

  • The Bridges of Madison County

    作者:Robert James Waller

    When Robert Kincaid drives through the heat and dust of an Iowa summer and turns into Francesca Johnson's farm lane looking for directions, the world-class photographer and the Iowa farm wife are joined in an experience of uncommon truth and stunning beauty that will haunt them forever. The romantic classic of the 1990's.
  • 50 Great Short Stories

    作者:Milton Crane

  • Sophie's World

    作者:Jostein Gaarder

  • Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

    作者:Jonathan Safran Foer

    Jonathan Safran Foer emerged as one of the most original writers of his generation with his best-selling debut novel, Everything Is Illuminated. Now, with humor, tenderness, and awe, he confronts the traumas of our recent history. What he discovers is solace in that most human quality, imagination. Meet Oskar Schell, an inventor, Francophile, tambourine player, Shakespearean actor, jeweler, pacifist, correspondent with Stephen Hawking and Ringo Starr. He is nine years old. And he is on an urgent, secret search through the five boroughs of New York. His mission is to find the lock that fits a mysterious key belonging to his father, who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11. An inspired innocent, Oskar is alternately endearing, exasperating, and hilarious as he careens from Central Park to Coney Island to Harlem on his search. Along the way he is always dreaming up inventions to keep those he loves safe from harm. What about a birdseed shirt to let you fly away? What if you could actually hear everyone's heartbeat? His goal is hopeful, but the past speaks a loud warning in stories of those who've lost loved ones before. As Oskar roams New York, he encounters a motley assortment of humanity who are all survivors in their own way. He befriends a 103-year-old war reporter, a tour guide who never leaves the Empire State Building, and lovers enraptured or scorned. Ultimately, Oskar ends his journey where it began, at his father's grave. But now he is accompanied by the silent stranger who has been renting the spare room of his grandmother's apartment. They are there to dig up his father's empty coffin.
  • The House on Mango Street

    作者:Sandra Cisneros

    Told in a series of vignettes stunning for their eloquence, The House on Mango Street is Sandra Cisneros's greatly admired novel of a young girl growing up in the Latino section of Chicago. Acclaimed by critics, beloved by children, their parents and grandparents, taught everywhere from inner-city grade schools to universities across the country, and translated all over the world, it has entered the canon of coming-of-age classics. Sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes deeply joyous, The House on Mango Street tells the story of Esperanza Cordero, whose neighborhood is one of harsh realities and harsh beauty. Esperanza doesn't want to belong--not to her rundown neighborhood, and not to the low expectations the world has for her. Esperanza's story is that of a young girl coming into her power, and inventing for herself what she will become. 点击链接进入中文版: 芒果街上的小屋
  • The Hobbit

    作者:J.R.R. Tolkien

    This is a new paperback edition of JRR Tolkien's fantasy masterpiece, "The Hobbit". "The Hobbit" is a tale of high adventure, undertaken by a company of dwarves in search of dragon-guarded gold. A reluctant partner in this perilous quest is Bilbo Baggins, a comfort-loving unambitious hobbit, who surprises even himself by his resourcefulness and skill as a burglar. Encounters with trolls, goblins, dwarves, elves and giant spiders, conversations with the dragon, Smaug, and a rather unwilling presence at the Battle of Five Armies are just some of the adventures that befall Bilbo. Bilbo Baggins has taken his place among the ranks of the immortals of children's fiction. Written by Professor Tolkien for his own children, "The Hobbit" met with instant critical acclaim when published.
  • 歌剧院的幽灵


    你相信有鬼吗?当然不会相信。我们喜欢谈论鬼,喜欢讲述关于鬼的故事,但我们并非真的相信有鬼……是不是? 1880年,在巴黎歌剧院发生了一件不可思议的事情:一个舞蹈演员在黑暗的走廊里遇见了鬼。它穿越墙壁来到她的面前,它的脸上没有眼睛;一个舞台工人看见一个穿黑色晚礼服的男人,但他却有一个死人般的头颅,黄色的面孔,并且没有鼻子;人们听到另一个房间里有声音,而那个房间却是空的。 这就是歌剧院的幽灵…… 一个名叫盖斯顿・勃罗克斯的法国人最早创作了这个关于歌剧院的幽灵的故事。他的书很受欢迎,1925年它被拍成一部美国无声电影,由著名演员朗・钱尼扮演幽灵。从那以后,已经出现了许多其他的电影和戏剧,以及最近由安德鲁・劳埃德・韦伯创作的著名的英国音乐片。
  • The Moon and Sixpence

