more concise without losing the depths and insights the original Kotler/Keller MM 13e provides. As most Chinese are non-native speakers, the language used in the text is kept simple and easy-to-read. This text offers Chinese executives and students an opportunity to improve their grasp of the English language while developing their professional marketing skills killing one bird with two stones. New Features with Great Benefits and Advantages In this edition, you will find that we have: ¬Included a strong selection of the most current Chinese cases for your course ¬Restructured the framework of Kotler s Marketing Management 13e to suit the curricula found in most China s institutions ¬Made the content more concise to fit the reading preferences of China s audience ¬Provided you with good instructor s support for your course preparation and lesson planning 1) A Strong Selection of International and Chinese Cases. The cases have been carefully selected to give your students a comprehensive understanding of Marketing Management in China s context, with a focus on helping Chinese companies to internationalize their businesses overseas. 2) Restructured Text for Conciseness with In-depth Perspectives. From our research, most institutions in China would complete their course on Marketing Management within 4-6 months, with a focus on using case studies to develop students critical thinking and analysis skills. Based on this feedback, we have modified the Marketing Management text to suit the needs of most Chinese courses. 3) Easy to Read with Vibrant Presentations. Chinese students are non-native speakers of English. An English textbook with a simpler level of the language will help students understand and learn key concepts better. At the same time, this provides them an opportunity to improve their grasp of the language. ★亚马逊网络独家首发 ★一本经典的教科书 ★一部营销学领域的百科全书 ★一卷惠泽数亿人的巨著 ★“营销学之父”创造的“营销圣经”
  • 湿营销

    作者:汤姆·海斯(Tom Hayes),迈克尔

    工业社会在本质上是干燥的。机器轰鸣、热火朝天的工业化将社会关系中带有人情味的成分蒸发掉了,然后用各组实体组织将个体连接起来。而正在到来的互联网新经济时代在本质上是湿呼呼的。返璞归真回到人类文明的原点,让被工业社会、大众营销烤干的人情冷暖再重新湿润起来。彼此之间的认同喜欢将是未来“湿”营销的基础。 “湿”的东西是活的象征、生命的象征,鲜活生动的个性以社区、互联网进行分享、对话、合作和行动,形成改变商业规则的强大力量。本书的目的就是要探索这些规则,因为这将关系到目前的营销业和广告业何去何从。 目录 第一篇 碎片化经济 大众市场之后的圈子化世界 第一章 新型社会网络的崛起 第二章 集体兴奋——网络的财富 第三章 永恒的信息瀑 第二篇 消费者新思维 全球互联网市场的用户现状 第四章 选择的困惑 第五章 贵在参与 第六章 从提供选择到提供需要 第三篇 湿营销时代 真实人性的回归 第七章 网络式互利交换 第八章 返璞归真 第九章 身份即营销 第四篇 生财有道 湿营销时代的现状和未来 第十章 湿营销的存在基础——新的信任体系 第十一章 湿营销面临的新秩序 第十二章 走向未来
  • Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind


    Book Description “Ries and Trout taught me everything I know about branding, marketing, and product management. When I had the idea of creating a very large thematic community on the Web, I first thought of Positioning....”—David Bohnett, Chairman and Founder of GeoCities A handsome edition of the original 1981 text, this 20th Anniversary Edition makes available to business and marketing professionals—including tens of thousands of Ries and Trout groupies, worldwide—the work that forever changed the way marketing strategy is done. This new edition features commentary from the authors that offers fresh insight into why “positioning” a product in a prospective customer’s mind is still the most important strategy in business, and includes numerous examples of campaigns that followed, or didn’t follow, Ries and Trout’s thinking. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. Book Info A guide to marketing and advertising strategy, reprinted from the 1980 classic, based on the fundamental notion that success is not about having the best product or service, but about planting the right idea in the customer's head and keeping it there. DLC: Positioning. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. See all Editorial Reviews
  • Crush It!

    作者:Gary Vaynerchuk

    Do you have a hobby you wish you could do all day? An obsession that keeps you up at night? Now is the perfect time to take those passions and make a living doing what you love. In CRUSH IT! Why NOW Is The Time To Cash In On Your Passion, Gary Vaynerchuk shows you how to use the power of the Internet to turn your real interests into real businesses. Gary spent years building his family business from a local wine shop into a national industry leader. Then one day he turned on a video camera, and by using the secrets revealed in this book, transformed his entire life and earning potential by building his personal brand. By the end of this book, any reader will have learned how to harness the power of the Internet to make their entrepreneurial dreams come true. Step by step, CRUSH IT! is the ultimate driver′s manual for modern business. Gary Vaynerchuk has captured attention with his pioneering, multi-faceted approach to personal branding and business. After primarily utilizing traditional advertising techniques to build his family′s local retail wine business into a national industry leader, Gary rapidly leveraged social media tools such as Twitter and Facebook to promote Wine Library TV, http://tv.winelibrary.com, his video blog about wine. Gary has always had an early-to-market approach, launching Wine Library′s retail website in 1997 and Wine Library TV in February of 2006. His lessons on social media, passion, transparency, and reactionary business are not to be missed!
  • 开家咖啡馆


