

  • 城市社会分层与居住隔离


    本书以上海为主要观察对象,从城市规划与城市社会学的角度,对现阶段我国城市社会分层与居住隔离的现象进行了全面系统的探讨。全书既有对国内外社会分层与居住隔离概念内涵及相关研究的理论分析,更有对我国所处全球化与城市化同步发生的特定进程中,城市社会分层与居住隔离状况的实证研究。   本书着重揭示了城市居住隔离的特征,概括归纳了其模式与进程,并从住房制度、土地供应、住宅市场、城市历史等方面深入剖析了居住隔离的内在动因。本书提出的城市社会空间融合理念以及城市规划应对措施,是针对构建我国社会主义和谐社会目标所进行的一项积极的理论探索。
  • 城市角落与记忆Ⅰ


  • Space, the City and Social Theory

    作者:Fran Tonkiss

    Space, the City and Social Theory offers a clear and critical account of key approaches to cities and urban space within social theory and analysis. It explores the relation of the social and the spatial in the context of critical urban themes: community and anonymity; social difference and spatial divisions; politics and public space; gentrification and urban renewal; gender and sexuality; subjectivity and space; experience and everyday practice in the city. The text adopts an international and interdisciplinary approach, drawing on a range of debates on cities and urban life. It brings together classic perspectives in urban sociology and social theory with the analysis of contemporary urban problems and issues. Rather than viewing the urban simply as a backdrop for more general social processes, the discussion looks at how social and spatial relations shape different versions of the city: as a place of social interaction and of solitude; as a site of difference and segregation; as a space of politics and power; as a landscape of economic and cultural distinction; as a realm of everyday experience and freedom. Similarly, it examines how core social categories - such as class, culture, gender, sexuality and community - are shaped and reproduced in urban contexts. Linking debates in urban studies to wider concerns within social theory and analysis, this accessible text will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students in urban sociology, social and cultural geography, urban and cultural studies.
  • 城市读本


  • 城市设计的维度


  • The Spirit of Cities

    作者:Daniel A. Bell,Avner

    "In a field saturated with superficial rankings and business surveys, The Spirit of Cities represents the triumph of the aesthetic over the commercial. By walking and living in the world's capitals -- a novel and admirable methodology that proves more revealing than any theory -- Bell and de-Shalit untangle the riddles of our most intriguing cities. This book is as beautiful as it is insightful." -- Parag Khanna, author of How to Run the World: Charting a Course to the Next Renaisance
  • 没有郊区的城市

    作者:[美] 戴维·鲁斯克,David Rus

  • 富城市,穷城市

    作者:[加] 马里奥·波利斯

    探讨全球范围内为什么有的国家富、有的国家穷的著作很多。但《富城市,穷城市:城市繁荣与衰落的秘密》作者独辟蹊径,将思考点聚焦在国家内部,探讨了国之内为什么有的地方富、有的地方穷的根源。作者以全球为调查对象,城市遍及伦敦、开普敦、纽约及北京,阐释影响区域的繁荣和衰落的主要因素。作者首先指出了规模及地理位置的重要性,认为在一个旅行和电子通信让人们连接得更加紧密的所谓零距离世界中,地理位置将比从前更加重要;作者以欧洲、美洲国家的经济发展为案例,探讨了推动经济繁荣地带形成的原因;以发展中国家和不发达国家为案例分析了国家整体经济增长与地区经济滞后的不对称关系;最后以绿色移民、银色移民的兴起将导致国家内部的财富转移为理论预测了哪些城市将会繁荣、哪些城市可能衰落。 作者把经济学的基础知识、地理故事和奇闻逸事结合起来,将一个可能枯燥的课题叙述得生动有趣而且易于理解;因此,《富城市,穷城市:城市繁荣与衰落的秘密》的读者并不仅仅局限于学术界,感兴趣的一般读者都能在获得知识与启发的同时,享受到阅读的快乐。
  • 西方都市文化研究读本(共四册)

    作者:薛毅 (主编)

  • Planet of Slums

    作者:Mike Davis

    Celebrated urban theorist lifts the lid on the effects of a global explosion of disenfranchised slum-dwellers. According to the United Nations, more than one billion people now live in the slums of the cities of the South. In this brilliant and ambitious book, Mike Davis explores the future of a radically unequal and explosively unstable urban world. From the sprawling barricadas of Lima to the garbage hills of Manila, urbanization has been disconnected from industrialization, even economic growth. Davis portrays a vast humanity warehoused in shantytowns and exiled from the formal world economy. He argues that the rise of this informal urban proletariat is a wholly original development unforeseen by either classical Marxism or neoliberal theory. Are the great slums, as a terrified Victorian middle class once imagined, volcanoes waiting to erupt? Davis provides the first global overview of the diverse religious, ethnic, and political movements competing for the souls of the new urban poor. He surveys Hindu fundamentalism in Bombay, the Islamist resistance in Casablanca and Cairo, street gangs in Cape Town and San Salvador, Pentecostalism in Kinshasa and Rio de Janeiro, and revolutionary populism in Caracas and La Paz.Planet of Slums ends with a provocative meditation on the "war on terrorism" as an incipient world war between the American empire and the slum poor.
  • 偉大城市的誕生與衰亡