    作者:W. Somerset Maugham

    Charles Strickland, a conventional stockbroker, abandons his wife and children for Paris and Tahiti, to live his life as a painter. Whilst his betrayal of family, duty and honour gives him the freedom to achieve greatness, his decision leads to an obsession which carries severe implications. Inspired by the life of Paul Gauguin, The Moon and Sixpence is at once a satiric caricature of Edwardian conventions and a vivid portrayal of the mentality of a genius.
  • The Reader

    作者:Bernhard Schlink

    《朗读者》演绎被禁忌的罪责之爱,采用关乎人性的严肃题材,贯穿全书的却是一个让人唏嘘的爱情故事。《朗读者》被列为年度好书口碑之选。同名影片荣膺金球奖,并获奥斯卡五项核心大奖提名。 伟大的爱情是用来唏嘘的。为了守护秘密,你会走多远? 战后的德国萧条破败,一个15岁的少年在电车上病倒了,他独自下车,行走在滂沱大雨中,最后在一个逼仄的过道里吐得一塌糊涂,一个36岁的陌生女人帮助了他•••••• 3个月后,少年伯格从突如其来的猩红热侵袭中恢复过来,他只是为了去感谢那个曾经在他生病时给予过他帮助的女人,但是,情欲,或者是爱情,在15岁的少年伯格心中渐渐燃烧起来。 电车售票员汉娜总是让伯格为她朗读,《荷马史诗》、《带小狗的女人》、《战争与和平》,在伯格的朗读中,汉娜像个孩子似的时而痛哭,时而大笑,那个夏天,是他们一生中最短暂最快乐并最终影响了后来岁月的时光。 不久后一天,汉娜突然不辞而别,8年后再次见到汉娜的时候,她成了一名站在法庭上的纳粹罪犯,她并没有像其他一同被指认的罪犯一样,否认自己的罪行,而是坚定异常地坦诚一切。直到审判席上,汉娜不愿提笔在白纸上写下黑字做笔迹比较,并因此背负罪名被判终身监禁时,伯格终于明白了原因,明白了汉娜为什么不看他的旅行计划,为什么会在拿到菜单时神色紧张,为什么总是不厌其烦地听他朗读,汉娜是一个根本不会认字读书的文盲,但她拒绝向任何人袒露自己的缺陷,即使替他人受过而终身监禁,也要隐藏她是文盲这个秘密。伯格说:因为她感到羞愧。伯格是可以说出真相替她减轻罪与罚的,但却最终选择了和汉娜一样,用生命去捍卫这个卑微的秘密…… 为了守护秘密,你会走多远? 内容简介: 本书是一个侦探小说家写的爱情故事,但也有人说它其实和爱情无关;它是德国每间中学课程讨论的话题;它是第一本登上纽约时报排行榜冠军的德语书。本书封面采用了艺术纸印银和烫银以体现书的情调和品位;装饰性腰带则别出心裁地设计成女子形体状。据悉,本书特地选在岁末年终推出,是想在承前启后的时刻,以一个不平凡的故事启动新年的感动与思考。(随书附送朗读版光盘) 少年伯格与比他大21岁的女人,公共汽车售票员汉娜发生了一场终生难忘的爱情。他很久以后才知道,汉娜曾经身为纳粹集中营的女看守,而后者宁愿坐牢也要保守一个秘密…… 朗读,是我跟这个大我21岁的女人约会时的常规节目……我是她的朗读者,从我十五岁开始,一直到她坐牢也没有间断过。 它是一个侦探小说家写的爱情故事,但也有人说它其实和爱情无关;它是德国每间中学课堂讨论的话题;它是第一本登上纽约时报排行榜冠军的德语书。
  • The Da Vinci Code

