

  • 季羡林全集


    季羡林全集·第二十四卷·译著五:罗摩衍那(三),ISBN:9787560097558,作者:季羡林 著,《季羡林全集》编辑出版委员会 编
  • 特洛伊2·雷霆之盾

    作者:[英]大卫·盖梅尔,David Gemm

    本书是“特洛伊三部曲”中的二部曲《雷霆之盾》,讲述了特洛伊战争爆发之前,大战山雨欲来,大绿海诸王正在集结,各怀征服劫掠的邪恶计划。 在传奇的特洛伊城中,被称为雷霆之盾的安德洛玛刻遇到了她命定的三 个 爱人:大绿海赫利卡昂、橡树赫克托耳和明月皮里亚。后来,安德洛玛刻仍决定要和特洛伊王子赫克托耳举行婚礼,但他们的婚宴却成为整个大绿海王国角力的场所,在一场婚礼竞技之后,东西方诸王决定了各自的立场。 故事之王、最高明的谋士、航行七海的奥德修斯虽然喜爱围绕着特洛伊的这些年轻勇士们,但因在竞技中受辱,又置身西方诸国的领土之中,他决心投入嗜血的迈锡尼旗下,大绿海从此进入长年的战乱之中……
  • 奥德赛


  • 奥德赛


  • Endymion

    作者:Dan Simmons

    The multiple-award-winning science fiction master returns to the universe that is his greatest triumph--the world of "Hyperion" and "The Fall ofHyperion" --with a novel even more magnificent than its predecessors. Dan Simmons's "Hyperion" was an immediate sensation on its first publication in 1989. This staggering multifaceted tale of the far future heralded the conquest of the science fiction field by a man who had already won the World Fantasy Award for his first novel ("Song of Kali") and had also published one of the most well-received horror novels in the field, "Carrion Comfort." "Hyperion" went on to win the Hugo Award as Best Novel, and it and its companion volume, "The Fall of Hyperion," took their rightful places in the science fiction pantheon of new classics. Now, six years later, Simmons returns to this richly imagined world of technological achievement, excitement, wonder and fear. "Endymion" is a story about love and memory, triumph and terror--an instant candidate for the field's highest honors.
  • 密洛陀古歌


  • 夺牛记

    作者:[爱尔兰] 托马斯·金塞拉 英译,[爱尔

  • 罗摩衍那的故事


    《罗摩衍那》是古代印度的著名史诗,它与《摩诃婆罗多》一起并称为古印度的两大史诗,其对印度社会的影响等同于古希腊两大史诗对西方社会文明的影响。 《罗摩衍那》的意思是“罗摩的游行”,即“罗摩传”, 史诗以主人公罗摩的一生为线索展开了跌荡起伏的情节,史诗中涉及印度上古社会中的宗教信仰、王室争斗,政权更迭、家庭伦理、夫妻关系等各个方面,是全面了解印度上古社会的必读书。 在印度,《罗摩衍那》是家喻户晓、妇孺皆知的,它极其深刻地影响着印度人民的生活、思想和文化。拉贾戈帕拉查理曾说过:“一个人旅行了全印度,看到了一切东西,可是除非他读了《罗摩衍那》和《摩诃婆罗多》,他不能了解印度的生活方式。”拉贾戈帕拉查理是印度著名的政治家、哲学家和作家,是《摩诃婆罗多》最优秀的现代改写本的作者,也是甘地的战友,以其对印度传统古典文学和现在印度社会的深刻理解,道明了这两部大史诗在印度历史上的重要地位及其对印度社会各个方面的深远影响。 如今,印度古老文化对当今的世界产生了新的影响。出自大史诗《摩诃婆罗多》的圣典《博伽梵歌》取代了《孙子兵法》,成为哈佛、沃顿等商学院的必修课,并被推崇为欧美大企业总裁及高管的必读秘笈。 瑜伽作为一项风摩全球的健身运动为许多人所了解,却很少有人知道与其相关的瑜伽文化正是源于《摩诃婆罗多》和《罗摩衍那》两部史诗。瑜伽影响了全世界无数人的生活,很多人把它视为保持身心健康的有效途径。通过对印度古老灵性典籍的深刻了解,可以帮助我们保持心灵的和谐,学会以一种健康的身心姿态面对生活中的各种压力。 许多中国人对印度这个充满灵性的邻近国度充满好奇,但由于翻译人员的缺少,或其他的各种原因,目前国内除佛教的相关典籍外,读者可以看到的有关印度的书籍十分有限,至于有关印度上古时期的书籍更是踪影难觅。 《罗摩衍那的故事》是由原史诗英译本编译而来,基本保持了原诗的精华。通过这个编译本,读者不仅可以了解这一伟大文学遗产的基本内容,而且可以对古代印度社会及当时印度人的精神生活有一个较为全面的了解。书中收入了近300幅难得一见的印度绘画,是有关印度文化十分珍贵的一个读本。
  • The Odyssey of Homer