    作者:珍‧雅各(Jane Jacobs)

    偉大城市的誕生與衰亡 美國都市街道生活的啓發,ISBN:9789570831672,作者:珍·雅各
  • The Global City

    作者:Saskia Sassen

    This classic work chronicles how New York, London, and Tokyo became command centers for the global economy and in the process underwent a series of massive and parallel changes. What distinguishes Sassen's theoretical framework is the emphasis on the formation of cross-border dynamics through which these cities and the growing number of other global cities begin to form strategic transnational networks. All the core data in this new edition have been updated, while the preface and epilogue discuss the relevant trends in globalization since the book originally came out in 1991.
  • 城市人


  • 大国大城


    ★限制户籍解决不了城市病,让农民工返乡治愈不了乡村隐痛! ★基于本土实证,以经济视角谏言社会问题,著名经济学家的反成见、聚共识之作。 房价陡升、雾霾遮天、交通拥堵;空巢老人、留守儿童、农民工的窘境……中国的城市化进程刚刚过半,但大城市的病状和乡村的隐痛已经成为人们关注的焦点。限制大城市人口流入,让农民工返乡,问题就能解决吗?不!去往城市,来谈乡愁。社会经济学家陆铭比较全球经验,立足本土现状,基于实证,力倡中国发展大城市的重要性。社会问题宜疏不宜堵,只有让市场本身充分发挥对包括劳动力在内的生产要素的调节作用,才能从根本上解决当下棘手的社会问题。政府的功能不是与市场博弈,而是在市场失语的地方,以长远眼光,布局科学的基础设施、提供公共服务供给。《大国大城》将告诉你,只有在聚集中经济发展才能走向均衡,地理的因素不容忽视,只有以追求人均GDP的均衡取代追求区域GDP的均衡,才能充分发挥出大国的国家竞争力,最终提升全体人民的公共利益。
  • 城市形象与城市文化资本论


  • Space and Place

    作者:Yi-fu Tuan

  • 城市·空间·人际

    作者:张鸿雁 编

    本书将城市放在空间社会结构的宏观视野中,以社会学的全新视角关注城市变迁发展的细微脉络。从城市人格、建筑、时尚、景观、形态、居住、女性、家庭等不同的侧面剖析了城市的文明本质,展现了独特的人文关怀。在占有最新国内外城市研究资料的基础上,于城市现代化的各个面上在城市私域和公域对城市人格的塑造、城市建筑的文脉断流、城市居住的二度空间、城市景观的市民属性、城市家庭的代际整合、城市女性的文化创造、以及网络全球化背景下的城市终结等问题提出了一系列创新观点。对城市现代化的现代性与理性悖论进行了精辟的解析与冷静的反思。 全书主题鲜明又各成体系,融学理性与可读性为一体,个性鲜明、思维独特,充满着思辩与睿智的观察,饱蕴着明晰而深刻的洞见。实为解读城市、体悟城市的一个不可多得的范本,可为城市管理者、城市研究者以及关心城市生活的读者提供有益的参考与借鉴。
  • The Urban Question

    作者:Manuel Castells

    A review of the original French edition of this book in the American Journal of Sociology hailed it as "the most finished product yet to emerge from the new (Marxist) school of French urban sociology... The aim of the book is nothing less than to reconceptualize the field of urban sociology. It is carried out in two stages: a critique of the literature of urban sociology (and urbanization) and an attempt to lay the Marxist bases for a reconstructed urban sociology." The problems facing the world's cities, whether problems of development or of decay, cannot be solved until they have been diagnosed. The race riots in Detroit, the shantytowns of Paris, the financial crisis of New York must not be seen in isolation. The mushrooming cities of the third world, demolition and urban sprawl at home are located in a network of economics, social welfare and power politics, and the decisions we are called upon to make elude us in a fog of ideology. This brilliant exposition of the function of the city in social, economic and symbolic terms illuminates the creation and structuring of space by action—administrative, productive and more immediately human. The interaction of environment and life-style, the complex of market forces and state policy against a background of traditional social practice is scrutinized with the aim of establishing concepts and research methods that will enable us to come to grips with the cities themselves and the way in which we view them. Castells draws on urban renewal in Paris, the English New Towns, the American megalopolis for concrete data in his empirical and theoretical investigation. In this English edition, a new Part V has been added on urban development in America. The chapters on the pobladores in Chile and the struggle of the FRAP in Quebec have been greatly extended and an Afterword traces the development of research in the past five years.
  • 未来没有城中村


  • 城市社会学

