

  • 经略(第一辑)


  • Going Private in China

    作者:Jean C. Oi

  • The Chinese Economy

    作者:Barry J. Naughton

    This comprehensive overview of the modern Chinese economy by a noted expert on China's economic development offers a quality and breadth of coverage not found in any other English-language text. In The Chinese Economy, Barry Naughton provides both an engaging, broadly focused introduction to China's economy since 1949 and original insights based on his own extensive research. The book will be an essential resource for students, teachers, scholars, business people, and policymakers. It is suitable for classroom use for undergraduate or graduate courses.After presenting background material on the pre-1949 economy and the industrialization, reform, and market transition that have taken place since, the book examines different aspects of the modern Chinese economy. It analyzes patterns of growth and development, including population growth and the one-child family policy; the rural economy, including agriculture and rural industrialization; industrial and technological development in urban areas; international trade and foreign investment; macroeconomic trends and cycles and the financial system; and the largely unaddressed problems of environmental quality and the sustainability of growth.The text is notable also for placing China's economy in interesting comparative contexts, discussing it in relation to other transitional or developing economies and to such advanced industrial countries as the United States and Japan. It provides both a broad historical and macro perspective as well as a focused examination of the actual workings of China's complex and dynamic economic development. Interest in the Chinese economy will only grow as China becomes an increasingly important player on the world's stage. This book will be the standard reference for understanding and teaching about the next economic superpower.
  • China

    作者:Susan L. Shirk

  • 政企合谋与经济增长


    中国经济在过去的三十多年里维持了年均约 10%的高速增长,但期间也出现了大量“事故”———频繁爆发的矿难、严重的环境污染、恶劣的食品卫生和昂贵的住房价格等。为什么“高增长”和“多事故”会同时发生?“中国模式”的成本和改革出路在哪里?通过分析中央政府、地方政府和企业之间的博弈,本书构造了一个“政企合谋”分析框架,对这种“高增长”和“多事故”并存的“中国模式”进行了独特的阐释。在中国式分权背景下,面对信息不对称,为了财政利益和晋升利益,地方政府会选择与企业合谋(政企合谋),允许企业采取“坏的”生产方式,因而在推动经济 快速增长的同时,带来大量的生产安全事故和社会问题。在第一部分,本书提出了“政企合谋”的分析框架,并通过煤矿、房地产和环境保护等行业的案例研究和计量分析揭示了政企合谋是“中国模式”的内在驱动力。本书同时还对走私、造假、食政企合谋与经济增长:反思“中国模式”品安全、土地违法、豆腐渣工程等社会现象提供了统一的解释。在第二部分,本书讨论了政企合谋对企业技术创新、全要素生产率、官员腐败、政府软预算约束、居民收入分配和中国改革前景的影响,进而从制度上指出遏制政企合谋的改革路径,提出了中国走出“高增长、多事故”的“陀螺均衡”的政策建议。
  • 目标中国


  • 现代中国的国家理性


  • 长城与空城计


  • 道路自信


  • The Three Faces of Chinese Power

    作者:David M. Lampton

    Product Description Clear, comprehensive, and well-balanced, this unique assessment takes the measure of what is arguably the most important geopolitical change in today's world: the growth of China's power. In the only book on the subject to be based on extensive interviews with elite political leaders, diplomats, and others in China, the United States, and countries on China's periphery, David M. Lampton investigates the military, economic, and intellectual dimensions of China's growing influence. His account provides a fresh perspective from which to assess China--how its strengths are changing, where vulnerabilities and uncertainties lie, and how the rest of the world, not least the United States, should view it. Lampton gives a valuable historical framework by discussing how the Chinese have thought about state power for over 2,500 years, and he asks how they are thinking about the future use of power through instruments such as their space program. He also provides broad suggestions for policy toward China in light of the 2008 elections in the United States and China's hosting of the Olympic Games, in a book that is essential reading for understanding one of the most significant developments of the twenty-first century. From the Inside Flap "By learning more not only about China, but from China, America is more likely to sustain a constructive relationship with the rising China. Lampton insightfully provides us with the much-needed guidance."-Zbigniew Brzezinski, Center for Strategic and International Studies "Professor Lampton's stimulating and well-researched book provides a comprehensive framework for intelligent thinking about the implications for the United States and the world of the rapid expansion of China's economic and military power. Serious students of world affairs and non-specialists concerned about the outlook for U.S.-China relations will all benefit from the historically-based insights and judgments that fill the pages of this thought-provoking volume."--J. Stapleton Roy, former United States ambassador to China
  • 大国雄心


