

  • My Stroke of Insight

    作者:Jill Bolte Taylor

    在线阅读本书 A brain scientist's journey from a debilitating stroke to full recovery becomes an inspiring exploration of human consciousness and its possibilities On the morning of December 10, 1996, Jill Bolte Taylor, a thirty-seven-year-old Harvard-trained brain scientist, experienced a massive stroke when a blood vessel exploded in the left side of her brain. A neuroanatomist by profession, she observed her own mind completely deteriorate to the point that she could not walk, talk, read, write, or recall any of her life, all within the space of four brief hours. As the damaged left side of her brain--the rational, grounded, detail- and time-oriented side--swung in and out of function, Taylor alternated between two distinct and opposite realties: the euphoric nirvana of the intuitive and kinesthetic right brain, in which she felt a sense of complete well-being and peace; and the logical, sequential left brain, which recognized Jill was having a stroke, and enabled her to seek help before she was lost completely. In My Stroke of Insight , Taylor shares her unique perspective on the brain and its capacity for recovery, and the sense of omniscient understanding she gained from this unusual and inspiring voyage out of the abyss of a wounded brain. It would take eight years for Taylor to heal completely. Because of her knowledge of how the brain works, her respect for the cells composing her human form, and most of all an amazing mother, Taylor completely repaired her mind and recalibrated her understanding of the world according to the insights gained from her right brain that morning of December 10th. Today Taylor is convinced that the stroke was the best thing that could have happened to her. It has taught her that the feeling of nirvana is never more than a mere thought away. By stepping to the right of our left brains , we can all uncover the feelings of well-being and peace that are so often sidelined by our own brain chatter. A fascinating journey into the mechanics of the human mind, My Stroke of Insight is both a valuable recovery guide for anyone touched by a brain injury, and an emotionally stirring testimony that deep internal peace truly is accessible to anyone, at any time. Questions for Jill Bolte Taylor Amazon.com: Your first reaction when you realized what was happening to your body was one you would expect: "Oh my gosh, I'm having a stroke!" Your second, though, was a little more surprising: "Wow, this is so cool!" What could be cool about a stroke? Taylor: I grew up to study the brain because I have a brother who is only 18 months older than I am. He was very different in the way he perceived experiences and then chose to behave. As a result, I became fascinated with the human brain and how it creates our perception of reality. He was eventually diagnosed with the brain disorder schizophrenia, and I dedicated my career to the postmortem investigation of the human brain in an attempt to understand, at a biological level, what are the differences between my brain and my brothers brain. On the morning of the stroke, I realized that my brain was no longer functioning like a "normal" brain and this insight into my brother's reality excited me. I was fascinated to intimately understand what it might be like on the inside for someone who would not be diagnosed as normal. Through the eyes of a curious scientist, this was an absolutely rare and fascinating experience for me to witness the breakdown of my own mind. Amazon.com: What did you learn about the brain from your stroke and your recovery that your scientific training hadn't prepared you for? Taylor: My scientific training did not teach me anything about the human spirit and the value of compassion. I had been trained as a scientist, not as a clinician. I can only hope that we are teaching our future physicians about compassion in medicine, and I know that some medical schools, including the Indiana University School of Medicine, have created a curriculum with this intention. My training as a scientist, however, did provide me with a roadmap to how the body and brain work. And although I lost my left cognitive mind that thinks in language, I retained my right hemisphere that thinks in pictures. As a result, although I could not communicate with the external world, I had an intuitive understanding about what I needed to do in order to create an environment in which the cells in my brain could be happy and healthy enough that they