    作者:Dan Brown

    英文原版引进  目前它的印数已超过500万册。在上架的第一个礼拜,它就取得了前所未有的成功,在纽约时报的畅销榜上排名第一,在华尔街杂志上名列第一,在出版家周报上名列第一,在旧金山年鉴上也排名第一。自从出版以来,荣登过全美所有主要排行榜的榜首,正被翻译成35种语言。 《达芬奇密码》打破了传统悬念小说的模式,其行文节奏明快,语言富有智慧,情节错落有致,调查资料翔实,刻画细致入微。从小说的精彩开篇到难以预料的令人叫绝的结尾,畅销书作家丹·布朗充分证明自己是个善讲故事的大师。 这是一本博学而充满悬念的小说,场景设定在卢浮宫宏大的厅堂之中。 丹·布朗在小说里描述了一种带有黑色幽默的人生哲学,同时通过小说主人公之口对卢浮宫收藏的经典画作进行了别具一格的点评,对创作这些作品的画家也有非常有意思的介绍。 该书是惊险小说和智力解迷结合的典范之作。 哈佛大学的符号学专家罗伯特·兰登在法国巴黎出差期间的一个午夜接到一个紧急电话,得知卢浮宫博物馆年迈的馆长被人杀害在卢浮宫的博物馆里,人们在他的尸体旁边发现了一个难以捉摸的密码。兰登与法国一位颇有天分的密码破译专家索菲·奈芙,在对一大堆怪异的密码进行整理的过程当中,发现一连串的线索就隐藏在达芬奇的艺术作品当中,深感震惊。这些线索,大家都清楚可见,然而却被画家巧妙地隐藏起来。    兰登无意之中非常震惊地发现,已故的博物馆馆长是峋山隐修会(Priory of Sion)的成员——这是一个真实存在的秘密组织,其成员包括艾撒克·牛顿爵士、波提切利、维克多·雨果与达芬奇,这无疑给他们增加了风险。兰登感觉到他们是在找寻一个石破天惊的历史秘密,这是个数世纪以来就证明了的既能给人启迪又很危险的秘密。在这场足迹遍及巴黎以及伦敦的追逐中,兰登与奈芙发现他们在跟一位始终不露面的幕后操纵者斗智斗勇。他们必须解开这个错综复杂的谜团,否则,峋山隐修会掩盖的秘密,那隐藏了多年的令人震惊的古老真相,将永远消逝在历史的尘埃之中。 Amazon.com With The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown masterfully concocts an intelligent and lucid thriller that marries the gusto of an international murder mystery with a collection of fascinating esoteria culled from 2,000 years of Western history. A murder in the silent after-hour halls of the Louvre museum reveals a sinister plot to uncover a secret that has been protected by a clandestine society since the days of Christ. The victim is a high-ranking agent of this ancient society who, in the moments before his death, manages to leave gruesome clues at the scene that only his granddaughter, noted cryptographer Sophie Neveu, and Robert Langdon, a famed symbologist, can untangle. The duo become both suspects and detectives searching for not only Neveu's grandfather's murderer but also the stunning secret of the ages he was charged to protect. Mere steps ahead of the authorities and the deadly competition, the mystery leads Neveu and Langdon on a breathless flight through France, England, and history itself. Brown (Angels and Demons) has created a page-turning thriller that also provides an amazing interpretation of Western history. Brown's hero and heroine embark on a lofty and intriguing exploration of some of Western culture's greatest mysteries--from the nature of the Mona Lisa's smile to the secret of the Holy Grail. Though some will quibble with the veracity of Brown's conjectures, therein lies the fun. The Da Vinci Code is an enthralling read that provides rich food for thought.                         --Jeremy Pugh From Publishers Weekly Brown's latest thriller (after Angels and Demons)is an exhaustively researched page-turner about secret religious societies, ancient coverups and savage vengeance. The action kicks off in modern-day Paris with the murder of the Louvre's chief curator, whose body is found laid out in symbolic repose at the foot of the Mona Lisa. Seizing control of the case are Sophie Neveu, a lovely French police cryptologist, and Harvard symbol expert Robert Langdon, reprising his role from Brown's last book. The two find several puzzling codes at the murder scene, all of which form a treasure map to the fabled Holy Grail. As their search moves from France to England, Neveu and Langdon are confounded by two mysterious groups-the legendary Priory of Sion, a nearly 1,000-year-old secret society whose members have included Botticelli and Isaac Newton, and the conservative Catholic organization Opus Dei. Both have their own reasons for wanting to ensure that the Grail isn't found. Brown sometimes ladles out too much religious history at the expense of pacing, and Langdon is a hero in desperate need of more chutzpah. Still, Brown has assembled a whopper of a plot that will please both conspiracy buffs and thriller addicts. From Library Journal When Brown regular Robert Langdon is called in to investigate the murder of a curator at the Louvre, he discovers that the body is surrounded by strange ciphers evidently linked to the paintings of Da Vinci-and a powerful relic protected by the Priory, a secret society to which the artist belonged. From Booklist In a two-day span, American symbologist Robert Langdon finds himself accused of murdering the curator of the Louvre, on the run through the streets of Paris and London, and teamed up with French cryptologist Sophie Neveu to uncover nothing less than the secret location of the Holy Grail. It appears that a conservative Catholic bishop might be on the verge of destroying the Grail, which includes an alternate history of Christ that could bring down the church. Whoever is ordering the deaths of the Grail's guardians--modern-day members of an ancient society descended from the famed Knights Templar--must be stopped before the treasure is lost forever. To do so, Langdon and Neveu have to solve a series of ciphers and riddles while evading a tireless French police commander and a ruthless albino monk. Despite being hampered by clunky flashback sequences and place descriptions that read like tourist brochures, the story is full of brain-teasing puzzles and fascinating insights into religious history and art. Ultimately, Brown's intricate plot delivers more satisfying twists than a licorice factory.                            Frank Sennett Book Dimension length: (cm)17.8                 width:(cm)11.1
  • The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

