

  • 微分几何


  • 离散几何欣赏


    《离散几何欣赏》是在一系列讲演的基础上扩展而成的,扼要介绍了离散几何领域中的一些著名问题和研究方向,如Borsuk猜想,Hadwiger猜想,Kepler猜想,Minkowski猜想,堆积密度,堆积中的深洞,覆盖密度等。 《离散几何欣赏》着重突出思想背景,力求直观,具有大学数学专业修养的人都能看懂。
  • Morse Theory (Annals of Mathematic Studies AM-51)

    作者:[美]John W.Milnor

    One of the most cited books in mathematics, John Milnor's exposition of Morse theory has been the most important book on the subject for more than forty years. Morse theory was developed in the 1920s by mathematician Marston Morse. (Morse was on the faculty of the Institute for Advanced Study, and Princeton published his "Topological Methods in the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable" in the "Annals of Mathematics Studies" series in 1947.) One classical application of Morse theory includes the attempt to understand, with only limited information, the large-scale structure of an object. This kind of problem occurs in mathematical physics, dynamic systems, and mechanical engineering. Morse theory has received much attention in the last two decades as a result of a famous paper in which theoretical physicist Edward Witten relates Morse theory to quantum field theory. Milnor was awarded the Fields Medal (the mathematical equivalent of a Nobel Prize) in 1962 for his work in differential topology. He has since received the National Medal of Science (1967) and the Steele Prize from the American Mathematical Society twice (1982 and 2004) in recognition of his explanations of mathematical concepts across a wide range of scientific.c disciplines. The citation reads, "The phrase sublime elegance is rarely associated with mathematical exposition, but it applies to all of Milnor's writings. Reading his books, one is struck with the ease with which the subject is unfolding and it only becomes apparent after re.ection that this ease is the mark of a master." Milnor has published five books with Princeton University Press.
  • 解析几何


  • 典雅的几何


  • 现代几何学(第二卷)


    本书是莫斯科大学数学力学系对几何课程现代化改革的成果,作者之一的诺维可夫是1970年菲尔兹奖和2005年沃尔夫奖得主。全书力求以直观的和物理的视角阐述,是一本难得的现代几何方面的好书。内容包括张量分析、曲线和曲面几何、一维和高维变分法(第一卷),微分流形的拓扑和几何(第二卷),以及同调与上同调理论(第三卷)。 本书可用作数学和理论物理专业高年级和研究生的教学用书,对从事几何和拓扑研究的工作者也极有参考价值。
  • 解析几何


  • 分形几何


  • 黎曼几何初步


    本书是黎曼几何的一本入门教材。本书从黎曼度量及联络出发,介绍了黎曼流形研究中的各种基本概念和技巧。以测地线的研究为重点讨论了各种形式的比较定理和Morse指数定理,同时还介绍了子流形几何学。书中也勾画了近代微分几何中的一些重大成果,如球面定理、正质量猜想以及几乎平坦流形等,最后还列举了当今微分几何研究中的一些尚待解决的问题。 本书可供大学、师范院校数学系高年级选修课教材以及研究生教材,也可供数学工作者参考。
  • 现代几何学:方法与应用:第一卷:几何曲面、变换群与场


  • 微分几何讲义


    内 容 简 介 本书系统地论述了微分几何的基本知识。全书共七章并两个附录。作者以较大的 篇幅,即前三章和第六章介绍了流形、多重线性函数、向量场、外微分、李群和活动标架 法等基本知识和工具。在具备了上述宽广而坚实的基础上,论述微分几何的核心问题, 即连络、黎曼几何以及曲面论等。第七章复流形,既是当前十分活跃的研究领域,也是 第一作者研究成果卓著的领域之一,包含有作者独到的见解和简捷的方法。最后两个 附录,介绍了极小曲面与规范场理论,为这两活跃的前沿领域提出了不少进一步研究 课题。 此书适用于高等院校数学专业和理论物理专业的高年级学生、研究生阅读,并且 可供数学工作者和物理工作者参考。 目 录 第一章 微分流形 1微分流形的定义 2切空间 3子流形 4Frobenius定理 第二章 多重线性函数 1张量积 2张量 3外代数 第三章 外微分 1张量丛 2外微分 3外微分式的积分 4Stokes公式 第四章 连络 1矢量丛上的连络 2仿射连络 3标架丛上的连络 第五章 黎曼流形 1黎曼几何的基本定理 2测地法坐标 3截面曲率 4Gauss-Bonnet定理 5完全性 第六章 李群和活动标架法 1李群 2李氏变换群 3活动标架法 4曲面论 第七章 复流形 1复流形 2矢量空间上的复结构 3近复流形 4复矢量丛上的连络 5Hermite流形和kah1er流形 附录一 欧氏空间中的曲线和曲面 1.切线回转定理 2.四顶点定理 3.平面曲线的等周不等式 4.空间曲线的全曲率 5.空间曲线的变形 6.Gauss-Bonnet公式 7.Cohn-Vossen和Minkowski的唯一性定理 8.关于极小曲面的Bernstein定理 附录二 微分几何与理论物理 参考文献
  • 初等几何的著名问题

