

  • 明清广东社会经济研究


    明清广东社会经济研究,ISBN:9787532544431,作者:李龙潜 著
  • Globalizing Capital

    作者:Barry Eichengreen

    The importance of the international monetary system is clearly evident in daily news stories about fluctuating currencies and in dramatic events such as the recent reversals in the Mexican economy. It has become increasingly apparent that one cannot understand the international economy without knowing how its monetary system operates. Now Barry Eichengreen presents a brief, lucid book that tells the story of the international financial system over the past 150 years. Globalizing Capital is intended not only for economists but also for a general audience of historians, political scientists, professionals in government and business, and anyone with a broad interest in international economic and political relations. Eichengreen's work demonstrates that insights into the international monetary system and effective principles for governing it can result only if it is seen a historical phenomenon extending from the gold standard period to interwar instability, then to Bretton Woods, and finally to the post-1973 period of fluctuating currencies. Eichengreen analyzes the shift from pegged to floating exchange rates in the 1970s and ascribes that change to the growing capital mobility that has made pegged rates difficult to maintain. However, he shows that capital mobility was also high prior to World War I, yet this did not prevent the maintenance of fixed exchange rates. What was critical for the successful maintenance of fixed exchange rates during that period was the fact that governments were relatively insulated from democratic politics and thus from pressure to trade off exchange rate stability for other goals, such as the reduction of unemployment. Today pegging exchange rates would require very radical reforms of a sort that governments are understandably reluctant to embrace. The implication seems undeniable: floating rates are here to stay.
  • The Economic History of China

    作者:Richard von Glahn

    China's extraordinary rise as an economic powerhouse in the past two decades poses a challenge to many long-held assumptions about the relationship between political institutions and economic development. Economic prosperity also was vitally important to the longevity of the Chinese Empire throughout the preindustrial era. Before the eighteenth century, China's economy shared some of the features, such as highly productive agriculture and sophisticated markets, found in the most advanced regions of Europe. But in many respects, from the central importance of irrigated rice farming to family structure, property rights, the status of merchants, the monetary system, and the imperial state's fiscal and economic policies, China's preindustrial economy diverged from the Western path of development. In this comprehensive but accessible study, Richard von Glahn examines the institutional foundations, continuities and discontinuities in China's economic development over three millennia, from the Bronze Age to the early twentieth century.
  • 规模与范围

    作者:[美] 小艾尔弗雷德·钱德勒,[日] 引

  • 美国总统经济史


    美国总统经济史:从罗斯福到克林顿,ISBN:9787206026805,作者:(美)赫伯特·斯坦(Herbert Stein)著;金清,郝黎莉译
  • 制高点


    中国在制高点时代非常具有代表性。所谓“制高点”,是对政府直接控制经济中具有战略意义的领域――甚至更多的领域――这种体系的简称。今天,中国正在生机盎然、信心百倍地从一个国家曾试图控制经济制高点的时代迈向一个新纪元――发展民营企业、放松监管、提倡市场和竞争将逐步占领世界经济观念的制高点。从各个方面看,其结果都不失革命性,曾一度固步自封、因循守旧的中国现在已经一跃成为世界经济最重要的参与者和缔造者。 但在这历史性变革之际,中国也面临着沉重的问题。如何开展国有经济领域的改革,如何建立起适合于市场经济的“游戏规则”――这里指的是机构和法制基础,中国应该如何并以多快的速度融人世界经济大家庭中去,如何应付转制过程中出现的失业、创造就业机会和社会责任等庞大的负担和艰巨的挑战等等。本书通过把这些问题放到世界思潮转变的历史背 景中,为问题的解答提供一定帮助,世界上总有国家在以某些形式为同样的问题寻找着答案,《制高点》讲述的是关于政治和商业的故事,关于一些沉浮于历史旋涡中的人的故事,也是关于思维进化观念纷争纠葛的故事。
  • 保护主义