  • 聚合营销


    今天,我们进入了“半人马”时代。消费者的行为跨越了多个渠道。他们把人类从古至今的需求和行为与新兴的网络行为结合在一起,就像古希腊神话中的半人马,用新科技武装的四肢飞快地奔跑,而胸膛里跳动的却是同样古老而不可预测的人类的心脏。这种消费者的行为混合了传统的和数字化的、理性的和感性的、虚拟的和现实的因素。这种消费者并不是二者之一,而是它们综合的产物。 本书主要着眼于由综合型消费者的出现而形成的长期商业机会,以及各公司怎样将这些商业机会转化为资本,从一定较宽广的视角揭示了“半人马”型消费者对企业战略、组织结构,以及市场营销所产生的战略性影响。
  • 打破界限


    《打破界限:电通式跨媒体沟通策略》是日本电通跨媒体沟通开发项目组对“跨媒体”的思考方式、策划工具、成功案例和评估手段等诸多内容进行深入研究得到的丰硕成果,深刻剖析了此营销模式的本质。 目前,为客户提供整合式营销解决方案的电通模式在世界各国都获得了很高评价。而跨媒体沟通正是电通实现这种模式最先进的工具之一。
  • Tribes

    作者:Seth Godin

    A tribe is any group of people, large or small, who are connected to one another, a leader, and an idea. For millions of years, humans have been seeking out tribes, be they religious, ethnic, economic, political, or even musical (think of the Deadheads). It’s our nature. Now the Internet has eliminated the barriers of geography, cost, and time. All those blogs and social networking sites are helping existing tribes get bigger. But more important, they’re enabling countless new tribes to be born—groups of ten or ten thousand or ten million who care about their iPhones, or a political campaign, or a new way to fight global warming. And so the key question: Who is going to lead us? The Web can do amazing things, but it can’t provide leadership. That still has to come from individuals— people just like you who have passion about something. The explosion in tribes means that anyone who wants to make a difference now has the tools at her fingertips. If you think leadership is for other people, think again—leaders come in surprising packages. Consider Joel Spolsky and his international tribe of scary-smart software engineers. Or Gary Vaynerhuck, a wine expert with a devoted following of enthusiasts. Chris Sharma leads a tribe of rock climbers up impossible cliff faces, while Mich Mathews, a VP at Microsoft, runs her internal tribe of marketers from her cube in Seattle. All they have in common is the desire to change things, the ability to connect a tribe, and the willingness to lead. If you ignore this opportunity, you risk turning into a “sheepwalker”—someone who fights to protect the status quo at all costs, never asking if obedience is doing you (or your organization) any good. Sheepwalkers don’t do very well these days. Tribes will make you think (really think) about the opportunities in leading your fellow employees, customers, investors, believers, hobbyists, or readers. . . . It’s not easy, but it’s easier than you think.
  • 感動70億人心,才是好設計:好品牌的吸引力法則

