

  • Manage It!

    作者:Johanna Rothman

    This book is a reality-based guide for modern projects. You'll learn how to recognize your project's potholes and ruts, and determine the best way to fix problems - without causing more problems. Your project can't fail. That's a lot of pressure on you, and yet you don't want to buy into any one specific process, methodology, or lifecycle. Your project is different. It doesn't fit into those neat descriptions. Manage It! will show you how to beg, borrow, and steal from the best methodologies to fit your particular project. It will help you find what works best for you and not for some mythological project that doesn't even exist. Before you know it, your project will be on track and headed to a successful conclusion.
  • 敏捷建模:极限编程和统一过程的有效实践

    作者:[加] Scott W.Ambler;张

  • 敏捷软件开发

    作者:Robert C. Martin

    在本书中,享誉全球的软件开发专家和软件工程大师Robert C.Martin将向您展示如何解决软件开发人员、项目经理及软件项目领导们所面临的最棘手的问题。这本综合性、实用性的敏捷开发和极限编程方面的指南,是由敏捷开发的创始人之一所撰写的。
  • Scrum敏捷项目管理

    作者:Ken Schwaber

    《Scrum敏捷项目管理》探索Scrum的每一方面,包括科学原理、全新的项目角色及责任、ScrumMaster、产品负责人、如何有效管理未知因素和不断变化的产品需求、如何结束混乱、如何计划和报告、及如何扩展项目团队规模等,并着重于如何驱动项目以实现最高的投资回报。 不论你是项目管理者,还是真T或R&D高管,还是想创造卓越的产品负责人,还是产品与系统开发者,此书是你认识与掌握Scram的必读之作。
  • 微管理


    《微管理——给你一个技术团队,你该怎么管》讲解了不同类型的IT技术团队如何进行管理,全书共分为四篇。 第一篇为“蛮荒时代”,主要是普及一些项目管理和团队管理的基本知识。第二篇为“农耕时代”,讲的是创业公司如何管人、如何使用过程及如何选择技术与工具。第三篇为“工业时代”,讲的是和管理要效率的专业化开发团队如何管理。第四篇为“联网时代”,讲的是轻管理、重结果的互联网开发团队如何管理。作者从“微管理”入手,以大量的“微科普”和“微案例”描述具体项目运作层面的管理实践,同时也不乏对战略、组织文化等方面的高层次思考,带给读者的是最简洁、最质朴的实践和行动方法。 《微管理——给你一个技术团队,你该怎么管》适合IT/互联网从业者阅读,无论你是项目经理、产品经理、程序猿、测试媛,还是公司高管,书中总有团队管理的干货适合你。
  • 高效程序员的45个习惯(修订版)

    作者:[美] Venkat Subramani

    本书总结并生动地阐述了成为高效的开发人员所需具备的45 个习惯、思想观念和方法,涵盖了软件开发进程、编程和调试工作、开发者态度、项目和团队管理以及持续学习等几方面。 本书适合所有程序员阅读。
  • 用户故事与敏捷方法

    作者:Mike Cohn

    《用户故事与敏捷方法》详细介绍了用户故事与敏捷开发方法的结合,诠释了用户故事的重要价值,用户故事的实践过程,良好用户故事编写准则,如何搜集和整理用户故事,如何排列用户故事的优先级,进而澄清真正适合用户需求的、有价值的功能需求。 《用户故事与敏捷方法》对于软件开发人员、测试人员、需求分析师和管理者,具有实际的指导意义和重要的参考价值。
  • Agile Software Development