    过去200多年的时间,我们一直生活在西方制造的世界中,生活在一个“西方”概念等同于“现代”概念的时代里。然而21世纪将是一个完全不同的时代,随着非西方国家力量的迅速兴起,西方将不再占据主导地位,一国实现现代化的方式也将不再以效仿西方模式为主。中国将成为全球竞技场上的核心角色,并主导世界秩序的重新构建。 马丁·雅克认为,从现代化的发展模式来看,中国绝不会变成一个西方式社会,它将保持高度鲜明的中国特色。国家规模和国民精神的大陆性,占世界总人口五分之一的人口数量,以及该国的民族特性、态度和价值观,都使中国将以非西方化的“文明国家”方式影响着世界,而其惊人的发展速度也标志着西方的“民族国家”在全球主导地位的终结。 这部极富远见的原创著作,首次从包括文化传播、民族性、社会生活、语言形成、传统价值观念等更为深层面上解释了中国作为全球性力量到来的意义。以西方学者的深邃且客观的目光重新审视了现代中国和世界秩序。
  • The Dragon's Gift

    作者:Deborah Brautigam

    Is China a rogue donor, as some media pundits suggest? Or is China helping the developing world pave a pathway out of poverty, as the Chinese claim? In the last few years, China's aid program has leapt out of the shadows. Media reports about huge aid packages, support for pariah regimes, regiments of Chinese labor, and the ruthless exploitation of workers and natural resources in some of the poorest countries in the world sparked fierce debates. These debates, however, took place with very few hard facts. China's tradition of secrecy about its aid fueled rumors and speculation, making it difficult to gauge the risks and opportunities provided by China's growing embrace. This well-timed book, by one of the world's leading experts, provides the first comprehensive account of China's aid and economic cooperation overseas. Deborah Brautigam tackles the myths and realities, explaining what the Chinese are doing, how they do it, how much aid they give, and how it all fits into their "going global" strategy. Drawing on three decades of experience in China and Africa, and hundreds of interviews in Africa, China, Europe and the US, Brautigam shines new light on a topic of great interest. China has ended poverty for hundreds of millions of its own citizens. Will Chinese engagement benefit Africa? Using hard data and a series of vivid stories ranging across agriculture, industry, natural resources, and governance, Brautigam's fascinating book provides an answer. It is essential reading for anyone concerned with China's rise, and what it might mean for the challenge of ending poverty in Africa.
  • The Logic and Limits of Political Reform in China

    作者:Joseph Fewsmith

    It has often been argued that China will follow an incremental path to political reform, just as its economic reforms followed a gradual course. Indeed, it seemed that China was embarking on such a course in the 1990s, but political reform has stalled. This book uses case studies of prominent reform efforts to understand both why reform was started and why it has stalled. It draws on the literature on institutions and authoritarian political systems and so will appeal to students of comparative politics as well as those interested in China.
  • Contemporary Chinese Politics

    作者:Allen Carlson,Mary E

    Contemporary Chinese Politics: Sources, Methods, and Field Strategies considers how new and diverse sources and methods are changing the study of Chinese politics. Contributors spanning three generations in China studies place their distinct qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches in the framework of the discipline and point to challenges or opportunities (or both) of adapting new sources and methods to the study of contemporary China. How can we more effectively use new sources and methods of data collection? How can we better integrate the study of Chinese politics into the discipline of political science, to the betterment of both? How can we more appropriately manage the logistical and ethical problems of doing political research in the challenging Chinese environment? In addressing these questions, this comprehensive methodological survey will be of immense interest to graduate students heading into the field for the first time and experienced scholars looking to keep abreast of the state of the art in the study of Chinese politics. 1 Contributors span three generations in China studies, and represent the top of the field in their particular methodological approaches 2 The most complete and up-to-date guide to fieldwork in China available; includes new and diverse sources and methods
  • 從極權統治到韌性權威