    《保护主义:美国经济崛起的秘诀(1815-1914)》内容简介:在美国通过实施保护主义政策而崛起为全球工农业强国的过程中,一种举世无双的被称作美国学派的经济学说发挥着重要的指导作用。美国出于推行自由贸易帝国主义和金融帝国主义的目的,刻意地隐瞒了美国保护主义的历史以及指导美国经济崛起的工业化逻辑,从而使保护主义、美国学派与美国经济崛起的历史成为经济学和历史研究的“黑洞”。 《保护主义:美国经济崛起的秘诀(1815-1914)》揭秘了这段鲜为人知的历史和美国经济崛起的秘诀,叙述了从《根特条约》签订后到1914年期间,美国学派经济学的发展及其与政治斗争之间错综复杂的历史,展现了美国民族主义政治家和经济学家在塑造美国独立自主的内向型工业化模式上所发挥的重要作用。《保护主义:美国经济崛起的秘诀(1815-1914)》对我国启动内需、提高人民生活水平和呼唤经济发展战略大转型具有重要借鉴价值。 《保护主义:美国经济崛起的秘诀(1815-1914)》的中文版与英文版在2010年同步出版,英文版书名为《美国保护主义的兴起:1815-1914年的经济理论与政治》。
  • 概念与交锋


    绪 言 第一章 回眸:1916-1938年 第二章 空军在欧洲的运用:1942-1945年 ——盟军本应该在欧洲赢得战争吗? 第三章 美国和苏联:1945-1989年 ——波兰问题是关键 第四章 斯大林之死:1953年 ——时机不再 第五章 开放领空:1955年 ——失败未必无益 第六章 艾森豪威尔和肯尼迪的对外援助:1953-1963年 ——胜利凯旋 第七章 大韩民国 ——我与奇迹沾上边 第八章 艾森豪威尔、肯尼迪和约输逊的反通胀努力:1957-1972年 ——创新应该制度化 第九章 中国:1949年及其后 ——民主建设有待加强 第十章 越南和东南亚 ——该不读切断胡志明小道 第十一章 城市问题:1991年及其后 ——预防还是治疗 第十二章 人口:现代日本的第四大挑战 ——21世纪的中心议题 第十三章 长期与短期 ——贯穿本书的主线 第十四章 最后两个反思 ——20世纪和21世纪:个人和历史 人名中英对照表 译后记
  • 中国制度史研究


  • 世界经济霸权


    本书是美国著名经济史学家金德尔伯格在1996年出版的一部著作,作者在书中提出了观察世界经济霸权更替的一种新观点。认为国家也和人一样,有其生命周期,有它的幼年、青年、老年和暮年。在不同的生命阶段,一个国家的地位也会随之发生从兴旺到衰弱的变化,并由此决定着它在世界经济中的地 位,它是否处于领先地位,抑或是否为它国所替代。作者研究了1500-1990年近五百年中世界经济霸权的更替现象,从最初的意大利城邦,到欧洲的低地国家如葡萄牙和西班牙,再到法、英、德、美、日;考察了各国从贸易到制造业和金融业的经济活动转变对其经济实力的影响,深刻揭示了世界经济霸权变化的经济、政治、文化和历史原因。 电子版本下载: http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/5819419.html
  • 日本劳资关系的演变


    《日本劳资关系的演变(重工业篇1853-1955年)》由安德鲁·戈登编著。 《日本劳资关系的演变(重工业篇1853-1955年)》讲述了:19世纪下半叶,日本首次出现大工厂。在每个企业中,为数不多的工厂主或管理者试图掌控几百名工人的活动。一个多世纪以来,工人和雇主都有意无意地把对方当作各怀目的的敌人;在造船厂、制造厂和炼钢厂里,日本的管理者和工人们建立并多次重塑了产业革命中的新型社会关系。产业发展的时机、政府部门的措施、商业发展的战略决策,还有——也许是最为重要却也是最令人费解的——工人们自己的态度和行为,所有这些因素综合起来,共同把这一劳资关系推向了一个独具特色的发展方向。20世纪50年代后期,观察家们开始称其形成的结果为“日本雇佣制度”。在本书中,笔者将对其衍生发展一个世纪的过程进行阐述。
  • Exorbitant Privilege

