

  • 康德哲学诸问题


    本书是对康德哲学的专题研究,按照康德三大批判的问题系列编排,以期呈现出康德整个哲学的大致轮廓及思想深度。尤其是本书第五部分的评论,在分析牟宗三研究和理解康德哲学的失误的同时,试图展示国人治西学的常见问题。 一 认识论问题 Ⅰ.康德先验逻辑对形式逻辑的奠基 Ⅱ.康德“先验”与“超验”之辨 Ⅲ.康德的“能力”和“形式” Ⅳ.康德论因果性问题 Ⅴ.康德的“智性直观”探微 二 道德与宗教 Ⅰ.Ⅰ康德道德哲学的三个层次 Ⅱ.从康德的道德哲学看儒家的“乡愿” Ⅲ.康德道德宗教精义 Ⅳ.康德《实践理性批判》中译本序 三 审美与目的论问题 Ⅰ.论康德的《判断力批判》 Ⅱ.审美判断力在康德哲学中的地位 康德的历史哲学:“第四批判”和自由感 Ⅳ.康德自由概念的三个层次 Ⅴ.《判断力批判》中译本序 四 康德哲学总论 Ⅰ. “批判哲学”的归宿 Ⅱ.康德和黑格尔的自由观比较 Ⅲ.康德哲学的当代意义 Ⅳ.让哲学说汉语——从康德三大批判的翻译说起 五 阅读与批评 Ⅰ.杨祖陶:康德黑格尔再探本 Ⅱ.康德美学研究的新视野 Ⅲ.牟宗三对康德之误读举要(之一)——关于“先验的” Ⅳ.牟宗三对康德之误读举要(之二)——关于“智性直观”
  • 康德政治著作选


    First published in 1970,this much-acclaimed collection of the political writings of Immanuel Kant has now been revised and expanded for publication in Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought.Three important texts are translated her for the frst time,and Professor Reiss has added,in addition to an extended bibliography,a substantial postscript,looking at recent developments in Kantian scholarship and the changes that these have wrought in our understanding f Kant s political thought. In his general introduction,Professor Reiss outlines the central tenets of Kant s political philosphy,relating the texts translated to the broader intellectual context of the European enlightemment and Kant s own work on moral philosophy and the philosophy of history ,Kants aim was to establish the based and to provide a philosphical vindication of representative,constitutional government that would guarantee respect for the political rights of all individuals.
  • 德国古典哲学逻辑进程


  • 康德著作全集(第3卷)


    《康德著作全集第3卷•纯粹理性批判(第2版)》的内容是《纯粹理性批判》第二版。《纯粹理性批判》第一版于1781年问世,因被人误解为“贝克莱主义”而使康德异常苦恼。于是康德于六年后对这部书作出了修订,尤其是增加了“对唯心论的驳斥”一节,并大大地压缩了有关再生的想象力的派生作用的部分。《康德全集》科学院版的编者把第二版单独编为第三卷,而把第一版中修订较多的部分与其他著作编为第四卷。这里完全按照科学院版译出。 《纯粹理性批判》是康德最重要的学术著作,也是西方哲学史上最重要的著作之一,因而早就引起了汉语译界的注意。目前已有多个中译本和不同的节译本。译者在翻译过程中参考了这些译本,并对这些先行者的开创性工作表示敬意。
  • 康德论上帝与宗教


  • 实践理性批判

    作者:(德) 康德

  • 道德底形上學之基礎


  • 康德歷史哲學論文集

    作者:Immanuel Kant

  • 艺术的背后


    《艺术的背后:康德论艺术》主要内容:20世纪的哲学是以两部重要的著作作为其开端的,一是罗素的《数学原理》,一是胡塞尔的《逻辑研究》,它们都发表于1901年,预示和引领了20世纪两大哲学方向和理路:分析哲学和现象学,而它们的展开、交锋与对话构成了20世纪波澜壮阔的哲学运动图景。广义的现象学运动当然包括存在主义。而无论是分析哲学,还是现象学,在它们的演进过程中都显示了对语言问题的关注。语言承载和隐含着哲学的根本性问题。哲学继近代认识论转向之后实现了语言论转向。与此相应的是,按照解释学大师伽达默尔的看法,西方艺术也由表现的阶段发展到符号或艺术语言的阶段,在这一阶段,艺术形式更强调艺术符号或艺术语言之间的自我生成与重构,通过符号的重组,既表现艺术家的内心情感,又达到对客观事物的某种抽象和变形的模仿。它的杰出代表有毕加索和康定斯基。 20世纪中叶以后广泛传播开来的后现代主义正是艺术与哲学两个领域互动的结果。后现代哲学家,无论是福柯、利奥塔,还是德里达,他们追随他们精神上的先驱尼采和海德格尔,都对艺术给予了非同寻常的关切。这一关切产生了两方面的结果,一方面,他们从艺术作品中寻找到自己思想的灵感,另一方面,他们又以自己的思想和理论给当代艺术以广泛和深刻的影响。透过艺术作品,福柯看到了艺术品背后隐藏的不同时代的知识型和权力话语:利奥塔,通过对先锋艺术所蕴含的先锋精神的不懈探求,力求找到了一条抵抗技术奴役与非人状态的崇高之路:而德里达,更是视抽象派画家为自己思想的同路人。
  • Freedom and the End of Reason

