

  • 告别自欺欺人的生活


    ★ 从身心灵的不同层面解析生命的真相 ★ 探讨了三大议题:身体与疾病、治疗与修行、谋生与生存 ★ 提醒人们回归正知正见,过如实觉知的生活 《告别自欺欺人的生活》从身心灵的不同层面解析生命的真相,并详尽探讨了身体与疾病、治疗与修行、谋生与生存三大议题。作者敏锐地洞察到当前人们在追求灵性生活的潮流中所进入的误区,在对待身体、修行和谋生方面出现的种种问题,以犀利的笔锋进行剖析和解悟,提醒人们回归正知正见,过如实觉知的智慧生活。
  • 隐形的力量


  • 约书亚的传导


    约书亚,即耶稣。他通过帕梅拉传导了大量的疗愈信息。其核心在于:代表者光和爱的基督意识再次降临地球,新时代来临,新地球即将诞生。如何在个人层面将天赋和热情注入工作领域和关系领域?如何在亲密关系中既有爱又有自由?如何教导新时代敏感、重感觉的儿童?约书亚给了我们答案。 新个人:内心的天使与魔鬼和解 新工作:灵感、热情、意愿闪耀光芒的领域 新关系:柔顺而有力的女性,将与有力而柔顺的男性结合 新儿童:更加敏感,更注重感觉而不是思考
  • 心灵的奇迹


    这是一位曾因心理疾病使得生活被迫脱离常轨的女性的付出经历,更是一段坚持信念、饱含感恩的心路历程。 我们从中能够窥见一个频于纠结与挣扎的灵魂如何重拾生活的勇气、坚定生活的信念,真正令痛苦不堪的心灵变得坚韧与强大。 《心灵的奇迹》是作者圆月的切身体会,她打开心结,无畏地将彼时那些深刻的心灵体验与读者分享。心灵会赋予生命无尽的力量,这正是作者希望通过本《心灵的奇迹》倡导的全新理念。
  • 生命的七大精神法则

    作者:乔普拉 (Chopra Deepak)

    《生命的七大精神法则》岂止是精神法则,它实际上立竿见影的生活实践法则。凡欲在修身与事业方面取得成功者,践行此和有大创获。敬而远之必引为大憾。更重要的是,您读它时不需要多少时间,它却可以10倍,20倍地延长您未来的精神生活时尚。 -辜正坤 北大教授,博士生导师
  • 彩虹原理