could regain their function. In addition, because of my training, I had an innate trust in the ability of my brain to be able to recover itself and my mother and I respected the organ by listening to it. For example, when I was tired, I allowed my brain to sleep, and when I was fresh and capable of focusing my attention, we gave me age-appropriate toys and tools with which to work. Amazon.com: Your stroke affected functions in your left brain, leaving you to what you call the "la-la land" of your right hemisphere. What was it like to live in your right brain, and then to rebuild your left? Taylor: When the cells in my left brain became nonfunctional because they were swimming in a pool of blood, they lost their ability to inhibit the cells in my right hemisphere. In my right brain, I shifted into the consciousness of the present moment. I was in the right here, right now awareness, with no memories of my past and no perception of the future. The beauty of La-la land (my right hemisphere experience of the present moment) was that everything was an explosion of magnificent stimulation and I dwelled in a space of euphoria. This is great way to exist if you don't have to communicate with the external world or care whether or not you have the capacity to learn. I found that in order for me to be able to learn anything, however, I had to take information from the last moment and apply it to the present moment. When my left hemisphere was completely nonfunctional early on, it was impossible for me to learn, which was okay with me, but I am sure it was frustrating for those around me. A simple example of this was trying to put on my shoes and socks. I eventually became physically capable of putting my shoes and socks on, but I had no ability to understand why I would have to put my socks on before my shoes. To me they were simply independent actions that were not related and I did not have the cognitive ability to figure out the appropriate sequencing of the events. Over time, I regained the ability to weave moments back together to create an expanse of time, and with this ability came the ability to learn methodically again. Life in La-la land will always be just a thought away, but I am truly grateful for the ability to think with linearity once again. Amazon.com: What can we learn about our brains and ourselves from your experience, even if we haven't lived through the kind of brain trauma you have? Taylor: I learned that I have much more say about what goes on between my ears than I was ever taught and I believe that this is true for all of us. I used to understand that I had the ability to stop thinking about one thing by consciously choosing to preoccupy my mind with thinking about something else. But I had no idea that it only took 90 seconds for me to have an emotional circuit triggered, flush a physiological response through my body and then flush completely out of me. We can all learn that we can take full responsibility for what thoughts we are thinking and what emotional circuitry we are feeling. Knowing this and acting on this can lead us into feeling a wonderful sense of well-being and peacefulness. Amazon.com: You are the "Singin' Scientist" for Harvard's Brain Bank (just as you were before your stroke). Could you tell us about the Brain Bank (in song or not)? Taylor: There is a long-term shortage of brain tissue donated for research into the severe mental illnesses. Most people dont realize that when you sign the back of your license as an organ donor, the brain is not included. If you would like to donate your brain for research, you must contact a brain bank directly. There is also a shortage of "normal control" tissue for research. The bottom line reality is that if there were more tissue available for research, then more scientists would be dedicating their careers to the study of the severe mental illnesses and we would have more answers about what is going on with these disorders. The numbers of mentally ill individuals in our society are staggering. The most serious and disabling conditions affect about 6 percent--or one in 17--adults and 9-13 percent of children in the United States. Half of all lifetime conditions of mental illness start by age 14 years, and three-fourths by age 24 years. For more information about brain donation to the Harvard brain bank, please call 1-800-BRAINBANK or visit them at: www.brainbank.mclean.org If you would like to hear me sing the brain bank jingle, please visit www.drjilltaylor.com!
  • 30天收获幸福