    The most eloquent translation of Homer's epic chronicle of the Greek hero Odysseus and his arduous journey home after the Trojan War. Odysseus survives a storm and shipwreck, the cave of the Cyclops and the isle of Circe, the lure of the Sirens' song and a trip to the Underworld, only to find his most difficult challenge at home, where treacherous suitors seek to steal his kingdom and his loyal wife, Penelope.
  • The Rise of Endymion

    作者:Dan Simmons

    The magnificent conclusion to one of the greatest science fiction sagas of our time The time of reckoning has arrived. As a final genocidal Crusade threatens to enslave humanity forever, a new messiah has come of age. She is Aenea and she has undergone a strange apprenticeship to those known as the Others. Now her protector, Raul Endymion, one-time shepherd and convicted murderer, must help her deliver her startling message to her growing army of disciples. But first they must embark on a final spectacular mission to discover the underlying meaning of the universe itself. They have been followed on their journey by the mysterious Shrike--monster, angel, killing machine--who is about to reveal the long-held secret of its origin and purpose. And on the planet of Hyperion, where the story first began, the final revelation will be delivered--an apocalyptic message that unlocks the secrets of existence and the fate of humankind in the galaxy.
  • The Odyssey


    If The Iliad is the world's greatest war epic, then The Odyssey is literature's grandest evocation of everyman's journey though life. Odysseus's reliance on his wit and wiliness for survival in his encounters with divine and natural forces during his ten-year voyage home to Ithaca after the Trojan War is at once a timeless human story and an individual test of moral endurance. Translated by Robert Fagles Introduction and Notes by Bernard Knox 请读者注意,你将要购买的这本书属于“Rough Cut”即传统的毛边剪裁。 A:有些精装书的切口为何很毛糙? Q:毛边书在国外出版界通常用于重要的精品图书,为了使特定图书看起来更特别更有品味。在过去毛边书的生产流程会更为复杂和昂贵。而且毛糙的切口对于藏书者来 说可是贴心举措!当你阅读后,可以将该书拿去给印刷厂在毛糙切口处重切一刀,黑色的手指印和因为阅读而形成的卷曲立即消失,一本崭新的适于收藏的图书出现 了! 国内读者可千万别误会这属于品质差的图书,所有亚马逊中国提供的原版书都是由国家规定的图书进出口公司进口的国外出版社正规制作的原版图书产品,与国外销 售的产品完全一样。
  • 冰與火之歌四部曲·群鴉盛宴(上)


    作為這個系列作品的第四部,《群鴉盛宴》依舊繼承了冰與火之歌恢宏的結構與龐大的世界觀,卻具體將前三部曲中的疑點一一提出,不啻是這系列目前為止最為精采的一部! 在本書的一開始,塔斯的布琳正在尋找凱特琳夫人的女兒們,瑟曦太后變得喪心病狂,艾莉亞正在接受布拉佛西一位遮住臉的神祕怪客的訓練;以這三個人的故事為主軸,開展了一篇蕩氣迴腸的冒險之旅。 當然,我們也可看到前三部曲中出現過的老面孔:瓊恩‧雪諾、泰溫‧蘭尼斯特、丹妮麗絲‧坦格利安等露臉;雖短暫有如驚鴻一瞥,不過我們會在第五部曲時再見到他們。(第四部曲與第五部曲原是一書,但由於篇牘過於長大,作者不得已將它拆作二書。)
  • 西藏史诗和说唱艺人