    作者:[德]Felix Klein

    《初等几何的著名问题》是著名数学家F.Klein 1894年在德国哥廷根的一个讲稿,主要讨论了初等几何的三大著名难题——倍立方、三等分角,圆的求积。当年作者用简明易懂的方式讲解这个课题,引起听众极好的反响。后由德国数学家帮助整理出版,1930年又翻译成英文,一直流传至今。.
  • 流形上的微积分

    作者:[美] Michael Spivak

  • Geometry and the Imagination

    作者:David Hilbert,S. Coh

    This remarkable book has endured as a true masterpiece of mathematical exposition. There are few mathematics books that are still so widely read and continue to have so much to offer--after more than half a century! The book is overflowing with mathematical ideas, which are always explained clearly and elegantly, and above all, with penetrating insight. It is a joy to read, both for beginners and experienced mathematicians. "Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen" is full of interesting facts, many of which you wish you had known before, or had wondered where they could be found. The book begins with examples of the simplest curves and surfaces, including thread constructions of certain quadrics and other surfaces. The chapter on regular systems of points leads to the crystallographic groups and the regular polyhedra in $\mathbb{R}^3$. In this chapter, they also discuss plane lattices. By considering unit lattices, and throwing in a small amount of number theory when necessary, they effortlessly derive Leibniz's series: $\pi/4 = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + - \ldots$. In the section on lattices in three and more dimensions, the authors consider sphere-packing problems, including the famous Kepler problem. One of the most remarkable chapters is "Projective Configurations". In a short introductory section, Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen give perhaps the most concise and lucid description of why a general geometer would care about projective geometry and why such an ostensibly plain setup is truly rich in structure and ideas. Here, we see regular polyhedra again, from a different perspective. One of the high points of the chapter is the discussion of Schlafli's Double-Six, which leads to the description of the 27 lines on the general smooth cubic surface. As is true throughout the book, the magnificent drawings in this chapter immeasurably help the reader. A particularly intriguing section in the chapter on differential geometry is Eleven Properties of the Sphere. Which eleven properties of such a ubiquitous mathematical object caught their discerning eye and why? Many mathematicians are familiar with the plaster models of surfaces found in many mathematics departments. The book includes pictures of some of the models that are found in the Göttingen collection. Furthermore, the mysterious lines that mark these surfaces are finally explained! The chapter on kinematics includes a nice discussion of linkages and the geometry of configurations of points and rods that are connected and, perhaps, constrained in some way. This topic in geometry has become increasingly important in recent times, especially in applications to robotics. This is another example of a simple situation that leads to a rich geometry. It would be hard to overestimate the continuing influence Hilbert-Cohn-Vossen's book has had on mathematicians of this century. It surely belongs in the "pantheon" of great mathematics books.
  • 几何学的故事