    作者:Mark Haddon

    Mark Haddon's bitterly funny debut novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, is a murder mystery of sorts--one told by an autistic version of Adrian Mole. Fifteen-year-old Christopher John Francis Boone is mathematically gifted and socially hopeless, raised in a working-class home by parents who can barely cope with their child's quirks. He takes everything that he sees (or is told) at face value, and is unable to sort out the strange behavior of his elders and peers. Late one night, Christopher comes across his neighbor's poodle, Wellington, impaled on a garden fork. Wellington's owner finds him cradling her dead dog in his arms, and has him arrested. After spending a night in jail, Christopher resolves--against the objection of his father and neighbors--to discover just who has murdered Wellington. He is encouraged by Siobhan, a social worker at his school, to write a book about his investigations, and the result--quirkily illustrated, with each chapter given its own prime number--is The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Haddon's novel is a startling performance. This is the sort of book that could turn condescending, or exploitative, or overly sentimental, or grossly tasteless very easily, but Haddon navigates those dangers with a sureness of touch that is extremely rare among first-time novelists. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is original, clever, and genuinely moving: this one is a must-read. --Jack Illingworth, Amazon.ca--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
  • The Kite Runner

    作者:Khaled Hosseini,卡勒德·

    《The Kite Runner(追风筝的人)》是一个阿富汗作家的处女作,霸占了美国两大权威畅销书排行榜《纽约时报》排行榜、《出版商周刊》排行榜长达80余周,声势超过红透全世界的丹·布朗的《达·芬奇密码》。 这本小说太令人震撼,很长一段时日,让我所读的一切都相形失色。文学与生活中的所有重要主题,都交织在这部惊世之作里:爱、恐惧、愧疚、赎罪……——著名作家伊莎贝拉·阿连德    ★一个阿富汗作家的处女作   ★一部以史诗般的历史景观和荡气回肠的人性故事,深深地打动全世界各地亿万读者心的文学经典   ★美国《纽约时报》、《出版商周刊》等九大畅销书排行榜榜首图书   ★英国《观察家报》2005年度最佳图书   ★台湾诚品书店、金石堂书店、博客来书店销售冠军   ★连续80余周雄踞《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜,声势超过红透全球的丹·布朗的《达·芬奇密码》   “许多年过去了,人们说陈年旧事可以被埋葬,然而我终于明白这是错的,因为往事会自行爬上来。回首前尘,我意识到在过去二十六年里,自己始终在窥视着那荒芜的小径。”   《华盛顿邮报》认为:“没有虚矫赘文,没有无病呻吟,只有精炼的篇章,细腻勾勒家庭与友谊,背叛与救赎。作者对祖国的爱显然与对造成它今日沧桑的恨一样深。故事娓娓道来,轻笔淡描,近似川端康成的《千羽鹤》。”   12岁的阿富汗富家少爷阿米尔与仆人哈桑情同手足。然而,在一场风筝比赛后,发生了一件悲惨不堪的事,阿米尔为自己的懦弱感到自责和痛苦,逼走了哈桑,不久,自己也跟随父亲逃往美国。   成年后的阿米尔始终无法原谅自己当年对哈桑的背叛。为了赎罪,阿米尔再度踏上暌违二十多年的故乡,希望能为不幸的好友尽最后一点心力,却发现一个惊天谎言,儿时的噩梦再度重演,阿米尔该如何抉择?   小说如此残忍而又美丽,作者以温暖细腻的笔法勾勒人性的本质与救赎,读来令人荡气回肠。 Book Description Taking us from Afghanistan in the final days of the monarchy to the present, The Kite Runner is the unforgettable, beautifully told story of the friendship between two boys growing up in Kabul. Raised in the same household and sharing the same wet nurse, Amir and Hassan nonetheless grow up in different worlds: Amir is the son of a prominent and wealthy man, while Hassan , the son of Amir's father's servant, is a Hazara, member of a shunned ethnic minority. Their intertwined lives, and their fates, reflect the eventual tragedy of the world around them. When the Soviets invade and Amir and his father flee the country for a new life in California, Amir thinks that he has escaped his past. And yet he cannot leave the memory of Hassan behind him. The Kite Runner is a novel about friendship, betrayal, and the price of loyalty. It is about the bonds between fathers and sons, and the power of their lies. Written against a history that has not been told in fiction before, The Kite Runner describes the rich culture and beauty of a land in the process of being destroyed. But with the devastation, Khaled Hosseini also gives us hope: through the novel's faith in the power of reading and storytelling, and in the possibilities he shows for redemption. Amazon.com In his debut novel, The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini accomplishes what very few contemporary novelists are able to do. He manages to provide an educational and eye-opening account of a country's political turmoil--in this case, Afghanistan--while also developing characters whose heartbreaking struggles and emotional triumphs resonate with readers long after the last page has been turned over. And he does this on his