    中國會民主化嗎?倘若如此,中國會變得更尊重台灣迥異的生活方式與利益嗎?或是中國會成為現代化國家的一個例外,維持一個充滿活力的——作者稱之為「具有韌性的」——威權主義政權?若出現這種局面,中國對台灣地位問題是否還會一如既往地不妥協?台灣和中國不同的政治發展軌跡,受其民眾對政治的文化態度影響程度有多大? 在歷史揭曉之前,沒有人知道這些問題的最終答案。作者希望藉由與讀者討論這些重要議題,讓讀者了解,當中國迅速改變之際,如何讓自己對中國有最新的瞭解。
  • 高思在雲


    美國單極體系式微、第三波民主退潮、資本主義全球化陷入困境、西方中心世界沒落――四重歷史趨勢的反轉,造成全球政治勢力大洗牌。 人類的未來,會不會因資本主義反噬而步向毀滅深淵? 失靈的「自由市場」與「民主政治」,會把人類文明發展帶向何處? 面對二十一世紀「巨變時代」的轉折,台灣必須重新定義自身價值,才能在未來全球舞台走自己的路。 我想透過這本書再度提醒台灣讀者,人類社會在跨入二十一世紀之際,全球政治、經濟與意識型態格局正在經歷一場翻天覆地的秩序與結構重組。但是大多數台灣民眾對於這場歷史大變局的來臨仍渾然不覺;台灣社會裡大多數的意見領袖,還是緊緊擁抱著二十世紀後半葉形成的主流觀念與思維模式,沒有做好迎接二十一世紀變局的思想準備。這是今日台灣最大的危機所在。――摘自〈自序〉 在歷史洪流之中,台灣未來將何去何從?面對中、美兩大勢力的拉扯,台灣定位將如何界定?面對二十一世紀發展的種種疑問,《高思在雲》以獨特的「大歷史觀」概念,深入剖析全球三百年來的世局演變,試圖釐清人類未來的下一步該何去何從。 面對「巨變時代」的來臨,作者朱雲漢不只希望讀者重視中國興起帶來的影響,更要思索人類該如何面對西方勢力衰落,在合作的基礎上重新建構一個「休戚與共」及「和而不同」的輝煌盛世。 名人推薦 : 西方國家所熟知的世界,已一去不返了。自十九世紀中葉以來,以西方為中心的文明觀,不僅認為西方國家的爭奪霸權,追逐所謂的國家利益,原本就是歷史進展的必然過程,而所主張的自由主義的民主,則更是人類意識型態的終點與政府的終結型式。 在歷史的大浪潮激盪出四個大反轉的巨變後,今後人類的歷史又將如何發展呢?朱院士認為:一方面全球秩序可能進入一個較長的崩解與重組時期,而在這一時期中,難免會產生某種程度的混亂與失序;另一面可能迎來一個無論在經濟、文化、宗教、族群等方面,皆更能符合對等、互惠,多元、尊重以及公正、發展等原則的新世界,也就是更能建構一個體現「休戚與共」及「和而不同」理念的全球新秩序。 ――中央研究院院士 胡佛
  • Accountability without Democracy

    作者:Lily L. Tsai

    This book examines the fundamental issue of how citizens get government officials to provide them with the roads, schools, and other public services they need by studying communities in rural China. In authoritarian and transitional systems, formal institutions for holding government officials accountable are often weak. The answer, Lily L. Tsai found, lies in a community's social institutions. Even when formal democratic and bureaucratic institutions of accountability are weak, government officials can still be subject to informal rules and norms created by community solidary groups that have earned high moral standing in the community.
  • 基层政权


  • “中国模式”到底有多独特?


    在30年举世瞩目的增长之后,中国经济已然成为世界舞台不可或缺的角色。究竟有没有一个不同于其他国家的“中国模式”?通过“大政府+宏观调控”是否能够走出一条推动经济持续发展的“有中国特色的新路”? 在本书中,黄亚生教授通过中印对比,通过中国与拉美经济的腾飞过程、城市化进程的比较,雄辩地证明了一个观点:并不存在所谓的“中国模式”。 到目前为止,中国的经济增长并没有脱离一般的经济发展规律,其成功经验和欠缺都可以在其它国家的经历中找到印证。而未来的持续经济发展,还是要依靠“市场”“法治”等要素。