    作者:Alistair Cockburn

    "Agile Software Development is a highly stimulating and rich book. The author has a deep background and gives us a tour de force of the emerging agile methods." -Tom Gilb The agile model of software development has taken the world by storm. Now, in Agile Software Development, Second Edition, one of agile's leading pioneers updates his Jolt Productivity award-winning book to reflect all that's been learned about agile development since its original introduction. Alistair Cockburn begins by updating his powerful model of software development as a "cooperative game of invention and communication." Among the new ideas he introduces: harnessing competition without damaging collaboration; learning lessons from lean manufacturing; and balancing strategies for communication. Cockburn also explains how the cooperative game is played in business and on engineering projects, not just software development Next, he systematically illuminates the agile model, shows how it has evolved, and answers the questions developers and project managers ask most often, including * Where does agile development fit in our organization? * How do we blend agile ideas with other ideas? * How do we extend agile ideas more broadly? Cockburn takes on crucial misconceptions that cause agile projects to fail. For example, you'll learn why encoding project management strategies into fixed processes can lead to ineffective strategy decisions and costly mistakes. You'll also find a thoughtful discussion of the controversial relationship between agile methods and user experience design. Cockburn turns to the practical challenges of constructing agile methodologies for your own teams. You'll learn how to tune and continuously reinvent your methodologies, and how to manage incomplete communication. This edition contains important new contributions on these and other topics: * Agile and CMMI * Introducing agile from the top down * Revisiting "custom contracts" * Creating change with "stickers" In addition, Cockburn updates his discussion of the Crystal methodologies, which utilize his "cooperative game" as their central metaphor. If you're new to agile development, this book will help you succeed the first time out. If you've used agile methods before, Cockburn's techniques will make you even more effective.
  • 软件开发沉思录


    从编程技术到项目管理,Roy Singham、Martin Fowler、Rebecca Parsons等来自ThoughtWorks的思想领袖通过本书中的13篇美文,将自己多年沉思和实践所得倾囊相授,引领你走向敏捷软件开发的成功之路。 本书内容丰富,涵盖了软件开发的各个阶段,既包含DSL、SOA、多语言开发和领域驱动设计等热门主题,也有对象设计、一键发布、性能测试和项目管理等方面的经验之谈和独到见解。不论你是开发人员还是项目管理人员,都将从本书中获益匪浅。
  • Agile Web Development with Rails (4th edition)

    作者:Sam Ruby,Dave Thomas

    Ruby on Rails helps you produce high-quality, beautiful-looking web applications quickly. You concentrate on creating the application, and Rails takes care of the details. Tens of thousands of developers have used this award-winning book to learn Rails. It's a broad, far-reaching tutorial and reference that's recommended by the Rails core team. If you're new to Rails, you'll get step-by-step guidance. If you're an experienced developer, this book will give you the comprehensive, insider information you need. Rails has evolved over the years, and this book has evolved along with it. We still start with a step-by-step walkthrough of building a real application, and in-depth chapters look at the built-in Rails features. This edition now gives new Ruby and Rails users more information on the Ruby language and takes more time to explain key concepts throughout. Best practices on how to apply Rails continue to change, and this edition keeps up. Examples use cookie backed sessions, HTTP authentication, and Active Record-based forms, and the book focuses throughout on the right way to use Rails. Additionally, this edition now reflects Ruby 1.9, a new release of Ruby with substantial functional and performance improvements.
  • 敏捷开发艺术