    这是一本令人爱不释手的书,它是一本赞美几何学的书,虽然数学太阳长期以来被乌云遮挡,但这本书仍然闪耀着数学太阳的光辉。因此,它确实是一本重要的书。最后要补充的是,这是一本惹人喜爱的书,它展示着主题的光彩,正如书中所教诲的那样,令人振奋。 通过列昂纳多·姆洛迪诺这本卓越的、惹人喜爱的著作——《几何学的故事》,我们被引向几何学五场革命的全部历程,从希腊人平行线到最新的超空间概念。其中有令人耳目一新的数学史实,显示出任何人在空间方面可能会问的多幺平常的问题——也许出现于客厅,也许出现于某个银河系——曾经是获得科学技术最高成就的隐蔽的发动机。 姆洛遭诺夫向读者显示了几何学第—次革命如何从毕达哥拉斯开创的—项“小规模”规划开始:发叨一个模仿宇宙抽像规则的系统。这种朴素的观念是科学文明的基础。但在西方黑暗的中世纪,上述思想的发展受到限制。后来在14世纪,法国一位不知名的主教(奥雷斯姆)发明了图形并预示了下一次革命:图形与数的联姻。那时,当勇敢的海员从大西洋航行到新大陆时,一位年仅15岁的神童认识到,像地球表面一样,空间也可以是弯曲的。平行线真的会相交吗?三角形内角之和真的能大于(或小于)180°吗?弯曲空间的革命使数学与物理实现了创新:这就为一个名叫爱因斯坦的专利局官员把时间添加到空间的维数中创造了条件。他的伟大的几何学革命标志了人类进入了物理学的新时代。 现在,人们置身于一场新的革命之中。在加州理工学院,普林斯顿高等研究院以及全世界的各所大学,科学家们认识到自然界中所有变化着的、神奇的力都可以通过几何学——一种新的不可思议的几何学来理解。这门新几何学是具有特别的、扭曲的维度的令人激动的数学学科,在其中,空间和时间,物质和能量全都缠绕在一起,并与宇宙深刻的、基本的结构相关。 《几何学的故事》一书,综合了十分严密的、权威性研究的成果,并采用易于理解的、令人愉快的讲故事的形式,用出色的、独创性的论证维护了几何学的领先地位。你如果仔细研读过《几何学的故事》,空间、时间和所有事物在你的眼中都将焕然一新。
  • The Shape of Inner Space

    作者:Shing-Tung Yau,Steve

    String theory says we live in a ten-dimensional universe, but that only four are accessible to our everyday senses. According to theorists, the missing six are curled up in bizarre structures known as Calabi-Yau manifolds. In The Shape of Inner Space , Shing-Tung Yau, the man who mathematically proved that these manifolds exist, argues that not only is geometry fundamental to string theory, it is also fundamental to the very nature of our universe. Time and again, where Yau has gone, physics has followed. Now for the first time, readers will follow Yau’s penetrating thinking on where we’ve been, and where mathematics will take us next. A fascinating exploration of a world we are only just beginning to grasp, The Shape of Inner Space will change the way we consider the universe on both its grandest and smallest scales.
  • 几何原本

    作者:[古希腊] 欧几里得

    《几何原本:建立空间秩序最久远最权威的逻辑推演语系(全译插图本)(全新修订版)》是古希腊数学家欧几里得的一部不朽之作,集整个古希腊数学的成果与精神于一身。既是数学巨著,也是哲学巨著,并且第一次完成了人类对空间的认识。该书自问世之日起,在长达两千多年的时间里,历经多次翻译和修订,自1482年第一个印刷本出版,至今已有一千多种不同版本。除《圣经》之外,没有任何其他著作,其研究、使用和传播之广泛能够与《几何原本:建立空间秩序最久远最权威的逻辑推演语系(全译插图本)(全新修订版)》相比。汉语的最早译本是由意大利传教士利玛窦和明代科学家徐光启于1607年合作完成的,但他们只译出了前六卷。证实这个残本断定了中国现代数学的基本术语,诸如三角形、角、直角等。日本、印度等东方国家皆使用中国译法,沿用至今。近百年来,虽然大陆的中学课本必提及这一伟大著作,但对中国读者来说,却无缘一睹它的全貌,纳入家庭藏书更是妄想。 徐光启在译此作时,对该书有极高的评价,他说:“能精此书者,无一事不可精;好学此书者,无一事不科学。”现代科学的奠基者爱因斯坦更是认为:如果欧几里得未能激发起你少年时代的科学热情,那你肯定不会是一个天才的科学家。由此可见,《几何原本:建立空间秩序最久远最权威的逻辑推演语系(全译插图本)(全新修订版)》对人们理性推演能力的影响,即对人的科学思想的影响是何等巨大。
  • 神圣几何


  • 神圣几何:人类与自然和谐共存的宇宙法则

    作者:[英] 艾伦·布朗

  • M. C. Escher

    作者:Volk, A.

    Imaginary worlds, impossible stairways, paradoxical haliways, enigmatic patterns, and mind-boggling graphics are the trademarks of M.C. Escher's artwork. His two-dimensional drawings bring to life a fourth dimension where the surfaces of things come together like a Mobius strip. The profoundly original work of Escher has inspired countless artists, designers, and filmmakers and can be considered a genre in itself. This guide provides a mind-bending introduction to the great master's work.