

  • 生物数学引论


    《生物数学引论》由浅入深讲述生物数学基础理论,从最经典的问题入手,最后走向学科前沿和近年的热点问题;内容先进,讲述方法科学,简洁明了,易读性好。生物数学在应用数学中占有日益重要的地位,数学系培养的学生至少一部分人应当对这个领域有所了解。随着生命科学的迅速发展,生物数学也发展很快。 《生物数学引论》自身具有完整体系,在“微积分”、“代数”等基础课知识之外,读者不需要其他预备知识。 《生物数学引论》适合用作数学及生命科学高年级本科生相关课程教材或参考书。
  • 卡拉比-丘流形和相关几何

    作者:[英]Mark Gross,Daniel

    《卡拉比–丘流形和相关几何》是由2001年夏天norway,nordfjordeid讲述辛几何的讲义扩展而成。突出讲述calabi-yau是本书的最大特点。第一部分讲述完整群和已校准子流形,强调特殊拉格朗日算符子流形和syz猜想;第二部分运用代数几何讲述calabi-yau流形和镜子对称。最后一部分讲述紧hyperkahler流形,它具有的几何结果和calabi-yau流形有很大的关系。各部分之间过渡自然,衔接紧密紧密,是一部很好的教程。目次:黎曼完整群和已校准的几何;calabi-yau流形和镜子对称;紧hyperk?hler流形。 读者对象:数学专业的高年级本科生,研究生和科研人员。
  • Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications International Version

    作者:Kenneth H. Rosen

    "Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Sixth Edition", is intended for one- or two-term introductory discrete mathematics courses taken by students from a wide variety of majors, including computer science, mathematics, and engineering. This renowned best-selling text, which has been used at over 500 institutions around the world, gives a focused introduction to the primary themes in a discrete mathematics course and demonstrates the relevance and practicality of discrete mathematics to a wide variety of real-world applications...from computer science to data networking, to psychology, to chemistry, to engineering, to linguistics, to biology, to business, and to many other important fields.
  • 数学美拾趣


    《数学美拾趣》不是系统论述数学美,而是将数学中美的精彩内容的片段摘出,从艺术和思维的角度加以欣赏;或是阐述某一个事物与数学的联系,从中体现出一种数学美。赏析之下,会觉得情趣盎然,在美的熏陶下,得到感情的共鸣和思维的启迪。 读者不仅可以从书中学到许多课本上学不到的知识,更重要的是可以学到一些灵活多变的思维方法,培养科学探索的精神。因此,《数学美拾趣》是具有中等文化程度的读者,特别是青少年的一本非常有益的读物。
  • Conics (Books 1-3) (Paperback)

    作者:Apollonius Of Perga,

    Review "[Apollonius's Conics] is one of the greatest scientific books of antiquity." "[Apollonius was a] giant, not simply as compared with men of antiquity, but even with men of all times. ... [T]he ingenuity that enabled him to discover so much with imperfect tools [i.e., lacking the arts of analytic and projective geometry] is truly admirable...such achievements pass our imagination, they are almost weird." --George Sarton, from An Introduction to the History of Science and A History of Science If we want to read for ourselves authors like Kepler and Newton, or if we want to understand the significance of the Cartesian mathematics that has shaped the world we live in and shapes our minds as wellóeither way, whether to understand the past in its own terms or to understand the present as a deliberate transformation of the pastówe need to study Apollonius." --Harvey Flaumenhaft Dean, St. John's College, Annapolis Product Description The Conics of Apollonius (3rd Century BCE) is the culmination of the brilliant geometrical tradition of ancient Greece. With astonishing virtuosity, and with a storyteller's flair for thematic development, Apollonius leads the reader through the mysteries of these intriguing curved lines, treated as objects of pure mathematics. His work in turn provided a basis for the very differently conceived investigations of modern mathematicians and scientists such as Viète, Descartes, Kepler, and Newton. Reading the Conics is an unparalleled adventure into the highest reaches of human intellectual achievement. This is a completely new edition of Taliaferro's translation of the first three books of Apollonius's Conics, with all new diagrams. It is the only English translation of these books other than Heath's out-of-print version which is a modernized retelling rather than a true translation. Conics Books I--III were formerly included in Volume 11 of the Encyclopædia Britannica's Great Books of the Western World, but the work is no longer included in that series and has been out of print. We made many corrections to the old edition's text, translation, and notes. The book features all new diagrams, an index, a bibliography, and an introductory essay by Harvey Flaumenhaft. Design and layout make it easy to read and work with, with diagrams repeated on every spread, adequate space for notes, and high quality paper to prevent show-through.
  • 七巧板、九连环和华容道