    作者:Barry Eichengreen

  • 自由与增长


  • 经济增长的阶段


  • 四千年通胀史:工资和价格管制为什么失败

    作者:[美]罗伯特·许廷格 (Robert L

    本书涵盖了罗马帝国、中世纪欧洲,美国和加拿大的第一个百年,法国革命、19世纪、以及一战、二站,纳粹、前苏联、战后租金限制、以及20世纪70年代的贯穿四千年的工资价格管制史。这段著名的历史阐明了一个道理:通过立法来操纵市场进程是没有益处的,经济决策者用一种专横的方式导致了一种灾难性的后果——管制不仅没有使价格下降,反而导致通货膨胀加剧。 大量事实表明价格和工资管制尽管有一定程度的效果,但是也能够给经济带来严重的,有时候是永久性的伤害,它对市场体系的干预引发了很多负面影响。通过限价,政府鼓励了消费,打击了生产,引来了灾难。主要表现有:第一,当价格受到管制,因管制价格造成的资源浪费和配置不当,导致商户大量囤积商品,非但没能消除市场上的商品短缺,反而加重短缺。第二,在管制下,产品质量下降,黑市也会随之出现,人们在这里会以远高于均衡价格的价格进行交易,以满足一些消费者的需求,结果就是富人有足够多的食物而穷人还在挨饿。 漫长的历史已经表明工资与价格管制对于治理通货膨胀是无效的,若想永久消除通胀,要从通胀的根本原因入手,那就是由中央银行降低货币增长速度以匹配经济实际增长速度。也就是货币增长与产出增长保持一致。如果这个政策建议被经济决策者采纳,那以后也就不在需要工资和价格管制了。
  • The Great Escape

    作者:Angus Deaton

    The world is a better place than it used to be. People are wealthier and healthier, and live longer lives. Yet the escapes from destitution by so many have left gaping inequalities between people and between nations. In The Great Escape, Angus Deaton--one of the foremost experts on economic development and on poverty--tells the remarkable story of how, starting 250 years ago, some parts of the world began to experience sustained progress, opening up gaps and setting the stage for today's hugely unequal world. Deaton takes an in-depth look at the historical and ongoing patterns behind the health and wealth of nations, and he addresses what needs to be done to help those left behind. Deaton describes vast innovations and wrenching setbacks: the successes of antibiotics, pest control, vaccinations, and clean water on the one hand, and disastrous famines and the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the other. He examines the United States, a nation that has prospered but is today experiencing slower growth and increasing inequality. He also considers how economic growth in India and China has improved the lives of more than a billion people. Deaton argues that international aid has been ineffective and even harmful. He suggests alternative efforts--including reforming incentives to drug companies and lifting trade restrictions--that will allow the developing world to bring about its own Great Escape. Demonstrating how changes in health and living standards have transformed our lives, The Great Escape is a powerful guide to addressing the well-being of all nations. Endorsement: "There is nobody better than Angus Deaton to explain why our lives are longer, healthier, and more prosperous than those of our great-grandparents. The story he tells is much more than an inexorable march of progress--it has also been unequal, uneven, and incomplete, and at each step, politics has played a defining role. This is a must-read for anybody interested in the wealth and health of nations."--Daron Acemoglu, coauthor of Why Nations Fail "At once engaging and compassionate, this is an uplifting story by a major scholar."--Paul Collier, author of The Bottom Billion "Magisterial and superb."--William Easterly, author of The White Man's Burden "The Great Escape tells the two biggest stories in history: how humanity got healthy and wealthy, and why some people got so much healthier and wealthier than others. Angus Deaton, one of the world's leading development economists, takes us on an extraordinary journey--from an age when almost everyone was poor and sick to one where most people have escaped these evils--and he tells us how the billion still trapped in extreme poverty can join in this great escape. Everyone who wants to understand the twenty-first century should read this book."--Ian Morris, author of Why the West Rules--for Now "Deaton's account of global advances in health is magisterial. It is especially convincing in disentangling economic progress from technological growth as sources of health improvements. A very big story, this book should affect the way we think about human development and the role of science and science-based government programs. The language is modest and graceful, the use of evidence compelling, and the illustrations highly attractive."--Samuel Preston, University of Pennsylvania
  • 非平衡化与不平衡


  • 近代中国的国际契机


  • A Splendid Exchange

    作者:William J. Bernstein

    Chronicles the history of global commerce from its prehistoric origins to the present day, critically analyzing the influence of trade and globalization--as well as the resulting exchange of intellectual ideas--on human...
  • Violence and Social Orders

    作者:Douglass C. North,Jo

    All societies must deal with the possibility of violence, and they do so in different ways. This book integrates the problem of violence into a larger social science and historical framework, showing how economic and political behavior are closely linked. Most societies, which we call natural states, limit violence by political manipulation of the economy to create privileged interests. These privileges limit the use of violence by powerful individuals, but doing so hinders both economic and political development. In contrast, modern societies create open access to economic and political organizations, fostering political and economic competition. The book provides a framework for understanding the two types of social orders, why open access societies are both politically and economically more developed, and how some 25 countries have made the transition between the two types.