first try. The Kite Runner follows the story of Amir, the privileged son of a wealthy businessman in Kabul, and Hassan, the son of Amir's father's servant. As children in the relatively stable Afghanistan of the early 1970s, the boys are inseparable. They spend idyllic days running kites and telling stories of mystical places and powerful warriors until an unspeakable event changes the nature of their relationship forever, and eventually cements their bond in ways neither boy could have ever predicted. Even after Amir and his father flee to America, Amir remains haunted by his cowardly actions and disloyalty. In part, it is these demons and the sometimes impossible quest for forgiveness that bring him back to his war-torn native land after it comes under Taliban rule. ("...I wondered if that was how forgiveness budded, not with the fanfare of epiphany, but with pain gathering its things, packing up, and slipping away unannounced in the middle of the night.") Some of the plot's turns and twists may be somewhat implausible, but Hosseini has created characters that seem so real that one almost forgets that The Kite Runner is a novel and not a memoir. At a time when Afghanistan has been thrust into the forefront of America's collective consciousness ("people sipping lattes at Starbucks were talking about the battle for Kunduz"), Hosseini offers an honest, sometimes tragic, sometimes funny, but always heartfelt view of a fascinating land. Perhaps the only true flaw in this extraordinary novel is that it ends all too soon.                               --Gisele Toueg Amazon.ca The Kite Runner of Khaled Hosseini's deeply moving fiction debut is an illiterate Afghan boy with an uncanny instinct for predicting exactly where a downed kite will land. Growing up in the city of Kabul in the early 1970s, Hassan was narrator Amir's closest friend even though the loyal 11-year-old with "a face like a Chinese doll" was the son of Amir's father's servant and a member of Afghanistan's despised Hazara minority. But in 1975, on the day of Kabul's annual kite-fighting tournament, something unspeakable happened between the two boys. Narrated by Amir, a 40-year-old novelist living in California, The Kite Runner tells the gripping story of a boyhood friendship destroyed by jealousy, fear, and the kind of ruthless evil that transcends mere politics. Running parallel to this personal narrative of loss and redemption is the story of modern Afghanistan and of Amir's equally guilt-ridden relationship with the war-torn city of his birth. The first Afghan novel to be written in English, The Kite Runner begins in the final days of King Zahir Shah's 40-year reign and traces the country's fall from a secluded oasis to a tank-strewn battlefield controlled by the Russians and then the trigger-happy Taliban. When Amir returns to Kabul to rescue Hassan's orphaned child, the personal and the political get tangled together in a plot that is as suspenseful as it is taut with feeling. The son of an Afghan diplomat whose family received political asylum in the United States in 1980, Hosseini combines the unflinching realism of a war correspondent with the satisfying emotional pull of master storytellers such as Rohinton Mistry. Like the kite that is its central image, the story line of this mesmerizing first novel occasionally dips and seems almost to dive to the ground. But Hosseini ultimately keeps everything airborne until his heartrending conclusion in an American picnic park.                            --Lisa Alward, Amazon.ca From Publishers Weekly Hosseini's stunning debut novel starts as an eloquent Afghan version of the American immigrant experience in the late 20th century, but betrayal and redemption come to the forefront when the narrator, a writer, returns to his ravaged homeland to rescue the son of his childhood friend after the boy's parents are shot during the Taliban takeover in the mid '90s. Amir, the son of a well-to-do Kabul merchant, is the first-person narrator, who marries, moves to California and becomes a successful novelist. But he remains haunted by a childhood incident in which he betrayed the trust of his best friend, a Hazara boy named