    编辑推荐 2007、2008年持续位居韩国各大图书排行榜榜首,韩国1910名CEO一致推荐的职场人士必读书,一场全亚洲人的心灵激荡。 “最近阅读过的《彩虹原理》,是使我找回了平常心的一本书。我常常想,能经常有这种传递力量的种子就好了。” ——电视剧《大长今》中“韩尚宫”扮演者梁美京 “这本书的确是非常独特,生动且有趣。它轻快而犀利地发堀了人生中关于成功的原理,和融入我们生活深处的幸福法则,就像华兹华斯的诗中所写到的那样“让我们的内心充满幸福的彩虹”。作者就是可以让我们在日常生活中找出幸福彩虹的炼金大师。” ——韩国著名小说家、《商道》作者崔仁浩 《彩虹原理》在韩国掀起的热读风潮—— ◎aladdin网络书店读者票选最佳书籍 ◎YES24网络书店图书排行榜榜首书籍以及读者票选2007年度代表书籍 ◎三星经济研究院(SERI)调查韩国l910名CE0,一致推选本书为职场人士必读书籍 ◎三星集团总裁推荐员工必看的一本书、各大学校长开给学生的必读书单、各大企业与机关团体培训讲座教材 入选韩国大学校长开给学生的必读书单 被选为韩国科学技术学院21世纪领袖的基本素养书籍 首尔图书大选入选指定捐赠书单 被选为全韩国各市、各道高级中学的指定教材 被各大学学生选为2008年入学新生通识书目 被选为韩国军队士气振奋教材 韩国经济TV的star books节目连续推荐 MBC文化放送TV讲座 国立中央图书馆文化讲座教材 ********************************** 内容简介 在韩国被誉为国民的“幸福传达使”的车东烨,以其致力于帮助所有人幸福生活的热忱,为大众读者提供了让内心充满幸福彩虹的方法——彩虹原理。《彩虹原理》被称为全球首部专为东方人打造的幸福与成功实用指南,一出版便成为风靡韩国的超级畅销书。本书得到了韩国企业界、教育界、媒体界、军队等各界知名人士一致推介,相关的评论和推介也占据了各大媒体的版面。 彩虹原理是对智能、情感与行动力的全面开发。它结合大脑科学的最新研究成果,以及犹太人智慧书《塔木德》中最核心的理念,帮助普通读者认识到与各行各业的佼佼者那仅有的2%的差别,领会光明与正面的思考方式,进而能够选择积极的行动,实现人生朝成功的方向发展的惊人转变。 仔细阅读本书,那么幸福、快乐、健康、财富、良好的人际关系等,这一切彩虹原理都能帮你获得。更重要的是,彩虹原理既不是头痛医头、脚痛医脚的片面药方,也不是许给我们虚幻希望的美丽泡沫,而是值得我们在日常生活中将心以付,21天、100次、10年一以贯之的系统法则。彩虹原理正是我们普通人也能掌握并能践行的幸福方法。 目录 Part1 造就达人的2% 1 他们与众不同 2 没有“八字”这回事 3 脑中自有成功在 Part2 竭尽全力:智能开发 4 寻找隐藏在左脑的蓝海 5 彩虹原理1——正面思考 6 彩虹原理2——播撤智慧的种子 Part3 竭尽全心:感性开发 7 寻找隐藏在右脑的蓝海 8 彩虹原理3——胸怀梦想 9 彩虹原理4——坚信成功 Part4 竭尽全身:意志开发 10 寻找隐藏在脑梁中的蓝海 11 彩虹原理5——斟酌言语 12 彩虹原理6——培养良习 Part5 治疗 13 伤口的治疗 14 关系的治疗 15 自我的治疗门 Part6 人生蓝图的展望 16 追求人生的目标 17 彩虹原理7——决不放弃 18 把祝福传下去 Part7 彩虹原理 19 让我们事事顺利的彩虹原理 20 现在就要幸福 21 凡事感恩
  • 人性的弱点全书


  • 靈界的訊息(賽斯書)

    作者:Jane Roberts

    本書是「賽斯資料」的入門書,詳述了羅伯茲與賽斯達成接觸的經過,並以突破性的觀念,說明了超感官能力的開發、輪迴的意義與結構、多次元時的實相、人類超越肉體的「本體」、神的觀念等重要的心靈課題。無論你是科學家、修行人,或是生命的探索者,經由此書,都將發現一片嶄新的天地。 一九六三,美國女詩人珍.羅伯茲忽然收到「賽斯」所傳來的「靈界的訊息」。賽斯說他是一個不具肉身的存在,已完成塵世生活的輪迴,現在他是教師,以深入淺出,不帶迷信色彩的語言,傳給人類多次元世界的知識。他們長達二十年的合作,傳下了後來結集成數大冊的通靈訊息,這即是如今風行歐美,成為新時代(New Age)運動中心思想的「賽斯資料」。
  • 与自己的生命对话


    《与自己的生命对话》内容简介:一本指引人生,为所有处于焦虑和迷思中的现代人导航的书。带着智慧、热情与幽默,帕默尔邀请你我倾听内在声音,并随着它的指引,使生命更具意义和贡献。书中有帕默尔个人的故事,有他人的生命点滴,毫不保留与你我分享他的洞见,这其中许多是他走过黑暗与忧郁的所得。为所有寻找生命中真实呼唤的人,照亮一条通往完满人生的路径。 巴默尔的文字像是高地的乡间之泉——清澈、充满活力、朴实单纯。假如你的生命似乎与你擦身而过,或者你看不清眼前的道路,《与自己的生命对话》的智慧将能带领你更加了解自己。 点击链接进入英文版: Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation
  • 灵性炼金术