    《敏捷开发艺术(影印版)》是讲解如何利用敏捷开发方法构建高价值软件的实用指南,描述了什么是敏捷开发,以及为什么它能帮助软件项目获得成功的原因。该书还将开发者、项目经理、测试者和客户所需信息整合在一起,以便直接运用。 《敏捷开发艺术(影印版)》展现了敏捷过程的完整视图,基于作者多年的极限编程(XP)经验,直截了当地提出关于计划、开发、交付和管理等多方面实施的建议。它为开发者和测试者提供实用的技术练习,同样也为非技术背景读者提供了充分的信息。作者还介绍了如何处理敏捷开发中的棘手问题:建立团队成员之间的协作和信任关系。 《敏捷开发艺术(影印版)》针对下列问题给出明确的答案: 如何采用敏捷开发? 我们是否真的需要结对编程? 应该基于何种度量(metrics)报告? 如何让我们的客户共同参与项目? 我们应该撰写多少文档? 何时设计架构? 作为非开发者,该如何与敏捷团队合作? 我的产品路线图在哪里? QA如何适应敏捷开发? 无论你是敏捷团队的一员,还是刚刚对敏捷开发产生兴趣,这《敏捷开发艺术》具备了你需要的所有实用技巧。它向你说明引入XP的过程,详细描述其中每一项实践,并且讨论了如何修改XP和创建自己的敏捷方法等相关原则。该书将随着你的经验提升而不断深入,首先教你规则,然后告诉你如何突破它们,当掌握了敏捷开发艺术之时,最终便可以摈弃一切规则。
  • The Productive Programmer

    作者:Neal Ford

    Anyone who develops software for a living needs a proven way to produce it better, faster, and cheaper. The Productive Programmer offers critical timesaving and productivity tools that you can adopt right away, no matter what platform you use. Master developer Neal Ford not only offers advice on the mechanics of productivity-how to work smarter, spurn interruptions, get the most out your computer, and avoid repetition-he also details valuable practices that will help you elude common traps, improve your code, and become more valuable to your team. You'll learn to: * Write the test before you write the code * Manage the lifecycle of your objects fastidiously * Build only what you need now, not what you might need later * Apply ancient philosophies to software development * Question authority, rather than blindly adhere to standards * Make hard things easier and impossible things possible through meta-programming * Be sure all code within a method is at the same level of abstraction * Pick the right editor and assemble the best tools for the job This isn't theory, but the fruits of Ford's real-world experience as an Application Architect at the global IT consultancy ThoughtWorks. Whether you're a beginner or a pro with years of experience, you'll improve your work and your career with the simple and straightforward principles in The Productive Programmer.
  • 持续集成

    作者:(美)Paul M.Duvall;Ste

  • 敏捷估计与规划

    作者:[美] Mike Cohn

    《敏捷估计与规划》一书为对敏捷项目进行估计与规划提供了权威实际的指导方针。在本书中,敏捷联盟的共同创始人Mike Cohn讨论了敏捷估计与规划的思想,并使用现实的例子与案例分析向您详细地展示了如何完成工作。本书清晰地阐述了有关的概念,并引导读者逐步认识到下列一些问题的答案:我们要构建什么?它的规模有多大?需要在什么时候完成?到那个时候我们到底能完成多少?您首先会认识到优秀的计划由哪些东西组成,接着会了解到如何才能使计划成为敏捷的。 《敏捷估计与规划》支持所有敏捷的、半敏捷的或迭代的开发过程,包括Scrum、极限编程、功能驱动的开发、Crystal开发、自适应软件开发、DSDM、统一过程以及许多其他开发方式。它将是每个开发经理、开发小组领导和开发小组成员不可或缺的宝贵资源。此书也获得了亚马逊网站“五星级”赞誉!
  • 程序员思维修炼(修订版)

    作者:[美] Andy Hunt

    本书从认知科学、神经学、学习理论和行为理论角度,深入探讨了如何才能具备优秀的学习能力和思考能力,阐述了成为一名专家级程序员的关键要素,具体包括:大脑运行机制简介,如何正确使用和调试大脑,改进学习能力的具体技巧,如何通过自我引导积累经验,控制注意力的方法。为了让读者加深印象,作者还特别设立了一个“实践单元”,其中包括具体的练习和实验,旨在让读者真正掌握所学内容。 生命中没有什么是一成不变的,人们需要改变自己的习惯和方法。不论你是程序员、软件公司管理者、技术奇人还是思想家,或者你只是想让自己的大脑更聪明一点儿,所有尝试改变自己的人,请把本书当作改变的开始……
  • 测试驱动开发