    作者:Marc Gobe

    There is always a market for good design! 我的工作就是让人爱上品牌! Coca Cola、Starbucks、IBM……全球品牌设计大师 Marc Gobe 好品牌 + 好设计 = 全球70亿人口都能理解的通用语言 要如何打造独具魅力的好感品牌? 激发情感、维持品牌永久活力的设计秘诀是什么? 可口可乐、太阳马戏团、GOOGLE、苹果计算机……直抵人心的吸睛法则为何? 如何成为众多品牌的领头羊? 品牌设计,What’s Next? 好品牌的吸引力法则 倡导「公民品牌」、「感性品牌」概念全球品牌形象设计大师马克.高贝(Marc Gobe),成功塑造了可口可乐的崭新识别与包装设计,也曾经打造IBM、Starbucks、Godiva、Estee Lauder……等国际知名品牌的情感设计策略。在《感动70亿人心,才是好设计──好品牌的吸引力法则》他告诉我们二十一世纪消费者期待的新观念和设计语言,并以Brandjam(品牌设计协奏曲)的创新思考呼吁,每个成功品牌的幕后推手,从设计、营销、广告团队,就像是善于鼓舞人心的爵士乐队阵容一般,在众声喧哗的世界里,合力演出一首隽永深远的品牌协奏乐章。 马克.高贝在本书中采访了多位知名企业的品牌创新主事者,也提出了很多当前商业设计环境下的革命性看法及做法: 1.「情感设计」是未来品牌得以在直觉上与人们相连的唯一出路,相反地,过去以大量高密度广告做后盾的「大品牌」影响力将走向式微。 2. 设计未来必须取代、甚至成为所有品牌公司的正式商业流程,而且设计师必须和公司高阶主管及营销人员共同为品牌创造符合人心的有意义讯息,如果一个品牌仍让设计只处于创新的末端,那它不可能做出最符合人性直觉的外观及内在意义。 3. 传统如「焦点团体」式的调查根本违背了当前消费者的现实,因为已经厌倦「太多一样夸口的产品」的大众,根本不知道他要什么──除非你创造出一个崭新而够直接的需求出来──而设计,正是品牌要做到这种新需求境界的不二手段。在未来,设计师不再代表他们要执行设计工作,同时更会是品牌公司里的「市场新视角」…… 曾替BMW、NIKE、微软等品牌操刀的知名设计师依夫.贝哈(Yves Behar)说:「在这本书里,马克.高贝会提出深具说服力的办法,让市场营销人员、设计工作者及消费者可以在一种新的情感语言中聚首────而这种新的语言,就名叫设计!」 品牌设计大师的吸引力法则 What did Marc Gobe say about Branding? Q───品牌设计如何一步到位? A───体认消费者主导意识持续高涨|将非主流文化发扬光大|诉诸女性的情感设计|打造五感的全新体验|提升品牌全民化运动 Q───设计能为品牌做些什么? A───设计能传递、转化、诱惑、安抚人心|设计为我们购买的产品创造了人性的接触点|设计能为品牌描绘其独有的特征 Q───通往好感品牌的设计路径为何? A───创造品牌精神和情感识别|好品牌需要好的图像识别|广告是一种承诺和体验|门市的感受是销售关键 Q───如何创造品牌的情感诉求? A───从感性观点区隔品牌的情感定位|根据不同世代客制消费者情感认同 拥抱品牌设计思维2.0 设计、营销、广告、创意、品牌经理人……重新启动吧! “Design is to branding what jazz is to music.” 设计对品牌的关系就像爵士乐对音乐的意义。 keyword   Brandjam:中文译为「品牌协奏曲」,结合Brand(品牌)和Jam(爵士乐的即兴演出节目)二个字的组合,是要提倡一种创新的协调概念,从设计、营销、广告团队在前端的脑力激荡,到开启品牌与大众之间对话,目的要让品牌经验能更触动人心,产生更新鲜的刺激。 就如同你我身边的朋友,一个好的品牌渗透在你我生活中每个缝隙,那天,如果它消失了,地球不会停止转动,也不会是世界末日,可是偏偏像哪根筋不对似的,坐立难安。品牌价值和信念是建立在人们的感动之上,无论那是感官、情感、直觉、美学、潮流、欲望,真正打动人心的关键在于──感动人心的品牌吸引力法则。 写给品牌设计人的工作Memo 创造人人欲望的5大感性密码   Code 1 大家都有个后现代梦想 情感设计在观念上就是后现代的。 Code 2 创新来自边陲世界 创新的设计来自于那些人们直接参与、又有情感影响力的文化因素。 Code 3 情感设计是针对女人的设计 当设计应用于家庭与生活方式时,女性最了解情感设计的语言。 Code 4 感官的二十一世纪 品牌需要与所有五种感官相连结,但要以具破坏性的方式进行。 Code 5 设计民主化 人们想要有自由去选择、发现、体验与参与。 提升品牌价值的7大设计秘诀 Upgrade 1 为品牌挂上一张情感识别证 一个品牌的态度与情感层面,就像我们所拥有的任何一位朋友。 Upgrade 2 好品牌需要一个好标志 「视觉管理」 应该是品牌设计者优先考虑要做的事。 Upgrade 3 广告就是一种体验 广告需要成为品牌兑现诺言的一项讯息,否则广告将行不通。 Upgrade 4 门市就是你的广告 零售环境需要优秀的设计,并创造气氛刺激我们的购买行为。 Upgrade 5 研究品牌,先搞懂设计 隐藏在人们潜意识中的信息,只有透过设计想象的力量才会打开。 Upgrade 6 设计真正不一样的品牌! 设计将品牌从大众化商品地位,转换成提供情感上受鼓舞的产品。 Upgrade 7 情感也可以客制化 消费者正寻找一种适合他们特殊生活方式的个人特色体验。 作者简介 马克.高贝(Marc Gobe) 他是世界前十大品牌形象顾问公司之一,Desgrippes Gobe公司的共同创办人、前董事长与执行长。曾负责可口可乐全球新识别形象与包装设计,也是商业畅销书《高感性品牌营销》(Emotional Branding)与《公民品牌:感性营销》(Citizen Brand)作者。过去他在Desgrippes Gobe公司时,曾为法国航空、美国在线、雅诗兰黛、吉列、Godiva、IBM、星巴克、旅游城(Travelocity)及维多利亚的秘密等众多国际知品牌,创造出情感导向的突破性品牌设计策略。高贝也是许多国际设计奖得主。目前他独力创办「情感品牌」(EmotionalBranding)顾问公司,协助企业进行更人性化的品牌策略及设计革新。 译者简介 何霖 美国宾州州立大学MBA, 兼职从事财经企管类书籍翻译工作,译有 《策略校准》(合译)、《 PMP项目管理认证指南》(三版)、《比率管理全书》、《企业达尔文》等书。