  • 斷輪迴


    阿頓與白莎回來了! 由於《告別娑婆》的一炮而紅,葛瑞的生活形態發生重大轉變,阿頓和白莎兩位高靈上師應他之請,繼續為他釋疑解惑。葛瑞仍是一貫風格,口無遮攔地談八卦,論是非,臧否名流,兩位上師則以無比溫柔的耐心,為他解析娑婆大夢的覺醒捷徑。笑談棒喝之中,在在融入了《奇蹟課程》最高層次的「真寬恕」,讓讀者了知,如何在具體人生發揮 undo 的功能,進而瓦解小我的動力核心,徹底切斷人類的輪迴之根,是一本重量級教導超越時空幻相的「量子式」靈修著作。
  • 当和尚遇到钻石II

    作者:麥可.羅區格西(Geshe Michae

  • 尊重自己


  • 心灵神医

    作者:东杜法王仁波切 著

    本书的作者东杜法王仁波切向我们提示心的真性和痛苦的根源,以温柔、睿智的文字和实用的练习,引领我们透过影像和声音的启发、正面的认知、抚慰的感觉、全然的依赖以及开放的接纳,恢复心灵的本来面目,让我们将生命经验化成无限的喜悦与安详。 现代社会的多变、动荡以及个人生活的繁忙、疑惑和在种种工作的压力之下,使得我们的身体与心智受到双重损害,希望作者的这本书能够使你心的真性获得觉悟与安详。
  • 來自靈界的答案


    我們的靈魂從未消逝, 只是回到 [靈界]――靈魂的故鄉。 人世間為何有苦痛和悲傷, 都可以在那裡找到真相。 當我們想起曾在靈界生活的種種, 當我們想起靈魂是永不死滅的, 我們就不會再感到孤寂和不安。 即使孤單一人, 也能感受到已故親人或指導靈、天使, 永遠陪在我們身邊的溫暖。 那些在人世間消逝的, 那些在人世間看不見的, 並非就不存在。 那些我們深愛著的故人, 從來就不曾離開我們, 那些讓我們悲痛欲絕的不幸, 其實,在靈界都有答案…………..我對蘇菲亞這本作品會抱持肯定的看法,實際上是奠基於我個人對當代社會「尋靈」(soul-searching)現象的長期觀察與體驗。當代人在宗教世俗化與神話意義崩解的衝擊下,因為欠缺安身立命的心靈寄託,於是紛紛投入各種類型的新興宗教與靈修團體,企圖尋找自己失去的「靈魂」。 這原本是無可厚非之舉,但是在尋靈過程中,若是只把目光放在與「另一界」(the other realm)接觸的絢麗神奇經驗上,而忽略了這類超越經驗與「此世意義」(this worldliness)的關聯,那麼不僅靈修的精神價值無從彰顯,個人在盲修瞎練的過程中,甚至會很容易產生「靈性急症」(spiritual emergency)的病理現象,如成癮、附身、身心失調等,從而妨礙了靈性的成長。 具有與靈界溝通能力的蘇菲亞,在這本書中當然引介了許多靈界現象,如「生命藍圖」、「胎記的前世因緣」等,而且描繪得栩栩如生,但是難能可貴的是,這些靈界景象在本書中只是蘇菲亞談論靈性生命功課的底景罷了,真正的重點是,像悲傷、愧疚、寬恕、喜悅、關係等每個生命都會關懷的切身課題,如何可以在與靈界接觸的過程中得到啟發,進而達到提昇靈性生命品質的目的。 蘇菲亞在悲傷一章的主題中,便提到有人對她能夠通靈卻還會悲傷感到疑惑,她的回應是:「因為我是人,因為我是自私的,因為我活在『這裡』。」這個答案充分說明了蘇菲亞靈學的現世意義與人文關懷,也與我個人對靈修需立基於俗世的基本態度相呼應。在這個靈修觀點的存在照明下,怎樣反省兩界穿梭後的意義,便成為本書強調的靈修重點。於是,書中從靈界生命藍圖中隱含的個人生命目的開始,一路帶領讀者進入各類生命經驗構面進行省思,這個部份讀者可以細細品味蘇菲亞的經驗分享與指引。 美國費城天普大學哲學博士──蔡昌雄
  • 你就是世界