    作者:Kent Beck

  • 高效程序员的45个习惯

    作者:Venkat Subramaniam,A

    “书中‘切身感受’的内容非常有价值——通过它我们可以做到学有所思,思有所悟,悟有所行。” ——Nathaniel T. Schutta,《Ajax基础教程》作者 “此书通过常理和经验,阐述了为什么你应该在项目中使用敏捷方法。最难得的是,这些行之有效的实战经验,竟然从一本书中得到了。” ——Matthew Johnson,软件工程师 十年来,软件行业发生了翻天覆地的变化。敏捷方法大行其道,测试和测试驱动开发在很多开发人员的工作中扮演着重要的角色。作为一名程序员,你应该培养怎样的素质,方能对多变的环境应对自如,始终立于不败之地? 本书简明实用、见解深刻,总结了高效程序员在开发过程中的45个个人习惯、思想观念和方法,有助于开发人员在开发进程、编码工作、开发者态度、项目和团队管理,以及持续学习等5个方面积极修炼。通过学习这些内容,养成这些好的习惯,你可以极大地提升自己的编程实力,更快速、更可靠地交付更高质量的软件,从而成为真正的高效程序员。
  • 项目管理修炼之道

    作者:罗斯曼(Johanna Rothman)

    《项目管理修炼之道》基于作者多年项目管理的实践经验,融会贯通地讲解了成功管理软件项目的各个要素。书中内容涉及软件项目管理的整个流程:项目启动、项目章程、项目计划、项目日程安排、项目估算、明确的角色和职责、明确的开发流程、恰到好处的度量标准、发布条件、参与beta测试的客户……所有成功项目管理的必备元素一应俱全。贯穿全书的提示和生动的案例,更能加深读者对项目管理的领悟。 《项目管理修炼之道》是一本项目经理的实战手册,项目开发人员、软件经理等项目相关人员也能从中获得有益的指导。
  • Succeeding with Agile

    作者:Mike Cohn

    Proven, 100% Practical Guidance for Making Scrum and Agile Work in Any Organization This is the definitive, realistic, actionable guide to starting fast with Scrum and agile--and then succeeding over the long haul. Leading agile consultant and practitioner Mike Cohn presents detailed recommendations, powerful tips, and real-world case studies drawn from his unparalleled experience helping hundreds of software organizations make Scrum and agile work. Succeeding with Agile is for pragmatic software professionals who want real answers to the most difficult challenges they face in implementing Scrum. Cohn covers every facet of the transition: getting started, helping individuals transition to new roles, structuring teams, scaling up, working with a distributed team, and finally, implementing effective metrics and continuous improvement. Throughout, Cohn presents "Things to Try Now" sections based on his most successful advice. Complementary "Objection" sections reproduce typical conversations with those resisting change and offer practical guidance for addressing their concerns. Coverage includes * Practical ways to get started immediately--and "get good" fast* Overcoming individual resistance to the changes Scrum requires* Staffing Scrum projects and building effective teams* Establishing "improvement communities" of people who are passionate about driving change* Choosing which agile technical practices to use or experiment with* Leading self-organizing teams* Making the most of Scrum sprints, planning, and quality techniques* Scaling Scrum to distributed, multiteam projects* Using Scrum on projects with complex sequential processes or challenging compliance and governance requirements* Understanding Scrum's impact on HR, facilities, and project management Whether you've completed a few sprints or multiple agile projects and whatever your role--manager, developer, coach, ScrumMaster, product owner, analyst, team lead, or project lead--this book will help you succeed with your very next project. Then, it will help you go much further: It will help you transform your entire development organization.
  • 可伸缩敏捷开发


    《可伸缩敏捷开发:企业级最佳实践》简体中文版由电子工业出版社和Pearson Education 培生教育出版亚洲有限公司合作出版。未经出版者预先书面许可,不得以任何方式复制或抄袭《可伸缩敏捷开发:企业级最佳实践》的任何部分。