    不要以为你退却了,情绪就会放过你。面对恶质情绪,Fighting!要的就是这个态度,决不妥协! 《非常静距离》制片人李静作序推荐,好友靳羽西、瞿颖、李子勋、路彬彬一致赞誉的实用情感解读书!台湾两千万人的心灵教父柏丞刚在大陆首推情感“教战手册”,分享他十多年心理咨询的专业经验。30个情感问题,是每个人从恋爱到成家都可能遇到的。融合专业的心理学分析和风趣幽默的语言,用活泼生动的事例解读从恋爱到成家都会遇到的30种情绪。 每个阶段有不同的自己,柏老师用专业知识帮你更透彻地看懂自己,做自己才能更快乐! 随书附赠30张手绘情感能量卡,情绪的奥秘尽在其中,抽一张,给你不可思议的力量!
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  • 真我


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  • 逆境的祝福


    或许你的生活因为一次重大挫折而陷入泥潭; 或许你曾经被流言蜚语中伤,你的诚实和善良遭到恶意地怀疑; 或许你正在为孩子的教育而苦恼、为夫妻的交流而困惑,抑或是生活的奔波、工作的压力让你一筹莫展…… 在人生旅途中总有突如其来的意外,有没有方法让人在逆境中变得豁达,让人生更为轻松? 安杰利斯博士将智慧、技巧与建议为一体,帮助你做到:●认识与了解人生旅程中的重要转折点与呼唤;●把恐惧转化为勇气,把困惑转化为理想,把自我怀疑转化为自信;●让你重新燃起对爱、对生活的热情,建立新的目标;●由内而外,找到自由、真实与充实的感觉。每个人都注定要经历竞争、病痛、误解等各种困难与折磨,不得不靠沉重压力下的工作来维持自己的生活。还要用七情六欲来品尝人间各种悲欢离合…… 不论你正值花季,还是年逾不惑;不论你是职场新人,还是已经摸爬滚打多年,你一定会惊奇地发现书中有自己的影子,每一页都将让你重新审视自己的人生!
  • The Power

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    The Secret revealed the law of attraction. Now Rhonda Byrne reveals the greatest power in the universe -- The Power to have anything you want. In this book you will come to understand that all it takes is just one thing to change your relationships, money, health, happiness, career, and your entire life. Every discovery, invention, and human creation comes from The Power. Perfect health, incredible relationships, a career you love, a life filled with happiness, and the money you need to be, do, and have everything you want, all come from The Power. The life of your dreams has always been closer to you than you realized, because The Power -- to have everything good in your life -- is inside you. To create anything, to change anything, all it takes is just one thing…THE POWER. 点击链接进入中文版: 力量(The power)(《秘密》作者 朗达·拜恩 最新力作)
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    我们常常因为害怕被人瞧不起,去购买自己原本就不喜欢的物品:我们常常因为害怕孤单地生活,然后去忍受与自己并不认同的也不相爱的人生活在一起;我们常常因为害怕去从事自己根本就不喜欢的职业;因为害怕去追逐本不属于自己的金钱与权势……其实,真正的安宁与幸福都需要我们既要有坚持理想的原则,又要拥有一颗简单的赤子之心…… 《不害怕的生活》让我们重新点燃生命的激情,让我们变得睿智宽容,让我们重新找到新的起点,坚持自我的、单纯的、简单的、不害怕的生活……
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  • 踏上心靈幽徑-穿越困境的靈性生活指引