  • The Aeneid of Virgil


    Publisher Comments: Aeneas flees the ashes of Troy to found the city of Rome and change forever the course of the Western world--as literature as well. Virgil's Aeneid is as eternal as Rome itself, a sweeping epic of arms and heroism--the searching portrait of a man caught between love and duty, human feeling and the force of fate--that has influenced writers for over 2,000 years. Filled with drama, passion, and the universal pathos that only a masterpiece can express. The Aeneid is a book for all the time and all people. Review "Allen Mandelbaum has produced a living Aeneid, a version that is unmistakably poetry." -- Erich Segal, The New York Times Book Review "A brilliant translation; the only one since Dryden which reads like English verse and conveys some of the majesty and pathos of the original." -- Bernard M. W. Knox "Mandelbaum has... given us a contemporary experience of the masterpiece, at last." -- David Ignatow "Allen Mandelbaum has produced a living Aeneid, a version that is unmistakably poetry." -- Erich Segal, The New York Times Book Review "A brilliant translation; the only one since Dryden which reads like English verse and conveys some of the majesty and pathos of the original." -- Bernard M. W. Knox "Mandelbaum has... given us a contemporary experience of the masterpiece, at last." -- David Ignatow About the Author Throughout his life Virgil was a poet and as far as we know had no interest in pursuing any other career. He was born Publius Vergilius Maro in 70 BC near Mantua, in what now is northern Italy. His parents, farm owners, were people of property and substance, if not wealth, and were able to obtain for their son a first-rate education. On completing his education, he returned home and possibly began work on the Eclogues, which appeared between the years of 42 and 37 BC. In 41 BC, the Emperor Octavian (later known as Augustus) confiscated Virgil's family's property, and Virgil was obliged to travel to Rome to negotiate for its return. Fortunately for Virgil, one of the officials secured for him an introduction to the emperor; not only was his land returned, but he also met Octavian's confidant Maecenas, who became Virgil's patron for the rest of his life. An industrious, meticulous writer, Virgil was not prolific. In addition to the ten Eclogues, which apparently took at least five years to publish, Virgil wrote the four Georgics, which took seven years, and the Aeneid, his great masterwork. Virgil worked on the Aeneid for eleven years, until his death in 19 BC. Feeling, apparently, that the epic was still unfinished, he directed in his will that the manuscript be destroyed. To the great fortune of succeeding generations, the emperor, Virgil's most prominent friend and admirer, intervened to countermand this provision. He turned the manuscript over to two of Virgil's friends, Varius and Tucca, to edit only obvious errors and repetitions, without adding to the text. The result of their work is the beautiful and brilliant Aeneid we have today. Allen Mendelbaum's five verse volumes are: Chelmaxions; The Savantasse of Montparnasse; Journeyman; Leaves of Absence; and A Lied of Letterpress. His volumes of verse translation include The Aeneid of Virgil, a University of California Press volume (now available from Bantam) for which he won a National Book Award; the Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso volumes of the California Dante (now available from Bantam); The Odyssey of Homer (now available from Bantam); The Metamorphoses of Ovid, a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in poetry; Ovid in Sicily; Selected Poems of Giuseppe Ungaretti; Selected Writings of Salvatore Quasimodo; and David Maria Turoldo. Mandelbaum is co-editor with Robert Richardson Jr. of Three Centuries of American Poetry (Bantam Books) and, with Yehuda Amichai, of the eight volumes of the JPS Jewish Poetry Series. After receiving his Ph.D. from Columbia, he was in the Society of Fellows at Harvard. While chairman of the Ph.D. program in English at the Graduate Center of CUNY, he was a visiting professor at Washington University in St. Louis, and at the universities of Houston, Denver, Colorado, and Purdue. His honorary degrees are from Notre Dame University, Purdue University, the University of Assino, and the University of Torino. He received the Gold Medal of Honor from the city of Florence in 2000, celebrating the 735th anniversary of Dante's birth, the only translator to be so honored; and in 2003 he received the President of Italy's award for translation. He is now Professor of the History of Literary Criticism at the University of Turin and the W.R. Kenan Professor of Humanities at Wake Forest University. Book Dimension Height (mm) 177            Width (mm) 106
  • 被解放的耶路撒冷