    作者:Richard L. Velkley

    Richard L. Velkley offers a new interpretation of the central issue of Kant's philosophy and a new evaluation of its position within the history of modern philosophy. He persuasively argues that the whole of Kantianism, not merely the Second Critique, is really a "critique of practical reason" and a response to a problem Kant saw as intrinsic to reason: the teleological problem of reason's goodness. By stressing a Rousseau-inspired notion of reason as a provider of practical ends, Velkley also is able to offer an unusually complete account of Kant's idea of moral culture. Drawing upon Kant's precritical writing of the 1760s, Velkley effectively argues that Rousseau showed Kant that the purely instrumental view of reason as the mere slave of passions--a view advanced by such Enlightenment thinkers as Hobbes, Locke, and Hume--was self-defeating. Their modern conception of reason attempts to emancipate humanity from superhuman powers and authorities, but it paradoxically brings about the deeper enslavement of humanity to its own artifacts and passions. Rousseau's thought provided Kant with certain decisive elements in his account of reason, especially through a new concept of freedom, that enabled Kant to establish the foundation for a coherent version of the Enlightenment, one that reconciles modern emancipation from "dogmatism" with the human need for the sacred, the noble, and the beautiful. In reconstructing the influence of Rousseau on Kant's thought, Velkley demonstrates that the relation between speculative philosophy and practical philosophy in Kant is far more intimate than has been generally perceived. The "dialogue" of Kant with Rousseau in the 1760s begins the debate on the soundness of the modern "enlightenment" understanding of the relation of reason to society and the human good, a debate that is continued by the major Continental philosophers. Velkley's formidable study establishes that the later modern reforms--new ideas of freedom, history, and culture, which replace human nature as the ground for knowledge of the human good--have their primary roots in Kant's encounter with Rousseau.
  • 从康德到朱熹


  • 超绝发生学原理-第一卷


  • Kant's Ethical Thought

    作者:Allen W. Wood

    This is a major new study of Kant's ethics that will transform the way students and scholars approach the subject in future. Allen Wood argues that Kant's ethical vision is grounded in the idea of the dignity of the rational nature of every human being. Undergoing both natural competitiveness and social antagonism the human species, according to Kant, develops the rational capacity to struggle against its impulses towards a human community in which the ends of all are to harmonize and coincide. The distinctive features of the book are twofold. First, it focuses for the first time on the central role played in Kant's ethical theory by the value of rational nature as an end itself. Second, it shows the importance of Kant's systematic theory of human nature and history, and its implications for the structure, formulation, and application of Kant's moral principles. This comprehensive study will be of critical importance to students of moral philosophy, the history of ideas, political theory, and religious studies.
  • Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics, Fifth Edition, Enlarged

    作者:Martin Heidegger,Ric

    o ...one of HeideggerOs most important and extraordinary works...indispensable for anyone interested in HeideggerOs thought as well as in current trends in hermeneutics, ethics, and political philosophy.O NInterpretation oKant and the Problem of Metaphysics is among the most important readings in this century of KantOs Critique of Pure Reason. This authoritative English translation will play an important role in determining HeideggerOs reputation in the coming years.O NChoice oHeideggerOs interpretation of Kant remains a challenging way to address the issues that both Kant and Heidegger saw as crucial...In reading [Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics] we can struggle with some basic issues of human existence in the company of two great minds.O NInternational Philosophical Quarterly Since its original publication in 1929, Martin HeideggerOs provocative book on KantOs Critique of Pure Reason has attracted much attention both as an important contribution to twentieth-century Kant scholarship and as a pivotal work in HeideggerOs own development after Being and Time. The work is significant not only for its illuminating assessment of KantOs thought but also for its elaboration of themes first broached in Being and Time, especially the problem of how Heidegger proposed to enact his destruction of the metaphysical tradition and the role that his reading of Kant would play therein.
  • Critique of Judgment

    作者:Immanuel Kant,Werner

  • Kant: Political Writings

    作者:Immanuel Kant,H. S.

    The original edition of Kant: Political Writings was first published in 1970, and has long been established as the principal English-language edition of this important body of writing. In this new, expanded edition, two important texts illustrating Kants's view of history are included for the first time: his reviews of Herder's Ideas on the Philosophy of The History of Mankind and Conjectures on the Beginning of Human History; as well as the essay What is Orientation in Thinking. In addition to a general introduction assessing Kant's political thought in terms of his fundamental principles of politics, this edition also contains such useful student aids as notes on the texts, a comprehensive bibliography, and a new postscript, looking at some of the principal issues in Kantian scholarship that have arisen since first publication.
  • Critique of Pure Reason

    作者:Immanuel Kant,Werner

  • 康德


    本书据牛津大学出版社1982年英文版译出。 本书只述及“批判时代”,要指望通过本书全面了解康德,无疑是失望的。然而,作者抓住三大“批判”,高屋建瓴的切准了康德。本书以清晰、简介的语言,考察了康德与莱布尼茨和休谟的关系,以及康德建立了一种既非唯理论又非经验论但却能显示人类理智界限的哲学的企图。 这本小书无论对于初次涉及康德哲学的新手,还是对于造诣颇深的康德专家都将不枉一读。