    作者:Jack Kornfield

    『西方最重要的禪修大師,最偉大的心靈修煉經典』 -繼西藏生死書後,又一開啟智慧與慈悲的靈性巨著 ☆二○○八年全新譯本,鄭振煌、趙可式、余德慧、李欣頻等心理界、學術界、宗教界、媒體界十四位名家強力推薦,《EQ》作者高曼感動推薦! ☆佛教徒必讀,對靈修有興趣者之必備案頭書。 你,是否曾好好愛過? 在我們所有的活動之下,深藏著對愛和愛之行動的渴求。 靈性與占有或智商無關,而是一種發現愛的能力。 當你擁有這種愛,就踏上了專屬於你的心靈幽徑。 這條心路允許痛苦穿透我們,碎裂的心將在此得到療癒。 本書是美國內觀禪大師暨臨床心理學博士傑克.康菲爾德的半自傳實錄,也是靈性禪修領域的經典之作。康菲爾德認為許多人誤解靈性修行的真意,只是用來逃避存在的痛苦和困難;許多人進入寺院、教堂和道場,只為了尋求特殊的效果,如狂喜狀態與超凡經驗。他認為人們需要勇士的心來直接面對自己的生活,包括各種苦痛和限制、快樂和可能性。這種勇氣會將各個生活層面納入靈性修行之中,那時靈性才能真正與生活整合。 心理治療有如靈性修行的道路。康菲爾德主張結合禪修與心理治療,將靈性修行落實於日常生活,並由心智的開悟轉向心的療癒。書中充滿靈性的撫慰,提供各類初階到進階的修行方法,也點出物化靈性與靈性團體的潛在危險。康菲爾德不但是個說故事高手,穿插文中的詩篇、哲語更為這本優美的靈性之書增添豐富的文學性。 本書特色 ☆ 西方最重要的禪修大師,最偉大的心靈修煉經典:作者康菲爾德是將上座部(小乘)佛教引介至西方最重要的禪修大師,本書是其代表作。書中反省一般人對靈性修行的誤解與迷思,重新將靈修帶進日常生活,為東西方讀者帶來莫大啟發。 ☆整合現代心靈和心理的小百科:作者身兼佛學老師與心理治療師,另闢蹊徑,走出一條全新的心靈幽徑:結合東方內觀禪修與西方心理學,為玄祕的心靈境界和現代心理學搭起一座橋樑。 ☆廣納各傳統靈修精華,鼓勵讀者走出自己的靈性道路:介紹各種傳統的靈修精華,包括南傳、藏傳佛教、禪宗、基督宗教、猶太教、回教、蘇菲教等,給予讀者開闊的視野。 ☆作者經歷特殊,親身見證本書論點:本書為作者半生以來的修行史。他有基督宗教的文化背景,出家後卻又還俗,攻讀臨床心理學,正是本書的最佳見證。 ☆將靈修帶進生活,直指修行弊病:作者置身靈性團體,卻能直指其中的弊病,提點讀者面對修行常見狀況的應對方法,以及選擇靈修老師等相關注意事項。 ☆實用的冥想練習:書中附有簡易的禪修練習,由淺入深為讀者介紹靈性修行的各個階段。 作者出家後又還俗、娶妻生子,對於世出世間法允厥其中,不盲目偏執出家勝過在家,強調在日常生活中修禪,活潑實用。-鄭振煌,中華維鬘學會理事長 作者天衣無縫地整合了西方心理治療與佛教禪修,創造出一套能夠學習並實行的「內觀禪修」,開啟智慧與慈悲的心門,使現代孤寂焦躁的心靈找到觸動生命核心的修行方法。 -趙可式,國立成功大學醫學院教授.台灣安寧療護推手 現代修行接受苦難的折磨,並在其中轉識成智。這並非苦行,而是「苦中行」,是苦集滅道真實的運作循環。它不再仰賴書本或教條,而是隨著苦痛的進程進入「真實本心」的運動。 -余德慧,慈濟大學宗教與文化研究所教授兼所長 傑克.康菲爾德為禪修者的道路提供了親切、溫暖而實用的指引,充滿澄澈的洞見。本書是所有探索靈性生活者的完美指南。-丹尼爾.高曼(Daniel Goleman),《EQ》作者 傑克.康菲爾德再次證實他在靈性旅程(特別是禪修)中,對於心的領域及其韻律的認識與體驗是多麼廣博。他以西方人少見的開放識見,為讀者提供了親切的心路見聞。-史蒂芬.拉維(Stephen Levine),《擁抱憂傷》、《生命之歌》作者 我們太常將心理過程與靈性歷程分開,令人高興的是,本書讓我們看到這兩個部分如何重新結合起來。-拉姆.達斯(Ram Dass),《活在當下》作者
  • 生命的重建


    《生命的重建:今天开始爱自己》内容简介:她的人生从42岁开始。走过不幸的童年、破裂的婚姻以及癌症的阴影,露易丝•海从一名普通家庭主妇,一路成长为美国新时代运动领袖人物、伟大的心灵导师,用她的智慧和博爱影响和疗愈着世界各地无数的人。 如今,84岁高龄的露易丝•海首次坦承自己40年来的心路历程,并与作家谢丽尔•理查森共同探讨了一系列重要而实际的话题,用自己的亲身经历和感悟,赋予每一个人创造梦想中卓越生活的必要工具: ·如何通过转变思维,来改变你的人生体验 ·如何规划每一天,从而度过这一生 ·如何化解对你造成障碍的习惯,包括金钱观念、相处模式 ·如何面对衰老和死亡,从而更加爱自己、爱身体、爱生活 这是一场大师级的对话。但细读开来,又如与闺蜜夜谈,和死党共进午餐,轻松浅显、深及心灵。阅读过程中,你会逐渐发现,你也有能力创造自己的卓越生活,成就属于你的非凡人生。 海报:
  • 心的对话