Hassan, who receives a brutal beating from some local bullies. After establishing himself in America, Amir learns that the Taliban have murdered Hassan and his wife, raising questions about the fate of his son, Sohrab. Spurred on by childhood guilt, Amir makes the difficult journey to Kabul, only to learn the boy has been enslaved by a former childhood bully who has become a prominent Taliban official. The price Amir must pay to recover the boy is just one of several brilliant, startling plot twists that make this book memorable both as a political chronicle and a deeply personal tale about how childhood choices affect our adult lives. The character studies alone would make this a noteworthy debut, from the portrait of the sensitive, insecure Amir to the multilayered development of his father, Baba, whose sacrifices and scandalous behavior are fully revealed only when Amir returns to Afghanistan and learns the true nature of his relationship to Hassan. Add an incisive, perceptive examination of recent Afghan history and its ramifications in both America and the Middle East, and the result is a complete work of literature that succeeds in exploring the culture of a previously obscure nation that has become a pivot point in the global politics of the new millennium. From School Library Journal Adult/High School-This beautifully written first novel presents a glimpse of life in Afghanistan before the Russian invasion and introduces richly drawn, memorable characters. Quiet, intellectual Amir craves the attention of his father, a wealthy Kabul businessman. Kind and self-confident Hassan is the son of Amir's father's servant. The motherless boys play together daily, and when Amir wins the annual kite contest, Hassan offers to track down the opponent's runaway kite as a prize. When he finds it, the neighborhood bullies trap and rape him, as Amir stands by too terrified to help. Their lives and their friendship are forever changed, and the memory of his cowardice haunts Amir as he grows into manhood. Hassan and his father return to the village of their ancestors, and later Amir and his father flee to Los Angeles to avoid political persecution. Amir attends college, marries, and fulfills his dream of becoming a writer. When Amir receives word of his former friend's death under the Taliban, he returns to Kabul to learn the fate of Hassan's son. This gripping story of personal redemption will capture readers' interest.                             Penny Stevens, Andover College, Portland, ME From Booklist Hosseini's debut novel opens in Kabul in the mid-1970s. Amir is the son of a wealthy man, but his best friend is Hassan, the son of one of his father's servants. His father encourages the friendship and dotes on Hassan, who worships the ground Amir walks on. But Amir is envious of Hassan and his own father's apparent affection for the boy. Amir is not nearly as loyal to Hassan, and one day, when he comes across a group of local bullies raping Hassan, he does nothing. Shamed by his own inaction, Amir pushes Hassan away, even going so far as to accuse him of stealing. Eventually, Hassan and his father are forced to leave. Years later, Amir, now living in America, receives a visit from an old family friend who gives him an opportunity to make amends for his treatment of Hassan. Current events will garner interest for this novel; the quality of Hosseini's writing and the emotional impact of the story will guarantee its longevity.                               Kristine Huntley From AudioFile Amir, a rich man's son, grows up in Kabul as playmate and master of Hassan, an ethnic Hazara, a despised Afghani minority. Amir, who tells the story, has ambivalent feelings about both his father and his ultra-loyal friend as the monarchy falls, the Soviets invade, and Afghanistan is thrown into turmoil. Westerners who engage this novel will learn much about Afghani society of the recent past if they can endure the author's narration. In his inexpert voice, the point of view seems insipid and saccharine. But at least the exotic words and names are pronounced correctly. Y.R. Book Dimension length: (cm)19.7                 width:(cm)12.8 点击链接进入中文版: 追风筝的人