  • Gilgamesh

    作者:Stephen Mitchell

    Gilgamesh is considered one of the masterpieces of world literature, and although previously there have been competent scholarly translations of it, until now there has not been a version that is a superlative literary text in its own right. Acclaimed translator Stephen Mitchell's lithe, muscular rendering allows us to enter an ancient masterpiece as if for the first time, to see how startlingly beautiful, intelligent, and alive it is. His insightful introduction provides a historical, spiritual, and cultural context for this ancient epic, showing that Gilgamesh is more potent and fascinating than ever. Gilgamesh dates from as early as 1700 BCE -- a thousand years before the Iliad. Lost for almost two millennia, the eleven clay tablets on which the epic was inscribed were discovered in 1853 in the ruins of Nineveh, and the text was not deciphered and fully translated until the end of the century. When the great poet Rainer Maria Rilke first read Gilgamesh in 1916, he was awestruck. "Gilgamesh is stupendous," he wrote. "I consider it to be among the greatest things that can happen to a person." The epic is the story of literature's first hero -- the king of Uruk in what is present-day Iraq -- and his journey of self-discovery. Along the way, Gilgamesh discovers that friendship can bring peace to a whole city, that a preemptive attack on a monster can have dire consequences, and that wisdom can be found only when the quest for it is abandoned. In giving voice to grief and the fear of death -- perhaps more powerfully than any book written after it -- in portraying love and vulnerability and the ego's hopeless striving for immortality, the epic has become a personal testimony for millions of readers in dozens of languages.
  • 亚瑟王之剑


    他推翻了罗马统治,缔造了不列颠帝国! 他制定的骑士精神,忠诚、平等、尊重女士,成为后人奉行的准则! 他能开疆拓土,却不能征服心爱的女人…… 巫师梅林、湖上骑士兰斯洛、美丽绝伦的桂尼薇、狡诈的仙女摩根……随亚瑟王一起化入不朽的传奇。 与《圣经》、莎士比亚作品并称为西方三大经典的《亚瑟王之剑》,带你进入神秘而又辉煌的亚瑟王时代。
  • The Iliad

    作者:Homer,Bernard Knox (

    This timeless poem-more than 2,700 year old-still vividly conveys the horror and heroism of men and gods wrestling with towering emotions and battling amid devastation and destruction as it moves inexorably to its wrenching, tragic conclusion. Readers of this epic poem will be gripped by the finely tuned translation and enlightening introduction. Translated by Robert Fagles Introduction and Notes by Bernard
  • 格萨尔王传-全8册


    《 汉译本系列丛书(套装共8册)》是一部卷帙浩繁、内容宏富、情节曲折、语言优雅、影响深远的英雄史诗。它生动形象地叙述了古代一个藏族部落岭国,在其领袖格萨尔王的统率下,历经干难万险、浴血奋战、降妖伏魔、抗敌除暴、扶危持颠、保卫家园、救民水火,为民众谋福祉之英勇悲壮、跌宕起伏、动人心魄、神奇玄妙的故事。财现了格萨尔一生不畏强暴、伸张正义、大智大勇,以惊人的毅力和神奇的力量,征战四方,造福民众之可敬可亲的英雄形象,昭示了正义终将战胜邪恶之永恒的真理。
  • 荷马诸问题

    作者:[匈] 格雷戈里·纳吉

    “荷马问题”已经困扰了无数代的古典学者。《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》的作者是某一个人吗?他在历史上的某一特定时期创作了这些史诗吗?还是说“荷马”的名字背后潜藏着经历了漫长的口头创编和传播过程的史诗传统及其影响? 本书作者格雷戈里•纳吉堪称当今世界上最重要的古典学者之一。在荷马研究当下的思潮中,本书以其强大的说服力,再一次单刀直入地提醒我们,在古希腊史诗的书面文本与其口头来源之间存在着难分难解的关联。本书通过比较语言学和人类学视野做出的精深研究,卓尔不群地提出了一个新的历史模型,出色地回答了《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》怎么样、何时、在哪里以及为什么最终被以书面文本形态保存下来,并且流传了两千多年的缘由。 “民间文化新经典译丛”总序 译者的话 序 导论 第一章 荷马与口头诗歌诸问题 第二章 荷马诗歌的形成及其演进的模型 第三章 荷马与荷马文本的沿革 第四章 荷马传统中作为范例的神话 跋 参考文献 内容索引 汉译本专名和术语小释 译后小记 --------------------- 1.荷马史诗的权威解读,口头传统研究者的必读书。 2.作者格雷戈里•纳吉是国际上研究荷马的权威认识,译者也非常专业,可谓专家翻译专家的经典之作。 3.荷马史诗所涉及的基本知识和文化常识,都被译者浓缩在“汉译本专名和术语小释”中,堪称阅读荷马史诗的知识“辞典”——全面、权威、全新。 4.本书插入不少精美、难得的图片。