  • 灵性的自我开战


    灵性的追寻是一场战争! 在这场战役里,损失就是获得,臣服就是胜利, 而你必须面对的敌人,是你自己! 如果你希望自己的生命保持原样,千万别看这本书! 如果你想彻底改变生命,欢迎对号入座,拿出你的战士气魄, 让本书陪着你,勇敢地碾碎你的虚假自我所编织的层层谎言! 因缘际会之下,杰德认识了正经历崩溃过程的丽莎——一位嫁给牙医的律师,是两个孩子的妈妈,生活优渥,但患上“富裕流感”,并出现以下症状: ◎不断跟他人竞争,因而产生自我膨胀、懒惰与不满足感。 ◎持续追逐成功与富裕的梦想,从而引发高度压力、过劳、浪费及负债累累等症状。 ◎对追求财富不可自拔地上瘾。 然而有一天,她看到了一张诡异的照片,她将这张照片贴在盥洗室的镜子上,每日与它对视、冥想,三年时间里,日复一日,直到她终于从这种行尸走肉般的生活,这种灵魂一直受压迫的奴役状态中“崩溃”了……
  • 30天學會靈魂出體

    作者:Rick Stack

    聽起來多麼不可思議啊,活生生的你居然可以學會離開自己的身體! 沒錯,這是真的。本書提供一套人人都學得會的簡單方法,任何人想穿牆走壁,想在你家附近自在飛行、想去訪友、想找個心靈老師、想跨越時間,想去各個世紀瞧瞧、想體驗身在其他次元的奇妙,只要照著書上的方法好好練習,不出三十天,都能如願出體,而且安全無虞,甚至好玩至極。 每個人天生就有靈魂出體的潛力,在活著的時候,暫時擺脫肉體的束縛,意識清醒,覺察敏銳,完全知道自己是誰的狀況下,一探遠比物質世界深邃的內在世界,以及遠比物質經驗遼闊的非物質經驗次元。 作者多年來帶領靈魂出體工作坊,幫助過成千上萬名學員有了畢生第一次的靈魂出體經驗,他的引導方式簡明易懂、循序漸進。他帶領讀者從態度和信念開始下功夫,再進行夢的工作,然後一一講解經過實證的出體技巧,就算是初學者練習起來也能得心應手。此外,書中還融合他自己和出體工作坊學員的實例,從科學證據和個人實際經驗的角度剖析靈魂出體的現象,幫助你化解恐懼和疑慮。這本書揭開了靈魂出體的面紗,澄清世人的誤解,還給這種人類天生的奇妙潛能一個公道。 名人推薦 「內在世界有太多的智慧寶藏等著我們去汲取,僅僅把焦點放在外在感官所能感知的外在世界上,實在辜負人類的天賦潛能。若能學會運用內在感官,那些寶藏就是你的,而靈魂出體就是其中一個有效的方法,值得大家下功夫。」——賽斯身心靈診所院長許添盛醫師 「很多奧妙的探險正等著你!看了這本書,你就能夠一次又一次出入你的身體。這是一位好老師寫的一本好書!」──Robert F. Butts(賽斯書共同作者)
  • 灵商


  • 成功的法则


    爱无处不在,爱永远都在;我愿意,开始转动生命的原动力。 看清生活的;中突,唤醒大智慧;探索生命奇迹,创造大幸福。 愿意,让我值得拥有更多! 付出,让我拥有巨大的力量! 争福是灵魂的成就,爱是幸福的原动力。