    中观的导师,彻底的觉者,道道地地的禅师克里希那穆提:真理乃“无路之国”,任何一种形式化的宗教、哲学、宗派都无法一窥究竟。 当他进入我的屋内时,我禁不住对自己说:“这绝对是菩萨无疑了!” ——纪伯伦 克里希那穆提是我知道的唯一能完全摒弃自我的人,和他相识是人生最光荣的事! ——亨利·米勒 那是我听过的最难忘的演讲,就像佛陀现身那么可信,他绝不容许人们有丝毫逃避和退而求其次的选择。 ——阿尔道斯·赫胥黎
  • 走出心灵的地狱


  • 《秘密》的秘密


    《 的秘密:实践幸福的吸引力法则》中的二十大实战秘技,七大法则,九大奇招助你全面提升宇宙最强势的神秘力量,改变世界,改变你。书中主要内容有:光读过还不够,还要深入研究,心想事成的人性大考验,心想事不成的十大罪状,增强信心的十大方法,静心的方法与技巧等。
  • My Stroke of Insight

    作者:Jill Bolte Taylor

    在线阅读本书 A brain scientist's journey from a debilitating stroke to full recovery becomes an inspiring exploration of human consciousness and its possibilities On the morning of December 10, 1996, Jill Bolte Taylor, a thirty-seven-year-old Harvard-trained brain scientist, experienced a massive stroke when a blood vessel exploded in the left side of her brain. A neuroanatomist by profession, she observed her own mind completely deteriorate to the point that she could not walk, talk, read, write, or recall any of her life, all within the space of four brief hours. As the damaged left side of her brain--the rational, grounded, detail- and time-oriented side--swung in and out of function, Taylor alternated between two distinct and opposite realties: the euphoric nirvana of the intuitive and kinesthetic right brain, in which she felt a sense of complete well-being and peace; and the logical, sequential left brain, which recognized Jill was having a stroke, and enabled her to seek help before she was lost completely. In My Stroke of Insight , Taylor shares her unique perspective on the brain and its capacity for recovery, and the sense of omniscient understanding she gained from this unusual and inspiring voyage out of the abyss of a wounded brain. It would take eight years for Taylor to heal completely. Because of her knowledge of how the brain works, her respect for the cells composing her human form, and most of all an amazing mother, Taylor completely repaired her mind and recalibrated her understanding of the world according to the insights gained from her right brain that morning of December 10th. Today Taylor is convinced that the stroke was the best thing that could have happened to her. It has taught her that the feeling of nirvana is never more than a mere thought away. By stepping to the right of our left brains , we can all uncover the feelings of well-being and peace that are so often sidelined by our own brain chatter. A fascinating journey into the mechanics of the human mind, My Stroke of Insight is both a valuable recovery guide for anyone touched by a brain injury, and an emotionally stirring testimony that deep internal peace truly is accessible to anyone, at any time. Questions for Jill Bolte Taylor Amazon.com: Your first reaction when you realized what was happening to your body was one you would expect: "Oh my gosh, I'm having a stroke!" Your second, though, was a little more surprising: "Wow, this is so cool!" What could be cool about a stroke? Taylor: I grew up to study the brain because I have a brother who is only 18 months older than I am. He was very different in the way he perceived experiences and then chose to behave. As a result, I became fascinated with the human brain and how it creates our perception of reality. He was eventually diagnosed with the brain disorder schizophrenia, and I dedicated my career to the postmortem investigation of the human brain in an attempt to understand, at a biological level, what are the differences between my brain and my brothers brain. On the morning of the stroke, I realized that my brain was no longer functioning like a "normal" brain and this insight into my brother's reality excited me. I was fascinated to intimately understand what it might be like on the inside for someone who would not be diagnosed as normal. Through the eyes of a curious scientist, this was an absolutely rare and fascinating experience for me to witness the breakdown of my own mind. Amazon.com: What did you learn about the brain from your stroke and your recovery that your scientific training hadn't prepared you for? Taylor: My scientific training did not teach me anything about the human spirit and the value of compassion. I had been trained as a scientist, not as a clinician. I can only hope that we are teaching our future physicians about compassion in medicine, and I know that some medical schools, including the Indiana University School of Medicine, have created a curriculum with this intention. My training as a scientist, however, did provide me with a roadmap to how the body and brain work. And although I lost my left cognitive mind that thinks in language, I retained my right hemisphere that thinks in pictures. As a result, although I could not communicate with