  • 高中数学奥林匹克竞赛解题方法大全


  • 解析数论引论

    作者:[美]Tom M. Apostol

  • 最优化方法


  • MATLAB宝典


  • Optimization by Vector Space Methods (Series in Decision and Control)

    作者:David G. Luenberger

    Engineers must make decisions regarding the distribution of expensive resources in a manner that will be economically beneficial. This problem can be realistically formulated and logically analyzed with optimization theory. This book shows engineers how to use optimization theory to solve complex problems. Unifies the large field of optimization with a few geometric principles. Covers functional analysis with a minimum of mathematics. Contains problems that relate to the applications in the book.
  • Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint

    作者:Klein, Felix

    This text begins with the simplest geometric manifolds, the Grassmann determinant principle for the plane and the Grassmann principle for space; and more. Also explores affine and projective transformations; higher point transformations; transformations with change of space element; and the theory of the imaginary. Concludes with a systematic discussion of geometry and its foundations. 1939 edition. 141 figures.
  • 运筹学导论


  • 全国大学生数学建模竞赛赛题与优秀论文评析


  • 计算统计学基础


    《计算统计学基础(影印版)》内容简介:集约计算方法在统计推断和探索性数据分析中已得到广泛应用。计算统计学方法包括数据集的重新采样、分类及多重变换,其中可能利用随机生成的人工数据。这些方法的运用需要数值分析的高等技巧。因此,计算统计学和统计计算方法有着紧密的联系。本书阐述计算统计学的各种方法以及集约计算方法在密度估计、数据结构的确认及模型的建立等各方面的一些应用。尽管本书没有特别论述统计计算方法,但全面阐述了统计方法意义下的数据变换、函数近似及数据优化中的数值技巧。《计算统计学基础(影印版)》提供了习题,其中部分提供了解答。《计算统计学基础(影印版)》虽然假定读者熟悉概率论和统计学知识,但也复习了统计推断的基本方法,因此,本书很大程度上是自包含的。 《计算统计学基础(影印版)》作者是George Mason大学计算统计系教授,美国统计协会及国际统计学学会会员,在ASA拥有多个国家级事务所;是ASA刊物的副主编,同时担任统计学和计算方面其他杂志的编辑;是《随机数生成,蒙特卡罗方法及数值线性代数在统计中的应用))一书的作者。
  • 数学分析(第三册)


    本教材讲述的是高等数学的基础课程——数学分析,其核心内容为微积分学。这套教材共三册,本书是其中的第三册。 本书共有九章,分别为多元函数的极限与连续性,多元函数微分学,隐函数存在定理,一般极值与条件极值,含参变量的积分,重积分,曲线积分与曲面积分,各种积分之间的联系、场论,微分形式及其积分。主要讲述了多元微积分等内容,也讲述了场论及微分形式和其积分的初步理论。 本书是由作者在北京大学数学科学学院多年教学所用的讲义基础上修改而成,内容丰富,深入浅出。本书选用了适量有代表性、启发性的例题,还选入了足够数量的习题和思考题,其中既有一般难度的题目,也有较难的题目,供读者酌情选做。 本教材可作为大学本科阶段的数学、概率统计、力学以及计算机等相关专业的教科书,也可作为广大数学工作及爱好者的参考图书。
  • Essential Mathematics for Political and Social Research (Analytical Methods for Social Research)

    作者:Jeff Gill

    Essential Mathematics for Political and Social Research addresses an educational deficiency in the social and behavioral sciences. This 2006 book was the first of its kind to specifically address the comprehensive introduction to the mathematical principles needed by modern social scientists. The material introduces basic mathematical principles necessary to do analytical work in the social sciences, starting from first principles, but without unnecessary complexity. The core purpose is to present fundamental notions in standard notation and standard language with a clear, unified framework throughout. Through examples and exercises, this book is intended to not only motivate specific mathematical principles and practices, but also introduce the way that social science researchers use these tools. The intended emphasis is on conceptual understanding of key principles and their subsequent application.
  • 数学分析中的反例


  • 统计模拟


    《统计模拟(第4版)》首先介绍了产生某些分布随机数的一些方法, 之后又较详细地介绍了统计模拟中常用的一些方法, 如离散事件模拟方法、方差缩减技术、模拟数据的统计分析方法、统计验证方法、MCMC 方法等; 并通过某些实例, 对这些方法的应用进行了较详细的说明。《统计模拟(第4版)》最后还提供了不同难度的习题。统计模拟是数理统计中非常有用的工具之一, 它是利用计算机产生某概率模型的随机数,再通过这些随机数来模拟真实模型。 《统计模拟(第4版)》可作为高等院校数学、统计学、科学计算、保险学和精算学等专业的本科教材, 也可作为工程技术人员和精算师等应用工作者的参考用书。