the external world, I had an intuitive understanding about what I needed to do in order to create an environment in which the cells in my brain could be happy and healthy enough that they could regain their function. In addition, because of my training, I had an innate trust in the ability of my brain to be able to recover itself and my mother and I respected the organ by listening to it. For example, when I was tired, I allowed my brain to sleep, and when I was fresh and capable of focusing my attention, we gave me age-appropriate toys and tools with which to work. Amazon.com: Your stroke affected functions in your left brain, leaving you to what you call the "la-la land" of your right hemisphere. What was it like to live in your right brain, and then to rebuild your left? Taylor: When the cells in my left brain became nonfunctional because they were swimming in a pool of blood, they lost their ability to inhibit the cells in my right hemisphere. In my right brain, I shifted into the consciousness of the present moment. I was in the right here, right now awareness, with no memories of my past and no perception of the future. The beauty of La-la land (my right hemisphere experience of the present moment) was that everything was an explosion of magnificent stimulation and I dwelled in a space of euphoria. This is great way to exist if you don't have to communicate with the external world or care whether or not you have the capacity to learn. I found that in order for me to be able to learn anything, however, I had to take information from the last moment and apply it to the present moment. When my left hemisphere was completely nonfunctional early on, it was impossible for me to learn, which was okay with me, but I am sure it was frustrating for those around me. A simple example of this was trying to put on my shoes and socks. I eventually became physically capable of putting my shoes and socks on, but I had no ability to understand why I would have to put my socks on before my shoes. To me they were simply independent actions that were not related and I did not have the cognitive ability to figure out the appropriate sequencing of the events. Over time, I regained the ability to weave moments back together to create an expanse of time, and with this ability came the ability to learn methodically again. Life in La-la land will always be just a thought away, but I am truly grateful for the ability to think with linearity once again. Amazon.com: What can we learn about our brains and ourselves from your experience, even if we haven't lived through the kind of brain trauma you have? Taylor: I learned that I have much more say about what goes on between my ears than I was ever taught and I believe that this is true for all of us. I used to understand that I had the ability to stop thinking about one thing by consciously choosing to preoccupy my mind with thinking about something else. But I had no idea that it only took 90 seconds for me to have an emotional circuit triggered, flush a physiological response through my body and then flush completely out of me. We can all learn that we can take full responsibility for what thoughts we are thinking and what emotional circuitry we are feeling. Knowing this and acting on this can lead us into feeling a wonderful sense of well-being and peacefulness. Amazon.com: You are the "Singin' Scientist" for Harvard's Brain Bank (just as you were before your stroke). Could you tell us about the Brain Bank (in song or not)? Taylor: There is a long-term shortage of brain tissue donated for research into the severe mental illnesses. Most people dont realize that when you sign the back of your license as an organ donor, the brain is not included. If you would like to donate your brain for research, you must contact a brain bank directly. There is also a shortage of "normal control" tissue for research. The bottom line reality is that if there were more tissue available for research, then more scientists would be dedicating their careers to the study of the severe mental illnesses and we would have more answers about what is going on with these disorders. The numbers of mentally ill individuals in our society are staggering. The most serious and disabling conditions affect about 6 percent--or one in 17--adults and 9-13 percent of children in the United States. Half of all lifetime conditions of mental illness start by age 14 years, and three-fourths by age 24 years. For more information about brain donation to the Harvard brain bank, please call 1-800-BRAINBANK or visit them at: www.brainbank.mclean.org If you would like to hear me sing the brain bank jingle, please visit www.drjilltaylor.com!